On March 02 2011 13:25 Ryo wrote: I learnt many new Korean swearwords after reading the comments on dcinside about Light's transfer.
can you kindly share that to us? lol
I think Oz could have some problems getting rid of really :S Hope I'm wrong. Go Wee Jae Dong!
Bunker rush makes expo hatch cancel.
Killer harasses with his muta through a few goliaths and turrets, then pulls back after losing a muta to finally take out the bunker preventing him from taking his nat.
really takes an unloseable game and starts to lose it because he does some kinky mech shit let's see what he can do with these gols
That are a lot of goliaths. :/
Edit: And now they are all dead.
On March 02 2011 13:35 Navi wrote: really takes an unloseable game and starts to lose it because he does some kinky mech shit let's see what he can do with these gols
really y u no bio
Killer with so many mutas that the goliaths don't do much against them.
Really losing all his goliaths to a swarm of muta. Mutas now wreaking havoc in Really's main, killing every freshly spawned goliath and avoiding the turrets.
Can't understand why he went mech after that bunker rush.
GG killer wins really.... really?
Really gg's after throwing the game away in horrible fashion.
Killer prevails! :D
United States10328 Posts
WOWOWOWOW mutas really (no pun intended) own goliaths holy crap
Do I smell an ALL-KILLER?
Nice comeback by Killer. More Really's fail than Killer's win but it's still nice to see Killer win a vT
edit: sorry, meant killer, not hydra
YEAHHHHH, Killer so goooooood!
2 down, 2 to go. Cmon allKiller!
8rax into mech is a really strong build, but he wasted his advantage rushing into those sunkens.
Had he just waited for his natural expo to get up, and then pushed with 1-2 tanks, it would have been gg.
United States10328 Posts
On March 02 2011 13:39 red4ce wrote: Nice comeback by Hydra. More Really's fail than Hydra's win but it's still nice to see Hydra win a vT