On February 15 2011 18:30 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: Wow what a game it sounded fantastic! I liked the part where grape stormed his own units /sarcasm.
Were they both that bad or did it just sound bad reading it. Either way at least Khan is up. The storming his own units wasn't bad at all the goons that he ran through them prolly only lost quater sheilds.
are we really watching a girl eat something?
United States5582 Posts
This girl is such a troll, she's just responding/insulting back the flames she's getting from the Internet. And those burps of hers... *Gags*
Have you guys really never watched Fedor's stream before? :S
lol this is fucking hilarious in the worst way possible
Fortunately I have sound turned off.
I really, really don't understand why people 1) stream themselves eat in disgusting ways and 2) why people watch it. O_o
at first i thought it was hilarious. now i am really disgusted :D
Fat girl eating junk food? This is not entertainment! Why is she burping? Perhaps what she is saying is funny, though I can't understand Korean.
Anyways, decent play from Grape in that game. The well-placed storms and damage dealt by early zealot pressure really helped him seal the deal against Perfective. Fortunately, KT has some amazing players who had yet to play.
United States5582 Posts
I prefer watching the countryside hick boy eating fried chicken with his grandma instead. 
OH THANK GOD IT'S OVER. Although I probably jinxed it, and she'll come back. ==;;
argh ... when I see that stream I wish to reschedule my lunch for some reason
Could you please stop LRing whatever shit fedor is streaming if it's not BW? Speculate on the game more plz lol :D
I have watched this stream for too long. I am starting to find myself getting mildly attracted to that girl.
Oh god
United States5582 Posts
wth KT? Flash so soon? LOL
Flash up! Poor Grape. He will be dealt some very bitter fruit this day.