Poll: Kal or Jaedong (Vote): Kal (Vote): Jaedong
My heart says Jaedong
My mind says Kal
Yes that isn't typed backwards... wow this will be good :D
Singapore66065 Posts
Aotearoa39261 Posts
Here's hoping Kal comes in with some revolutionary shit and tears JD a new one!
Anyone remember last time Jaedong faced an STX player in his best matchup in the MSL semis?
I don't think lightning's gonna strike twice but people are writing Kal off WAY too easily.
mmm i think imma stay up for this one. gogo JD, kal vs flash would be decent but come on
the head to head stats does not look good for kal
jaedong should takes this 3-1... 3-2 if gets unlucky
either way it's likely that flash will win the MSL :\
Pitcairn19291 Posts
OHHHH its tonight
I was wondering why the vods weren't up yet
3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
YAY this should be a great match
Hell yeah! With this, the OSL Finals, and the possibility of Jaedong vs Flash final for MSL, I have a feeling my excitement meter might break. These matches are going to be so epic!
This very well could be the Year of Flash! MSL and OSL titles :o
It'd be such a horrible blow if he ends up getting neither XD
give me the tears of jd fanboys >:D
I am a fan of neither players, but I am not sure if I want to watch Flash v.s. Kal live though. It doesn't seem that exciting to me.
So I am rooting for Jaedong.
I'm not making a prediction on this series because this is very hard to predict. Flash vs Kal or Flash vs Jaedong will be good either way.
Canada5565 Posts
Moletrap Livecast! yessss
Can't lose no matter who advances. (Jaedong 3-1)