On May 30 2009 11:03 Excello.ChOseN wrote: Btw, anyone know when the finals is? I dont know when or who I'm going to be playing. Or even what format its going to be in. Any one know?
sept 26-27
I think they're on Sunday Shawn! =D
Machine[USA] Aka Bryce A reschedule will be fine with me. I would like to reschedule eaither before 12 am Eastern time tomorrow or after 8 pm eastern time tomorrow. Please msg me on iccup timestop007 so we can agree on an appropriate time to play.
Hello, Incontrol do you think you could msg the WCG Admins and have them remove the current blue storm and replace with the newest version ? Because WCG Blue Storm is different than iCCup Blue Storm.
On May 30 2009 11:27 timestop wrote: Machine[USA] Aka Bryce A reschedule will be fine with me. I would like to reschedule eaither before 12 am Eastern time tomorrow or after 8 pm eastern time tomorrow. Please msg me on iccup timestop007 so we can agree on an appropriate time to play. Sure I will work around any time you wish, i greatly appreciate it.
Day! I was rooting for you man- friggen Nyoken! :p
Semih lost too?
wow nyoken so amazing!! good job danial <3 sean / danial
shes been posting on GG.net for quite awhile actually , no offense but stop trying to be cool and jump on the flaming bandwagon. we get it... people think she might have had people smurfing for her. maybe not. maybe she's actually a guy pretending to be a girl. nobody knows, nobody really cares.
Calgary25963 Posts
Xeris, it's 10000000000% someone is smurfing. Are you kidding me? This is one situation we can use our intuition and not be purely objective. Of course someone is smurfing.
Seems quite a few people care, actually. Where would WCG USA be without the bandwagon flaming?
it would be non existent because of the amount of low-quality gamers in my opinion...
http://repdepot.net/replay.php?id=13606 here are the replays between me and mr. arcology, i didnt save the ones vs day9 but ask him since he would have them.
have a feast but dont bother me im tired and drunk and not in the mood for any of you guys shit and going to bed. when i win the next qualifer you guys can all bitch at me then but ill be laughing and wont care.
the only decent lady that i knew went by the name gNs.I-bunny, she actually lived in same area as this person claims. As soon as i hook up and scan my old HD ill compare the hotkeys
actually i just read that gg.net thread, no way in hell its same person, this is either a guy or some insane vicious virgin like Leahs who had a smurf play for her( if anyone has Dino's terran replays might wanna check them out)
I'm going to laugh if all of this really is just bandwagoning....
infact I'm already laughing at the idea lol
there was someone bwkitten on east whose name is Jess. Shes an actual chick from that area too, but shes not good. Considering her fanbase it could be some kid trying to impress her taking games under "lovejessgill" name
me and kdog used to run a detective agency on east but didnt bother with new cases for past year or so, thats why im kind of intrigued
This is stupid. On gosugamers.net she has answered a few polls: Race user: zerg. Best matchup: zerg versus terran. Worst matchup: zerg versus anything else. Not only that, but in guest comments, she is quoted as saying "I'm busy on iccup 4 pooling people." Obviously that is probably a joke, but once again she indicates she is zerg. So not only did she start in 2008, but she just changed races, and she owns all of us and is going to win the next qualifier or something. Some confidence there for a new player...
Hopefully her friends can verify she is legit or tell us the obvious truth so no one has to go through the trouble of bringing forth the truth to wcg. Either way, this shit is annoying and hope it ends.
TimeStop was nice enough to reschedule for me so we will be playing tomorrow night. I really appreciate him taking his time to help give me the chance to play. Wish me luck!
On May 30 2009 16:07 MachineHead wrote: This is stupid. On gosugamers.net she has answered a few polls: Race user: zerg. Best matchup: zerg versus terran. Worst matchup: zerg versus anything else. Not only that, but in guest comments, she is quoted as saying "I'm busy on iccup 4 pooling people." Obviously that is probably a joke, but once again she indicates she is zerg. So not only did she start in 2008, but she just changed races, and she owns all of us and is going to win the next qualifier or something. Some confidence there for a new player...
Hopefully her friends can verify she is legit or tell us the obvious truth so no one has to go through the trouble of bringing forth the truth to wcg. Either way, this shit is annoying and hope it ends.
Not to mention, regarding the iccup comment, she claims to only play on West/Brain?
Ok so after you beat him Bryce we have to find out when the finals will be lol. If your finishing with him tonight, me and nyoken and you, and that one other guy who won need to come up with a time for the top 4 thing.
Oh and scouting my never before done proxy gate attempt in game 1 on Blue Storm indicates 100% map hack too. I mean I wouldn't have tried that but I figured my opponent would be a total noob.
btw I mean that empty spot in the large main that every T player probably will lose to once and then never fall for again, so this is said with sarcasm.