On July 07 2010 11:11 Oathmaster wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 10:58 Alsn wrote:On July 07 2010 10:54 Oathmaster wrote:Name is Mark Benjamin Bourgeois as well, for those who seem to think it matters to know I'm serious with my post  That you are willing to post your name is commendable, but let's say 9/11 hadn't happened yet and you had a blizzard account. Let's say your name was Muhammed Abdullah and you had a bnet account and had been an occasional poster, now 9/11 hits and we all know who were behind that. Would you still like your name to be shown publicly on the forums, knowing what you now know about how public perception of muslims have changed since 9/11, however irrational and bigoted that is? I don't even think you can imagine how it feels to be someone who doesn't have the luxury of feeling "safe". I know I sure don't, but I've spoken with people who do(a friends relative lived in east germany). Well assuming I was not infact the one Muhammed that caused the 9/11 incident and you wanted blood, it just shows how sad our society truly is, when people can't truly think about the what if. In truth, I'd probably be more shameful/embarrassed if I was born in the middle east perhaps then just the name itself would have me feel when 9/11 happened, though I can't be truly honest since I am safe from your theory, but since we had people with redirected flights to my city after the incident for about a week, and it was a tragic time even being up here  . So I can at least understand your statement Thanks for understanding. 
Those of us(or at least, me, but I think at least some agree with me here) saying this is a bad idea do so because there are legitimate concerns for people in minorities or otherwise being at risk for harassment. This is because the world we live in is not a utopia, it's the real world, and bad things happen in the real world even if they might not happen to you.
i barely used the forums, mostly reading blue updates. ill just erase them from bookmarks
On July 07 2010 11:11 kajeus wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 11:09 BlackMagister wrote:On July 07 2010 11:04 kajeus wrote:On July 07 2010 11:00 BlackMagister wrote:On July 07 2010 10:51 Renaissance wrote:I saw this post on the WoW board: Once this goes live, I will never post on the forums again. I'll probably stop browsing them too.
I'm a girl, a girl with a pretty rare name. If you put my first and last name in quotes and google it, 13 pages of results come up, only 5 of them are in English. 4 of them are about me. First English result is a page about a play i was in 7 years ago, which includes a picture of me (and i still look pretty much the same).
The next three are the results from bowling tournaments I have been in. One of which has a photo of me because I did well. The 5th is some site that says to "find people with this name!" which has no info for my name. I don't have my facebook or anything like that under my real full name. I normally just shorten it so people can't really search for me.
So I post something on the forums and people will know my real name. By googling my name you can
*get photos of me *find out my hobbies *find out where (and with a bit of digging, when) I do my hobbies *who some of my friends are (some of the bowling tournaments list my teammates) * and find out the area i live in.
likelihood that someone will track me down and do bad things to me? slim to none.
Something I'm really willing to risk even if it probably would never happen? No
But beyond that, I'll be looking for a new job next year, I would hate to have a potential employer google my name, and read what I've said on here. Do I normally troll? No, I'd say 80% of my posts are just quick questions that I googled and couldn't find the answer, knowing that I could get a quick answer here.
The other 20% are my arguing about abortion, religion, random silliness and other junk in the OT forums or me falling for a troll.
I'm not a huge poster, So me not posting isn't going to change anything, but I do love these forums. I hope something changes before this goes live. Even assigning us a handle/nickname and having said nicknames link to a list of all our toons would be fine with me. But this Real ID thing has to go.
TL:DR: version
Do Not Want Yes you can find me by googling my name Don't want future employers to see me in the OT forums Yes, I know that it wont be a big deal when I quit posting. Do Not Want
And to people who say "Oh I will never post there", chances are you probably will. You may have a rare technical problem. You may want to sign up for a tournament. In my opinion, Activision Blizzard is not doing this because of the trolls. From the looks of it, they are trying to make it so that they have control not only on an online level, but real life as well. This is what the third post by a girl with a rare name that fears what people can do when their full name is posted. It's a problem for some people I don't see how that can't be seen. If your a minority, you want to say something controversial that could make someone mad or job background checks. No harassment doesn't happen to everyone. No you don't have to post on the forums. However you should be able to post on the forums, the " If you don't like then leave!" is not a good argument. Why is it not a good argument? Are girls are going to face severe harassment because their graphics cards are incompatible with Cataclysm? Should girls have to manage what they say for fear of harassment? The quoted girl talks about abortion and religion, those debates can be heated, guess girls need to stay out. Girls can also face harassment simply for being girls. Like the female posts quoted said they have unique names. You see a girl's name, you can look it up. So don't talk about abortion and religion the official Blizzard forums? I'm not even sure you can talk about abortion and religion on the official Blizzard forums. It's not wrong for girls to only be allowed to post tech problems?
Even if they just post tech problems people can stalk other people just because. It might not always be the highest form of harassment swatting, personal visits or even pizza calls, but stalking can still include creepy messages from other people or unwanted friend invites.
On July 07 2010 11:04 kajeus wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2010 11:00 BlackMagister wrote:On July 07 2010 10:51 Renaissance wrote:I saw this post on the WoW board: Once this goes live, I will never post on the forums again. I'll probably stop browsing them too.
I'm a girl, a girl with a pretty rare name. If you put my first and last name in quotes and google it, 13 pages of results come up, only 5 of them are in English. 4 of them are about me. First English result is a page about a play i was in 7 years ago, which includes a picture of me (and i still look pretty much the same).
The next three are the results from bowling tournaments I have been in. One of which has a photo of me because I did well. The 5th is some site that says to "find people with this name!" which has no info for my name. I don't have my facebook or anything like that under my real full name. I normally just shorten it so people can't really search for me.
So I post something on the forums and people will know my real name. By googling my name you can
*get photos of me *find out my hobbies *find out where (and with a bit of digging, when) I do my hobbies *who some of my friends are (some of the bowling tournaments list my teammates) * and find out the area i live in.
likelihood that someone will track me down and do bad things to me? slim to none.
Something I'm really willing to risk even if it probably would never happen? No
But beyond that, I'll be looking for a new job next year, I would hate to have a potential employer google my name, and read what I've said on here. Do I normally troll? No, I'd say 80% of my posts are just quick questions that I googled and couldn't find the answer, knowing that I could get a quick answer here.
The other 20% are my arguing about abortion, religion, random silliness and other junk in the OT forums or me falling for a troll.
I'm not a huge poster, So me not posting isn't going to change anything, but I do love these forums. I hope something changes before this goes live. Even assigning us a handle/nickname and having said nicknames link to a list of all our toons would be fine with me. But this Real ID thing has to go.
TL:DR: version
Do Not Want Yes you can find me by googling my name Don't want future employers to see me in the OT forums Yes, I know that it wont be a big deal when I quit posting. Do Not Want
And to people who say "Oh I will never post there", chances are you probably will. You may have a rare technical problem. You may want to sign up for a tournament. In my opinion, Activision Blizzard is not doing this because of the trolls. From the looks of it, they are trying to make it so that they have control not only on an online level, but real life as well. This is what the third post by a girl with a rare name that fears what people can do when their full name is posted. It's a problem for some people I don't see how that can't be seen. If your a minority, you want to say something controversial that could make someone mad or job background checks. No harassment doesn't happen to everyone. No you don't have to post on the forums. However you should be able to post on the forums, the " If you don't like then leave!" is not a good argument. Why is it not a good argument? Are girls are going to face severe harassment because their graphics cards are incompatible with Cataclysm? Then why can't it be the user's choice? Why are we Obligated to chose between posting and not posting as oposed to sharing personal info and not sharing personal info?
I have not posted once on their forums in 12 years, I don't see any conceivable reason that would make me post there especially now? In fact I don't see any reason to post on their forums at all, tech support problems can be done by email with a blizzard rep, otherwise those forums are plain garbage, pure and simple.
Section 9(v) [You may not]...Communicate or post any user's personal information in the Game, or on websites or forums related to the Game, except that a user may communicate his or her own personal information in a private message directed to a single user...
Violates Blizzard's own ToS.
On July 07 2010 11:23 InfiniteIce wrote: Section 9(v) [You may not]...Communicate or post any user's personal information in the Game, or on websites or forums related to the Game, except that a user may communicate his or her own personal information in a private message directed to a single user...
Violates Blizzard's own ToS.
We know. Blizzard knows. They don't care.
Yea. While these decisions (this isn't their first of the like) don't directly inconvenience me, they show the poor direction that Blizzard is trending toward.
What about posts that are already there? When I entered my real name into my bnet account info I did so under the impression that it would be kept hidden save for people I have on my friends list. Pretend for a moment that I had posted there in the past. If they suddenly put my real name instead of "Robstickle" onto any posts that I had made then that's a breach of my privacy surely?
On July 07 2010 11:28 Robstickle wrote: What about posts that are already there? When I entered my real name into my bnet account info I did so under the impression that it would be kept hidden save for people I have on my friends list. Pretend for a moment that I had posted there in the past. If they suddenly put my real name instead of "Robstickle" onto any posts that I had made then that's a breach of my privacy surely? According to a post on the first page of the bnet thread, prior posts are safe(she called blizzard to ask). It will be activated once the bnet2 forums actually go live, not before and not retroactively.
On July 07 2010 11:28 Robstickle wrote: What about posts that are already there? When I entered my real name into my bnet account info I did so under the impression that it would be kept hidden save for people I have on my friends list. Pretend for a moment that I had posted there in the past. If they suddenly put my real name instead of "Robstickle" onto any posts that I had made then that's a breach of my privacy surely? Their new policy only applies to Starcraft 2 and Cataclysm forums. Old forums will not be affected.
On July 07 2010 11:28 Robstickle wrote: What about posts that are already there. When I entered my real name into my bnet account info I did so under the impression that it would be kept hidden save for people I have on my friends list. Pretend for a moment that I had posted there in the past. If they suddenly put my real name instead of "Robstickle" onto any posts that I had made then that's a breach of my privacy surely?
A lot of people put in their name before they knew it would be shown to anyone ever. One of my guildies in WoW put in his full name, which he never uses and is slightly funny for a grown adult to have (which is why he uses a nickname). Of course now with RealID, we all see it (and thusly poke good natured fun at him). The crappy part is that you can't change your name once you make your account. So he's stuck with it.
Oh, now I feel silly
Day[9] just said in his cast he's against the change even though everyone already knows his name, fwiw.
On July 07 2010 11:34 vesicular wrote: Day[9] just said in his cast he's against the change even though everyone already knows his name, fwiw. He also said "if he had a unique name"...etc Random trivia: There are 3 people in the U.S. named Sean Plott.
I wonder how long before the WoW thread hits 1000 pages.
On July 07 2010 11:23 InfiniteIce wrote: Section 9(v) [You may not]...Communicate or post any user's personal information in the Game, or on websites or forums related to the Game, except that a user may communicate his or her own personal information in a private message directed to a single user...
Violates Blizzard's own ToS.
I think it's funny that we're back to TOS issues again Ice.
But it's a rather hollow, empty laugh, devoid of anything but deep sorrow.
And just to bring a point up that was sort of glossed over, but someone mentioned bullying.
Which is worse... being called names on your nickname, or on your real name? Banhammer notwithstanding, which do you think hurts more?
I don't care about cyber bullying, I just was forced to read a few articles in a class in college. It's very, very sad that people get riled up about what people say on the internet.
Which hurts more? Never mind the abuse that girl gamers get. That would only be magnified.
And it's not just about the forum move. It's about the progression. One handle, realid/facebook, forums... games? I can't fathom it, but apparently it's happening.
Guys, they can just change the ToS if they want. You really can't play "gotcha games" with Blizzard over the ToS. It's a terrible idea on it's own merits. Don't waste your time trying to get technical with Blizzard's rules. If they want to keep doing this, they won't change their mind cause you point out the ToS. They'll just change the ToS.