iCCup TV is now taking sign ups for the next iCCup TV Challenge (ITC). Please leave the following information to be added to the list:
Bnet ID/Name Email (Can be PM'ed if you don't want it to be public) Race (All races including Random allowed) League Phase 1 (Only Diamond level is accepted)
If the system for adding friends will require an identifier, a number code, or anything else, please post again with that information when Phase 2 starts or you will not be able to compete.
Any questions, feel free to post them
Stalife iamsungminpark AT gmail DOT com terran Diamond
Pandain PandaSaver@comcast.net Zerg Diamond
EleanorRigby hazard6@gmail.com Terran Diamond
ReachTheSky Mrrss@aol.com Terran Diamond
Blade blademaster55555@yahoo.com Zerg Diamond
Valor ss6290@gmail.com Protoss Diamond
Feremuntrus On pm Zerg Diamond- was 1 in my division
Canopus mbrehmerman@hotmail.com Protoss Diamond
Kyhol kylehollett101@yahoo.ca Protoss Diamond
HezzerBoy kurtylioja@live.com Protoss Diamond
everytime tcnerd@yahoo.com terran diamond
2629 Posts
bigbadbeaver sunjay_J_A at hotmail dot com random diamond
Triggerthis triggerthis[at]windstream[.net] Random diamond rank #1 500 points
Bnet ID/Name: M3Funkyb Email: dr1166@txstate.edu Race: Zerg League Phase 1 : Diamond
Fiendish rusted_sax@yahoo.com Random Diamond
On July 06 2010 08:47 TadH wrote: tadhudder diamond
You got top 4 in a past ITC. So go bug Diamond about getting in the ITL