On March 31 2012 03:06 Aterons_toss wrote: This is one of those thread again... if the op with 5 posts is considered "serious" and i give a "hahaha" or " something orb related" or " x/10" than i get warned, if its considered to be troll/pro orb guy and i leave a serious comment like " I didn't knew there was a way to see someones real life "race" online" than i get ridiculed.... theres not way of getting outa this
From my point of view using the N word is far from being racist because no one rly mean it(Trust me you would find out if they do because a real racist wont stop at calling you out badly only). I mean how can you take it seriously when in some hip hop clip some afroamerican yells "nigga,nigga,nigga" while grabbing his balls ? They use it normally and are touched when someone from the "other" side used it. Feels kinda dumb right ?
On March 31 2012 02:48 TheBigHurt wrote: Some things need to be made clear. This is not a war against racism on the internet. This is ment to be a reference for minority players who log into b.net when they get home from school or work and do not want to be bombarded by meanigless insults that sting deep. This is ment to be a tool for players so they can knowingly avoid contact with players who frequent the use of racial slurs. This is no witch hunt.
You are being ridiculous. Stings deep? Were you a slave? Did you get blasted by a firehose for stepping on a white mans shadow? No? Then stop. The horse is dead. Most civilized people are way above and beyond the mindset that people were in back then, so if you want to just sit there and keep reminding people that slavery happened and there are some close minded idiots still left in the world (weird..) then maybe you should just stop posting. We get it.
All that is easy for you to say. Are you Black? I'm sure you're not, because you wouldn't be saying all that with a tenth of the ease that you just did. To state that the OP is taking the situation just a little overboard is one thing(which is fair). To outright state that racism is not an issue(using controversial examples), is completely different and not appropriate.
Let's not be children here and pretend that words don't hurt people. They absolutely do. There are people in this world who are more sensitive than others. Is that their fault? I'd say no, it is not. The only thing that's left to not fight fire with fire(which makes the problem worse) but rather simply use what tools we have available to us to minimize it.
"Offense is not given, it is taken".
I'm not saying racism is not an issue, I'm saying that to take offense from a word, typed by someone you don't know and will likely never speak to again, while your profanity filter is off, is really your problem, and doesn't warrant a blacklist thread on TL.
From this guy's standards, all Koreans/Taiwanese in KR server should be banned. We all shittalk each other with racial slurs all the time. No one gives a shit, and everyones playing fine. Man up/report and move on.
On March 31 2012 03:05 TheBigHurt wrote: is ignoreing a problem how it gets solved?
For this one, yes. Yes it is. There is a report button, an ignore button, and a language filter for a reason. The world is full of assholes, and the fact that they exist is no excuse to be lazy and not use the tools you have to deal with them. A blacklist will solve absolutely nothing.
On March 31 2012 03:06 Aterons_toss wrote: This is one of those thread again... if the op with 5 posts is considered "serious" and i give a "hahaha" or " something orb related" or " x/10" than i get warned, if its considered to be troll/pro orb guy and i leave a serious comment like " I didn't knew there was a way to see someones real life "race" online" than i get ridiculed.... theres not way of getting outa this
here's a solution: don't post or be meta
Well, thats like saying leave every practice game where you are face with a cheesy build, if you don't try you don't learn, that doesn't mean that you fell comfortable holding it off -_-
On March 31 2012 02:33 GloPikkle wrote: It's also impossible to differentiate the real racists from the little kiddies who try to act big behind internet anonymity.
This is a false dichotomy. One does not have to be a racist to engage in racist activities. A racist activity is a racist activity in spite of the intention of the subject who engages in the activity.
While I disagree with the notion of the blacklist, the OP is justified in wanting to tackle racism online. There is no excuse fro racist activity, even if it is not intentional. I am tired of people using the excuse that "it's just the Internet, what do you expect."
I want to report the OP as a racist. Shame to him, his family, ancestors and offspring.
Oh wait... turns out I was mistaken. Sorry. Too bad he already got excluded from his team and lost his esports job. /i hope this illustrates the possible problems with any such kind of approach
Racism and anonymity have always gone hand in hand. You can say "let's make a campaign to get rid of it," but unless you have a personal way of getting to someone, I really don't think there is much we can do to fix it. I am by no means defending racism nor do I practice any racial slurs, just stating the facts. Also, your black list idea highly reminds me of that episode of south park (reverse discrimination). That was a pretty funny episode actually.
edit: Did you create an account just to make a thread?
I have never experienced "Starcraft racism" myself. Can you give some examples of what you have experienced so those of us who haven't witnessed it can gauge just how offensive people are being?
On March 31 2012 03:10 JiPrime wrote: From this guy's standards, all Koreans/Taiwanese in KR server should be banned. We all shittalk each other with racial slurs all the time. No one gives a shit, and everyones playing fine. Man up/report and move on.
I've been called the big bad N word plenty of times, but it just bounces off of me. In fact it makes me laugh. Why? Because well...i'm not black.
man up AND report? doesn't go together. If he truly "manned up" then he wouldn't even be thinking about reporting, correct? I just leave it be(i don't report them), because i know the other guy is pissed and he's just venting.
On March 31 2012 02:35 sevencck wrote: This is not a very good idea. The internet isn't a courtroom where we can all judge people. Are you even sure people using racial slurs are racist? Don't try to make it your sacred duty to stamp out racism. Just enjoy the game and use the report function if you can't simply ignore it.
Again, why is everyone always drawing this distinction? We have this attitude like the real thing that matters is whether the person is racist or not. The intentions of the person engaging in racism do not matter if the effect is racist.
Jay Smooth has spoken about this topic. I suggest that everyone check him out.
The "what they did" conversation verus the "what they are conversation."
As a Scots-Irish American, I would like to promote this thread. It would be great to be able to log on to b.net and knowingly avoid the people who would call me "Potato-Ginger", "Blightboy" and "Bagpipes MacGingerdrone." These all remind me of the times when my ancestors were persecuted for their heritage - and, of course, the more others say these things, the more true it makes them.