On June 26 2011 13:47 zobz wrote: I think Kim Taek Yong's biggest fault is easily his mentallity and that is what I enjoy him overcoming the most. He doubtlessly has one of the best talent sets in the game, with his potential to master it, he just struggles more than JD or Flash to maintain a serious attitude and dedicated work ethic for long periods of time. If he ever brings himself to fully respect his career like he did in his first rise to stardom, or perhaps even moreso, he will be the top for at least a few months.
I would disagree he has been one of the most consistent players around. I am going to point out the gorilla in the room, and the only reason he has no reached as many titles as flash or jd, despite being held in the class and respect is because.......... he plays protoss and all you have to do is look at the numbers.
"because He plays protoss"? I think you'r kidding.
I don't think he is ...
Look back at BW history, how many Protoss bonjwa do you see? How many Golden Mouse/Golden Badge Protoss do you see?
On June 26 2011 13:47 zobz wrote: I think Kim Taek Yong's biggest fault is easily his mentallity and that is what I enjoy him overcoming the most. He doubtlessly has one of the best talent sets in the game, with his potential to master it, he just struggles more than JD or Flash to maintain a serious attitude and dedicated work ethic for long periods of time. If he ever brings himself to fully respect his career like he did in his first rise to stardom, or perhaps even moreso, he will be the top for at least a few months.
I would disagree he has been one of the most consistent players around. I am going to point out the gorilla in the room, and the only reason he has no reached as many titles as flash or jd, despite being held in the class and respect is because.......... he plays protoss and all you have to do is look at the numbers.
"because He plays protoss"? I think you'r kidding.
I don't think he is ...
Look back at BW history, how many Protoss bonjwa do you see? How many Golden Mouse/Golden Badge Protoss do you see?
On June 26 2011 13:47 zobz wrote: I think Kim Taek Yong's biggest fault is easily his mentallity and that is what I enjoy him overcoming the most. He doubtlessly has one of the best talent sets in the game, with his potential to master it, he just struggles more than JD or Flash to maintain a serious attitude and dedicated work ethic for long periods of time. If he ever brings himself to fully respect his career like he did in his first rise to stardom, or perhaps even moreso, he will be the top for at least a few months.
I would disagree he has been one of the most consistent players around. I am going to point out the gorilla in the room, and the only reason he has no reached as many titles as flash or jd, despite being held in the class and respect is because.......... he plays protoss and all you have to do is look at the numbers.
"because He plays protoss"? I think you'r kidding.
I don't think he is ...
Look back at BW history, how many Protoss bonjwa do you see? How many Golden Mouse/Golden Badge Protoss do you see?
On June 26 2011 13:47 zobz wrote: I think Kim Taek Yong's biggest fault is easily his mentallity and that is what I enjoy him overcoming the most. He doubtlessly has one of the best talent sets in the game, with his potential to master it, he just struggles more than JD or Flash to maintain a serious attitude and dedicated work ethic for long periods of time. If he ever brings himself to fully respect his career like he did in his first rise to stardom, or perhaps even moreso, he will be the top for at least a few months.
I would disagree he has been one of the most consistent players around. I am going to point out the gorilla in the room, and the only reason he has no reached as many titles as flash or jd, despite being held in the class and respect is because.......... he plays protoss and all you have to do is look at the numbers.
"because He plays protoss"? I think you'r kidding.
I don't think he is ...
Look back at BW history, how many Protoss bonjwa do you see? How many Golden Mouse/Golden Badge Protoss do you see?
Lol, every time I've seen Bisu eliminated from an SL it's been to bad play and clearly observable mistakes. Don't think you can pin it on his race. Also, Protoss struggle vZ and Bisu's vZ is amazing so again I don't think racial imbalance can really be blamed if we're to go with the old P>T>Z>P
Umm. Not really following Oz's coaching here. The two most likely candidates you were going to face were a zerg sniper or fanta, and so you send a mediocre zerg? Unless they were hoping to sacrifice a win to fanta and hope that their better players could take out the rest of SKT?
I have developed an extremely stupid hypothesis as to why protoss is so unsuccessful at high levels. At low levels, protoss is ezpz and dominates. Therefore, all the pro zergs and terrans are so damn good against protoss as they have so much experience dealing with protoss as amateurs.