Killer hydra busts at Sun's nat. Sun tries to use a DT, but there's an overlord nearby. Sun pulls probes while Hydra retreats to snipe the forward buildings.
Killer starts his spire while containing Sun at his nat. Sun's corsairs fly around looking for unsuspecting overlords, but they're all protected by hydras. Sun now has a couple HT building up energy next to his nexus.
Sun brings out 1 zealot and his templar to storm the hydra. He successfully kills a couple and drives off the rest of Killer's hydra, but Killer now has a huge fleet of scourge chasing down corsairs.
killer transitioning adding a spire and evo chamber, his hydras are sitting outside sun's nat
killer, your letting him catch up
hoping someone streams this.. Go Oz!
Sun tries to bust Killer's nat, but is driven off by simcity, hydras, mutas, and scourge. He loses everything! Mutas make their way to Sun's main and slaughter probes. Sun ggs!
Sun's corsairs were late to the party, throws away his army on killer's nat, kill fudging up Sun's shit with muta harass, sun ggs.
GG from sun, Killer with 2 kills O_O
Killer all kill incoming!~
nice scourging by killer wins him the game release the bisu...
In Killer we believe!
Scourge definately won him that game
United States5582 Posts
Ahhh Sun. You should've been a bit more careful with your Corsairs. No matter, it's all a learning experience.
Send Kwanro next please~
On February 16 2011 13:28 Lightwip wrote: Ah, By.Sun, my favorite rookie(unless Snow is still a rookie). Let's see if he got over his PvZ suckage. The verdict: No.
and Killer is victorious!
He muta switches and uses scourge to drive off corsairs. Sun's counterattacks fail and is forced to gg when his main is overrun by mutas!
Bisu and Fantasy in that order I guess. What is WITH SKT these days.
Killer showin' bitches how it's done~
sun choked. where is afrotoss when you need him
hope a stream comes back up really want to watch missed first game T_T
United States5582 Posts