Proposed sim cities for 2nd naturals (close-by 3rds) on Fighting Spirit
I've experimented with some building placements lately primarily to help deal with strong (early) zealot attacks. I think we all are familiar with great sim cities for naturals (and thirds) but since there's a certain trend (especially in professional BW) to get close-by thirds, I think we should take a more detailed look at effective building placements for these positions. I've watched a lot of games of Hero, Zero and Effort but I don't really see them abusing great sim cities at these locations. I think they prefer simple lay-outs that restrict their own units from moving as little as possible.
12 o'clock
3 o'clock
6 o'clock
9 o'clock
For 12 o'clock:
Picture 1: Showcasing a proposed sim city at the 12 o'clock location to help deal with strong zealot attacks.
This sim city requires both an evolution chamber and a hydralisk den to be effective (1). I understand you generally don't want a second evolution chamber this soon but it isn't that expensive, if you're really alert you can even place it only when it is required (analogous to placing an evolution chamber in front of a sunken line against early marine attacks).
You probably have noticed that there's a third hatchery in this sim city. This hatchery allows you to get a full wall-off at this base if combined with a sunken behind the extractor (explained in the next paragraph). The third hatchery connects to the cliff preventing zealots from going underneath it. There's only a passage in between both hatcheries now, which can be blocked off by morphing an egg (2).
Picture 2: By placing a third hatchery, you create a narrow pathway that can be obstructed by morphing a larva into an egg.
Zealots have a second way they can enter this base. One pathway is beneath the hatchery next to the ramp as mentioned before. The other is to the right of the evolution chamber and extractor. This latter pathway can be obstructed by placing a sunken behind the extractor (3). However, the creep from any of your hatcheries does not reach this far. So you'll have to build an additional sunken close to the extractor for this to work.
Picture 3: Zealots can pass through a second pathway to the right of the evolution chamber and extractor. This can be obstructed by placing a sunken behind the extractor.
NOTE: This isn't the same base lay-out as the first picture. So as explained in the text you will need an additional sunken to extend the creep. However, don't build a sunken in the position that's pictured here, this will cause a mining-gas bug. Instead I propose to build a sunken below the rightmost mineral patch as this will interfere with gas mining the least. The lay-out pictured here will be explained next!
Picture 4: Alternative lay-out. Hatchery is placed one hex to the bottom making it touch the cliff, and the hydralisk den one hex to the left.
This lay-out looks almost identical but it functions differently. The hatchery is instead placed one hex to the bottom, which means there's no passage underneath it. However, zealots can now pass through the gap between the hatchery and the hydralisk den (4). This one can not be blocked off with an egg!
In this case you can build a sunken directly next to the evolution chamber, there should not be a risk of a gas-mining issue now.
For 3 o'clock:
Picture 5: Simple lay-out using a single evolution chamber and hatchery to create a single narrow pathway below the evolution chamber.
By placing the hatchery one hex to the right of the cliff you can place an evolution chamber in such a manner that there's a single narrow passage. Zealots and hydralisks can still pass.
Additionally you can place a hydralisk den to the right of the evolution chamber (not pictured). In this case there is a gap between the hydralisk den and evolution chamber, which can easily be blocked off by a single hydralisk. The benefit of this is he won't be able to use psionic storm as easily from the low ground to force you to retreat.
Finally, you can again extend the wall by placing a sunken between the bottom-most mineral patch and the extractor [Walling off intensifies] (6).
Picture 6: Extended wall. Note that the hydralisk den and evolution chamber in this case are switched, which provides a full wall-off for both zealots and unfortunately also hydralisks.
The above lay-out can be adjusted slightly to create one obstructable opening to the left of the hatchery (7). This allows both zealots and hydralisks to pass. You can do this by placing the hatchery one more hex to the top and right and then adjoining the hydralisk den and next the evolution chamber.
Picture 7: Adjusted lay-out to allow for one opening to the left of the hatchery but with a "full" wall-off otherwise. You can again morph an egg to block off this one passageway.
For 6 o'clock:
Picture 8: Simple lay-out to create a single pathway that can be blocked by morphing an egg.
You can achieve a good sim city by placing your hatchery one hex below the ramp, and with its left side touching the cliff. The evolution chamber then fits right between the hatchery and the top cliff. There's only a single passage for hydralisks and zealots that can be blocked off by morphing an egg (8).
Picture 9: Different lay-out using only hydralisk den and evolution chamber. In this case zealots and hydralisks can pass.
Picture 10: Different lay-out using only hydralisk den and evolution chamber. In this case there's a full wall-off for both zealots and hydralisks.
Picture 11: Different lay-out using hatchery and hydralisk den. This allows only hydralisks to pass! Also no risk of eggs blocking passage, which is the case if you reverse the building placement.
For 9 o'clock:
Picture 12: Showcasing a proposed sim city at the 9 o'clock location to help deal with strong zealot attacks.
By building your hatchery and evolution chamber in this manner, zealots only have a single entrance into your base, which is in between both buildings (12-13). Surprisingly, zealots are unable to go through the passageway above the extractor.
Since there's only one entrance for zealots, it is very easy to block it off with either units or in this case a morphing egg (14). This type of sim city is very strong against early zealot attacks and zealot heavy mid games.
Picture 13: Only one passage for zealots. The pictured sunken can only be attacked by 1 zealot from the outside and helps deal with the occasional gas-mining bug.
Picture 14: By using the larva trick (select a larva and another unit and press stop), you can block off the entrance by morphing it into a unit.
Alternatively, you can put down a hydralisk den in place of an evolution chamber (15). This means that only hydralisks will be able to pass through. Zealots are completely blocked. In my opinion this is the superior option but I can imagine two situations where you may want to have an evolution chamber instead:
- You started the game with 3 hatch hydralisk pressure and have already built a hydralisk den in your main.
- You don't want your hydralisk den to get sniped.
Picture 15: Placing down a hydralisk den instead of an evolution chamber allows passage only to hydralisks.
Downsides to both sim cities include having buildings close to the edges, meaning dragoons (with range) can attack them and gas-mining workers occasionally bugging out (can be rectified by building a sunken in the pictured location) (13). This opening is also too small for lurkers to pass.
Finally, if you want to use this building placement, I advise you to only do so in case of [7,1] or [7,11] spawns. Otherwise there's a high chance the zealot heavy attack can attack this position from below after your opponent decides not to attack your natural. This could have bad consequences by limiting mobility of your own units instead of your opponent's, like being trapped in a cage with a rabid dog.
Sorry for some continuity problems, I started with the final part first.