Looking bad of Cheater Terran!
FBH drops some tanks at Oov's main and 3rd expo.
Oov has made very little offense. FBH has done all of the attacking, and has more expoes.
Oov tries to hit FBH's base at 11, and manages to take out a good number of troops, but are eventually driven off by FBH.
Oov tries to shell the perimeter of FBH's 3rd expo, but they're not in range to do damage. FBH reinforces with tanks.
Oov manages to destroy FBH's expo at 11. Gollies pop the CC.
FBH drops 5 tanks and 6 gollies at Oov's 3rd expo, gollies popping that CC.
oov working well with a huge army at the top of the map, but FBH doom-drops his main while he's away again... Not so many troops this time
fbh needs to be really fucking carefull or he'll burn out like he did on Python...
Money running dry for everyone. FBH has like 15 idle workers.
FBH advances! Cheater and Gorilla Terran is out D=
Gay ceremony by FBH! D=
oov types out after losing his last mining base and his force at the top.
Yeah, what kind of ceremony was that anyway?
Wtf did FBH just do? Looked like he was like "Zomg I just gave Oov a Goatse-esque stretching and it smelled!"
T.T it's okay istillloveiloveoov
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Germany / USA16648 Posts
FBH gained my respect by playing pretty darn good tvt there, but he instantly lost it again when he did that gay serpent dancing thing
Netherlands19129 Posts
On June 07 2007 03:58 Carnac wrote: Thats what you get for hating savior! Now lets see stork and RA get trashed hopefully HMMKAY! :D
Damn UNI PCs cant install TV ants so cant watch, guess theres no direct livesteam somewhere viewable in IE? :/
2 gay ceremonies in 2 days by FBH
Netherlands19129 Posts
Hmmm the yaoyuan non tv ants or p2p seems to work atm, weird... didnt do it for the last hour orso =[.
Ah gay, just the OGN one is working not the MBC, CRYFACE!
I think oov just got out-played.
yaoyuan stream works for me. SC2 is getting more and more unreliable. Tons of lags and MBC stream doesn't work at all at the moment.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
why does my internet explorer not load sc2.org -.-