This is it. 12 years of history, magic, memories, emotions, legends, roaring cheers, heartbreaking tears, dreams coming true, and others fading away. It all ends tonight. This is the last Starleague. Who will become Starcraft: Brood War's final champion?
It's not quite fall yet. The leaves have not yet turned red, the breeze is still too warm, and children continue to enjoy their summer vacation. But JangBi is ready. Tonight, in the OSL's first consecutive rematch finals, the defending Starleague champion faces the man who he narrowly defeated 3-2 in the previous Jin Air OSL finals. It's been ten months since that fateful day, when The Almighty achieved the Legend of the Fall and became the first Protoss champion in over three years. However, he is still one gold short of equaling GARIMTO, the most successful Protoss in OSL history. This is his chance to surpass those who have always overshadowed him. This time, the seasons are not on his side. But Jangbi is here to prove that he doesn't need a legend... to become a legend. Tonight, Storms will cover the sky.
Fantasy is aiming for nothing less than perfection. We often throw the phrase around lightly, but truly, "This is Fantasy's OSL." He has not dropped a single game or even shown a moment of weakness, fighting his way up to the finals with a stunning 9-0 record, smashing God 3-0 in the process. Nobody in Starleague history has ever achieved a perfect OSL run; Fantasy will be the first, the last, the only. This is his third consecutive OSL final, a feat previously achieved only by Flash. This time, the Crown Prince has much at stake. For years, he was touted as the successor to SK Telecom T1's royal Terran lineage, but has always fallen just short of equaling his seniors, BoxeR and iloveoov, who both hold 2 Starleague championships. Tonight, the Terrorist seeks his revenge and a chance to carve his place among bonjwas, heir to the T1 Terran legacy.
2:28 JangBi: 지난 시즌 우승자의 승리는 당연한 결과라고 생각하고 있고... I think it is natural that the winner of the last tournament will win again...
2:33 Fantasy: 2인자라는 수식어가 많이 붙어있는데, 우승해서 수식어가 떨어졌으면 좋겠고... I am usually described as the second best person, so I hope it will be changed by me winning this tournament...
2:38 JangBi: 팬들의 함성을 다시 한번 느끼고 싶어요! I want to hear the cheer of the crowd once again!
2:40 Fantasy: 다른 것들을 다 제쳐두고 스타리그에만 집중하고 있는 상태고. 자신이 있기 때문에... I am concentrating only on StarLeague right now. I have confidence...
2:45 JangBi: 정명훈 선수는 이겨봤기 때문에 I have already defeated Fantasy once
(context: I think this is an excerpt from his previous comment that he want Flash better than Fantasy as his competitor for the finals, because he have already defeated Fantasy once)
2:48 Fantasy: 저번 결승전엔 3:2로 저를 힘들게 꺾고 우승해서 제가 무서워서 그런 말을 했던 것 같아요. I think JangBi said so, because it was so difficult for him to beat me last time (by 3:2 score).
2:55 JangBi: 역대 프로토스 우승자들을 위해서 마지막 프로토스 우승자가 되겠습니다. In behalf of all Protoss winners of OSL, I will win the last OSL.
2:58 Fantasy: 스타리그는 테란 선배님인 요환이형이 시작했다고 할 수 있는데, 스타리그 마무리는 T1 테란인 저 정명훈이 할 수 있도록... OSL is effectively started by T1 Terran BoxeR, so I will end it as a T1 Terran.
3:06 T1 manager: 정명훈 선수에게 거는 기대는 매우 큽니다. 마지막 스타리그는 정명훈이 우승할 겁니다. I have a really high expectation on Fantasy. He will win the last OSL.
3:13 JangBi: 임요환 선수랑 이제동 선수 이렇게 나오더라구요. 연속 우승. 근데, 프로토스만 딱 없더라구요. BoxeR and Jaedong have won consecutive OSLs. But only Protoss haven't done it yet.
3:18: Hyuk: 이왕 팀킬을 하고 올라갔는데, (I forgot the name of next guy :O) 적어도 우승은 해줘야 하지 않을까 싶고 As Fantasy team-killed to go up to finals, he should win the tournament at least
3:24 Bisu: 요즘에 최근 기세나 스타리그 성적이나 승률 또한 역대 최고라고 생각하고 있어가지고... I think Fantasy is in the best rhythm, and his OSL stats and win rate is also the best over all time...
3:30 Stork: 재미있는 승부가 나올 것 같아요. 결과는 뭐 영무가 이기겠죠 I think it should be an interesting match. The result should be JangBi's victory, of course.
Finally! I'll be rooting for fantasy again, but I really don't care who wins. I just want two of my favorite players put on a show even half as good as last time.
On May 03 2008 02:01 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: Look who it is! The worst Protoss in the world! Jangbi is a scumbag and a liar, but I GUESS he is playing pretty good. UGH. SIGH.
Being a toss player I want Jangbi to win. Being an SKT1 fanboy (how can you not enjoy BvZ?) I want Fantasy to win. Being that Fantasy lost to Jangbi and is underdog, I want Fantasy to win. Being that Fantasy took a hot steamy turd three times in a row despite two build order disadvantages on God, I want Fantasy to win. Being Jangbi's game 4 against Zero and never saying die, I want him to win.