I don't think has been posted yet, anyway, here it is.
US customers of game maker Blizzard are up in arms tonight as news of a new policy is set to require all posts on the Blizzard forum to use their Real ID system. That means that every post is accompanied by the real first and last name of the user. People are unsure what to make of this and I haven't seen any communication from Blizzard stating why they are making this change. I'm going to make the suggestion that South Korea's Real Name System. In 2009 South Korea's government created a law that was meant to curb online defamation by insisting that all users who comment on sites with greater than 100,000 users per day must use their real name. The first US company to feel the effects of this law was Google. South Korea insisted the Youtube comments require all users to post with their real first and last name. Google got around this law by forbidding anyone with a South Korean IP address from posting to Youtube. Recently South Korea backed down and exempted Youtube from the Real Name system. Given these facts it might not make sense why South Korea might enforce the Real Name system on Blizzard. My guess would be that the government is very aware of the immense popularity of Starcraft in South Korea. Some have joked it is their national sport. South Korea even has professional SC leagues with sponsors and packed arenas. I don't think Blizzard can take the Google approach here and just ban South Korean users from posting to their forums. The South Korean market must make a ton of profits for Blizzard and unlike Google they don't have revenue coming in from other sources.
Source: http://watchingthewatchers.org/indepth/1365085/korean-law-driving-policy-blizzard
It's interesting because so many people are saying governments wouldn't stand for this sort of thing. Yet, it was apparently the (South Korean) government who initiated this in the first place.
this whole thing is so sad. the only thing battle net 2.0 is designed for is to cash milk the customers. in every way imageinable. i´m just wondering what comes next. and what makes me even more angry is that everything could be stopped by just boycotting the game for 1 month. if almost nobody would buy starcraft 2 in the beginning they would have to rethink their plans, undo a lot of unpopular changes. all the complanining will not help at all if everybody buys the game anyway. and activisionblizzard knows you will. so i´d suggest if you really care about gaming, if you really want to promote esports just grow some nuts and don´t buy the game until it´s "done". wasn´t that one thing about blizzard games everybody was so proud of ? that they take as much time as they need to finish the game till it´s perfect? well starcraft 2 is far away form perfect. and if blizzard won´t take the time i guess we´ll have to. so please extend your wait by just 1 month, enjoy summer or other games and do your thing in stopping this evolvement.
- no lan support - no crossregion play - major realid / facebook privacy flaws - pay for community maps
what will be next ?
sorry for my bad english, i´m just a drunk german ( DAMN YOU PAUL DAMN YOU !!! =) )
Huh... wait a second. Take a look at all the posters names... did I miss something? *confused* edit: lol, awesome!
On July 08 2010 23:20 Brent Robles wrote: EDIT: failpost.
Wait, what? Why's everyone name shown here? Uh?
edit - lol they're fake names. FUCKING AWESOME!
Yeah, I am still contemplating if I should make a new Bnet Acc for future games and register it under a fake name. If I'll do so, the Acc will be registered to Frank Schwartz.
United States22883 Posts
But yeah, most companies google new aomplyees names, and id rather not have my professional life mixxed up in my social life / free time.
This is why i use a nick
and edit: is these real names a mix of real names and your TL name?
I really really hope they listen to their customers and retract this horrible idea.
The only thing this will lead to, atleast in my case, is that i will just use a fake name. i might just use this one.
United States10328 Posts
rofl this thread is very amusing...
edit: lol this has nothing to do with my name
DOes this thread just give you a random name?
edit: yes
Hahahaha, love whoever modded this thread.
This is pretty funny actually
I just found it weird since my nick on TL is Snowfield, and it game me this name
Wow, shit hitting Blizzard's fan. People posting all sorts of shit in Blizz's employee's personal lives. Such as this wedding guestbook. I'll refrain from posting the link but other people started leaving messages there too.
ROFL this thread is hilarious. I can see many people posting here just to see what the RNG names them.
I'm a lemming. Here's to hoping that I'm someone famous!
I am willing to bet there will be some kind of fallout from this. Eventually someone will be a victim of RealID and I hope they sue Blizzard