On December 03 2009 18:07 meeple wrote: Stats is cocky... hopefully he realizes that nex first isn't something he can always pull off
Not really cocky Jaedong still hasn't scouted his base.
T__T Tosses going with greedy PvZ builds and getting away with them vs better players makes me sad
hope stats wins
that way my jaedong/stats vote will be all but fulfilled
Stats loses ANOTHER probe, and still has no idea wtf Jaedong is doing
Stats tried drone snipe => base enter, gets probe sniped again.
Lair incoming, probe fails to get into the main again
Star sense from Stats scouts JD's 3rd
Stats trying to be clever in trying to get into Jaedong's main, but Jaedong is cleverer.
3 hatch spire to 5 hatch muta incoming.
On December 03 2009 18:09 Vasoline73 wrote: Star sense from Stats scouts JD's 3rd
really i mean there are only like 2 good spots to even think about expanding to lol
I hope Stats prepared a good strategy.
Stats traps a probe so he can stack his sairs. Suggests he will be using sairs heavily throughout the game.
stats going for a quick 3rd?
Nice scourge snipe; avoids losing corsairs.