I happened to be in the LA area, so I dropped in to the WCG finals events today. I met several players and casters, and got to talk with Peanut, G5, diggity, and PsyonicReaver. All of them were incredibly nice, especially diggity, who explained why there were no SC events on the main screen. Apparently, despite being told for months that they needed to provide sound-proofing, the WCG staff did not, and thus games could not be casted without revealing information to the players. This was incredibly disappointing, as the entire reason I even bought a ticket was to hear the American casters in action.
I really, really want to see a replay of NonY vs. G5, especially the last game (I think it was the last one; it was on Blue Storm). I was watching from behind G5, and saw him rally a massive goon+zeal+reaver force outside his base; NonY attacked with a huge army of goons and zeals; G5 was able to defend, but a minute later NonY would attack again with a gigantic army. This happened about three times, before NonY finally pushed his way into G5's main. All of us standing there watching couldn't believe how NonY had the macro to make these units. I thought G5 should have gg'ed earlier in that game, after his main got wiped out, but it's not my call.
Anyways, thanks again to diggity, Peanut, Psy, and the kid with the 'stache whose handle I forget; and best of luck to G5 in the finals. Here are some pics for you all: Louder and Artosis (nice jacket BTW)
Diggity (with the blue shirt over the grey tshirt), Peanut (sitting down), Idra, G5; Artosis' head in the foreground
Not SC, but I lollered.
On October 05 2008 14:30 Culture wrote: I have a question: How many people go to the WCG Grand Final? From the russia thread apparently 3 people will go, how many will go from the US?
Only one goes.
can't wait for tomorrow
I'm here but I'm just wrangling haha.
is anyone saving the reps for these??
Lol just got back from the party tonight a little bit ago and I am really happy that all the people I'm meeting here are really cool people. At first it seemed they are a little shy and/or comfortable in their cliques but after seeing them a few times everyone warmed up and was really nice. I will be writting my first blog post ever about the nice time I had and had fun meeting artosis, future, inka, dino, jask, g5, louder, inc, xeris, ez, fujikira, and anyone else I forgot
Well, well. It's about time you started living up to your bill. Thanks for making me wait a good 3-4 years though.
Go NonY!
Its nice to hear Louder doing so well. It put a big smile on my face to know someone as old school as him could still do well in the USA WCG.
are the NonY vs IdrA games up ANYWHERE!?!?!?? reps or vods are fine
On October 05 2008 15:19 hanmunjae wrote: Only one goes.
How many players do other countries send? Russia gets to send 3? Korea gets to send 3?
Korea (South)17174 Posts
rekrul vs monkeyballs comes to mind
loool those games were funny ;pp
On October 05 2008 23:41 Rekrul wrote: rekrul vs monkeyballs comes to mind
I remember that!
Are there any replays out yet?
wtf yosh didnt show up
and wow my idra fan meter just drained into nony's T_T
NonY's so hot
United States12607 Posts
Congratulations hanmunjae, you are now responsible for the best WCG 2008 USA coverage in the world!
Seriously, your post pretty much quadruples the publicly-available news of this event.
United States12607 Posts
On October 06 2008 02:08 Colbi wrote:G5 vs Louder starting in a little less than an hour. Winner of that will play NonY in the finals. http://www.gotfrag.com/star/story/43110/Match is going to be on the mainstage!
:o To Be Determined, a darkhorse representing the United Nations, has snuck his way into the final!
+ Show Spoiler +more seriously: no results up from louder vs. g5 yet, and the match supposedly started 1/2 hour ago! We should obviously assume there is an epic game going on
edit: nevermind, match starts in 1/2 hour. Thanks a ton Colbi :D
The match has not started yet. It will begin in 1/2 hour.