There's nothing wrong with Phantom BGH. If you get a noob phantom, you may just macro for an hour and randomly kill eachother. But that doesn't change by having the money low. A zerg phantom in any vers of Phant BGH I've seen should rush straight away and be in a strong position to win in 15-20 mins max.
The only reason people think Phantom BGH sucks is because you get more noobs in the game, more pointless games (phant is noob=suck usually). A lot of the time you end up having every available ability for your race, and people think maybe you're the phantom because everyone else has less shit than you. What's the point of that then? IDK some people like it.
Anyways phantom is about the only UMS I play.
List of ums's that I like: Hacker Defense was really fun (Like REALLY fun!), but has no semblance of balance at all. Custom Hero Arena is probably the best 'hero arena' style map in SC, although just about any WC3 hero focused custom map beats it. Faith and Destiny is a really fun RPG, but I've never found a completed version of it...
V-tec Paintball - love it love it love it (a lot of micro, mind games, and rock paper scissors)
Offensive Strike - opposite of defense, have to plan how to level different types of enemy bases within a small time limit
Paintball RPG - love it love it love it (capture the flag with an RPG element where you gain XP by killing creatures, opponents, and taking the flag, and then can upgrade units from XP gained).
On August 05 2008 07:20 SuperJongMan wrote: RMA? RMA? DID ANYONE SAY RMA??!?!
That's the only game you're good at in SC, right soyu ?
The Civil War ones were amazing. Cat and Mouse is always fun too lol. Also the LOTR maps from back in the day were great, arbiter recalls ftw.
Diplomacy 7.7 is ok. but Infinity is needlessly complicated. Cat and Mouse + Phantom games are so great o_o
please someone can make a mappack with all this maps?? (only a selection from this thread) i want to play this ums with my friends(i only play normal games, i suck in ums)
S...C...V... FOOTBALL!!!!!!~
Ah, UMS. The awesome world that I once thought was bigger then the melee world itself. Favorite maps: Kill That Zerg! Basketball Elements RPG Worms DBZ All Sagas (Preferably a good version that isn't rigged in one way or another) Micro Tournament Battlecraft (or something of the sort), but an old version where you had to build SCV's that cost 25 minerals instead of free probes. Battle.net Experience is obviously a classic. Golems (First version with mass attack where the combinations aren't given yet and ghosts and workers weren't invovled yet, just zerglings/zeals/bats)
That's all I can think of currently, but there are lots more.
there is a map where you have to rush 4 computers instead of playing like the art of defense. reallycool map
On August 04 2008 09:50 Shauni wrote: I like older UMS mostly.
King of Survival was very fun, a lot more fun than the newer styled Test of Survival... Choose Control - nobody plays it but it's pretty interesting. You (up to 4 players) choose different unit types to counter an AI army. It's a lot about teamwork, and it's nice that it adapts the difficulty to the number of players. Micro Tournament... Nice with an UMS where your melee skill level actually comes into play. A bit stupid with some micro situations but most of them pretty good and varied. Micro Challenge - not many people play those, not sure why, because most of them are pretty fun and well made. I have like a hundred of those maps. You are fighting in different micro situations against the AI, with some teamwork levels. The one who stays alive longest and doesn't lose his lives wins. A bit similiar to the newer Random Micro Challenge, but RMC has like no micro situations that are actually useful for real. Almost all of them are silly spellcaster ones or about bugging the AI. I hate most Micro Arenas as they are all so luck based, but the Platform and Desert ones can be pretty fun and interesting from time to time. Oh and whenever I see a mario party or other minigame-styled UMS I join as quick as I can
But yeah, I find most of the normal UMS:es boring, I'm only fond of the micro ones. Sometimes I play Marine or Sunken Defense when I'm really tired and bored.
I don't agree with UMS being more fun than melee though. Really... I don't. You can only spend so many hours on an UMS until it grows tedious. Melee you can play... forever and ever.
want to get together and play some King of Survival? i have versions 2 and 3. pm me if u want
On August 03 2008 18:28 eX-Corgh wrote:Show nested quote +On August 03 2008 18:16 PH wrote:On August 03 2008 15:49 eX-Corgh wrote: It seems like only those who suck at competitive 1v1 like UMS....... It seems like someone's got a pretentious-ass complex. Sit down and have some fun every now and then, buddy. I meant those who only play SC for UMS. Those who are too lazy to get better in real SC.
On August 03 2008 18:34 SpiritoftheTuna wrote: no you didnt. "only those who suck at competitive 1v1 [only play SC for UMS]" isnt even close to "only those who suck at competitive 1v1 like ums"
On August 04 2008 09:27 TheTyranid wrote:
Lazy? Starcraft is a GAME. You play it for FUN. You make 'real' SC sound like it's a job ffs. UMS is just as real as melee, and it's more fun.
I was gonna say something, but I don't think I need to anymore.
Old Stuff Maps I really enjoyed in the past. Most of these will probably be considered crappy by today's standards: V-Tec Paintball - I think this was the most popular UMS back in 1.04~ days. Commando Wars - Same era as V-Tec Paintball. Bomber Man - There are several versions of this. The basic fast action pylon version was the best imo. Frogger/Observer Dodge or whatever - Good waste of time Cat and Mouse/Tag - Good waste of time, really imbalanced, nobody really wants to be it/the cat. WW2/Diplomacy - Another big waste of time. This crap is annoying when people get into it, but at the same time annoying when people don't take it seriously at all. Somewhere between there, is the zone where it's actually fun. But again, be ready to throw away an hour~ Civilization Diplomacy was the best of the best imo, but took the longest. It had ages and everything, not really meant to be historically accurate like some of the other maps in this category. Smash TV - One of the best early UMS maps. Fun with friends. Go play it. Movie Contest - Fun if you have creative people. Usually breaks down.
Others: Paintball, Arena, Bunker wars, Zone Control, Duel, Nexus maps, Worms, Streetball
RPGs: FF7 Mako Assault - Friend of mine from middle school made this one. Somewhere between old school Starcraft RPGs (unit changes at level upgrades) and new school (stat modification, "spells"). Was probably the best RPG for a while. Dragonlance - First RPG for BW Expansion? Simple basic RPG, kill upgrade, doesn't have any balance. Final Fantasy III With the party system - Fun for a group, pretty much open. There's a FF4 version of this as well. Open RPGs - The only one I can remember the name of was Legends Open. Modeled after MMORPGs, this category of RPGs has potential but hasn't been fleshed out. Usually, after about 10 minutes in, you just end up farming and building cities. Custom/Dungeon Master RPGs - Fun if you have a good dungeon master. However, being DM is tedious and makes me feel nerdy. RP - WASTE OF TIME. This crap never works, and are always promising before you join the game. Everyone's a DM and a Player. Decent concept but almost never works. Resident Evil something something - Awesome map, ridiculously hard. Actually pretty fun trying to solve it with a group for the first time. Nice gun system
Others: Elements 1, Heroes, Crash, Chrono Trigger, Sorcery RPG, that very first starcraft RPG Dragon something, and a billion other RPGs I forgot to mention.
Newer Stuff The new maps I've found are mostly from Staredit.net. The new stuff with triggers is very impressive. I haven't been playing Starcraft, and when I do it's usually 1v1 or 3v3 BGH (for time wasting). But whenever my friends and I decide to all play together, we usually bust out the UMS maps, so I went searching for some good ones: RUSH - Probably the best set of triggers I've ever seen: Sort of an action game, sort of an RPG. Gun system like Resident Evil x 100. Password for 2 Player is ACDC: http://www.staredit.net/files/283/ Spellswords - 3 Player RPG. Very well done, technically superior. http://www.staredit.net/files/366/
Others: Sorcery 2 (good for 5 players)
1st-nexus destroyer terran versus zerg 2nd bionic vs zerg original 3rd tma wired 4th micro tourney
On August 08 2008 11:31 Bill307 wrote:So IntoTheWow sent me the design for a new TMM terrain. And here's the result: Team Micro Melee AG 1.0. Map DownloadImageHe suggested increasing the suicide delay so it's twice as long, now. Some other tweaks were made, too. Hoping to test this out later tonight and tomorrow night.  no more FE with cannon cover? :O i must try this
Micro maps/a little sunken D/ The comp stomp maps just to kill time ^_^