mnm see the 3 lurkers heading northeast - does frozen suspect a base there? he doesn't!
2 lurkers die as the mnm engage
frozen scans 1.5 and sees it
I hate it when players reveal their hidden expos by blatantly moving their units in a straight line towards the place...
5 raxes for frozen - he lifts 2 of them to reposition
machine shop researching something
hive done, nydus at the nat starting
no defiler mound? or the obs isn't showing it?
Frozen rearranging 2 of his barracks lol. Hive out for Saint, defiler mound is up, Nydus is up at his 1oclock expo.
On November 02 2010 15:43 Katsuge wrote: hmmm.weird game.
very typical
3 hatch muta to get third
then delay with luker until hive
T trying to Mnm pressure to stop third and future expansion
getting tank for that push
first vessel out - joining a very rine-heavy mnm force moving northeast
more raxes seen idle - frozen's macro isn't that great
4 tanks forcing their way up the ramp at 1.5 - lurkers there killed
more lurkers pop from the nydus
where's the defilers?
Wow all the marines dead.
mutaling backstab from below - all the rines killed
lurkers unburrow and rush forwards but not within tank range - taking more damage than necessary still the attack is stopped
United States13143 Posts
On November 02 2010 15:44 JSH wrote:why? very typical 3 hatch muta to get third then delay with luker until hive T trying to Mnm pressure to stop third and future expansion getting tank for that push Third position is kind of weird, but other than that, yeah
Saint holds his expo without defilers. No irradiate on the mutas from Frozen yet.
I just noticed that consume and spider mine popping up have the same sound effect
a tank from the next attack force sniped
one slow-ass OL minding its own business in the middle of the map brutally murdered
finally consume is done
an irradiated defiler throws 2 swarms on the lowground outside frozen's nat and forces the mnm north
frozen expanding to 4, his 3rd
saint taking 7.5, his 4th
fast ultras from saint, before his 4th is even complete
Saint taking 4th and getting his ultra cavern up. Saint was ready for that drop, defends it well.
totally fail drop unloads one firebat and one marine before getting sniped by scourge.
Nice stopping that dropship
oh cool Kal won! and Bogus! now just waiting for Clam-i mean Calm
On November 02 2010 15:46 zerodahero wrote: fast ultras from saint, before his 4th is even complete
He didn't invest in a lot of lurkers so it is okay
a drop (one firebat one medic? a scourged dropship)? in saint's main destroyed
defiler moving forwards with lurkerling
most of the lings donated to mnm before the swarm is cast
frozen saves most of his mnm scv wanders to 7.5 and discovers the base there
oh you can consume scourge?
or did they die to marines?
saint with very FEW units..saving for ultras...