Flash had the economy advantage in game 1 and decided to throw it away by not playing safe in the one timing frame that Jaedong could abuse.
Jaedong had the economy advantage in game 2 and decided to throw it away by wasting all his guardians when he could have used them to defend his 4 gas economy right before his tech switch to ultralisks/crackling/defiler.
On January 23 2010 18:39 G.s)NarutO wrote: The drop into the mainbase was an all or nothing move for Flash. 12 or a few more cracklings right under the dropships and the drop would have failed o.o; And then no chance for Flash anymore. But really nice move, Jaedong probably thought Flash is going to drop the islands.
didn't look like that.
Yeah it did. Flash couldn't break all those sunkens and JD had 4 bases to Flash's 2 with all of hive tech about to kick in. Dropping the main was do-or-die for Flash, and even then I was surprised it worked, but JD didn't have enough lings to defend. Brilliant.
Does anyone think that this is a high level of play?
I really feel that Flash gave away game one and Jaedong gave away game two. It's like when me and my noob friends play Go or chess - the one who fucks up the least wins.
yeah hard to imagine what jaedong was up to when he saw those two starports. i imagine his build didn't involve him flying into flash's exposed main and then flying out again so it didn't factor in the additional information that wraiths were about to rape his attack
That was actually a pretty amazing BO by JD.... Those Guardians did their jobs, but JD should've put a sunk in the main..... How did he not expect an elevator? He saw the 2 ports. He needed lings patrolling the ridges. He got careless.... That game should've been his.
I think if there were scourge those guardians could have done better but I think another mistake was having so much trouble dealing with those drops. It just doesn't seem like it should have been able to do that much damage but it did more then it should have imo T_T.