JD's various lings have bumped into both mobile groups of flash's mnm though
Flash moving lots of mnm to take out the morphing 4.5 - doesn't wait for it to finish before attacking, JD cancels, sends a drone out - JD's mutas take a bunch of damage as they hover while mnm find them
2 lurkers burrow outside 1.5 as a drone moves there, hive starting
Flash scans as the hatchery is placed there
United States11637 Posts
lurks out, jd trying to take a new 3rd
JD setting up a third at top right
JD very clever with the expansions, but his mutas leave something to be desired. Very passive/hesitant.
Flash would have to seriously choke to actually lose this game
stop lurks should be fun for flash to deal with
Ugh, you need more bases JD. =(
lol flash going the other way
Flash with map hack are you kidding?
lol jd repositions his lurkers and flash immediately takes the other path and then jd repositions his lurkers again they are so good <3
Sneaky drone isn't so sneaky.
wow flash dodging the two stop lurkers.....what maphacks
Flash is definitely staying on top of things - 2 lurkers burrowed at the bridge though - now being pulled back to the ramp - one drone handing out below the cliff, dies to mnm
Flash scans the ramp, sees the 2 lurkers there and backs off - but vesseltech done and 2 tanks ready!
defiler tech starting!
We need some stop lurkers from JD.
Finally hive tech tonight.