Not perfect - feedback welcome!
BTW - this was the most entertaining interview I've read, BY FAR. : )
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Protoss Race, "It was a fun time together"
If the opportunity arrives, it'd be nice to live together.
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Lol at Bisu's posture
If the opportunity arrives, it'd be nice to live together.
Lol at Bisu's posture
- You guys ended up with one win one loss and finished the all race battle.
▲ Bisu = It sucks that Protoss couldn’t get 2 victories. It’s a bit sad that we couldn’t prove that we are the best race, but I hope that there will be another opportunity like this in the future.
▲ Stork = I feel like I gained a lot from conversing with protoss players from other teams so I liked that and I also liked that we got to earn some money together (laughs).
▲ Jangbi = I feel like I just came to fill up the seats (laughs). I had a lot of fun watching the games. I saw Stork hyung eating and Best hyung trying to hide his eating. It really was a new side to them I hadn’t seen before (laughs).
▲ Best = I regret that I don’t have any memories of winning but I liked that I saw a lot of entertaining games. I got to talk a lot with Samsung Khan protoss so it was a really good time.
- It felt like you prepared a lot for today.
▲ Bisu = I actually didn’t prepare that much. I think winning the first match warmed me up. The other protoss players know a lot of builds so I received a lot of advice.
- You must feel regretful that you lost the start off match.
▲ Stork = I’m regretful that I lost. Because the maps were decent this time I wanted to attain a lot of kills but Flash was so good. But I wasn’t rolled over so it’s okay (laughs).
- Today you displayed strategic management.
▲ Bisu = I didn’t think of any specific strategic plays coming here. Each time a game ended I just thought of a strategy on the spot but opportunely they turned out to be aggressive builds.
- You must feel really regretful that you didn’t get even one kill in this All Star Race Battle.
▲ Best = They made me the start off player in pvz which I’m least confident in and in pvt they didn’t even give me a chance to play (laughs). On top of that in pvt the maps were so bad (laughs). I’m a bit sad but it’s okay.
▲ Jangbi = I didn’t get 1 kill but with Bisu who got an all-kill and Stork who had 3 kills, I believe that they can coax that regret into something savory instead (laughs) [he’s implying he hopes one of them will buy dinner]. I’m thinking of being satisfied with that.
▲ Bisu = Jangbi, you’re going to buy dinner for us right?
▲ Jangbi = Stork hyung is going to buy for us!
▲ Stork = Bisu, you got the all-kill so you should buy for us.
▲ Best = Anyone besides me buy for us! I don’t care~ (laughs).
- Was there a specific player you wanted to play today?
▲ Best = I wanted to play Nada. I really respect him a lot so I wanted to play him once.
- Is there anything you felt during this All Star Race Battle?
▲ Best = I learned a lot and I felt that Jangbi and Stork hyung are really funny players. It was really an enjoyable time.
▲ Bisu = I’m a bit regretful that I just played and didn’t get to talk to the players more. I felt really secure playing on one team with players I thought would be nice to be on the same team with. Because of that I think I was able to play comfortably and win and I really hope that there will be another opportunity like this in the future.
▲ Stork = Rather than playing, eating and talking was more fun (laughs). Though with other players it can be awkward, with Best and Bisu, it was really comfortable. If there’s an opportunity I think it’d be cool to live with them.
▲ Jangbi = I enjoyed the conversations and enjoyed watching great games (laughs). I was really surprised at Best hiding his eating (laughs).
▲ Stork = Best was grumbling about how hard it was to hide the fact that he was eating the donuts. It was so cute (laughs).
- Now you have to prepare for the 4th round.
▲ Best = I’ve been practicing for the new maps in the 4th round but there don’t seem to be any toss-favored maps so I think it will be hard. However I will work hard and make up for my poor results in the 3rd round.
▲ Bisu = It’s a bit faltering that there are no games these days. Recently I’ve been 0-5 but I think I’ve made that up by doing well this All Star Race Battle. I feel a bit bad that only I won games today. Like this, I will prepare hard for the 4th round.
▲ Stork = I’m glad that the Winners League format has changed back to Proleague format. I will work hard to produce good results.
▲ Jangbi = I want to play matches as soon as possible. I wish the 4th round would start right away. I’m so bored.
- Fantasy is currently in the OSL finals.
▲ Best = I felt bad that I didn’t get to help him practice. I really hope he can win this time.
▲ Bisu = Just as well as he played against me I hope he does well in the finals, and because he’s playing in his hometown I hope he wins the match.
- Last words?
▲ Jangbi = Today I am leaving having seen a new side to Best (laughs). Also, watching Bisu’s all-kill was fun.
▲ Stork = I wish Best would just eat with an open conscience in the future. He couldn’t even eat the food that Bisu’s fan brought for us (laughs). After watching Bisu’s play, I realized a lot of things so I believe I will be able to perform better.
▲ Bisu = I hope we can all meet together in the future again.
▲ Best = In the future, I won’t hide my eating just because everything is broadcasted and will eat openly (laughs). I think it would be fun to live together with the Samsung Khan protoss. Because Bisu true to his style performed well, just sitting wasn’t boring.
Translator note: I wonder who ended up paying for dinner... hahaha. Wonder if the other races also became BFFs after this?
Original Korean Interview:
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- 1승 1패로 종족 최강전을 마무리했는데
▲ 김택용=프로토스가 2승을 못했다는 것이 아쉽다. 프로토스가 최강이라는 것을 증명 못해서 아쉬운 마음이 들고, 다음에 이런 기회가 또 생겼으면 좋겠다.
▲ 송병구=다른 팀 프로토스와 대화를 하면서 많은 것을 얻어간 것 같아서 좋고 더불어 부수입도 생겨서 기쁘다(웃음).
▲ 허영무=자리만 채우러 온 것 같다(웃음). 경기 보면서 즐거웠다. (송)병구형 먹는 것과 (도)재욱이 숨어서 먹는 것을 봤다. 정말 새로운 모습이었다(웃음).
▲ 도재욱=나는 승리에 기여한 것이 없어서 아쉽지만 재미있는 경기 많이 봐서 좋았다. 삼성전자 프로토스들과 많은 얘기를 나눠서 즐거운시간이었다.
- 오늘 준비를 많이 한듯한 느낌인데
▲ 김택용=준비는 그렇게 많이 하지 않았다. 첫 경기를 이기고 나니 잘 풀린 것 같다. 프로토스 선수들이 빌드를 많이 알고 있어서 조언을 많이 받았다.
- 선봉전 패배가 아쉬울 것 같은데
▲ 송병구=져서 아쉽다. 맵이 할만해서 더 많은 킬 수를 기록하고 싶은 욕심이 있었는데 (이)영호가 너무 잘하더라. 그래도 허무하게 진 건 아니니까 괜찮다(웃음).
- 오늘 전략적인 운영을 선보였는데
▲ 김택용=전략적인 플레이를 특별히 생각해오지는 않았다. 한 경기 끝날 때마다 즉석으로 전략을 정했는데 공교롭게도 다 공격적인 빌드가 됐다.
- 이번 종족 최강전서 1킬도 못해서 아쉬울 것 같다.
▲ 도재욱=자신 없는 저그전은 선봉 내보내고, 테란전은 기회도 안 주더라(웃음). 게다가 저그전은 맵도 안 좋았다(웃음). 슬프지만 괜찮다.
▲ 허영무=1킬도 못했지만 올킬한 (김)택용이와 3킬 한 (송)병구형이 그 아쉬움을 맛있는 걸로 달래줄 거라고 믿는다(웃음). 그걸로 만족할 생각이다.
▲ 김택용=영무가 쏠 거지?
▲ 허영무=병구형이 쏠 거야!
▲ 송병구=택용이가 올킬했으니까 쏴
▲ 도재욱=나 빼고 아무나 쏴! 난 상관없어(웃음).
- 오늘 특별히 경기하고 싶은 선수가 있었다면
▲ 도재욱=이윤열 선수와 경기하고 싶었다. 정말 존경하는 선수라서 한번 해보고 싶었다.
- 이번 종족 최강전을 통해 느낀 것이 있다면
▲ 도재욱=많은 것을 배웠고 (허)영무와 (송)병구형이 정말 재미있는 선수라는 것을 느꼈다. 정말 좋은 시간이었다.
▲ 김택용=경기만 하고 서로 얘기를 못한 것 같아서 아쉽다. 한 팀이었으면 좋겠다고 생각한 선수들과 같이 경기를 해보니까 정말 든든했다. 그래서 편한 마음으로 경기해서 이긴 것 같고 다음에도 이런 기회가 있었으면 좋겠다.
▲ 송병구=경기보다는 먹고 떠드는 것이 더 재미있었다(웃음). 다른 게이머들과 어색한 것이 있는데 (도)재욱이와 (김)택용이는 편했다. 기회가 된다면 서로 함께 생활해봤으면 좋겠다.
▲ 허영무=즐겁게 대화하고 재미있는 장면도 봐서 좋았다(웃음). 숨어서 먹는 (도)재욱이의 모습은 정말 놀라웠다(웃음).
▲ 송병구=재욱이가 도너츠는 숨어서 먹기 힘들다고 하면서 투정을 부리더라. 정말 귀여웠다(웃음).
- 이제 4라운드를 준비해야 하는데
▲ 도재욱=4라운드 신맵 연습을 해봤는데 프로토스에게 좋은 맵이 없어서 힘들 것 같다. 하지만 열심히 해서 3라운드에서 부진했던 것을 만회하겠다.
▲ 김택용=경기가 없어서 굉장히 허전하다. 최근 5연패 정도 했던 것 같은데 이번 종족 최강전으로 만회한 것 같다. 나만 이긴 것 같아서 조금 미안하다. 지금처럼 4라운드도 열심히 준비하겠다.
▲ 송병구=이제 위너스 리그 방식에서 프로리그 방식으로 바뀌어서 좋다. 열심히 해서 좋은 성적 내겠다.
▲ 허영무=빨리 경기하고 싶다. 빨리 4라운드가 개막했으면 좋겠다. 너무 심심하다.
- 정명훈이 스타리그 결승에 올라가 있는데
▲ 도재욱=명훈이 연습을 못 도와줘서 조금 미안했다. 이번에 꼭 이겼으면 좋겠다.
▲ 김택용=나를 이기고 올라간 만큼 잘해줬으면 좋겠고, 고향에서 결승을 하니까 꼭 이겼으면 좋겠다.
- 끝으로 하고 싶은 말은
▲ 허영무=오늘 (도)재욱이의 새로운 면을 보고 간다(웃음). 또 (김)택용이의 올킬을 봐서 재미있었다.
▲ 송병구=재욱이가 앞으로 떳떳하게 먹었으면 좋겠다. 택용이 팬 분이 주신 먹거리는 차마 먹지 못하더라(웃음). 택용이 경기 보고 깨달은 것이 많아서 앞으로 더 잘할 수 있을 것 같다.
▲ 김택용=다음에 또 만났으면 좋겠다.
▲ 도재욱=방송이라고 해서 숨어서 안 먹고 당당하게 먹겠다(웃음). 삼성전자의 프로토스와 함께 생활해보는 것도 재미있을 것 같다. 택용이가 원래 하던 대로 잘해줘서 앉아 있는 것이 지루하지 않았다.