6 more gateways at 5 oclock getting warped in 16? Vultures spot the arbiter Soo many gateways at 5 Tons of vultures running in 12 in total at the 5 oclock? I think not too to sure Arbiter going for a recall? Recall recall recall Nope Vultures getting into 5, taking out tons of probes +1 weapons for both players is out Vessel tech complete
You can't macro without probes, Best.
arbiter probes flash's nat, backs off from turrets 2 vessels waiting at flash's nat vultures raid best's 4th again, taking out the few probes that remain now head into best's 5th again where they expire to cannons best moving towards flash's megachoke with lots of goons, clearing mines
flash taking bottom left !?!?
Singapore 66071 Posts
best building cannons at 7 to defend flash's ninja expo
best adding more cannons to his 4th, as vultures come again and take out 2 probes hrm probe heading towards 7.5 but there's something yellow there too
Flash is saccing SCVs for supply. Or maybe it was just a normal maynard.
Flash keeps trading Vults for probes.
iu, seungah, yura, taeyeon, hyosung, lizzy, suji, sojin, jia, ji eun, eunji, soya, younha, jiyeon, fiestar, sinb, jung myung hoon godtier. BW FOREVERR
Flash spamming more gateways at 7 lol.
Vultures just destroying the probes over and over Flash expanding to 7 oclock Arbiter still hanging by 9 oclock, 2 more are out Probe is going to spot 7 oclock Scvs maynarding in the middle of the Toss army
Singapore 66071 Posts
holy fuck look at those tanks LOOOOL
Australia 14568 Posts
geeez Best, how about stopping those vultures before they reach your min line? omg doom armies about to collide
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
I feel like those vultures have to be reaching a point of diminishing returns, about five minutes ago.
flash's trasnfering scvs run through best's army another huge vulture raid on best's 5th did flash take a 5th somewhere? is flash just sacrificing scvs? no he had a 5th at 7.5 but best is building cannons right there too flash's tank mass moving out!