these accounts are in use in season 3, a;ot have requested account changes.
GyuL_NAMoO -> FanTaSticToSs http://www.pgtour.net/forums/viewtopic.php?db=bw&p=125861#125861 iloveprotoss POintDrOp ToNis zolraman pepeoot freecuty (3-5 stats currently... dont think its same ;o ) 22-_-22 JoSuYeOn jjijile (not jjijil, jjijil had max of D last season, jjijile had B+) Sonkoku fimm BBO.. samsungkhanv Mirani mobileterran GameiToSs SuperWar
thats about it. i think you should keep a list for each season speratly, and post it maybe on a site, that i can link too here. might get confusing specially , since maybe some of these names are gonna be exchanged between ppl and new aka`s are gonna apear. Anyways im gonna add this list that i just gave, with all these players active this season (well until now at least ;p )
And what about European and American good Players?????''
sea.starry is on bnetx right now but hasnt played any games yet...
flatron 303apm (short game) 39% hotkey 29% select 18% move
uhh hotkeys... nexus 4 and 5 at the very start of the game. probe 1, zealots 1. at 1:30 he hotkeys nexus 2 and 3 as well.. doesnt hotkey gateways
taught me how to open up on requiem :O thx flatron!
DoingAlright is a 41-5 zerg that was pretty good, helped me learn pvz requiem a lot. i went 2-3 with him :O! i'll type his hotkeys if he's worthy --;;
and pos-parkcoach is the POS coach! at least that's what he told me
On May 09 2005 18:11 [GR]STone wrote: And what about European and American good Players?????''
i got some on the list, and most dont smurf.
Hey nony im slayersboxer!
On May 09 2005 19:04 hatedbymany wrote: Hey nony im slayersboxer!
wtf i dont get it T.T are you saying i shouldnt believe pos-parkcoach? o.o it'd follow the trend of aficionado...
On May 09 2005 19:07 NonY wrote:wtf i dont get it T.T are you saying i shouldnt believe pos-parkcoach? o.o it'd follow the trend of aficionado...
I don't think anyone would bother pretending to be aficionado -_- So, probably him
err yea it is aficionado.. but im saying i tend to believe someone with the name "pos-parkcoach" when he says that he is the POS coach, cuz aficionado played and did pretty well too :O
Nah nony, I'm just bored. ;/
yea except aficionado isnt the coach of POS anymore?
FLATRON = DaezanG, i've already told it ;P Pos-ParkCoach is not aficionado, probably some other coach.
nAmOmO]lOve[ = Hery[HyO], strong terran from KTF
On May 09 2005 21:51 (paladin)roMAD wrote: Pos-ParkCoach is not aficionado, probably some other coach.
Sweden33719 Posts
Considering the nick Aficionado is also in use and really is him it sounds weird that he'd use Pos-ParkCoach..
Also, he isn't their coach anymore o_O?~?~?~?~
god dammit he's the current POS coach!