On July 08 2010 01:02 Pandonetho wrote:Show nested quote +So basically they want to ruin the experience for a bunch of people because they simply don't want to spend the time to moderate the forums as much as they should. good move! What experience? Who are you to decide what experience is being ruined and for whom? Like all things in life, there are people who support things, and people who don't support things. You think the original forums were not already experience ruining? Blizzard is providing a service, not a charity. They aren't obligated to pay some guy to sit all day and moderate a forum. Show nested quote +Why does any company release their user's personal info? Advertisement and marketing. I suspect this is somehow facebook related. If it's not then Blizzard are just idiots for doing this, as the losses from this far outweigh any potential gain. This is ridiculous. Blizzard isn't releasing information to anyone. Here's how it works. You sign up, and agree to the terms of use to that forum, one term being that your full name must show up when you post. Can we please know the topic at hand here? The only thing that's been done here is the requirement of a full name to post. How is that in ANY way releasing information about people's privates lives for money? And to WHOM are they releasing information to? This talk about profit is purely unrelated and irrelevant, and should be dropped right now.
how bout commercial spamming ? gender or ethnic biases ? blizz (actimoneyinmypocketactivision) setting the wrong kind of standard? how bout the 14 year old providing easy access to info that facilitates dangerous people's habits? could you please see past your own point of view? reading your posts, kinda doubt it
On July 08 2010 02:49 See.Blue wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2010 02:47 Archerofaiur wrote:On July 08 2010 02:45 See.Blue wrote: Here at TL in our own rulebook we say that we value reputation, particularly as it is attached to a name. By requiring RealID, Blizz is just taking the same step. Do you see how TL manages to do it without, you know, compromising privacy and security? That ignores the larger point I was making, namely that there's been groups and organizations in the real world, time out of mind, whose members have always been able to know the real names of other members, as thats how they communicate. Groups like this still exist, so it's not a huge jump to see that having strangers learn your real name can't be as apocalyptic as a lot of the posting on here would suggest.
you've never had trouble from giving out your name, good for you (honest) now, just for a minute or two could you think of the countless id theft and/or fraud victims? gender or ethnic bias victims? kids victims of cyber stalkers?
at first they made us integrate facebook
and i didnt speak up because i didn't mind being integrated by facebook
then they made us use realids
and i didnt speak up because i didn't mind using realids
then a stalker showed up at my house
and i didnt speak up because of the clorofoam
I utterly feel my name just changed to Dustin Browder
Well i dont really like this but for me the main problem isnt even that they actually display your name (and it s already pretty annoying) but the main problem is that they never asked you for your permission. I went to ESRB and PEGI and i suggest everybody does it too! thanks to the op/mods for putting those links in here.
This is total BS. Why in god's name would Blizz do that?
On July 08 2010 03:33 See.Blue wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2010 03:29 GMarshal wrote:On July 08 2010 03:24 See.Blue wrote:On July 08 2010 03:16 Santriell wrote: Accountability is a matter of law, not half-baked moderators trying to be just that by forcing you to hand over your personal information.
And come on; Nobody dig that up already ? First facebook, then the real name.... And then what ? This is a pure vivendi-style operation to compile consumer information and re-sell the lists to advertisers.
Add to that the future UN & DMCA laws that are bound to be coming in 3-5 years about how "people must be tracked online" and you have a pretty good idea of who's going to be the guinea pig collaborator... This is getting downright tinfoil-cap like. If the ramifications for posting are so dire, then ideally, that will mean that people will only post things they're willing to be associated with. If that means less people threatening to torch Blizz HQ because 'mech is too strong against zerg' then great. In real life your name is required daily for interactions with a whole host of people which we don't think twice about. Other than the fact that we have to now be responsible for our actions off and online, there really isn't that much to argue against, once you step beyond the rampant paranoia. Really, I guess what happened to Bashiok proves nothing then, because all the man did was post his name which is what is going to happen whenever you post on the forums now. Also those who are looking for jobs and get googled by potential employers are sure to enjoy not getting a job because of their private hobby which blizzard made public. Bottom line there are other ways to make people responsible for their actions that dont involve plastering their names all over the internet I object to the idea that being identified as a gamer somehow victimizes you. There is no reason for hiring firms to select against WoW or SC or players of any other video game simply as a matter of principle, simply because they don't track with anything. People lose jobs because of video games when they act like an idiot by skipping work for a raid or to play more. If this now means you can't post from work about how much you enjoy cutting off for raids or calling in sick to play in a local LAN without facing the repercussions, so what. There's an incredible sense of victimhood amongst the gamer community- that the corporate world just doesn't like them, which is patently false. If you're highly qualified and aren't planning to slack off to game more, then there is absolutely no reason a firm would not hire you or you would lose out on any other perk as a result of your hobby.
so i suppose all the people in this thread who talk of having been victims of the result of this type of trend are lying? corporate spamming, hiring videogame bias, gender or ethnic bias, e stalking victims and worse did you read any of the posts? do you care?
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Emeryk Duda would like to proclaim that the lack of asian names in this thread is quite disturbing. Need more Mark Wangs and Kim Yoon Joongs to accurately represent the general population of TL.
Are there any actual consequences for setting up a bnet account with a fake name? I.E. can they ban you from bnet (and therefore all of sc2) for this?
Nope, you can set up a fake name as you wish. How the heck are they going to verify whether or not you're Mary Sue?
thought quote taken from the "mega thread" i want to mention here:
what they have done is take away the trolls on the forums and brought them closer to our doorsteps
Thousands of Accounts have already been canceled in WoW due to this.
Blizzard has screwed up for the millionth time.
On July 09 2010 08:13 cromat wrote: Nope, you can set up a fake name as you wish. How the heck are they going to verify whether or not you're Mary Sue? If you ever need to recover your account you won't be able to.
On July 09 2010 04:10 Obsidian wrote: All new accounts created from now on will indeed be of a Fake Name, thus negating the entire point in the thread.
Unfortunately, most of the accounts were created way back when, when privacy mattered and Blizzard had a good reputation. We didn't know they were going to change things from underneath us to this extent.
My account name is true and accurate, I could never have guessed that Blizzard would sell out to the devil and would have ever taken the steps to violate my privacy so much.
Thus, I have to close my WoW account, and get all information deleted. My SC 2 account will be entirely fictional, assuming this survives.
Yup, I was unfortunately one of these people and the idea of them wanting me to mail a cover letter stating why is absurd, lol. GOD I LOVE MY NEW NAME! O:
Walt Disney is back from the dead, omg, omg WELCOME BACK!
I have never had my real name on any bnet account. You may have problems proving who you are if you get hacked but in my experience they dont go asking for birth certificates and passports as proof and they sell protection anyway.
On July 09 2010 08:17 shalamadoooo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 09 2010 08:13 cromat wrote: Nope, you can set up a fake name as you wish. How the heck are they going to verify whether or not you're Mary Sue? If you ever need to recover your account you won't be able to.
do you really need to cheat in wow that badly, only to be hacked and have to call blizzard afterwards?
As someone who works for a Forbe's top 50 company I google resumes that come across my desk and would certainly pass on someone who has alot of posts on video game forums. Just as I would if I found FB/Myspace pics in a way I disaproved of.
I can find someone else right now in this economy. Why hire a gamer when I can hire someone else? The irony is I'm a gamer, which means I know first hand the distractions it can cause at work.
On July 09 2010 03:35 HyperDeath wrote: Some companies will not give you a job based upon info they find on the internet about you. Also what if someone "happens" to bump after an online altercation, being during a game, on forums...whatever. Wed all like to say that the entire SC community is cool and leaves their egos at the login screen but i wouldnt trust people to know my real name.
An idea is to act in a manner online that you would in real life. If you are a douchebag in real life then your employer is probably better off without you anyway...
On July 09 2010 07:56 WGT-Baal wrote: Well i dont really like this but for me the main problem isnt even that they actually display your name (and it s already pretty annoying) but the main problem is that they never asked you for your permission.
They are asking you, in the new terms they make you sign. At which point you have to actually make a post on the forum for your name to be displayed for the world to see.