Russian Federation987 Posts
Event Time: 18:30
Shinhan Bank Proleague 2007 @ MBCGame
Pantech - OnGameNet Silent_Control < Shin Peaks of Baekdu > YellOw[NamE]
NaDa < Geometry > go.go[GsP]
GGoMa/Nal_keke < Vampire > NsP_Flower/Zeus
SiLvEr < Monty Hall > Shine[Name]
Ace Match < Nemesis >
Results + Show Spoiler +Silent_Control < YellOw[NamE] NaDa < go.go[GsP] GGoMa/Nal_keke > NsP_Flower/Zeus SiLvEr > Shine[Name] Rock > Chalrenge
Pantech 3:2 OGN
My predictions: ---------------------------------------------------- Silent_Control < YellOw[NamE]
Nada > go.go[GsP]
GGoMa/Nal_keke < NsP_Flower/Zeus
SiLvEr > Shine[Name]
ACE Match -> Nada vs YellOw[NamE] (Nada wins it)
--------------------------------------------------- Final score EX 3:2 OGN
silver's got a big hill to climb if he wants to take down shine, let alone the map being monty hall...
silent control's crap-ass control FTL
51342 Posts
Control < Yarnc Nada > Bug-terran Pantech < OGN Silver < Shine
SiLvEr vs a Terran @ Monty Hall... I'd laugh but its just too sad. Please do something Silver :/
how does it feel like~~~~~~ hehe its starting yess!!
On June 26 2007 02:24 GTR-2-Go wrote: Control < Yarnc Nada > Bug-terran Pantech < OGN Silver < Shine
Exactly what I was thinking.
i have a feeling silent control is gonna cheese like always
this is 17th match for pantech and nada's 22nd time.... talk about 1man team... geez....... i feel bad for nada....
This might be one of the few proleagues that everyone can be right on Well the 2v2 could go either way, but the 1vs1's are pretty obvious.
Silver better pull of something out of his ass-_-!
nada is gonna have to pull out some miracle to come back from this....
looks like an even game to me?
NaDa Yellow ye?
Nada is trying drops to get back into the game, but it looks bad for him. go.go has the macro advantage clearly.
you mean like that?
oh~~~ nada is slowly comming back
Notice, nada's air is 1/1 ^^
or was that/...red infantry? lol
Hahah, just i say that, gogo makes a retarded push into nada's nat and loses 5 tanks and a ton of vultures for no gain barely.
Bothe players have 3 mining bases at th emoment, and nada is clearly obliterating gogo's units in the center thanks to his dropships. gogo has no dropships.
gogo looks "a bit" stressed, hahaha^^
Nada taking 7, gogo already has 5, but nada forces a lift with dropship play at 5. Drop is cleared, but nada traded units quite nicely there.
Nada about to engage the middle tank line? No, he just snipes a tank. Nada moving his units down, and gogo following on foot. Ok, gogo stopped him cold and killed a few tanks. It's anybody's game right now.
Equal number of mining bases and armies are more or lase the same. Ah, gogo finally got dropships.
Nada taking 12.
Nada is playing really passive..for now=/
gogo drops nadas main, but nada clears with scv's and dropships. Great defense there. gogog pushing into Nada's 7, but it looks like he stopped him.
Nada has 12 up and running, so he has one more mining base than gogo.
Gogo drops 12 and kills it, nada is not lifting for some reason.
gogo finished his cc at 6 and has a few scv's mining. Small attack in the center by nada kills a few tanks and positions himself between 6 and 5 expansions, killing 6's gas. Ohhh, nice move: nada dropped 6 right as gogo was going to drop his force to defend and kills 5-6 units for no loss.
Oh red planning to mass up bcs...i think this will go well for nada as he is massing facts..might be able to overrun gogo before he can get enough bcs.
omg tvt is so :O, if u drop bad its gg
gogo has taken 12 and has already maynarded scvs. ggo starting 4 starports with add-on, BC's inocoming. Nada doesn't seem prepared.
gogo dropping on nada's 7, but is stopped again by nada's drop. Nada better get moving soon or he's going to lose, he has a ton of units.
Has he scaned the bcs yet?
gogo is always taking the initiative, and nada is still defending, he just dropped 7 again, but has failed to do damage (for the n-th time). 6 starports now, and nada is still being passive. I don't know what he's thinking.
does not look good for nada T_T
Tense game for sure
On June 26 2007 03:41 TheFoReveRwaR wrote: Has he scaned the bcs yet?
He's got a lot of golis, but i don't know if he scanned it.
Nada has finally taken some action and cleared 12. He now holds 6 and 12. but gogo drops it again. Ok, Nada kills all units at 12 now, and will start a cc soon. BC's going to the offensive. Nada loses 5 tanks and seems surprised, so i guess he hadn't scouted the BC's.
Nada drops 5 golis under the BC's and kills one, but still loses his force to 2 tanks and the BC's.
omg yes come out more with bcs...let them get trapped please...ah damn...dropship
Nada wtf are you thinking=/
Why not attack with everything AT ONCE?! jesus...
gogo pushes into 7 main yet again, and this time he kills it thanks to the BC's. Nada is screwed, he needs a miracle right now.
He drops again 7 golis and kills all BC's except for one! Great play, but he still lost the expansion, and there are still 6 tanks there (7 expansion).
gogo has 6 and Nada has 12, gogo with only 1 BC at the mment. Nada's 12 gets dropped again and he loses it. Nada kills gogo's 6 as well.
nada wasting men left right n centre^^
gogo drops nada's main and kills like 10 suply depots and nada's starport. Nada loks dead to me, he doesn't have enough units to stop the push.
Ender it wasnt a great play at all...he threw away half his army before THEN dropping gols and taking out the bcs..
On June 26 2007 03:48 TheFoReveRwaR wrote: Ender it wasnt a great play at all...he threw away half his army before THEN dropping gols and taking out the bcs..
well, at least he salvaged something at that expansion, even if he fucked it up. I gues i just like to see those fuckers go dwn
Nada is dead, gg incoming any second now.
Im guessing a lot of people liquibetted that one wrong
gogo still has one mining base to nada's none, and gogo is positioned to defend the remaining expos.
nada gg's
NaDa lost... when BoxeR loses to stork now my day is fucked and I will go sleep again-.-v
go.go sloppy play though, controlled his bc's soo poorly!
Nada did a good comeback, but wasted a lot of men.
and now, i'm gonna go see the ACE game, I'm not too fond of 2v2s .
ggoma is aka Silent_GGoMa ...kinda oldschool but never succesful at all. Dont know what clan he is in now.
any updates or everybody is watching emperor vs stork?
looks like the 2:2 has become a 1:1?
Zeus vs GGoma.
And GGoma has some really nice bunkers.. looks like bunkerdefence UMS
rines and tanks is a not so good combo vs protoss imo
looks like Zeus has the upper hand this match.
Hahaha, zeus has this "you're gonna get so raped it's not even funny" look on his face :D.
why isnt ZeuS attacking the bunkers with some reavers?
go pantech!!:D if u win i'll buy ur cellphone:D
vessel is a clever move. EMP vs the temps would help his rinestrat.
now zeus suddenly has this "lol im gonna get owned" look upon his face ;(
2:1 to OGN.
Shine will kill Silver and give OGN the win..
hahaha titanic ceremony!!
yeah, that ceremony was extremely gay
Zeus looked really pissed at his partner His partner probably said some shit like "how the fuck did you lose to THAT?".
On June 26 2007 04:29 Storchen wrote: why isnt ZeuS attacking the bunkers with some reavers? he fucking tried, but the fucking reaver didnt fucking want to : ( (
Lost the game because of that T_____________________T
On June 26 2007 04:35 SunKistOranGeSoDa wrote: hahaha titanic ceremony!!
LOOOL, I didn't notice first but now that you mention it! hahaha
Pantech's heart will go on!
Ehm, did anyone else see that Pantech guy .. ehm, scratching his ass very hardcorely?
That was kinda disturbing, especially after that ceremony.
On June 26 2007 04:36 Puosu wrote: Ehm, did anyone else see that Pantech guy .. ehm, scratching his ass very hardcorely?
That was kinda disturbing, especially after that ceremony.
On June 26 2007 04:35 rain~ wrote: yeah, that ceremony was extremely gay I wonder what you'd say if they actually proceeded to engage in anal intercourse. What would you say? Just curious.
On June 26 2007 04:37 TheFoReveRwaR wrote:I wonder what you'd say if they actually proceeded to engage in anal intercourse. What would you say? Just curious. Are you trying to ask him if he is homosexual? ;;
Well there you go, a team with Silver in it actually won something they weren't expected to.
On June 26 2007 04:39 Puosu wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 04:37 TheFoReveRwaR wrote:On June 26 2007 04:35 rain~ wrote: yeah, that ceremony was extremely gay I wonder what you'd say if they actually proceeded to engage in anal intercourse. What would you say? Just curious. Are you trying to ask him if he is homosexual? ;; No, no I'm not. If I was trying to ask that I would just say "Are you gay?".
Does Silver has 0-11 vs T? -o-
silver please!! i wanna see nada for ace!!
gogogo, silver fighting :D
I just like cheering for the zergs, even if it's silver =).
And we're rolling
silver at 4 shine at 10
could this be the end of the genius terran??
On June 26 2007 04:37 TheFoReveRwaR wrote:I wonder what you'd say if they actually proceeded to engage in anal intercourse. What would you say? Just curious.
if it was Silver instead of keke I wouldn't be surprised.
drone makes a hatch at shine's nat!!
I want silver to win simply because he never does...versus terran. Specially on a map like Monty Hall.
On June 26 2007 04:50 unknown.sam wrote:could this be the end of the genius terran??  Nada lived through harder times, he will live through this.
hahaha that's why hes called the "gambler"
silver lays down a pool and is mining his entrance. hahahaha proxy hatching, this guy has balls .
Sends 2 drone, probably to make sunks.
Shine is making fast cc meanwhile. This is going to be fun.
On June 26 2007 04:51 pat777 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 04:50 unknown.sam wrote:could this be the end of the genius terran??  Nada lived through harder times, he will live through this. yes he has lived through harder times. like when his father died. i believe in him. most consitant player ever =)
lol Silver got some inspiration from boxer perhaps?
2 rax for shine, first marine out.
Silver has expanded to his nat. Shine is mining out his entrance to 9, preparing to expand there, cc is already finished.
Sunk has been prepared, but shine made a bunker on the other side, so i guess mining that is not going to be easy.
Drone is preventing shine's cc from landing.
Silver makes a sunk closer to the bunker, out of range i think.
Spire and queen's nest started.
Spire aswell as queens nest for silver. fast tech.
Silver with 3 gas from the beginning , YOU CANNOT FUCK THIS UP SO WIN IT!
2 medics out and factory started. Sunk is actually out of range of the bunker, so i think silver fucked up there :/
Hive started, lol, 2 gas and hive, this guy has balls!
My mistake, 3 gas, he is mining at shine's nat.
fist mutas oud and will get to harassing shortly.
So is he doing a guardian rush or something?
best strat by zerg on monty in my opinion . guardian hydra
Adding fourth hatch at shines' nat, and making more sunks.
Mutas kill 5-6 scvs for 1 muta. shine has turrets on the bottom of 9 base and is moving his marines back and forth to cover the rest of the base, smart.
Mutas kill one suply depot.
I think i just saw 2 starports and armory, so i think we will be seeing valkyries shortly. Greater spire started.
51342 Posts
really really weird strat from silver
Man, silver really got him under pressure there.
First 2 guards out, first valk out. Now 7 guards, heading to 9 expo. 3 valks out. NO SCOURGE FOR SILVER!
Loses 2 guards stupidly in my opinion. Now he brings hydra and a few scourge to help out.
Kills the first valk, still 4 more for shine.
Oh, fuck, buffer.
silver comes out ahead, and will win shortly. a group of hydras lose in shine's base, no oposition so far
Shine gg's!
Hahaha, very creative strat from silver, great game.
weridest strat ever. yet executed perfectly =)
LOL are you kidding me!? Silver wins with vanilla units only...
LOL! Silver owned shine so bad!!! Silver making such a powerful game! What a stopm!
51342 Posts
alright, valkyries now?
probably the most unorthodox game i've seen in a while
I can't believe silver won, great job! GO NADA FOR ACE.
don't fuck with silver ok
51342 Posts
holy shit!
he won?
hahaha, shine must be shitting his pants
hahha even the commentators are saying that that strat is one of best five strats ever
New zvt powerhouse silver..for sure...
ye, one game and he's a zvt powerhouse rofl
0-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 3-2 GO!
They deserve it.
On June 26 2007 05:03 Storchen wrote: So will we see nada? no the couch will send control to lose miserably
51342 Posts
I reckon!
But, even if it's Silver, that goes down as the most hilariously great strategies ever devised. I reckon it matches up with the boxer vs oov on requiem and boxer vs foru on guillotine.
ex will send nada and nada loss again...
Thanks for that, PR! It's a lot better
That was absolutely brilliant. It's amazing to actually see someone like Silver pull it off, too.
Belgium9944 Posts
I hope they send go.go again
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
What happened in the guillotine game mentioned above?
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
ROCK vs CHALRENGE hahahhaa this might turn out very amusing shit
VICTORY CEREMONY GUY FTW!!! (dunno his name)
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
btw you gotta give silver credit for doing a really cool and well executed build
Hopefully a good match. Surprised @ not Nada though
Rock vs P 2-1 Chalrenge vs P 2-3
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
saving nada for later i guess
Somebody report for me please, i have to go eat . Let's see chalrenge win :D.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
Rock is on a 5 game roll, Chalrenge is cool as ice.
this game will rule, a win-win situation!
Come on, Rock! Turn my mis-click into a blessing!
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
i want Rock to win , but my bet on OGN
ChalRenge eat shit! Rock stomp him please. ChalRenge does proxy gate.. you can start to report because he always does it.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
lol silvers got the biggest shit eating grin ever after pulling that guardian build
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
zeus still surprised he lost the 2v2 there. talking new strats with his teammates
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
and that c bug asswipe (forgot name) thinking abt some new bug to exploit in his little corner
Who the hell is Chalrenge playing ATM? Or is he watching a replay?
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
hes just practicing and setting mouse sensitivity, scroll speed and such
On June 26 2007 05:19 Hans-Titan wrote: Who the hell is Chalrenge playing ATM? Or is he watching a replay? vs comp ?!
On June 26 2007 05:19 Hans-Titan wrote: Who the hell is Chalrenge playing ATM? Or is he watching a replay?
Cpu I guess ;D
Rock has a massssssssssive jaw wtf.
chalrenge looking like a cocky little faggot. :D
On June 26 2007 05:19 Hans-Titan wrote: Who the hell is Chalrenge playing ATM? Or is he watching a replay?
He's playing vs. comp to test his settings, practise his build order and warm his hands up.
@zurg and G.s)NarutO: Thanks. Guess it's good way to warm up.
someody start a poll which head is bigger - rock's or pusan's  i know where my bet goes - TheRock
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
LOL look at chalrenge do some sort of chi gong breathing excercise. such a poser
GO CHALRENGE!! Let me see another gosu victory ceremony!
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
alrite rock teal top left chal red bottom left
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
both build pylon inside base, nothing funny happening
If Rock wins this one, the 4th place in the play offs is going to be wide open.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
both scout each other directly
THE Rock is has won last 2 pvp on this map. Mantoss and Stork.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On June 26 2007 05:26 SunKistOranGeSoDa wrote: THE Rock is has won last 2 pvp on this map. Mantoss and Stork.
Wow. Both copying each other to the detail. (is that even a sentence)
EDIT: I'm a goon! 500th post!
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
wtf got flood controlled lol rock steals gas AND pylons natural for chalrenge
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock going templar chalrenge really behind on gas, gets forge
On June 26 2007 05:29 pyrogenetix wrote: wtf got flood controlled lol rock steals gas AND pylons natural for chalrenge
Your supposed to write more then 5 words in each post
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge tries to make a push with zeals, rock defends chalrenge warps gate at rocks nat
DTS out for rock
chalrenge going citadel
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On June 26 2007 05:30 Storchen wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 05:29 pyrogenetix wrote: wtf got flood controlled lol rock steals gas AND pylons natural for chalrenge Your supposed to write more then 5 words in each post 
It's a live report. He has to follow the game and at the same time write what's happening. It's pretty damn hard.
dark templars from ROCK. Might be a tricky one for Chalrenge.
many many zeals for both players.
Man this game is sick with the buildings blocking nat Nice gateway in nexus spot by chalrenge.
On June 26 2007 05:32 Hans-Titan wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 05:30 Storchen wrote:On June 26 2007 05:29 pyrogenetix wrote: wtf got flood controlled lol rock steals gas AND pylons natural for chalrenge Your supposed to write more then 5 words in each post  It's a live report. He has to follow the game and at the same time write what's happening. It's pretty damn hard. 
yes but there is an option where you can write more then one happening in each post..
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock finds proxy gate rock expands top right instead of nat chalrenge fucking around in rocks base cant do damage
rock getting templars
chalrenge looking behind, making 4 cannons
rock has obs
Rock expoing to the 1 main though. Getting robo. Chalrenge has cannons by both nexus though...and is building a proxy gate in rocks base^^
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge builds robotics support. reaver or shuttle speed? chalrenge expands bottom mid
Rock also has a cannon in his min line though chalrenge going to 3 cannons by nexus, safe from dt drop..I think rock might try temp drop..2 fast temps out. Dt got out in time just before gate died and is couting expo spot..he must know rock has another hidden base...
dark templar out from the proxygate. looking for something to kill, finds nothing.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge attempts dt drop on rock top right, rock defends well
Rock massing..and adding gates going up to 6...both with 1 dt out. Rock has o out. Dt harasses the ramp at 1...rock has it blocked with 3 zs and 1 cannon. Chalrenge adding gates and robo...going up to 5 gates i think? Rock loking to expand again.. POssibly even twice! Shuttle for chalrenge lifts probe to expand at 6 island.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock kills chalrenges dt and takes nat
chalrenge shuttle speed with 2/3 shuttles
Dt at rear of base will prevent rock from expanding to that safe spot. He has the 1 main natural option though...oh shutle heading behind 1 main line from chalrenge! probes run. 1 dt kills the probe at safe expo at 1.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
NICE rock storm drops bottom mid lots of probe kills
chalrenge really behind on econ now
Chalrenge with 2 temps..morphing 2 archons. Cannons warping in at island. Looks like its shaping up to be a great game
Ah chalrenge with 3 speed shuttles..moving out with 2..to drop probes at island i imagine.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge does 3 shuttle drop on top right kills nexus
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge storm drops rocks nat kills probes
Ah it also lifts a probe to start a pylon at the 5 main. Storm drop from rock gets..hmm 8 probes or so...oh 1 more hehe. Loses shuttle though...
3 speed shuttles moving towards rock! Oh a dt sees them! They drop at probe line!!! oHHhh chalrenge storms a ton of probes!! Oh chalrenge takes down the nexus...maybe? YES!
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
looks like chalrenge trying to even out the money here and doing not bad
rock has large army in mid
rock storm drops bottom mid again
chalrenge 3 shuttle drops nat
thats a really nice drop from chalrenge! the storms, the storms!
Oh another drop! From chalrenge in probe line!!! Stormmmmmm YEs gets like 8 more probes.. Loses shuttle though
Chalrenge killing a lot of Rock's workers, nice storm dropping.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge flies up to main and storms rocks probes
big damage cuz rock has little mins left and concentrated =(
Umm pyro...chalrenge is a base up now. Green moving out.... Towardss center...looking around. Ahhh Chalrenge with 3 shuttles moving again... Stork storms about 7 probes nicely. Spreading all over...but chalrenge runs well.. Oh Zealot templar drop at the back nat! but Stork runs probes in time and defends! Ah another drop with same shuttle by chal takes out some more probes at main.
Another speed shuttle looking around 1 again...moving in! pylon sees it...ahh storms a little late..probes get away
both players killing probes like maniacs! lol!
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge dropping liek a mad man with his speed shuttles and doing significant damage
storms top right
kills rocks nat at top left
rock really needs to get his shit organized, losing a lot to drops
Chalrenge has a very large army but electing to play defensive for now... Taking the 5 main though...slowly. But a dt is killing the pylon powering the gate there.
Impressed with Challrenge multitasking, soo good^^
Stork has a very large army of is own and as i say this all his storms at 1 are storm...and a 2 archon 2 zeal drop takes out the cannons and will bring down the back nexus at storms main!! Man chalrenge is playing awesome pvp
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
OH MY FUCKING GOD rock is seriously losing shit to chalrenges drops
rock looks poised for an attack
Really though stork is doing awesome too to keep up with all this and still macro so well. Chalrenge moves in again for storm drop..first misses but the next gets like 8 more probes Another shuttle!
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge main no mins nat dry only bottom mid
rock has top right with top left nat
haha nice!! the rock is gonna win
Killing a nexus only delays the mineral income, he lost a whole lot of gas worth of archons/temp on all those drops, rock i'nt as bad as it seems
TheFoR, Rock, not Stork. :D
Ahh chalrenge moves out! Big huge battle.. Many storms all over...ROck is winning it! Mistake from chalrenge! Let himself get flanked while moving down his ramp. Lol sorry its like 6 am here
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
money screen shots looks like rocks money rolling in MUCH faster than chalrenge
Rock could do with some recall round about now...
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
holy shit chalrenge has big army too, moves out
seee? rock has a ton more gas
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge forced back AGAIN
Doesnt have gas for recall..anyways so Rock has the 1 main...and his rebuilt back base behind main. And a larger army.. what a fuckin gosu....
the rock showing uber macro
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge taking bottom right main and nat
rock taking top right nat
The rock showing gayness if you ask me :/
Ahaha... Rock was smart in the positioning of his expos. He has access to 4 reasonably safe bases.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock 4 dt drops bottom right trying to kill nex fails
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock takign mid left as well
paranoid chalrenge masses cannons bottom right
sexy pvp going on here!
rock with mass archons, I mean, mass!
both of them taking mass expos.
in for a long game here.
Now chalrenge is trying to turtle to the right side mains. Doing fairly well so far. With 2 bases starting there..a gate and 6 cannons done. The rest of his smaller army wait in his main.... ROck defending with large amounts of archons..making sure to not leave himself open to shuttles he FEARSSS!
I think chalrenge should seriously consider switch to carrier
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock storm drops bottom right nat chalrenge kills left mid but chalrenge lost more shit there
damn chalrenge storms top right nat
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
holy shit around 9 archons for chalrenge. motherfucker catching up a bit?
This game is fucking awesome! Nice harassment, good fights and a TON of archons!
EDIT: OMG ARBITOORR!! This is getting one of my favourite games at an alarming rate.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock takes mid right as well
chalrenge warps stargate
FUCKING NICE STORM DROP from rock on bottom right main
Chalrenge destorys the island nat of rock with a archon/zeal drop while rock kills the econ of the safe base behind the 5 main. Chalrenge delivers yet another nice storm drop
soo clever play by Challrenge, he dropped storms underneath the island expo and stormed the units above the cliff, soo pimp^^
Defintely a classic pvp
this is gonna be a long ass game
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge seems to be going after arb tech here
chalrenge takes top mid
ooo 4 goons stop a shuttle cold dead The temp too.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
Ahhh startgate going up^^... Ohh rock with another drop, takes out some probes but chalrenge ran them really quick..
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock owns the map, has larger army AND arbiters. looks shitty for chalrenge
we need more stats for SC like how many probes died ^^
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
WOA shit chalrenge makes dark archons
feedback arbs?
2 shuttles moving out between the army of rock...oh rock has two arbiters^^ And 2 stargates pumping.. Ahhh chalrenge is taking the island at 9! Ohhh 2 Archon drop un arbs!!!
Germany / USA16648 Posts
TheRock had a big advantage for a while, despite losing countless probes, because he had top right, while Chalrenge had the bottom island which is worth a lot less resource wise and also had the bigger army.
Now that Chalrenge finally has managed to secure the bottom right bases... this game may last like another hour. Although Rock will probably still win, because his bigger army lets him take 3 & 9 (and the 12 island obviously).
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock storm drops again at bottom right main
this stream from pdk totally rocks^^
Err sorry 4 archon drop Chalrenge trys to take the island at 9 back but is denied... Rock seems to be in control.
On June 26 2007 05:57 Hans-Titan wrote: Dark archons? WTF! mindcontrol
Yep carnac called it
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock has 4 arbs at least rock takes top mid
Feed back is more likely...he only built one--
I thank silver that he won that game, awesome pvp
Belgium9944 Posts
On June 26 2007 05:58 zurg wrote:mindcontrol or feedback on arbs
Another big storm drop takes out almost all the mining probes at 1 main.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge losing pylons gates tech buildings
very nice stasis block there chalrenge couldnt get in
On June 26 2007 05:58 G.s)NarutO wrote: mindcontrol arbiters? yes
And chalrenge takes out all the mining probes at the 4 island.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
he did not only build one darchon. at least 2
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge trying to get some cheapshots dting middle. gets fucked
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge very low on money
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge seems to have moved HQ from bottom left to right
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock wipes out bottom left and nat
what a game, what a game.
11/10 Game. Up there with Nal_Ra's recall on Parallel Lines, and Giyoms Maelstrom on Bladestorm. Not to mention (dare I say it) Boxer vs Joyo on Paradoxxx.
3 TArchives for chalrenge-.-wtf
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge just camping, delaying the inevitable
rock upgrading everything conceivable to protoss technology
Chalrenge has made 3 templar archvies
Challrenge only left with an island, which is mined out and the main at 5 which is dry on minerals!
sexy game here!
Germany / USA16648 Posts
rofl 3 templar archives for chalrenge.... (2nd one made sense as he was going to lose his 1st thougg)
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock recalls bottom mid
chalrenge veeeery little money left
Great fucking game. We went from Silvers "lol" strat that was well executed to this gem of a game.
chalrenge do not understand he cannot turtle... only the player with more minerals can turtle! T_T
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge has around 8 darchs
Turtle madness. Chalrenge might turn this around if he manages to use his DArchons decently. That's a big 'if' though..
On June 26 2007 06:04 Carnac wrote: rofl 3 templar archives for chalrenge.... (2nd one made sense as he was going to lose his 1st thougg)
wants to research ever spell possible!
mass dark archons now!
screen full of red!
Naw hans..there was no real comeback or anything in this game..its not as good as boxer vs joyo Rock was ahead pretty much the whole game...amazingly. His macro was pretty much perfect dispite the constant harass(other than the probes he lost of course). Btw I'm still hoping for mass mind control on arb and then chalrenge then uses them to recall all Rock's islands for a draw^^
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge doing some cocky head banging for no reason at all
trying to give the message im camping here and you cant DO SHIT
fucking prick
LOL @ Chalrenge. So fucking charming, even though he is losing.
why recall mass archons on an island-.-V you need them on another pos
hahaha i can totally imagine chal doing this
Stalmate here !
Challrenge going turtle mode, don't blame him really. His defence is solid.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
holy shit rock making like 20 gateways
this is pretty gay since chalrenge is just camping warping cannons and lining his fronts with archons and darchons and rock doesnt wana risk a shitty attack
Germany / USA16648 Posts
with feedback/MC chalrenge my be able to drag this game for ... long
51342 Posts
rofl rock should try kang min hallucination style you can accidentally mc hallucinated units right?
On June 26 2007 06:06 pyrogenetix wrote: chalrenge doing some cocky head banging for no reason at all
trying to give the message im camping here and you cant DO SHIT
fucking prick Biased some?
what exactly did chalrenge do or did he just mimed dancing-.-?
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
cant do shit tho chal camping like the little faggot he is
I feel so lucky to have seen this game with my own eyes.
Ok I'm back in 2 hours, i bet chal is still turtleing then-.-
Rock suiciding units into Chalrenges main..
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
chalrenge was bobbing his head up and down and the commentators were laughing
Rock has 7k worth of minerals, and 7k worth of gas!
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
ofmg chalrenge has no minerals left just dragging this out
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:09 SunKistOranGeSoDa wrote: this can turn into a tie
no. if it does then that would be so gay
Carriers won't work vs mind control- -
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
HOLY SHIT rock just churned out like 30 templars MASSS STORM?????
I guess chalrenge is hoping for a tie game here..
Let's hope for a pimpest play '07 candidate here. Mass hallu into mass recall ftw?
Just feedback DA of chalrenge and then gogogo
Looks like we'll some hallucination action. The icing of the cake.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
this is getting so gay its beyond belief... chalrenge lost but just camping
gogo 100 hallu carriers-,-V
kinda hard to break that defence.
it's solid.
mass temps? sounds like mass hallucination then?
def the way to go!
(not watching but hoping :o)
Mass HALLCUINATION! Ya same..expecting/hoping.
Germany / USA16648 Posts
this map rewards camping so much... all the expansions are on highground/island/behind highground main
i guess chalrenge is trying to somehow force a draw, because he has no chance whatsoever to win this game
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
Mass templars from rock. "tempular drop"
Chalrenge is so fucking cocky!
I would just type "KINKINKIN afk"
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
now chal doesnt know which arbs to use mind cont on and which not to
On June 26 2007 06:12 Carnac wrote: this map rewards camping so much... all the expansions are on highground/island/behind highground main
i guess chalrenge is trying to somehow force a draw, because he has no chance whatsoever to win this game Anything is possible with enough das and time...but god I hope not=/
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
WHAT THE FUCK rock lost his arbs and hallucinations fucking gay camping shit
LOL OWNED chalrenge laughing at himself, as he mind controls to awesome hallcinations
hahaha, i hate challrenge for doing this, but you need to admit, for playing the frigging camper he does it with style
Rock doesn't know what to do
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
Liek 50 Hallucinated Arbs.. THIS WIL PWN!
Germany / USA16648 Posts
I think feedbacking the arriving Arbiters is smarter. Only costs 50 energy and renders their spells useless
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
holy shit like 40 hallucinated arbiters
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
jesus fucking chalrenge smirking after surviving that attack
ROFL at 0328403285 hallucinated arbs!
wtf? I guess this wont end..
haha 50arbs coming bitch :p
and some statis
Netherlands15103 Posts
rofl the arbiters
hahahahahaha oh god I just tuned in
who is green
HERE WE GO BABY LOL 44 Arbiters hallcinated
rofl rock fucking with him hahaaha
Challrenge defence 10/10
hahahahha chalrenge's face expression is priceless
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
see this is why fastest is gay. this is what happens in EVERY fastest game
On June 26 2007 06:16 Beyonder wrote: rofl the arbiters
hahahahahaha oh god I just tuned in
who is green
Teal = Rock Red = Chalrenge aka turtling toss
Next wave will get him I believe
United States20661 Posts
this game is so fucking ridiculous
51342 Posts
sounds like chalrenge was originally a fastest player
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
woa wtf rock making mass darktemplar
On June 26 2007 06:16 pyrogenetix wrote: see this is why fastest is gay. this is what happens in EVERY fastest game
No. Only in 1v1's. Turtling is auto-lose in team games. You/your teammate(s) wil get raped.
Doubt Rock will break this defence ever 
it's soo strong 
mass cannons too.
United States20661 Posts
mass darks lozl.
rock, eat his face
Romantic did you see the whole game? It was great
United States20661 Posts
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
my fucking god its so gay
chalrenge stasised rocks army so he couldnt recall them in
Chalrenge I love you!
My goodness does rock suck at recalling. Either that, or Chal is defending too good.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock killing off his probes
HAHA chalrenge steals some stuff.. thuis is sick. Sick!
United States20661 Posts
nah, I just tuned in.
I am not sure I want to watch the whole thing though
tiny ramp maps are so ghei hahahaa
any 1 know how long they play ???
plus he mc'd 3 arbs or so 
draw game here
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock needs to learn how to recall from nal_ra
this is so lame. if chalrenge won this there would be no honor in it. duno why that asswipe is doing this
On June 26 2007 06:19 zurg wrote: any 1 know how long they play ???
For almost an hour, IIRC
On June 26 2007 06:20 pyrogenetix wrote: rock needs to learn how to recall from nal_ra
this is so lame. if chalrenge won this there would be no honor in it. duno why that asswipe is doing this
Because a win is a win, and Sparkys needs a win.
Either he did it again, or you're behind..
On June 26 2007 06:20 pyrogenetix wrote: rock needs to learn how to recall from nal_ra
this is so lame. if chalrenge won this there would be no honor in it. duno why that asswipe is doing this
He's trying to survive, the aim of the game is to win, it's 2-2 final game to decide who wins the game, he can what ever style he wants. He's trying to survive and hopefully win.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
no idea what rock is up to here
chalrenge just going out with single darchon and mindcontroling units 1 by 1
United States20661 Posts
rock is just carelessly losing stuff to mc
On June 26 2007 06:21 Hans-Titan wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 06:21 Storchen wrote: OMG DID CHALRENGE JUST STASIS ROCKS UNITS SO HE COULDNT RECALL THEM?? Either he did it again, or you're behind.. 
I'm behind, way behind.
On June 26 2007 06:21 Storchen wrote: OMG DID CHALRENGE JUST STASIS ROCKS UNITS SO HE COULDNT RECALL THEM?? IT sure looked that way..I thought the same thing, pure fuckin sex Btw stupid how some people say chalrenge is "being gay" by turtling. Its not gay..its called trying to play the best you can. What the fuck do you expect him to do? Its not like this is just some random game you can just walk away from.
Rock looks seriously pissed
United States20661 Posts
rock is maxed afaik.
moving out his GIGANTIC army to the center of the map. probably will lose the whole thing
Chalrenge is literally stealing Rocks units one by one.
AHAHA. No way Rock is gonna break Chalrenge defences. Either Chalrenge wins or this is a draw.
EDIT: I stand corrected, this could be GG for Chalrenge..
EDIT 2: I stand corrected again. Chalrenge defending like a GOD! (in other words turtling like a pro)
51342 Posts
Chalrenge = Pro gamer version of IDoGayStrats
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock should attack now
chal doesnt have energy in his darchs
Jesus christ this is like a game of Mortal Kombat. "FIIIIINNNIIIISH HIM".
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
shit mass hallucin again
this might be the end
mass hallu arbs again... dunno if it's gonna work now
If this is commited a draw, Rock seriously will hit ChalRenge and I don't mean by not typing gg or anything, he will kill him in real life.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
whaaat the fuck rock lost his shit again
Reminds me of a certain nazgul game on LT^^ From years ago..anyone remember it?
United States20661 Posts
rock lost so much shit
now I think it'll end in draw -_-;
maybe even chal will win if rock keeps throwing away armies
Wait, wasn't there a 3 1/2 hour PvP .. on a jungle map.. daaman vs X_X?
sigh... rock is depressing ;(
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
what the fuck i thot hallucin arbs would have more life than that.... -__-)a
Rock should seriously consider massing carriers/hallu them
Rock won't have any resources left 
he;s wasting soo many men 
build up ur arbs and try to statis some men then recal!
On June 26 2007 06:20 pyrogenetix wrote: this is so lame. if chalrenge won this there would be no honor in it. duno why that asswipe is doing this Because the goal is to win. It's not to win prettily, it's not to win without being lame, it's to win. There are no prizes for starting out better; there are prizes for winning. If you can't finish the game off, then the other guy gets the W.
Also, and I said this when people were calling fbh vs savior lame, if this is being lame, I really, really want to be able to play lamely.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:25 G.s)NarutO wrote: Wait, wasn't there a 3 1/2 hour PvP .. on a jungle map.. daaman vs X_X?
yes but that game was quite fair throughout and the other toss used spells will skillz
this game chalrenge lost but is just camping
Rock seriously looks like a monkey
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock has 8k mins and 15k gas
On June 26 2007 06:25 G.s)NarutO wrote: Wait, wasn't there a 3 1/2 hour PvP .. on a jungle map.. daaman vs X_X?
Ye there was a polish dude vs some brazilian if i remember correct.. the brazilian went afk while the polish dude killed all the cannons with arbiters + hallucination..
United States20661 Posts
chal is just sitting and waiting for rock to attack
On June 26 2007 06:25 G.s)NarutO wrote: Wait, wasn't there a 3 1/2 hour PvP .. on a jungle map.. daaman vs X_X?
Dunaj won against iG.Master after using hallucinated arbiters in a 3 1/2 hour game. Master was afk last hour though.
Rock has about 8.6k minerals and 1.5k gas
Chal had shit
On June 26 2007 06:25 G.s)NarutO wrote: Wait, wasn't there a 3 1/2 hour PvP .. on a jungle map.. daaman vs X_X?
Dunaj vs MAster on Plais to Hill
ROCK has 9000 fucking minerals. Still a long way before we're done!
this game wins "most entertaining of all time" in my book.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
i think eventually the rock will break through
lol what a pitty i dont watch this ^^
All guys who say its lame, maybe true, but what would you do, its 2-2 and he is playing for a _proleague_ win .. get a brain and think about what you would do, surely not leave that game without having massive units.
GOSU STATIS BY CHALRENGE. Caught 3 of Rocks arbiters.
Damn he's a good turtler.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
oh my god chalrenge saw incoming arbs, stormed them, saw they were real and stasised recalled units
ChalRenge should use terran, no one can beat a good turtle :X See FireBatHero vs sAviOr :D
The longer this game progesses, the more faith I have in that Chalrenge will win. Eitherway this is a hilariousgame.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
would d webs work here? maybe a little side strat discussion while game draggs on
United States20661 Posts
51342 Posts
haha i wonder if by.baby is still at the game, 10:30 in korea -.-
But it's just not going to work. Rock could just send waves of units into his base and eventually he'd be worn down. I wonder if Rock has told him that via chat?
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock should just midn control chalrenge's units 1 by 1 only uses energy and takes away his units slowly
looks like chalrenge is bored by this.. can't blame him :D
United States20661 Posts
if the guy's seriously got 9k minerals
mass scouts!
On June 26 2007 06:27 pyrogenetix wrote: I KNOW D WEB THAT ASSWIPE THEN RECALL THE SHIT IN would that workd? no....
If I were rock, I would just do nothing.
man I never liked chalrenge but now he just gained some cool points
United States20661 Posts
Rock is just abusing manlots now
On June 26 2007 06:31 Last Romantic wrote: if the guy's seriously got 9k minerals
mass scouts!
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock just did mass attack, failed
United States20661 Posts
Rock can make 90 zealots if he wants
but then he could ALSO make 90 archons..
I'd rather have the archs.
respect to challrenge, his defence is FUCKING ART I MEAN FUCKIGN FUCJKING ART!
Last Romantic...before you call it horrible you should see the game that led to this point..its great.
United States20661 Posts
rock technically has infinite gas. I don't know why he's making zealots when he can make arbs or temps..?
almost all minerals gone from map. still maybe 200 left
Rock seems to be massing lots, but chal kept stasising his tiny, gay choke so rock couldn't run in
Germany / USA16648 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:33 Last Romantic wrote: Rock can make 90 zealots if he wants
but then he could ALSO make 90 archons..
I'd rather have the archs.
90 archs = 360 supply
Kespa referee paused the game
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
lol chalrenge has 23 mins and 600 gas
man i really hope rock wins this and does a totally humiliating ceremony
On June 26 2007 06:31 G.s)NarutO wrote: If I were rock, I would just do nothing. if both players do nothing, then referee can rule the game as a tie
Rock is out of minerals now. I'm quite sure it was him and not chalrenge: he was gaining gas way faster than a guy owning 2 geysers would.
GG/draw soon.
haha.. I can't see an end to this when Chalrenge defends like a god and ROCK masses zeals..
I want to bet, if rock loses it, he will leave without gg, and chalrenge will do a gay ceremony not seeing rock is coming and then smacking him the keyboard so hard in his face he will never smile again.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
discussing win?
Haha good thinking gettings the obs
United States20661 Posts
meh it's not so hard for chalrenge to defend.
he has 124 supply, about twenty cannons, and only has to defend one tiny ramp and his cliffs.
the most rock can send at him is 200 supply of units - which is already a hard battle uphill on a small ramp, let alone with cannon support, stasis, and MC against him
On June 26 2007 06:33 Last Romantic wrote: Rock can make 90 zealots if he wants
but then he could ALSO make 90 archons..
I\'d rather have the archs.
I'd rather have the lots. Too many to MC!
On June 26 2007 06:35 pyrogenetix wrote: lol chalrenge has 23 mins and 600 gas
man i really hope rock wins this and does a totally humiliating ceremony
it's rock's status
United States20661 Posts
chal thinks it will be a regame, smirks
Game paused? Rock is crying? Is this a draw? Who's the guy talking to Rock?
LOL at Chalrnge though. That guy has some balls.
United States20661 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:35 Passenger wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 06:35 pyrogenetix wrote: lol chalrenge has 23 mins and 600 gas
man i really hope rock wins this and does a totally humiliating ceremony it's rock's status
no, it's chal's.
rock is still gaining minerals
oh man chalrenge lost 2 das mcing 2 goons=/ Sorry I'm behind lol.
omg... its gonna be a tie
On June 26 2007 06:36 Last Romantic wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 06:35 Passenger wrote:On June 26 2007 06:35 pyrogenetix wrote: lol chalrenge has 23 mins and 600 gas
man i really hope rock wins this and does a totally humiliating ceremony it's rock's status no, it's chal's. rock is still gaining minerals
commentator's said so. it's rock's
actually it looks better for chalrenge now
United States20661 Posts
chal SHOULD give this to rock, IMO.
but I suppose nowadays progamer honor isn't what it once was ;;
YellOw has given up games where he would have been allowed regame O_oi
so has Midas
Referee cannot give a draw, sorry. He should tell Chal to attack otherwise its his loss.
United States20661 Posts
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rematch announced by kespa referee.
Holy shit...rock is crying Not balling or anything but definitely crying.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:37 SunKistOranGeSoDa wrote: actually it looks better for chalrenge now
Agreed chalrenge could win this now. Has a ton of units, and can MC Rock shit one at a time.
I heard a scream. Someone please explain..
United States20661 Posts
the way it's currently standing, I think chal's army CAN take rock's in a straight up fight. depends on micro.
however, the survivors of the battle on either side probably couldn't kill the remaining cannons. there are so many :o
51342 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:37 Last Romantic wrote: chal SHOULD give this to rock, IMO.
but I suppose nowadays progamer honor isn't what it once was ;;
YellOw has given up games where he would have been allowed regame O_oi
so has Midas
No? Challrenge aint dead...... 2-2.... He's in it to win. All about winning mate...
with the darchs chal could steal all of rocks units.. will take some time though-
OMG its a tie!!!!! rematch!! wow!!
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
dude all chalrenge did was be a gayass. nothing hard with defending that.
omg...... cant believe this
United States20661 Posts
meh if rock knew about this rule beforehand
he would NOT have thrown away so many units
and would win the subsequent battle with ease
standing army + 90 lot reinforcements = lol
This is hilarious. Rock is now a sad, broken man.
why a rematch? why did he pause the game?
Seriously rock should smash his keyboard in the ugly face of fucking chalrenge bm mofo.
United States20661 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:39 GTR-2-Go wrote: wtf does kakaka mean?
it is like kekeke but.. not. XD
On June 26 2007 06:39 pyrogenetix wrote: dude all chalrenge did was be a gayass. nothing hard with defending that.
art defending, multitasking all the time, statis, mc feedback etc etc, art art art.
game lasted like an hour n quarter lol
On June 26 2007 06:40 Last Romantic wrote: meh if rock knew about this rule beforehand
he would NOT have thrown away so many units
and would win the subsequent battle with ease
standing army + 90 lot reinforcements = lol
What rule?
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
so what the fuck happens now????
United States20661 Posts
if chal wins the re
I will be pissed
51342 Posts
I'm sure the referees felt the game went too long and it was probably breaching PL rules or something.
I remember a game a long time ago between TheMarine and Control where they just turtled with Mass Turrets and BC's, referees decided to call it a regame.
hey I was hoping for Rock to win in beginning, but Chalrenge is doing a great job so a rm is definitely the right thing to do here. 2-2 in Proleague, his team is depending on him, not like he could just give the match away. It would be gm to do so in starleague but no way in proleague. Hes playing for his team.
Wow.. First televised draw game, no?
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:40 Elsi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 06:39 pyrogenetix wrote: dude all chalrenge did was be a gayass. nothing hard with defending that. art defending, multitasking all the time, statis, mc feedback etc etc, art art art. game lasted like an hour n quarter lol thats bullshit and you know it
the rock vs chalrenge again wow. i hope this one ends early
On June 26 2007 06:40 G.s)NarutO wrote: Seriously rock should smash his keyboard in the ugly face of fucking chalrenge bm mofo.
you said it earlier, its about winning.
On June 26 2007 06:42 Hans-Titan wrote: Wow.. First televised draw game, no? no....
Why is everyone complaining? Its part of the game to play gay turtle and if he can force a draw by this, why not? Remember, money is involved, so they are playing until the very end
On June 26 2007 06:42 Hans-Titan wrote: Wow.. First televised draw game, no?
Much vs Free was one.. Think there is some more.
51342 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:42 Hans-Titan wrote: Wow.. First televised draw game, no?
No, theres been many more (read the post I did up top)
On June 26 2007 06:42 SunKistOranGeSoDa wrote: the rock vs chalrenge again wow. i hope this one ends early
why can't they switch players?
On June 26 2007 06:41 Last Romantic wrote: if chal wins the re
I will be pissed
Same. I hope Rock rapes his cocky ass.
Regardless, Rock really did throw the game away when he spoiled the surprise factor of mass hallu by just sending two arbs to get mc'd. After that, chal pretty much knew that he was mass hallucinating and prepared for it by splitting his forces.
haha that was a funny game.
On June 26 2007 06:42 Storchen wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 06:40 G.s)NarutO wrote: Seriously rock should smash his keyboard in the ugly face of fucking chalrenge bm mofo. you said it earlier, its about winning.
Ofcourse it is, but thats what Rock should do anyway.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:41 XCetron wrote: hey I was hoping for Rock to win in beginning, but Chalrenge is doing a great job so a rm is definitely the right thing to do here. 2-2 in Proleague, his team is depending on him, not like he could just give the match away. It would be gm to do so in starleague but no way in proleague. Hes playing for his team. well what a fucking bm team then
Bull shit? what?
Art defending, 40 arbs attacking ya.... amazing.
chalrenge reached his goal. he tied the game. rock must be extremely hurt emotionally. i feel bad for the rock.
Personally I give chalrenge a lot of credit. Sure it was bm but it was the best choice for his team. It was the BEST choice for his goal. You can't fault a guy for that...if you do, you're a fool. Hes a PROFESSIONAL GAMER. Hes not playing be nice. Or to make friends on bnet. Hes playing to win for his team. So he can get money; so he can live.
On June 26 2007 06:43 hhkx wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 06:42 SunKistOranGeSoDa wrote: the rock vs chalrenge again wow. i hope this one ends early why can't they switch players?
at last season, both team could be change players, but rule was changed. so they can't be change players now.
On June 26 2007 06:44 Elsi wrote: Bull shit? what?
Art defending, 40 arbs attacking ya.... amazing.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:44 Elsi wrote: Bull shit? what?
Art defending, 40 arbs attacking ya.... amazing. so you're saying organizing a 40 arb attack with recalls and then dodging storm and stasis while inside his base under 98237983 cannon fire and storming back is easier?
SC is a war, and as we know at war there are no rules, no BM either. If Rock can't beat turtle he does not deserve the win.
So, who else thinks chal is gonna proxy gate this game?
51342 Posts
This has been an interesting week of controversy, first FBH and his odd ceremony, now this. What's next, Mantoss knocking Stork out with a keyboard?
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
holy shit look at rocks face. he seriously looks like he could tear down the pentagon with his bare hands right now
On June 26 2007 06:47 smurfingchobo wrote: So, who else thinks chal is gonna proxy gate this game?
I will lol if someone does proxy or do an all-in rush
Rock probably is the most pissed person on the fucking planet now.
On June 26 2007 06:47 GTR-2-Go wrote: This has been an interesting week of controversy, first FBH and his odd ceremony, now this. What's next, Mantoss knocking Stork out with a keyboard?
he doesnt need a keyboard for that.
God I'm rooting for rock, I seriously want to slap that fucking smirk right off of Chalrenge's face.
On June 26 2007 06:46 One Page Memory wrote: SC is a war, and as we know at war there are no rules, no BM either. If Rock can't beat turtle he does not deserve the win.
It ends here.
GM/BM = matter of opinion. Fact is that Chalrenge defended like a god, and managed to draw the game. It might be sad for Rock, but this is not your average B.net game - these guys play for money, and Chalrenge gave his team another shot.
GG anyway. Points to both players for such an amazing match.
On June 26 2007 06:46 One Page Memory wrote: SC is a war, and as we know at war there are no rules, no BM either. If Rock can't beat turtle he does not deserve the win. He may not deserve the win, but he deserves the huge advantage he had in that game.
Rock will feel like shit if he loses. Especially since chal is known for doing some cocky "ceremonies"
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
rock should soooo fucking humiliate chalrenges ass this game like win really really hard then do something like mass scouts just to rub it in his face
51342 Posts
Wow, Rock's handling that mouse very..... angrily....
rock brown chalrenge white
Anyone know what that said?
If Chal wins and does a ceremony.. Rock is fucking going to kill him. If Rock wins he will do a REALLY REALLY bad manner ceremony I guess, and I hope so.
chalrenge managed to produce a devastating effect with his action upon rock
SC Skill Level keeps on rising, the skill gets better n better.
The gap between Koreans and Foreigners keep on getting larger n larger!
Lol watch this one be twice as long as the other and a draw again^^
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On June 26 2007 06:49 Hans-Titan wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 06:46 One Page Memory wrote: SC is a war, and as we know at war there are no rules, no BM either. If Rock can't beat turtle he does not deserve the win. There. It ends here. GM/BM = matter of opinion. Fact is that Chalrenge defended like a god, and managed to draw the game. It might be sad for Rock, but this is not your average B.net game - these guys play for money, and Chalrenge gave his team another shot. GG anyway. Points to both players for such an amazing match.
if you think stasis and storming everything that moves is defending like a god then its not much of a god then is he?
and now he'll simply win the rematch using rock's mistakes gj chalrenge
imho Rock should make ~10 carriers and 20 DA and then attack... and when Chal MCs carrier he can mc him back... but since he has a lot of min/gas he could win easily
seriously, who here thinks any progamer would do anything different in chalrenges posistion? a deciding 5`th game in wich you have no chance to attack but might win if you defend, of course everyone will defend.
And we're rolling:
rock 7 chalrenge 4
On June 26 2007 06:51 G.s)NarutO wrote: If Chal wins and does a ceremony.. Rock is fucking going to kill him. If Rock wins he will do a REALLY REALLY bad manner ceremony I guess, and I hope so.
Haha. I was about to post exactly that. Man, I hope Rock wins. I don't even like him, but I feel he should have won that game
51342 Posts
I'm going to bed
No proxies so far, both pylon in their base.
Both scout the wrong way (towards the top of the map). Rock modifies trajectory midway and went to 1, so he fooled chalrenge into thinking that he's at 11.
2 gate for both. Chalrenge places a pylon in the minline to prevent manner pylon.
so far this game looking just like the other one .....
maybe Rock should have won that first game, he didn't and now it's a new game.
Go Chalrenge!
On June 26 2007 06:55 Jathin wrote: What color are the players again? My stream froze up when it started. chalrenge white rock brown
zealot chasing probe in rock's base. Chalrenge arrives with 1 zealot.
Starts harassing. No zealot in chalrenge base. No kills yet. rock's probe gets killed in chalrenge base.
2 kills by the zealot, but he loses his scouting probe (which was following the zealot around).
Chalrenge has placed a pylon at rock's backyard, so he delayed the nexus a little bit.
rock brown chal white I believe
If this will turn out in a draw I'm going to get crazy .
On June 26 2007 06:51 pyrogenetix wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 06:49 Hans-Titan wrote:On June 26 2007 06:46 One Page Memory wrote: SC is a war, and as we know at war there are no rules, no BM either. If Rock can't beat turtle he does not deserve the win. There. It ends here. GM/BM = matter of opinion. Fact is that Chalrenge defended like a god, and managed to draw the game. It might be sad for Rock, but this is not your average B.net game - these guys play for money, and Chalrenge gave his team another shot. GG anyway. Points to both players for such an amazing match. if you think stasis and storming everything that moves is defending like a god then its not much of a god then is he?
I dont even know anyone that can do that.
3 probe kills by chalrenge zealot and he dies. both have taken their backyard expo, and both have gas.
chalrenge adding core now, same for rock.
Mirror builds so far, difference is chalrenge traded a zeal for 3 probes.
near inentical builds from both players!
chal looking to harass with reaver soon!
woot. rock just rolled chal over with a reaver/goon push up his choke.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
Looks like some hidden buildings for chalrenge at 11, or maybe he just placed a pylon there for scouting purposes.
He also placed a pylon at 9, whichi will prevent any nexus building there for a little bit.
Rock finishes his shuttle and starts bay.
Chalrenge keeps placing pylons at random places of the map.
Chalrenge has finished his bay as well.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
Well done rock. That's how you tell someone to go fuck themselves.
Haha. Chal lost his cocky grin all of a sudden
Gogo monkey boy! well done you!
Chall upset, but GG!
Rock is moving to chalrenge's base. Reaver incoming. Kills 2 zealots.
Chalrenge engages. Looks like chalrenge is ahead so far. No, the reaver fucks him over and rock is pummeling chalrenge's base with ra reaver and 4 goons!
That reaver wins the game for rock!!
Chalrenge GG's.
Hahaha, rock looks so happy :D.
from this match, rock earned more fans and chal earned more anti fans
the gorilla slammed the wall a little.
Yay, the worse player won. Damn you Zeus for losing the third game.
Best proleague match ever.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
fuck i feel so good
On June 26 2007 07:02 SonuvBob wrote: Yay, the worse player won. Damn you Zeus for losing the third game.
HAHA good joke.
wow chill down.
Man, Starcraft drama. I love this game.
On June 26 2007 03:04 TheFoReveRwaR wrote:This might be one of the few proleagues that everyone can be right on  Well the 2v2 could go either way, but the 1vs1's are pretty obvious. Ya I was a bit wrong.
Germany / USA16648 Posts
fuck i feel so good looooool
wtf? they just played this?
On June 26 2007 07:04 Jathin wrote: I kinda wish Chalrenge would've won. It'd give me more of a reason to hate him. hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah and....... more hahahahahahahahahaha
On June 26 2007 07:02 Storchen wrote: the gorilla slammed the wall a little.
fuck i feel so good
carm down
yea baby!
fuck Chalrenge and his bitch ass.
This was a big win for TheRock, not only adding to his current win streak since he's been added to the weekly roster, but an emotional win.
If he would've lost the rematch it would've crushed him.
The banging on the wall was proof of how intense it was for him. <hr> 7am, I can finally sleep.
i am so happy. pantech won and samsung won. i can not ask for more =)
Some of you people really need to calm down. They were both trying to win. They both did a pretty excellent job of trying to win. Quit getting your panties in a twist because you don't like how the game works.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
fuck i feel so good carm down im calm how the fuck did you mishit r instead of l, i mean they're pretty fucking far away
Oh and I nominate mass statis on opponents army to block him from mass recalling in your main while you mind control his arbs for pimpests plays. Might even win
If that really was Klogon at the Ace/Khan matches, he chose the wrong games to watch...
but then again, he is a huge Boxer fan IIRC, so I guess he won't care since he got to see The Emperor in person
United States20661 Posts
On June 26 2007 07:06 pyrogenetix wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 07:05 Elsi wrote:On June 26 2007 07:02 pyrogenetix wrote: NO CEREMONY, NO WORDS, NOTHING NEEDS TO BE SAID, CHALRENGE IS A LOW SKILL ASSHOLE WHO GETS LUCK WINS THEN BRAGS ABOUT IT AND IS A BM FUCKING CUNT ASSHOLE LICKER
fuck i feel so good carm down im calm how the fuck did you mishit r instead of l, i mean they're pretty fucking far away
b/c chalrenge.
yay therock ^^;
On June 26 2007 07:07 TheFoReveRwaR wrote:Oh and I nominate mass statis on opponents army to block him from mass recalling in your main while you mind control his arbs for pimpests plays. Might even win 
Call me a hater, but what ChalRenge does is not pimp, only because he is chalrenge.
On June 26 2007 07:06 Pyrthas wrote: Some of you people really need to calm down. They were both trying to win. They both did a pretty excellent job of trying to win. Quit getting your panties in a twist because you don't like how the game works.
Braavos36372 Posts
lol im so happy that draw happened
sucks chalrenge lost the last game though
go chalrenge! <3
On June 26 2007 07:09 G.s)NarutO wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 07:07 TheFoReveRwaR wrote:Oh and I nominate mass statis on opponents army to block him from mass recalling in your main while you mind control his arbs for pimpests plays. Might even win  Call me a hater, but what ChalRenge does is not pimp, only because he is chalrenge.
agree with foreverwar, that was brilliant!
Wow, the haters in here should really try to get some perspective.
Well i would have felt too bad for rock if he had lost Even though Chalrenge is better.
Chalrenge is my new fucking HERO. That was some totally awesome shit in that first game.
I loved his smiles when they paused the game. So cocky. Pity my stream died and I never saw the rematch. Hope VODs are soon.
On June 26 2007 07:49 Hittegods wrote: Wow, the haters in here should really try to get some perspective.
Agreed, although i'm on rocks side, do you guys think chalrenge was really pissed when he lost because he lost? No because he was trusted by being sent up as ace and he failed his team TWICE.
He must feel pretty fucking bad.
A lot of bad gamers around here. BM from Chalrenge?? WTF?? He fought as a wargod! Knew how to use his units to handle the game to a rematch, his only way to win maybe. He is still my favorite Toss and got a lot of points with this match. WAAAAAAAAR CHAL!
Chalrenge did great in the first game. He really kept his head and managed to piss Rock off enough so that he started getting careless with units. I think rematching gave Rock the chance to get some perspective and bounce back. Rock's attitude was damned professional. Not many people could play so well after a game like that.
And just now he decides to let us now why he calls himself "Rock" =p Strength of will beyond belief, this guy will be a champion one day. (Sucks he hasn't done anything noteworthy up until now though )
Blindtoss fighting! He beat Stork the other day also O_o
Legend of the Fall incoming! Rock for OSL Seed #4!
u gotta skate8152 Posts
u gotta skate8152 Posts
OK, the last game. Can anyone explain briefly what the fuck happened?
Wow sounds like I missed one hell of a game :-) Have to see it to understand I guess. LOL @ Pantech pictures, is all that posing at the end to taunt Chalrenge?
On June 26 2007 11:46 KizZBG wrote: OK, the last game. Can anyone explain briefly what the fuck happened?
Game started normally, fights, harassment etc. Both players grabbed a lot of expos, and it was obvious that the game would be a long one. Chalrenge did some nice storm drops, but Rock had a greater army and with some nice recalls, he was able to take out Chalrenge main. Chalrenge, knowing he was going to lose if he attacked, buried himself at the 5 base. By bury i mean 20 cannons, 8 darchons with MC, 30-40 goons, 4-5 arbiters with statois and 10 archons. Basically a defense which couldn't be broken. Rock tried pretty much everything: hallucinating arbiters and recalling, attacks from the front, making his own darchons, but Chalrenge's defence was too strong. Rock had the entire map except for 5 o'clock, and after attacking with 5-7 200 psi armies he was out of money and the game ended in a draw. Some say that Chalrenge played gay: I say he played smartly. His only option was to turtle: Rock had a better economy, a stronger army and had overall played better. Chalrenge however could not just let down his team, and even with the slightest chance of a draw you keep playing. Yes, Rock had played better, but Chalrenge's defence was fucking pro. Nice use of stasis, good storms, and MC to top it off. Rock also played good, but he should've realized after attacking for the 2nd time that that defence was not going down, and just not attacked and waited for the KESPA-officials to re the game.
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Rock has been on fire recently if you haven't noticed! And props to Chalrenge for not giving up.
omg that is one giant head, rofl!
i remember last season they could switch players and reach tied with much, ktf sends reach again and cj switch in savior who wins of course, sooo lame!
Bad day for Chalrenge...
From this:
To this:
After watching the games, I couldn't help but feel he got what he deserved... I know he gave it his best for the team, but still Rock got justice.
Has anyone found the Vod for the Rock vs Chalrenge game?!
Its already on dcinside, and was already uploaded on YouTube :-) Just check the Starcraft group.
On June 26 2007 14:46 VioleTAK wrote: Its already on dcinside, and was already uploaded on YouTube :-) Just check the Starcraft group.
The one on youtube is it from the beginning...or? I only find 3 parts.
8748 Posts
On June 26 2007 14:46 VioleTAK wrote: Its already on dcinside, and was already uploaded on YouTube :-) Just check the Starcraft group.
dcinside link
On June 26 2007 12:56 Storchen wrote:omg that is one giant head, rofl!
o_O Frankenprogamer.
Who is this?
United States265 Posts
On June 26 2007 07:06 pyrogenetix wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 07:05 Elsi wrote:On June 26 2007 07:02 pyrogenetix wrote: NO CEREMONY, NO WORDS, NOTHING NEEDS TO BE SAID, CHALRENGE IS A LOW SKILL ASSHOLE WHO GETS LUCK WINS THEN BRAGS ABOUT IT AND IS A BM FUCKING CUNT ASSHOLE LICKER
fuck i feel so good carm down im calm how the fuck did you mishit r instead of l, i mean they're pretty fucking far away
You weren't calm. You made 2 different posts in 1 minute bashing Chalrenge calling him an excuse of a life. What the fuck. How is that calm?
Also: If you're going to be a fucking grammar Nazi at least spell your words correctly when you do it. Capitalization and punctuation helps too.
u gotta skate8152 Posts
On June 26 2007 07:06 pyrogenetix wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 07:05 Elsi wrote:On June 26 2007 07:02 pyrogenetix wrote: NO CEREMONY, NO WORDS, NOTHING NEEDS TO BE SAID, CHALRENGE IS A LOW SKILL ASSHOLE WHO GETS LUCK WINS THEN BRAGS ABOUT IT AND IS A BM FUCKING CUNT ASSHOLE LICKER
fuck i feel so good carm down im calm how the fuck did you mishit r instead of l, i mean they're pretty fucking far away
He was making fun of you.
On June 26 2007 17:02 NonY[rC] wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 14:46 VioleTAK wrote: Its already on dcinside, and was already uploaded on YouTube :-) Just check the Starcraft group. dcinside link It wasn't there til a couple hours ago. yakii got the links:
8748 Posts
does your body hurt because that fall from heaven must have.. hurt your body.. ummm, you're an angel..
while watching this game, I could not understand why Rock didnt cannon up chalrange's ramp so DAs cant come out.
On June 26 2007 21:57 gameguard wrote: while watching this game, I could not understand why Rock didnt cannon up chalrange's ramp so DAs cant come out.
can you set up cannons on Nemesis ramp front? i dunno if you can, i think it's only possible like directly in front of the ramp, but not some distance aways since there is the tiling that prevents buildings from being built
or maybe i'm just wrong @.@
On June 26 2007 21:20 NonY[rC] wrote:does your body hurt because that fall from heaven must have.. hurt your body.. ummm, you're an angel.. nice pul nony
Hong Kong20321 Posts
On June 26 2007 20:47 KizZBG wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 07:06 pyrogenetix wrote:On June 26 2007 07:05 Elsi wrote:On June 26 2007 07:02 pyrogenetix wrote: NO CEREMONY, NO WORDS, NOTHING NEEDS TO BE SAID, CHALRENGE IS A LOW SKILL ASSHOLE WHO GETS LUCK WINS THEN BRAGS ABOUT IT AND IS A BM FUCKING CUNT ASSHOLE LICKER
fuck i feel so good carm down im calm how the fuck did you mishit r instead of l, i mean they're pretty fucking far away LMAO He was making fun of you.
making fun of what? -_-a
does anyone have the video clip of NaDa and Silent_Control trying to imitate TheRock's ceremony after the win? the small VODs always cut off before some of the post game comments/moments thanks again!
On June 27 2007 01:23 alffla wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2007 20:47 KizZBG wrote:On June 26 2007 07:06 pyrogenetix wrote:On June 26 2007 07:05 Elsi wrote:On June 26 2007 07:02 pyrogenetix wrote: NO CEREMONY, NO WORDS, NOTHING NEEDS TO BE SAID, CHALRENGE IS A LOW SKILL ASSHOLE WHO GETS LUCK WINS THEN BRAGS ABOUT IT AND IS A BM FUCKING CUNT ASSHOLE LICKER
fuck i feel so good carm down im calm how the fuck did you mishit r instead of l, i mean they're pretty fucking far away LMAO He was making fun of you. making fun of what? -_-a Listen to yourself say "I'm so lonely." You'll understand after that.
fuck i feel so good
Wow, that is pretty pathetic of you.