Australia 14568 Posts
Lings standing by for that opportunity to run into the nat/main and wreck havok Midas adding a factory, his marine numbers are increasing, still Yellow fearlessly enters into the main, killing a bunch of marines starport being added for Midas turrets under fire in the main, marines rushing over to deal with those deadly mutas, more marines being picked off Yellow giving midas a chance to breathe backs off his mutas Lings running into the nat, they tried to takeout the bunker but scvs arrive to repair it
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Mutas doing lot of damage, but Midas holds
Singapore 66071 Posts
this is intense as fuck lol
KONGALISK KONGALING ATTACK into the nat Midas holds with his mass of rines Starport complete, vessel tech coming out Fact lifted SK Terran!?
United States 5582 Posts
Ooh, Midas accidentally built 2 science facilities
iu, seungah, yura, taeyeon, hyosung, lizzy, suji, sojin, jia, ji eun, eunji, soya, younha, jiyeon, fiestar, sinb, jung myung hoon godtier. BW FOREVERR
Australia 14568 Posts
mutas return to the main and take out some turrets, marines once more rushing over to deal with them. Midas getting his science facility up Yellow still on two bases LOL midas getting a 2nd science faciilty, realises and cancels Yellows mutas scoring more marine kills, Midas unable to get out of his base
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
What the hell, Yellow has a lot of balls engaging the rines like this. It's epic.
yellow is fucked once science vessels come out
Yellow trying to win with pure mutas, but is not working, Midas is going to get vessel tech
things are getting very impossible for yellow
Midas cancels something Yellow killing tons of marines Lings move in an damage one turret in the back on the nat mineral line Other turret goes down Vessels out soon
yellowww hwaiting!
Damn Midas, what a party pooper.
no transition for yellow? just pure muta it is
The vessil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh man nice vessel snipe.
LOL he donates the vessel!!!