On July 07 2010 12:22 Potato Tree wrote: Maybe this whole scenario is something along the lines of chocolate rations in 1984. Blizzard is going to give us something insanely bad, like the name thing, and we'll all forget about the crap from before like the lack of privacy that was inherent in battlenet originally. Then they will say something like "oh you guys are right, we'll take down the real name thing" and everybody will cheer and say how great they were when things actually got worse overall. I know a lot of people here have faith in blizzard and love them very much, but I have not known them as long and so far I am not impressed.
I felt that the emphasis of privacy was zero while playing the beta. I really don't want people that I add as friends to see who my other friends are. I also do not want to show when I played and how much I played, if I'm online or not (maybe there was an appear offline mode that I missed), and I do not want people to know my real name.
This has probably already been posted, but is there anything preventing people from making a new email account with a fake name?
I think I'll have 3 options for choosing a fake name: 1. something really epic, like Batman bin Suparman 2. name of someone I hate. maybe my boss 3. girls name
If you're going to do a fake name, make it ESPORTS ESPORTS.
United States5162 Posts
I'm not convinced this is going to do much to deter asshats anyway. The fact that you're looking at a screen still gives the same sense of anonymity, even if you're real name is going along with it. Hell, some peoples names are so common they might as well be anonymous.
There's also the fact that you can just use a fake name. How are they supposed to know unless they're going to validate it with some sort of credit card/ID check for every account made.
Been reading both this and the official forums for the past 4 hours in hopes for it to be just very late fools day joke... apparently its not so I'll just go ahead and cry myself to sleep..
Evening folks.
NOTE TO BLIZZARD: This all seems to be like wow Goblin engineering, it has a very high chance to blow up in your face..
Well looks like TL will be getting a lot more signups at least. Cheers Blizzard?
I don't get it, its almost like blizzard thinks there isn't people out there willing to make their life mission to talk shit about their company and products.
No one gives a flying fuck about their features, everyone wants a good game. period.
As a website owner... my name is registered to my domains which includes residence information.
"ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) requires all accredited registrars to ask their domain administrators/registrants to review domain name contact data annually, and make any changes necessary to ensure accuracy.
So my name goes to my email (which is half my bnet log-in info) and residence.
And I'm a douchebag both in real life and online. So I find this to be a real conundrum.
Even if I were to choose not to participate in the forums there may be a time where I the require tech support thread and then become google super star and it's only a matter of time before 4chan orders me pizzas.
At this rate, in a month the Blizzard forums are just going to have one stickied topic with a link to the TL registration page.
On July 07 2010 12:21 KillerPlague wrote:lolololol it cannot be this bad xD oh my god that was great, i'v seen plenty of those but that... but that.....that was art. so many lines nearly brought me to tears laughing.
On July 07 2010 12:33 Noggin wrote: As a website owner... my name is registered to my domains which includes residence information.
"ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) requires all accredited registrars to ask their domain administrators/registrants to review domain name contact data annually, and make any changes necessary to ensure accuracy.
So my name goes to my email (which is half my bnet log-in info) and residence.
Actually, this is a good example of why this entire thing is bad. I had my real address and telephone on my domain info about 10 years ago. That was until one of my websites got super popular. I started getting phone calls from random people who used the site wanting to talk to me. They found my number through a whois search. This actually got to be such a problem that I switched the number to a fake one and my address to my work address just so I would stop getting bothered by people.
From a business prospective, this makes perfect sense. Instead of wasting precious money hiring people to moderate, they can self moderate by limiting the number of posters. Again, this is all part of Blizzard's new business model. There's nothing wrong with being a successful business. They've just changed their position to be more like EA. There is nothing inherently wrong with that; EA makes lots of money.
You've been able to make domain whois info private for quite a few years now. Which means you can follow the law by keeping domain info accurate and having privacy at the same time.
they already have my name on b.net account, why make it public. i'm paranoid about stuff like that on the internet.
People are overreacting to this.
The way I see it, Battle.net no longer has forums.
That's ok with me. No major loss. There's still the ingame chat channels which will eventually be coming, and fan-forums like this one.
There are many reasons I disagree with this vehemently, but just to add an anecdote.
I have a computer science master's degree. I asked a professor of mine before I finished about getting a job, how best to go about it, blah blah blah. He told me that I should avoid mentioning my interest in gaming, period. Reason being with gaming becoming an increasingly large industry a lot of "traditional" software development agencies will look at a fresh young computer scientist with an interest in gaming as someone who is going to jump ship as soon as a good job in gaming comes along. To be fair he said that most employers wouldn't see it that way, but he had spoken to some who do think that way, and why should I risk it?
So Blizz, why risk it?
So much of the way b.net 2.0 is being handled is just disappointing. This real-name-on-forums nonsense just adds to the disappointment.
As others have stated, the argument that it's being implemented to thwart trolling is specious. There's just too much similar crap involved in SC2 and B.Net 2.0 to make me think there isn't some other reason that the higher-ups at Activision have in mind.
Can't wait to see how the micro-transactions for premium maps and community-crafted maps play out (if there are any).
Blah. Poor Blizzard. How far the mighty have fallen.
On July 07 2010 12:35 ihaveabeard wrote:Hitler Responds to SC2 changes. + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiauaGbxipA
Someone should build a pylon near their brain lol
+ Show Spoiler +
more than 13000 reply on the official thread about this... this is just crazy. There is about a post every 5 sec that is getting added.
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
posting on forums without anonymity destroys trolling, but also destroys the pure merit-based valuing system of individuals. personally i'm very private with my personal information, so even having my full name on bnet2 is a large concern to me. i will most certainly be only using initials!