On November 11 2008 14:38 WorpeX wrote: Im sorry for the late notice btw, I had to wait 10 days before I could post. X.x damn, should have PMed a mod to post it for you.
On November 12 2008 12:04 vsrooks wrote: First off, consoles suck.
o Counter Strike: Source - awful.. should be 1.6 o Call of Duty 4 - should be CoD 2 if any CoD game o Starcraft: Brood War - GJ o F.E.A.R. Combat - lol o WoW Level Race - lost all respect when I saw this one
I want to stress that this is not a serious SC tournament like WCG and what not.
That goes for the other games too. We play popular games on campus, not games which are more respected by esports. Besides, the chances of us actually doing the WoW tournament are slim to none.
WorpeX, do you know the map pool for the Starcraft tournament?
Like I'm just wondering what I should practice beforehand. I don't want to be practicing Python/Tau/Longinus and show up and everyone is playing BGH or Fastest.
Edit: Just for clarification I guess I wouldn't mind if BGH or Fastest was in the map pool but then it'd be auto win for low money players because everyone knows BGH/Fastest players have no talent.
Good question! Their aren't very many rules actually:
* Single Elimination * Players decide on map * 32 player cap * Final map, best 2/3 * Players must save replays for discrepancies * Games must be played on fastest speed
That's really it. As far as the map pool goes, their isn't a set map pool. If two players decide that they want to play on BGH they can, however both players must agree on the map. We've so far never had any problems with this system (this is the third tournament now). I personally hate fastest maps like BGH also, and so far I haven't ever had to play on it. People have though in the past. We've never had any disputes on the map used, but if it happens just give me a shout.
Now, if you really enjoy maps like Python, Blue Storm, Tau and other custom maps, I would suggest you put them on a flash drive before the event so you can put the maps on your opponents computers easily. I will have them on mine, but i'll be running around getting other players settled, so it would be faster for you to do it yourself.
On November 13 2008 00:01 WorpeX wrote: Good question! Their aren't very many rules actually:
* Single Elimination * Players decide on map * 32 player cap * Final map, best 2/3 * Players must save replays for discrepancies * Games must be played on fastest speed
Final map, best 2/3? Do you mean final round? So is every game a best of 3 or just the finals?
Best of 1 scares me. I'm glad though that it says play on fastest and save replays. Even WCG this year couldn't handle that, like what the fuck lol. Although no one really listened to what WCG had to say about playing on "Faster" speed setting.
From my understanding you register for tournaments at the door, right? I believe I read this starts at noon and ends midnight - is dat rite? I wanna make sure I get in at the right time so I can win dat prize.
yes yes, final game is a bo3, the rest are bo1. And yes, its from noon to noon. 
On November 13 2008 02:31 WorpeX wrote:yes yes, final game is a bo3, the rest are bo1. And yes, its from noon to noon. 
kk thanks.
Quick question for anyone who has ever been to a lan before:
What can I expect when going to a BYOC lan event? What should I bring, any necessities? I don't play SC with a mousepad, should I bring one for this just incase the table is like messy?
Well, I don't know if I'd be able to answer all of your questions, but we do have a pretty nice image gallery up from last semesters BYOC, im sure that will answer many of your questions:
For what to bring, i would refer to this link:
I would bring a mousepad, even if you don't usually use one its nice to have just in case your mouse doesn't work on our tables. Besides, their fairly easy to carry around and are cheap as hell.
On November 14 2008 05:53 SCC-Faust wrote: Quick question for anyone who has ever been to a lan before: What should I bring, any necessities?
A second hard drive with at least a terrabyte of free space.
edit: also, map pool or starting map would be helpful since they are bo1.
edit #2: 3 hours away, ahhh well see.... hopefully ill go. you say noon till noon so does that mean it starts sunday at noon untill the finish?
Its from 12 noon to 12 midnight on saturday. Sorry, I made a mistake in my other post. : /
On November 14 2008 19:07 likeaboss wrote: im so going, FINALLY A LAN IN PA!!!! TAKE THAT WEST COAST!!
edit: also, map pool or starting map would be helpful since they are bo1.
edit #2: 3 hours away, ahhh well see.... hopefully ill go. you say noon till noon so does that mean it starts sunday at noon untill the finish?
Are you really BongMicro?
Tournament is this weekend! hope to see a few of you guys their.