![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7J3mn61.jpg)
A continuation of something that is really cool
It is impossible to begin a thread like this without acknowledging the work of TheShimmy. It was never part of my plan to direct the tournament, but the tides of life will inevitably bring unforeseen circumstances to the forefront of reality. The reality here is that TheShimmy lost someone very close to him; I can never truly know all the pain that he is experiencing at this time, but all I can offer is encouragement and empathy for him. Nobody blames him for leaving behind StarCraft, but during this difficult time for him, it becomes necessary for the community of BroodWar to pick up the torch so that the show can go on. I love this game, I love you people who still log on every day to play it, and I love the sacrifice of time and money for those who still love the game enough to put on a tournament without any expectation of anything in return. I honestly think TheShimmy had that very thing in mind, so I just want to give him, and you, the same thing he originally had in mind - just a really cool tournament. I hope you enjoy the rest of the tour.
If you win the tournament, you will get a huge prize of one hundred dollars, thanks to Reclusive.
How To Play
SEND ALL REPLAYS TO: ysltour@gmail.com
All current participants, please please please read the following:
- Send ALL replays of your YSL1 games to the email above.
- In the title of the email, give your ID and the round. For example: "NinaZerg, ro32 reps". If you have multiple rounds accounted for, send them like so: "NinaZerg ro32, ro16, ro8 reps" and please attach ALL the replays in your email.
- If you have not played yet, send me a PM on teamliquid.net.
- I visit Teamliquid.net almost at least once per day. If you send me a PM, I will read it and get back to you as soon as possible. Do not spam my inbox over and over with the same message. I'm talking to you, Terranos.
- Read the rules, which will be updated.
- If you are unable to participate due to unforeseen circumstances or scheduling problems, let me know ahead of time that you are dropping out from the competition. Additionally, if you have time to practice, but need a postponed match, I encourage you to stay in and play.
- If you have skype, PM me with your skype address.
All players who are not signed up, but still want to play, read the following:
+ Show Spoiler +
You can't.
Section A
1. You do not talk about Fight Club.
2. You DO NOT talk about Fight Club.
3. No excessive bad manners during games or in the game lobby. Treat people with respect, and treat others the way you want to be treated.
4. No excessive talking or chatting during matches. Do not distract the other player with banter during the game. Do not preemptively type "gg" if you feel like you've won, or the other player is stalling their defeat.
5. You are not required to type "gg" if you lose, but I encourage you to do so, even if you don't approve of your opponent's style of play.
6. When playing on iCCup, all standard rules of iCCup apply. All of the bug-exploit rules apply, including, but not limited to: Allied Mines, Return Cargo Glitch, SCV Gas Stack.
7. All games must be played on "Melee" mode. DO NOT do One-on-one or Use Map Settings (UMS).
8. Show respect to the Yellow StarLeague staff and iCCup staff (if you play on iccup) during the tournament.
9. All players will be required to play on the ID they registered to play on.
10. Only one account is allowed per player, NO EXCEPTIONS.
11. ALL games that you play MUST be saved.
12. All games must be played on one of the following: iCCup Launcher @ iccup, with LAN LAT: ON, or wLauncher @ fish, with #L2 latency,
13. Any third-party programs that alter gameplay in any manner are strictly prohibited with the exception of iCCup Launcher and wLauncher. Hacking is prohibited and will result in a ban from the tournament and ALL future tournaments.
14. All complaints in-channel must come with a screen capture. Failure to do so could potentially result in your complaint being denied.
15. The rules can change at any time, for any reason, sometimes randomly, and for no apparent reason, because there is no justice in this world.
16. I am the final word in all situations, the queen of the universe, and my word is law.
17. Rule 17 no longer exists.
18. Only person may play on one account.
Section B
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This section is devoted to lag and connection issues -
1. Do not deliberately lag the game.
2. Do not accuse your opponent of causing lag issues. If you suspect they are trying to sabotage the match by lagging the game, inform me or part of the YSL staff as soon as possible.
3. If there is a lag issue that both players cannot fix, contact part of the YSL staff as soon as humanly possible.
4. If you want to play a match on gameranger or hamachi, myself or one of the YSL staff must be able to observe the match.
5. If you need advice on solving a lag issue, contact the YSL staff immediately.
6. If there is a disconnect before the 2:00 game time, save the replay. You may do a re-game if nothing significant has happened in the game. Send the replay with the rest of your replays.
7. If a player disconnects before 2:00 in game time after scouting something that puts them at a potential disadvantage, the win will be awarded to their opponent. For example: You spawn on a two-player and a Protoss sends out a probe to build a pylon hidden in the Terran base. The Terran does an unusually early SCV scout and sees nothing in the Protoss base and realizes there is a proxy in his own base, and says "Screw this, I don't want to deal with this." then pulls his router plug.
8. If there is a disconnect after 2:00 in game time, do not re-game. If the score is 0-0, simply continue with the series. If the series ties after a dropped game in the series, send all the replays to the YSL staff. If it is a decisive game, such as 2-2 or 1-1, and you experience a disconnect on the final game, do not re-game, but count the final as a disconnect, and send all the replays to the YSL staff.
8a. If there is a disconnect game, make sure to mention in your email which game is a disconnect.
8b. If there is a decisive winner when the disconnect occurs, the player with the advantage will get the decision victory.
8c. If both players are relatively even when the disconnect occurs, the YSL staff will make a determination whether or not a re-game is necessary, and will ask both players to schedule a re-game.
9. No match is allowed to go longer than 3 hours. If this occurs, the game will be counted as a draw.
9a. If there is a draw game, the series will continue. If the series ties, then there will need to be an extra game played.
9b. If you leave a game that is a draw, you will not be charged with a loss. You will, however, need to show the game to the YSL staff.
10. If both players make any kind of verbal agreement to re-game due to any issue, the entire conversation must be screen captured, or the re-games will be instantly voided and then prepare for hell on earth.
11. Always finish a series whenever possible. If the first game is a disconnect, play the next two games regardless. If all the games are disconnects, send them all in.
12. Save all the replays and send them to ysltour@gmail.com. Omitting a replay can potentially result in disqualification.
13. All staff rulings are final.
Map Pool/Order
Neo Ground Zero
Fighting Spirit
Match Point
Ro32- Fighting Spirit
Ro16- Match Point, Aztec, Fighting Spirit
Ro8- Match Point, Neo Ground Zero, Fighting Spirit
Ro4- Fighting Spirit, Match Point, Gladiator, Aztec, Neo Ground Zero
Finals- Fighting Spirit, Match Point, Gladiator, Aztec, Neo Ground Zero
I am currently in the process of preparing a cast for the YSL. If you are interested in casting the YSL games, I would politely ask that you can speak English fluently, and to show me some examples of your prior work. If you are L_Master, Nagisama, Art_of_turtle, Birdie, Sayle, EleGant, Hacklebeast, dRaW, Bisudagger, or anyone I know(as a caster) - you are almost certainly automatically cleared to cast, but I ask that you show up on time for your own cast.
Stream: N/A
Date/Time: N/A
Casters: None
I may need some staff members to help with this project. If you are interested in helping, let me know. Also, tell me what you can do. If I cannot use your services, please do not take it personally.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/PBlnNFH.jpg)
Special thanks to: TheShimmy (We still love you, be well), Reclusive for donating to create a prize, the liquipedia editors, especially Spazer & Fold, and all the players. I'm sure this list will grow much larger before this is over.
gl hf
[OP will be updated when I have more information]