You can even drop Zealots on the Colossus =D
Patch 1.4 PTR Notes (updated 9/8) - Page 125
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Since this whole topic degenerated into the usual balance flamefest where every topic ends up if unmoderated it's time for it to clean up. Locking this down for a while. Any posts made after my post [page 233] not addressing the changes in this patch directly and containting flames or general balance whine will get banned for at least a week. ~Nyovne There is way too much flaming in this thread right now. Calm down before you post! (Page 271) ~iamke55 | ||
Germany686 Posts
You can even drop Zealots on the Colossus =D | ||
Bulgaria4824 Posts
On August 25 2011 21:32 Zorkmid wrote: Will 2 fungals still kill marines? Yes, obviously. Upgraded marines - 55 hp The new fungal vs marines - 30 damage 60 > 55 if there are no medivacs :D | ||
Germany399 Posts
the rax built time increase i dont understand at all about hellion blue flame its not worth anymore you need 3 hellion to kill the worker the same you could do with red flame hellion the only difference is with blue flame its easier about hunterseeker ... intead to increase the speed of them they should increase the speed of the reaven itself | ||
Australia1202 Posts
Thanks. | ||
Portugal593 Posts
APM meters will suddently lose a lot of interest. Extremely positive change Blizzard. | ||
United States664 Posts
They got popular with the Korean Usage and NASL finals and a month later a nerf. | ||
Sweden120 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + PROTOSS Immortal Attack range increased from 5 to 6. - I dont really like this change, immortals have never been in need of a buff, but I guess +1 range isnt that bad. Mothership Acceleration increased from 0.3 to 1.375. The Mothership’s Cloaking Field no longer cloaks all units instantaneously, but rather adds units to the cloak field over time (maximum of 25 per second). This should alleviate “Mothership Lag” issue when a Mothership comes online. - No comment remove the unit. Stalker Blink research time increased from 110 to 140. - Good change Warp Prism Shields increased from 40 to 100. - Probably the best protoss change. TERRAN Barracks Build time increased from 60 to 65. - dont know why they changed this, maybe to delay rushes but its not the barracks build time that is the problem. Hellion Infernal Pre-Igniter damage upgrade decreased from 10 to 5. - Good change Raven Seeker missile movement speed increased from 2.5 to 2.953. - Finally a buff to raven, would rather see a buff in movement speed on the raven tho. ZERG Infestor Fungal Growth damage changed from 36 (+30% armored) to 30 (40 vs Armored). - good change Overseer Morph cost decreased from 50/100 to 50/50. Contaminate energy cost increased from 75 to 125. - really like this now u can always get an overseer as soon as you have lair and scout, its 50 gas less at that stage is so much. Ultralisk Build time decreased from 70 to 55. - Good change maybe, but I think the ultra should be reworked. | ||
Brazil896 Posts
There are more buffs if you consider the bug fixes! Go zerg, go zerg \o/ | ||
Bulgaria4824 Posts
On August 25 2011 21:42 arbitrageur wrote: Question: fungal effected by armor? Thanks. Nope. Fungal ignores armor as far as I know. | ||
4410 Posts
On August 25 2011 21:39 Ziggitz wrote: I'm actually quite happy with the infestor change. It makes ZvZ more interesting, needing 5 straight fungals to kill mutas, banelings don't get killed in one, meaning well micro'd ling bane could be a lot scarier, if you used it as a harass style to go for drones, since a group of spaced out banes could require 6 fungals instead of 3. I agree, ZvZ will no longer be (after 7 or 8 mins) Roaches/Infestors/Broods or Muta. Since Infestors wont counter Mutas as well, we might see some Hydras being made! How many fungals will it take to kill roaches now ? | ||
United Kingdom4425 Posts
Overall I'm ok with the BFH nerf. They were too good against Marines and Workers, but I'm worried that they won't be good enough against chargelots late game. In practice I love the ramp vision change. It should really reduce the strength of a lot of these 1 base plays we've been seeing atm. Buffing seeker missile is good, but tbh it should as much damage as a nuke because. I don't know about the Barracks build time. I'm not sure what the reasons for it are, the 2 rax shouldn't do too much damage if defended properly and I don't know many other builds where 5 secs makes that big a difference, although I'm open minded because sometimes its hard to tell if something is op until it is actually nerfed. I'll wait to see on this one. I guess the Immortal change is to deal with the 1/1/1, but maybe the immortal will be too strong in other scenarios now. | ||
32 Posts
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Sweden36 Posts
![]() Still erases all micro just delays the inevitable by a lit... oh no wait my stalkers still die in 4 fungals. Other then that I'm mostly fine with the changes. But we will see what comes out of the NAprivateTR | ||
United States3179 Posts
On August 25 2011 21:24 CaptainCrush wrote: Just want to point out that terran has not recieved a buff in many, many patches - if at all.... now protoss starts losing a couple games and then this? I think its a step in the wrong direction honestly... WG and Voids needed a nerf, they are both still viable options, just not overpowered anymore. And now with the hellion nerf, terran is basically forced to go rax units and ghosts against a toss every single game. Hellions wont be able to stand up to zealots any more... And what the heck is the additional 5 sec build time on teh rax for? Could that really have been affecting anything? About the only thing I agree with in this patch is the fungal growth damage. They receive a buff almost every patch, such as HSM this patch ...this argument is stupid anyway. Blizzards goal in balance not "if toss gets 4 nerfs zerg and terran must get 4 too" it's irrelevant how many nerfs or how many buffs respective races have. My point or agreement with Yaotzin was this patch presents some harassment opportunity for Protoss against Zerg which was lacking as Protoss has no dedicated harassment unit and what blizzard thought were OP options were all nerfed out (VR, 2gate, 4gate, etc) and Im sure blizz feels the same hence the WP buff. I never see hellions in my games and pro's hardly too vs P. Give it time mech will be viable one day. | ||
United States1933 Posts
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Australia1202 Posts
On August 25 2011 21:43 Zorkmid wrote: Since Infestors wont counter Mutas as well, we might see some Hydras being made! You have to go hydra against mutas even if you already went infestors, unless you've made like 6 queens and am doing a nydus push with them, or are getting your own mutas for some strange reason. (Why? You can't leave your base beacuse he'll send 1 muta at your infestors and you have to waste 100+ energy to kill that one muta.) | ||
United States224 Posts
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186 Posts
Gotta admit though that I'm really scared of immortals. They'll sit behind walls and snipe roaches. ![]() | ||
United States309 Posts
On August 25 2011 21:33 iamtheoneneo wrote: great incoming patch imo. the ramp nerf was seriously needed for all races but more for P early game mothership is understandable - was soooo slow. hellion was massively OP as it was and we all knew the nerf was coming, and the same can apply to fungul. Perhaps someone mentioned this before you, but I completely agree either way. Think this will give defender a better advantage in holding 4gate in PvP. | ||
South Africa4280 Posts
On August 25 2011 21:44 danielzig wrote: Man, it's annoying to play a game at a lower skill level when patch after patch nerfs your race because progamers are having problems... I totally understand them ignoring the common players when it comes to balance, but jeesh it's annoying every patch something terran gets nerfed hard. Blizz have mentioned that the balance concerns are only at the highest levels right now. The others are all within their acceptable range (45-55). | ||
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