On November 28 2008 23:59 Empyrean wrote: I don't know why the Zerg didn't target your gateway/probes more instead of the pylon. He sees two pylon but still decides to try and destroy one of them what the fuck? He'd be better off if he picks off some probes/harasses the gateway instead of killing one of the two pylons powering the gateway.
Also your splits weren't that great
Haha, you're still probably better than I am
Reason why is because I have to press F8 to start recording, Ctrl+Alt+Insert to start winamp song, and then split. Try it lol
On November 27 2008 20:56 Biff The Understudy wrote: The terran one is retarded: everybody can stop a 4 pool with 8 rax. The problem is: you don't know that 4 pool is coming and you go 11 rax.
And you die.
On bb I always open with 9rax/10depot vs zerg or random sometimes even vs protoss. Its perfectly viable and will stop a 5pool (i'm pretty sure) but 8rax is guaranteed to stop the 4pool. If they don't rush when I 9 rax I just make 1 marine and a 2nd barracks/depot sooner.
It's pretty hard to fit all the 'what ifs' into the video, it would just be an endless stream of tangents (sorta like a combat-X vid, but actually correct). Basically all these builds are pretty safe to open with vs anything. That was the point of all the videos.
btw, I've never opened 11rax on BB.
As everybody or almost opens 11 rax vs zerg, there must be a way of fighting efficiently 4 pool with workers while rax/bunker is on the way.
If not, every zerg in the world and especially in pro gaming would open 4 pool, which I almost never see in ZvT.
I made a bunch of videos about stopping 4 and 5 pools on BB with every race. So if it works here, it'll work (or a variation of it will work on a larger map).
On November 30 2008 06:16 CharlieMurphy wrote: I have a bunch of other stupid song videos in my profile showing 3-10 minute early-mid games with these same openers vs pubs.
Nice vids if you are actually playing BB but I was expecting the standard PvZ forge FE, TvZ 11rax, and 9/overpool ZvZ on regular 3-4 player medium sized maps. Still better than nothing though.
On November 30 2008 06:16 CharlieMurphy wrote: I have a bunch of other stupid song videos in my profile showing 3-10 minute early-mid games with these same openers vs pubs.
I made about 22 of these BB public noob rape videos playing random. So there are quite a diverse set of opening builds and stuff in there. Mostly though, 9pool speed/burrowling to 3 hatch lings. 10/12 gate zeal harass /canoning. 8/9/11 rax MnM timing attack or Wall to Mech.
NICE WORK CHARLIE, maybe its map dependant but its a nice add to the strategy section, because it covers the basics points. People that want a variation for other maps or BOs should work at least a little, fucking crying lazy bastards. Nice music for BW.
from 1 rax fe bunker as soon as you see lings come in, scv + marine micro do not block ramp or do anything silly like that your objective is to lose the least number of scvs possible and clumping them all up right in his face isn't going to help. if you have slow reflexes, you can send out a second scv scout at the proper timing to have a little bit more reaction time (you see lings enter your nat). If you don't see any lings at the 4/5pool timing, just send this "scout" back to mine.
After defending, take gas and acad. Play standard 1rax acad vs 1base tech Z.
Building placement is of the utmost importance, you just have to practice it. Get someone to 4/5pool against you every game and figure out good spots for supply rax, bunker, 2nd supply, acad, etc. Make sure your building placement is still fine if your opponent plays standard.
On December 01 2008 03:22 Phrujbaz wrote: Terran vs 4/5 pool on python:
from 1 rax fe bunker as soon as you see lings come in, scv + marine micro do not block ramp or do anything silly like that your objective is to lose the least number of scvs possible and clumping them all up right in his face isn't going to help. if you have slow reflexes, you can send out a second scv scout at the proper timing to have a little bit more reaction time (you see lings enter your nat). If you don't see any lings at the 4/5pool timing, just send this "scout" back to mine.
After defending, take gas and acad. Play standard 1rax acad vs 1base tech Z.
Building placement is of the utmost importance, you just have to practice it. Get someone to 4/5pool against you every game and figure out good spots for supply rax, bunker, 2nd supply, acad, etc. Make sure your building placement is still fine if your opponent plays standard.
(when i play Terran)I usually get a early rack (early enough to counter a 4 pool) then get factories so i've never had problems with a 4 pool before from what i can remember.