On June 27 2011 18:55 _Quasar_ wrote: Mind will win this, he's probably third in TvP after Flash and Fanta this season...
zero too was like 1-4 vs. Stork before this season
this season he is 5-0 really? i always thought mind was a very mediocre player
anyways why is stork so friggin zealot heavy atm?
Vultures catch a huge probe maynard down to the bottom right! At least 10 probes die
Fleet beacon started, 2 stargates almost finished. Mind doesn't have any anti-air......
Goons and vultures niggling at each other near the map center
Vults get into Stork's nat and snipe about 5 probes. A different vulture group kill a reaver at the bottom right nat, which Stork has started constructing
Stork showed his typical PvT manliness with his gutsy push on the 3rd, but he didn't seem to be reinforcing like Mind could, his macro may have slipped. He definitely doesn't seem like his normal self...
Mind's large tank/vult army moves out. DT gets a tank before it dies. Mind trades several vultures for 1 DT.
Vultures get into stork's nat again and kill several probes. More importantly they see the first 2 carriers
Stork has done a pretty bad job defending harass this game... Pretty bad play overall :/
hmm, 3 carriers can't touch Mind's army sieging 3
Mind attacking towards 1, tanks siege STork's army doesn't dare approach from the south
Carriers have very few interceptors
Stork running his army through a big minefield, lsoing a bunch of units!
Russian Federation4405 Posts
lol no money on interceptors?
Stork with both 1 and 3 gone
but a huge storm on a big clump of unsieged tanks and 2 more big storms
still stork's army is too small and the army rolls over him anyways as it moves towards 4 but now 6 carriers fight another storm - dodged
Good storms at least Man stork, you make me sad.
On June 27 2011 19:11 corumjhaelen wrote: Stork has done a pretty bad job defending harass this game... Pretty bad play overall :/ his micro vs mines has been atrocious
and nice storms on the tanks. but mind has so many tanks it doesn't really matter
Mind should regroup - not enough goliaths now carriers picking off his units as they retreat
Mind expanding at 9 or somewhere?
Stork's core still spinning but only2 mining bases left
2 idle vessels in Mind's main
is la mancha even good for carriers? seems way too open
3 dts move past Mind's army - no, 2 elect to attack
2 sent towards 9 but die to mines!
Mind sieging up outside 4 - only carriers/cannons there to defend!
dt trying to stop mind's expo at 7
vultures check out 1 - no nex there!
Stork begins harassing the tanks with his carriers
Mind kills the 3oclock with tanks and starts pushing into Stork's nat. Kills that too
Stork's army runs into bulk mines! It finally attacks Mind's main force and despite some excellent storms Stork's army dies
Carrier count is about 6. Three DTS move out. Stork has stopped carrier production and swapped back to gateways
Mind expanding at 9 plus the bottom left main and nat
Goliath count getting very high as Mind pushes into the bottom right nat
DT stops the CC at 7 and heads into 7.5 but Stork losing his nex at 4 and will soon lose his last mining base at 4.5
1 goon attacking 9
carriers attacking towards 12 only turrets and tanks there
Mind's army moving into 4.5, Stork's last mining base Mind still has 3 (1 with poor saturation)
desperation storms against Mind's army attacking 4.5 but no other defense
carriers destroy Mind's CC at 12 Stork also has tiny forces attacking 9 and 7.5, Mind's other mining bases
But Mind stops the attack on 9
why Stork... why... ( ;- what was the bad point of Stork in this game...?
Russian Federation4405 Posts
lol stork. fantasy gg timing