About CTF (By quirinus) 1. At the start of the game a beacon spawns near your town hall. 2. Before the 10 minute mark you can move your beacon ONCE, anywhere on the map. (There's a button when you select it.) 3. The flag spawns on your beacon at the 10 minute mark. (There's a countdown timer on the top of the screen.) 4. You can't take your own flag with your worker. 5. You can take an opponent's flag with your worker. (Everyone sees a message: "XXX's flag was stolen.") 6. If you bring an opponent's flag to your beacon the opponent is eliminated (all buildings and units destroyed). (Everyone sees the message: "XXX's flag has been captured." and "XXX has been eliminated.") 7. There's no command to drop the flag from a worker carrying the flag. 8. If the worker carrying the flag is destroyed, the flag drops on the floor. 9. If the flag is on the floor for 2 minutes (1:30?), it automatically returns to the owner's beacon. (There's no timer. After the 2 minutes everyone sees the message: "XXX's flag has been returned.") 10. You can load the worker with the flag in a transport and the flag stays on the worker. 11. If you burrow the drone with the flag, the flag drops on the floor. 12. You have vision of your flag and beacon, even if the opponent is carrying it with his worker or if it's on a worker in a shuttle. 13. If a player loses ALL of his or her buildings AND units before their flag is taken they are eliminated. 14. Can you recall the worker with the flag? (Yes) 15. If you stasis, mind control or maelstrom the worker with the flag, does the flag drop or stay on the worker? (Drops, stays and stays) 16. Can you move the beacon to the discovered part of the map that you don't have vision right now? (Yes) 17. Can you mine or build with the worker that has the flag? (No) 18. Can you eliminate someone by taking their flag to some other player's beacon? (Unknown) 19. What happens if worker carrying a flag is in shutter, dropship or overlord and it dies? (Wherever the worker loaded up into the dropship it will the flag will respawn there)
Here is a example of CTF game that was tons of fun!:
Prize What is a tournament without a prize? First place will be given 20$ USD (more if WE have some people donate). First place will also receive the...MYSTERY BoX!!!! Have no fear there will be some Epic collectables. If your the winner it is your job to tell the world What you found in the mystery BoX however. So you have a obligation. Not Only are their some "Hidden gems" inside there it is hand signed by me Pucca or my more RecenT name Fitz. Hand signed my yours truly. Here are some picture if you Want to waste your time. + Show Spoiler +
The Format 22 Players, there will be five groups in the Round of 22. 3 of the 5 groups will have 4 members in it and 2 of the 5 will have 5 members in it. In each group two matches will take place in the order of the maps: First: 황산벌, Second: Sungaze. Winner of the first match will continue on to the Round of 10, the second match will be played with the remaining players, winner of that game will continue on to the Round of 10. When the Round of 10 begins each of the winners from Group E from the Round of 22 will be placed into Group A and B of Round of 10. The two groups in the round of 10 go by the same guidelines to win as in Round of 22 groups. After the winners of groups A and B have been decided from the Round of 10 they be become the Final Four. They will play a match or series it has yet to be decided.
If you don't quite understand the format of the tournament maybe this graphic picture will help! + Show Spoiler +
Maps To avoid confusion of which map should be played, The same two maps will be played throughout the tournament in this order!!! NOTE: Within spoilers I've added YouTube videos of demonstrating the map features if interested!
Maps can be downloaded here.
VODs Round of 22 VODs Page
Schedule Augest 17th, 2012 11:30AM EST - Group Selection @ Stream & YouTube Augest 17th, 2012 1:32PM EST - League has begun Round of 22 has started, Replays need to be in by September 1st is the deadline! Have fun everyone!
RULES ~ Have fun ~ No early GG you have to stay in the game in till you flag has been captured and you are eliminated from the game ~ Not a rule, but be wary of other players having fun within this league, so I’d recommend no Rush 10 minutes but with no Way to enforce it is not a mandatory rule. ~ Winner MUST email me at international.cyber.cup.tv@gmail.com and send me the replays of their group ~ No hacking, no excessive BM, use iCCup Launcher if possible
How to Sign up
SIGN-UPS HAVE CLOSED SORRY!!!**Join next season if interested**
Players I've made a good docs accessible to everyone who clicks here! This is where you can find peoples contact information and in-game names so you don't have to scour the thread for them. Round of 4+ Show Spoiler + ~ ![hr](/images/flags2/hr.png) Fox.Quirinus ~ ![ca](/images/flags2/ca.png) WandS ~ ![kz](/images/flags2/kz.png) [scb]terranos ~ ![cz](/images/flags2/cz.png) dollar.cz Round of 10 Groups+ Show Spoiler +Group A ~ ![cz](/images/flags2/cz.png) dollar.cz ~ ![kz](/images/flags2/kz.png) [scb]terranos ~ ![uk](/images/flags2/uk.png) Jonoman92 ~ ![es](/images/flags2/es.png) Arca(Crema) ~ ![us](/images/flags2/us.png) mmahirr Group B ~ ![hr](/images/flags2/hr.png) Fox.Quirinus ~ ![hr](/images/flags2/hr.png) 2Pacalypse- ~ ![ca](/images/flags2/ca.png) WandS ~ ![ca](/images/flags2/ca.png) HolyKau ~ ![us](/images/flags2/us.png) sGs.Smile Round of 22 Groups+ Show Spoiler +Group A ~ ![cz](/images/flags2/cz.png) sGs.Stratos ~ ![cz](/images/flags2/cz.png) dollar.cz ~ ![kz](/images/flags2/kz.png) [scb]terranos ~ ![bg](/images/flags2/bg.png) UED_TheMarine Group B ~ ![uk](/images/flags2/uk.png) EleGant[AoV] ~ ![uk](/images/flags2/uk.png) Jonoman92 ~ ![es](/images/flags2/es.png) Arca(Crema) ~ ![nl](/images/flags2/nl.png) sabas[aov] Group C ~ ![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/b/b9/Pl.png) Mewka[AoV] ~ ![hr](/images/flags2/hr.png) Fox.Quirinus ~ ![hr](/images/flags2/hr.png) 2Pacalypse- ~ ![de](/images/flags2/de.png) Fox.LML Group D ~ ![ca](/images/flags2/ca.png) WandS ~ ![ca](/images/flags2/ca.png) sas.Draw ~ ![ca](/images/flags2/ca.png) LRM)JoSeLO ~ ![ca](/images/flags2/ca.png) Trozz ~ ![ca](/images/flags2/ca.png) HolyKau Group E ~ ![us](/images/flags2/us.png) _Pucca_ ~ ![us](/images/flags2/us.png) PsyonicReaver ~ ![us](/images/flags2/us.png) mmahirr ~ ![us](/images/flags2/us.png) sGs.Smile ~ ![ca](/images/flags2/ca.png) BADAZZ.GALLOWS Player List+ Show Spoiler +
Username (on iCCup): _Pucca_ Location (Country): USA ~ East Coast Skype ID: mastercosgrove Race: Random Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Yes
Username (on iCCup): PsyonicReaver Location (Country): USA ~ West Coast Skype ID: psyonicreaver Race: protoss Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Yes
United Kingdom1666 Posts
Username (on iCCup): EleGant[AoV] Location (Country): England Skype ID: mote.keatinge Race: Protoss Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Yes!
Username (on iCCup): Mewka[AoV] Location (Country): Poland Skype ID: Mewkaaov Race: Protoss Are you a Human? (Say Yes): no, I am seagul
If we don't get more people it may just become a show match lol for the four that have signed up O.o ^_^. This will be a last resort post if need be like I said I'll change the format to a showmatch between Mewka, Elegant, Psy.Reaver and Gallows(Friend of mine)
Username (on iCCup): WandS Location (Country): Canada Skype ID: Dixo77o Race: Protoss Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Yes
Username (on iCCup): UED_TheMarine Location (Country): Bulgaria Skype ID: the_Black_lion1 Race: Protoss Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Yes
Username (on iCCup): sGs.Stratos Location (Country): Czech Republic Skype ID: sgs.stratos Race: Terran Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Terran
Can newbs like me join this tour ?
On August 14 2012 05:33 LRM-INFECTED wrote: Can newbs like me join this tour ? Everyone can join. E or A+. And everyone should No stress, let's get together and have some fun. If someone wants to practice the maps with me a bit let me know on skype. I'm D T/P, never played anything but standard 1v1 except for a few 2v2s here and there.
Username (on iCCup): sas.Draw Location (Country): Canada Skype ID: NbAstrO Race: Protoss Are you a Human? (Say Yes): No, I'm Protoss
Username (on iCCup): LRM)JoSeLO Location (Country): Canada Skype ID: CaStrO(iN) Race: Zerg Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Yes
I'm gonna float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!
Username (on iCCup): sGs.Smile Location (Country): USA Skype ID: duncan.mcfarland Race: Protoss Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Yes
@Mewka[AoV: I tried inserting Poland flag and for whatever reason it comes up with a smile face. So apparently now you are your own independt nation for the time being intill I can figure out why that is happening.
In more news, we have a grand total of 11 players signed up, we have a crap ton of protoss what else is new (ref Team Toss (China). If we only end up getting 11 players I'll have to drastically change the group stages, but we'll see who signed up and such. If name is incorrect please inform me thanks!
Username (on iCCup):[scb]terranos Location (Country):Kazakhstan Skype ID: nigga10mkr Race: Terran Are you a Human? (Say Yes): YES! :D
What time is it likely to be and how long will it run? I'd like to play but don't know if I'll be available.
Username (on iCCup): Fox.LML Location (Country): Germany Skype ID: TheLML Race: Random Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Yea..
man, haven't played CTF in ages!
Username (on iCCup): Fox.Quirinus Location (Country): Croatia Skype ID: quirinus42 Race: Random (Racepicker) Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Yes
This sounds fun. When is the tourney starting? Depending on the date I might not be able to play. :<
Beacons don't move on their own, there's a button to move them, read more about it in the following spoiler:
+ Show Spoiler [CTF Rules] +1. At the start of the game a beacon spawns near your town hall. 2. Before the 10 minute mark you can move your beacon ONCE, anywhere on the map. (There's a button when you select it.) 3. The flag spawns on your beacon at the 10 minute mark. (There's a countdown timer on the top of the screen.) 4. You can't take your own flag with your worker. 5. You can take an opponent's flag with your worker. (Everyone sees a message: "XXX's flag was stolen.") 6. If you bring an opponent's flag to your beacon the opponent is eliminated (all buildings and units destroyed). (Everyone sees the message: "XXX's flag has been captured." and "XXX has been eliminated.") 7. There's no command to drop the flag from a worker carrying the flag. 8. If the worker carrying the flag is destroyed, the flag drops on the floor. 9. If the flag is on the floor for 2 minutes (1:30?), it automatically returns to the owner's beacon. (There's no timer. After the 2 minutes everyone sees the message: "XXX's flag has been returned.") 10. You can load the worker with the flag in a transport and the flag stays on the worker. 11. If you burrow the drone with the flag, the flag drops on the floor. 12. You have vision of your flag and beacon, even if the opponent is carrying it with his worker or if it's on a worker in a shuttle.
+ Show Spoiler [Didn't test yet] +1. Are you removed from the game if all buildings are killed? (Yes?) 2. Can you recall the worker with the flag? (No, it drops on the floor?) 3. If you stasis, mind control or maelstrom the worker with the flag, does the flag drop or stay on the worker? (Drops, stays and stays?) 4. Can you move the beacon to the discovered part of the map that you don't have vision right now? (No?) 5. Can you mine or build with the worker that has the flag? (No?) 6. Can you eliminate someone by taking their flag to some other player's beacon? (No?)
Croatia9474 Posts
lol, i watched that video and this looks ridiculously fun!
Username (on iCCup): 2Pacalypse- Location (Country): Croatia Skype ID: wall-eeeeeeeee Race: Protoss Are you a Human? (Say Yes): Yes