I mean it's bad enough that we had to deal with years of bullshit in TvP in broodwar. Now 12 years later here we are again in the same sort of clusterfuck as before. How did blizzard manage to do this? TvZ again is probably the best and most dynamic matchup/highest micro intensive while you have TvP which is a complete joke. Except now unlike broodwar, terran late game is utter garbage. Losing to 5 minute dt's in broodwar after having prepared or practiced for a match made you want to rip ur keyboard out and chuck it through the 2nd floor window. thank god DT's take longer to build now but they can still literally fuck a game over in seconds, and now with warp gates you can herp derp them in anywhere you want. but thats only one minor shitstorm to worry about now in this amazingly retardo matchup.
proxy gates in broodwar were way too strong as it was, now you have this chrono boosting crap. chrono'd Zealots build in like 10 seconds, wtf is that? You not only have to scout the proxy gates right away you have to bunker in perfect locations/micro perfectly and even then that's good enough to MAYBE hold it off or at least force his zealots to camp the outskirts of ur mineral line. glhf vs the cannons/stalkers that follow up 30 seconds later....Holy fuck proxy gates are retarded, and terran cant ever threaten with proxy raxes anymore due to depot before rax nerf. so any of the old proxy marauder cheese terran had or quick reapers was taken out. great. proxy fact/thor is stupid now cuz scv repair isn't nearly as strong with that so literally the terran allins grow smaller while protoss keeps all of their shit all day every day.
Toss literally has just as many if not more abusive completely retarded builds and ways to abuse the fuck out of maps. 3gate+VR is still some of the most overpowered shit in the game. Unless you blind counter it, scout the proxy stargate and micro rines perfectly and dont get caught in a bad spot u get completely raped by this build EVEN WITH BUNKERS. It gets way more fun on some of the most retarded maps like jungle basin or scrap station when they can just charge on rocks right outside your base and roflstomp bunkers in 3 seconds. Even if you leave scvs to repair right there they can forcefield directly on top of the bunker which prevents all repair. really? I mean I could have perfect game sense scout the proxy scout the incoming attack have scvs in place and whoop zoop ZAP ZAP sup forcefields "g fucking g." there is literally no defenders advantage in this game. all they have to do is use the void ray for spotting and they can even make a pylon on the low ground and warp zealots into your main, and shoot from below with stalkers...
4gate is a joke too. You have ridiculously bad protoss players high on the ladder or doing well in tournaments who literally use a single build the whole way while not understanding how to actually play the game. zerg players deep in tournaments are legit. they actually understand how to play the game. protoss players? ha that's a 50/50.
oh and have fucking fun in the late game too. Colossus/templars/carriers are stupid broken late game. bio gets stormed to shit, ghost/mech has to be played perfectly and even then you can't stop carriers with that so you still have to timing allin or push before then. plus with ghosts you need to have perfect emp's on templars but even then once amulet finishes they can warp in templars anywhere and have instant storms or just feedback ghosts and ghosts are so superduper expensive its literally more than twice the cost of a templar just to counter the same unit. For colossus you need to have perfect timing with viking production and even then you need like 4-6 vikings for one colossus and EVEN THEN if you dont micro vikings perfectly and fight at a perfect angle you get rofl 1a'd like no tomorrow.
It's so stupid terran cant fight head to head with a protoss in late game. You simply can't fight. This is just really silly in my opinion, why? in TvP late game half the time terran is showing up with a slingshot vs the protosses M16.
"terran has the advantage in the early game just make marauders." ok sure thing, forcefield the ramp and wait for ur immortal to finish, sup early pressure.
I mean protoss doesn't even have to do a fucking single thing they can just go a safe build like 3gate robo into expo. never move never attack and just tech up to colossus/templar and 1a 20 minutes into the game. Terran has to make all kinds of shit happen with drop play and even then have to play perfectly with advantages or it's just a steamroll of the terran army. At least in broodwar protoss couldnt just sit there and let terran macro up cuz 200/200 3/3 ball of death would roll out. Toss either had to double expo or harass or go reaver/storm drops or something ANYTHING. Now you have kid johnny the amazing 50apm protoss player literally sitting there doing nothing, builds a few colossus and templars and moves across the map and wins without doing anything. what?
it's only going to keep getting shittier as the game develops more because terran is by far the weakest late game race. TvZ isn't as bad lately, and at least there terran has room and diversity. But in TvP if terran doesnt win in under 15 minutes good luck have fun. besides 99% of the trash protosses out there aren't even utilizing good shit like phoenix harass or even know how to really play the game yet. once johnny the 50apm gosu starts realizing how to actually play things are only going to get more fun for terran users. and bigger maps are terrible for terrans too only makes early pressure that much crappier. wow whatever.
10387 Posts
if you lost to DTs in BW, you were either too greedy or you just sucked lol
and Proxy Gates were easy to fend off for Terrans in BW TvP lols
This is how you rage, folks. Great post!
On January 24 2011 13:39 ArvickHero wrote: and Proxy Gates were easy to fend off for Terrans in BW TvP lols
Destination was a nightmare
TvP easily my best mu at top 50 na. I dunno, I win so many games 2base vs 2base, just double drop and attack and its so hard for p to hold without losing a lot.
i enjoyed this post. A healthy amount of rage
You're arguing that carriers are overpowered?
Vatican City State2594 Posts
I like rage blogs, just because it can be about any topic with any explanation. It's the art of shitting it up that makes it awesome. 5/5
On January 24 2011 13:42 buhhy wrote:Show nested quote +On January 24 2011 13:39 ArvickHero wrote: and Proxy Gates were easy to fend off for Terrans in BW TvP lols Destination was a nightmare Thought you just do the barracks depot thing where you move the marine up and down and a zealot never touches you.
Australia7069 Posts
Ever heard of this dude called liquid'jinro, who stomped the "best protoss in the world" with excellent mech builds. Maybe if you stopped crying and actually tried to relearn the matchup instead of whining about not being able to do your shitty cheese rushes, you'd become a better player. Honestly, if you're that angry about it, and its so easy for protoss, why dont you play protoss and win some competitions, just like morrow did with zerg. At the end of the day sc2 is about winning. Crying at protoss for using the tools of their race to win(aka 4 gate) is tantamount to terrans whining about carriers in BW
Brood War TvP was like freaking impossible yo
all they had to do was do the stove build and then the arbiters come and it's like insta gg!!
advice: with the right amount of rage you can win! (idra proves it)
One day, I dream to encounter a Terran player on the ladder who actually lets the game go long, and doesn't Bunker rush/Maka rax/Hellion Drop/Cloak Banshee rush/6 rax/rine-banshee-raven me into oblivion at the 9-10 minute mark.
It cuts both ways, man. Terran has some really stupid shit they can do to toss early also.
I feel you...+ Show Spoiler +not. hahaha Protoss is the best :p
But seriously, yeah Protoss late game can be pretty ridiculous- as illustrated in the TL Open. I don't really understand the dynamic of TvP in SC2, but it seems to be the reverse of BW. As Terran you can't let Protoss build up a 3/3 maxed army (which, by the way was complete bullshit in BW for Protoss- so yeah) and rofl stomp you. Again, not to sure on specifics- or if it's possible. As for cheese... dunno, haven't really played against it :p
On January 24 2011 13:39 ArvickHero wrote: if you lost to DTs in BW, you were either too greedy or you just sucked lol
and Proxy Gates were easy to fend off for Terrans in BW TvP lols
Says the person with a protoss icon. I bet you cheesed your way to C+ by proxy gating or doing DTs or blind 12 nexing in bw and pretended you were "good".
Seriously, you thought terran had a lot of options in TvZ? Doesn't even come close to P options in PvT. Late game is "hmm, what do I feel like rolling T with today?
Colo/HT, Colo/phoenix, HT/carrier, HT/Chargelot/immortal ?
I'm not saying T is unplayable, we can do a lot of gay shit midgame too, but late game is a fucking joke. Even qxc (maybe u heard of him?) says Gaydarin amulet + warpin is a joke balance-wise.
10387 Posts
On January 24 2011 13:47 Sadistx wrote:Show nested quote +On January 24 2011 13:39 ArvickHero wrote: if you lost to DTs in BW, you were either too greedy or you just sucked lol
and Proxy Gates were easy to fend off for Terrans in BW TvP lols Says the person with a protoss icon. I bet you cheesed your way to C+ by proxy gating or doing DTs or blind 12 nexing in bw and pretended you were "good". Seriously, you thought terran had a lot of options in TvZ? Doesn't even come close to P options in PvT. Late game is "hmm, what do I feel like rolling T with today? Colo/HT, Colo/phoenix, HT/carrier, HT/Chargelot/immortal ? I'm not saying T is unplayable, we can do a lot of gay shit midgame too, but late game is a fucking joke. Even qxc (maybe u heard of him?) says Gaydarin amulet + warpin is a joke balance-wise. Can I really get to C+ using those builds :o
I don't play or really follow SC2, but idk I saw 10 Terrans and 2 Protosses for that IEM tourney so they seem to be doing well enough.
Hey man, as bad as you think you have it, at least you don't play zerg.
Okay bad joke.
I sort of agree that the Kaydarin amulet needs to be nerfed. Do you think that would help? It's pretty unfair how good templars are at that point in the game (This is coming from a zerg's view point of course). I feel like the TvP and ZvP matchups looks pretty similar (if T goes Bio), in a lot of ways. Vikings and Curropters play the exact same role, and a Roach/Hydra Ball looks and feels very similar to an MMM ball. Storm/EMP/Fungal are all basically the exact same spell. Except storm is like twice as good.
Every race has it's cross to bear right now.
I agree with you that ZvT is a wicked fun and very intense MU in every way. Easily my favorite to play. ZvP can feel very unfair whilst ZvZ is pretty much a clusterfuck.
Yeah T is pretty fucking weak late game. You have to really drop like you mean it and have reaaaaly god macro. Like much better macro than most T's are used to.
all i'm gonna say is forcefield is the stupidest spell ever.
what's that? i'm in the middle of no where caught out of position and getting flanked? LOL SURPRISE INSTAWALLS EVERYWHERE.
what's that? i fucked up my 1 base attack and now i'm getting chase into my main? LOL SURPRISE INSTABLOCKED MY RAMP.
what's that? my opponent scouted my one base attack and cut scvs to block and counter me? LOL SURPRISE PERMACAMP YOUR RAMP.
i mean come on they couldn't give forcefields some hp? nope insta 15 second terrain block that pushes away units. great. just great.
On January 24 2011 13:39 ArvickHero wrote: if you lost to DTs in BW, you were either too greedy or you just sucked lol
and Proxy Gates were easy to fend off for Terrans in BW TvP lols Luckyfool is boss in BW.
DT's are just fuckin' jerks.
I would argue with you, but I don't feel like arguing with you.