Baby starting up wraith production again it looks like Last is trying to move through 12 oclock, but only leaves a tank seiged there 6th fact for Last being added Last also claiming his mineral only Dropship runs directly into a goliath Tank dropped on the high ground, Last's scvs getting shelled Baby took a total of 3 scvs Last is pushing Baby's tanks on the high ground Mines clear out the 3 tankjs Wraith are pew pew pewing away at the tanks scvs forced to battle Baby's tanks mid map are getting wrecked Vultures are harrassing the mineral only of Last though Wraiths kill the goliath and are taking out tanks unchecked
Classic where are your turrets/gols =/
Edit: Last, I'm a retard -_-
Oh hey, someone broke my chain of posts Anyways goliath forces the wraiths away after a few tank kills Mine on 3 tanks Two vultures harassing the mineral only again, kill a tank and a goliath, no scvs 2nd armory for Last, and first starport 6th fact for Baby now
Estonia4504 Posts
On July 03 2011 14:04 ZeaL. wrote: Classic where are your turrets/gols =/ That's not Classic.
Baby trying to double expand to 11 main and nat Terran equivilant of SairReaver WraithDropship Last expanding to 7 main and nat Dropship drops off 2 vultures and an scv, Doesn't kill much Looks like Baby wanted that expo aswell Wraiths going to work on some golaiths, 2 hidden facts at 7, by Baby 2nd armory for Baby
Baby, u crazy.
lolol when does this ever happen?
milkis, you have baby and last's sides mixed up in the OP
gave me a heat attack for a second when I thought I missed baby being traded
Vultures clear 9 oclock Baby's vultures Last wants to expand there Tanks getting pew pew pewed 8 starports at 7 oclock are being built Is those 2 hidden facts do anything, they'd better kill them off But they're getting shelled by Last's tanks A fact is forced to lift Last has 3 and looking to take 9 Starport gettinth thrown down for Baby Tons of wraiths Looks like those 2 hidden facts didn't do much 3 ports being added at 1 Baby on 5, Last on like 10
On July 03 2011 14:10 Vivi57 wrote: milkis, you have baby and last's sides mixed up in the OP
gave me a heat attack for a second when I thought I missed baby being traded
Showed up late and got messed up as well haha.
Come on WeMade !!!!
Last with 10210502368 starports
5003 Posts
On July 03 2011 14:10 Vivi57 wrote: milkis, you have baby and last's sides mixed up in the OP
gave me a heat attack for a second when I thought I missed baby being traded
Fixed, sorry about that lol
On July 03 2011 14:11 rigelq wrote: Last with 10210502368 starports
Please, don't exaggerate. He only has 401851.
Two vultures wrecking scvs at 6 Last's wraiths are taking out Baby's tanks now 7 starports are at 1 oclock now Baby's shelling 9 ocloock with some tanks Both wraiths are 1-1 Tanks shelling 3 get pew pew pewed by Last's wraiths
On July 03 2011 14:12 VeryAverage wrote:Please, don't exaggerate. He only has 401851. I'd say 15 SCV's being offered by Baby to Last
5 armories for Last o.o Aren't there only 4 upgrades you can research at once? Baby swoops in and snipes a wraith or two
That is many wraith, yes?
It's times like these where I'm glad I don't have to play TvT.