On May 01 2010 04:16 Kyuukyuu wrote: Your friends are awesome and you are easily trolled.
It could be that or could be something like "oh, they have tournaments with 10k prizes? well.. WE HAVE MULTIMILLOM DOLLAR TURNAMENTS.. yeah. Oh, it's biggest sport in Korea? WELL, IN RUSSIA 93% OF PEOPLE PLAY THIS" which is a lot worse. I can picture some idiot making stuff up as he goes, someone who only capable of playing fastest on bnet.
I've never even heard of BFME... 1 or 2.
For what it's worth, I polled 100 random people on my Facebook (about half of them were gamers, half of them not), and 95 of them have heard of StarCraft... 17 of them had heard of the BFME series. Only 6 had ever played BFME games, and 28 had played StarCraft games. All 6 of the people who have played BFME have also played SC, and they all thought SC was better in terms of strategy and gameplay.
And StarCraft is much more popular on a global scale.
While all of this doesn't necessarily mean StarCraft is automatically better (though I don't doubt for a second that it IS), BFME would be far more popular if it were as good as pro-BFME trolls say it is o.O
Ive just seen that game on youtube.
I would rather play AOE2 ANYTIME before playing that crappy game, and yes I actually think even AOE2 is better than that game.
The 93% of Russia plays etc is definitely a lie, they know you like Starcraft and are trolling you really really hard. I've never even heard of the game lol.
Is this actually a serious thread? Just the fact that they claim a videogame has multimillion dollar tournaments should be enough to tell you that they're full of shit. No videogame is anywhere near that scale. Also, comparing one of the greatest, best-selling, and critically acclaimed RTS games of all time and one that was good enough to pioneer eSports on a scale which had never before been seen to some obscure game based on a book/film franchise which never even came close to topping the sales charts is stupid... I don't understand how this is even an argument unless your friends are either completely ignorant or delusional..
I agree, I better play RA3 than that BFME2
i never heard of what the fuck is BFME2, i almost feel bad but nope, sc:bw > BFME2 NOPE NOPE BETTER SRY SRY KBYE
Battle for Middle Earth has awesome graphics that goes way above BW's, I can see why. Shallow bastards.
I think in the end it comes down to the fact that somewhere in Korea, playing starcraft is getting a guy money and sex. Ask them if BFME does that + Show Spoiler +In all seriousness don't. I think they're trolling you and you care too much
show them WCG crowds because theyre big every year. also tell stories about SC like how sAviOr dominated for 2 years and got curbstomped by Bisu.
On May 01 2010 05:01 Kenpachi wrote: show them WCG crowds because theyre big every year. also tell stories about SC like how sAviOr dominated for 2 years and got curbstomped by Bisu.
and don't forget to ask your friends if BFME2 is included in those games in WCG, because if it does, it's gonna be a boring world
The game was released in 2006, which is like 8 years after the professional SC scene began so obviously any claim that this game sparked the SC pro scene is nonsense. The 70 million player thing is such obvious bullshit considering the fact that not even World Of Warcraft has anywhere NEAR that number of players. Starcraft has sold over 11.5 million copies to date and that's not counting players who play without a key over LAN or on private servers. I doubt LOTR even comes close to that. I don't know how old your friends are, but SC was huge and highly anticipated even before its release because of the success of the Warcraft franchise so I don't know what they're talking about when they claim it wasn't big or important to gamers. SC was the #1 selling PC game the year of its release and it was completely mainstream back then just like CoD and Halo are today. How is that not big or important?
bw is the third highest selling pc game of all time end of story
This thread prompted me to go look up stuff about this lord of the rings game, and to try and find userbase comparisons between it and starcraft. Said another way, this thread prompted me to waste my time.
You are troll or your friends are the most massive morons on the planet. Ignore them.
BTW, when I try to use sales to support the argument that SC is far more popular, they just say people pirate the game, so sales are not really indicative of the population
On May 01 2010 05:26 Belegorm wrote: BTW, when I try to use sales to support the argument that SC is far more popular, they just say people pirate the game, so sales are not really indicative of the population
The troll is evolving!
But seriously man, why don't you just school them in BFME2? I remember playing it for fun during some downtime at a SC tourney I was at and it seemed simplistic enough. Just do some research, learn some builds, and rape them.
tell them to go play 2 full days against any A/B rank player, and if they win a single game without proxy 2gate, they can say that starcraft has no depth.
Thing is that I don't enjoy the game too much, and there's currently one guy who manages to win almost every time with dwarves. Speaking of build orders, they believe that it doesn't matter what kind of "build" you use, strategy will let you win, even with low apm.
On that point though, where the heck can I find build orders for middle earth? Whenever I google BFME2 I get loads of results from amazon and the like, no TL like sites. I usually play men (though I might switch to elves just to prove the game's unbalanced; maybe make some uber hero and use some cheap strategy to beat them).
On May 01 2010 05:41 Wings wrote: tell them to go play 2 full days against any A/B rank player, and if they win a single game without proxy 2gate, they can say that starcraft has no depth.
Thing is they claim that it's all about a player's ability to do things faster than his opponent in SC, instead of using strategy