I remember back in 2005 and 2006 that gosugamers.net's news used to have interviews and articles about Testie. I remember him being my hero. I thought how cool it was that he could play random and still be one of the best players. Testie and Mondragon were close friends and Testie's skill was so high he was as good as like another Mondragon.
Anyone remember what Testie's best race of Zerg Terran Protoss was? I think Testie was a racepicker that played ZvP TvZ and PvT in important matches. He tried to play the matchups where one race is a little advantaged over the other.
I put this in the strategy forum because I figured we'd talk about how he played strategically.
I recently watched some game of Avernum (when he was in ToT) vs Testie TvP and I nearly got cancer from watching it. xD It's funny how these top performers of these days looked like current C- players.
It's hard to pick a best race. you can pick a best MU however. I think traditionally for foreigners PVT is the matchup where they are most comfortable therefore I would say PVT...
edit; but then I think I started following BW after his prime so dunno..
And if we're gonna talk about foreigner PvT I'd like to mention G5 and Nony.
Even though they came a bit after Testie, I think G5 may have had the best foreigner PvT at one point. And Nony was so good at one point he was complimented when he was in Korea as "the best foreigner they have seen (in recent times)". Unfortunately they added some comment afterwards that he still had a lot of flaws to fix. I'm really freebasing from memory here from years and years ago so the exact words may have been quite different but I'm positive it was something to that effect. It may have even been his team coach in Korea who said that.
But I agree PvT may have been the best foreigner match-up. And yeah, by the time I actually got into brood war and the pro scene (foreign and korean) I never saw Testie play much random. He mostly race picked P against important/strong opponents. If anyone wants to correct me on these details feel free cause it has been almost 10 years ago since this stuff and I'm not basing this off anything but the squiggly entrails in my head. But don't correct me on G5 having the best PvT at one point cause I don't need to be corrected on that.
On January 30 2017 22:52 SCC-Faust wrote: And if we're gonna talk about foreigner PvT I'd like to mention G5 and Nony.
Even though they came a bit after Testie, I think G5 may have had the best foreigner PvT at one point. And Nony was so good at one point he was complimented when he was in Korea as "the best foreigner they have seen (in recent times)". Unfortunately they added some comment afterwards that he still had a lot of flaws to fix. I'm really freebasing from memory here from years and years ago so the exact words may have been quite different but I'm positive it was something to that effect. It may have even been his team coach in Korea who said that.
But I agree PvT may have been the best foreigner match-up. And yeah, by the time I actually got into brood war and the pro scene (foreign and korean) I never saw Testie play much random. He mostly race picked P against important/strong opponents. If anyone wants to correct me on these details feel free cause it has been almost 10 years ago since this stuff and I'm not basing this off anything but the squiggly entrails in my head. But don't correct me on G5 having the best PvT at one point cause I don't need to be corrected on that.
True that, always loved and followed G5 for some reason.
On January 31 2017 04:06 MuNi wrote: Yeah man. Nony almost won the courage tournament back in the day. I think he got second place which is inssaaaaannnnee.
Draco was pretty good too, i remember watching his practise replay pack from his progaming days.
I recently watched some game of Avernum (when he was in ToT) vs Testie TvP and I nearly got cancer from watching it. xD It's funny how these top performers of these days looked like current C- players.
I had trouble understanding if you meant the 2017 players look C- nowadays or if the 2006 players looked C- in the replays?
I'd like to second the sentiment on how good G5 was at PvT.
His bulldog was so strong that he even beat Sea[Shield] once during some friendly matches during... 2008/2009 I want to say. Sea was throwing all the EG guys around easily but first game G5 just ended the game in less than 7 mintues with his bulldog.
Sea demanded a Bo3 and didn't drop another game but they were VERY epic. I was going to commentate them and put them on youtube but Sea said he was doing this as a courtesy and to not release the replays as it would hurt his image/trust in wanting to play with the EG guys more. Nony and Idra also played some good games against him too but I'll always remember that G5 bulldog game.
Good times.
In fact. This video I made back in May of 2009 when I introduce G5 is a small nod toward that game he played.
G5 would play amazing online games but I think he would get a little nervous at LANs. One time he beat Machine PvZ on... Python I think laying down in a hammock playing 1 handed (so he claimed but G5 was never the type to boast or brag or lie). Machine got SO angry he logged off for a few hours.
I recently watched some game of Avernum (when he was in ToT) vs Testie TvP and I nearly got cancer from watching it. xD It's funny how these top performers of these days looked like current C- players.
I had trouble understanding if you meant the 2017 players look C- nowadays or if the 2006 players looked C- in the replays?
He meant the 2006 players look like current C- players
Couple games vs. Tasteless, TT1 etc on iCCup. Judging that he's tuning in for first time since ten years he knows what to do and plays overall good, he managed to take down some games. He's playing Dota/LoL nowadays. Let's tune for his next stream and shoutout on his chat that we want him play BW again.
pvt is the easiast mu no wonder it was best for alot of foriegnners. it was my best and i didnt even play protoss really. as in easiest to master not the easiest matchup