Russian Federation365 Posts
Greetings, Starcraft community!
As a part of our community I see many players grinding hard by playing a lot of ladder, but their skill growths really slow. As a player I found out that I struggle at improving my skills at this game too. I have good mechanical skills, fast hands etc. But obviously it’s not enough and to be honest I still don’t understand a lot of aspects of this game. How the hell FlaSh got so far in his game sense? How did he practice on his road? What should newcomers or mid-level players do to reach at least 1% of his level?
The answer is simple. Practice decision making skills.
But how? Watch youtube VODS and repeat all the actions this guy do? No. There are hundreds of decisions made by a player for a ~15 minute game. It’s hard to find them if your skill is lower.
I believe that the key is to be able to analyze replays. Replays is the knowledge of all bo’s you can ever imagine. Unfortunately they all are uselessly drowned in our replay folders.
At the current state of our community we don’t have the single source for replays. Even if you find some it would be 10 years ago updated database or any low player uploaded his fun 2 hour game for unknown reason. That means we don’t have enough information for analysis and improve.
I have always dreamt to have an app when you can store all your replays. To be able to track progress in match-ups, strategies, vs other players. Get insights about build orders in trend. To know what other players do versus specific builds.
I found solution.
Dear fellows! Let me announce SCBW.GG!
- Revival of deep replay analysis
- Resurgence of replay sharing
- Renaissance of the best e-sport strategy game
- Collect 1,000,000 replays
- Build a complex strategy knowledge database
- Guide players to achieve better results
Here’s the features that are publicly available:
- Database of games based on replays
- Both Starcraft: Remastered and 1.16.1 replays support
- Cloud replay storage
- Simple game statistics (including actions from game)
- Simple dashboard based on user’s games
- Simple filter by games
- Game sharing
- Tourney module (only for game sorting purpose)
This is the starting point to publicly test those features and collect some replays.
The next features should be:
- Auto-uploading replays (desktop app to save your time)
- Build order module (inspired by https://lotv.spawningtool.com/ )
- SPON match module (inspired by http://sponbbang.com/ )
- Advanced filter - you will be able to search games with specific build against other
- Twitch relays - statistics on your stream right after a game has finished
How does it work?
- Go to https://scbw.gg/
- If you want to upload replays and track your stats - register an account
- If you want to search some games you don’t need to register
- Each uploaded replay information converting to a game automatically.
- After you uploaded some replays, go to edit nicknames page. You will see all nicknames of players from uploaded replays. Find yours and click add. Current games will be assigned to your user account. Players from future uploaded replays will be automatically assigned to these nicknames.
- If you upload a replay, you are the owner of the game and able to make it either published or private. By default all your games are private.
- Some replays doesn’t have results of the game. To track your stats you will need to define it manually (mostly losses)
- Also there is an Event section where you can find games of specific tourney.
- Each event has many tournaments. Each tournament has many games. For example: BW Jeez Weekly is an event. BW Jeez Weekly #25 is its tournament.
Feel free to contact us on
Woah sweet! This is awesome, thanks for sharing! I will be using this a lot for sure. Seems like a great tool. Awesome work once again.
Croatia9479 Posts
This looks promising at first glance. I actually had plans on working on something very similar to this.
I see you've made a github repository to track issues, but are you planning on making the code open source as well?
Russian Federation365 Posts
On August 16 2019 09:02 GGzerG wrote: Woah sweet! This is awesome, thanks for sharing! I will be using this a lot for sure. Seems like a great tool. Awesome work once again.
On August 16 2019 09:10 2Pacalypse- wrote: This looks promising at first glance. I actually had plans on working on something very similar to this.
I see you've made a github repository to track issues, but are you planning on making the code open source as well?
Thanks for the feedback! At the current stage we have no plans on making the code open source yet.
Looks like a really promising site, I like the clean non-cluttered look a lot.
What are modules btw, because if they're what I think they are it's good that someone else has already started on developing a build order one. since that is one of the suggestions I've been thinking about giving to Blizzard for the past several months for example to replace the empty space next to the minimap and the unit selection panel or, wherever the empty space is on the panel, at the bottom of the screen when widescreen mode is used.
Thanks man! Nice goals Corolary: You (or someone) are able to create 2x2 league with this by adding tags to filters
This is really amazing, any plans to add in EAPM or any advanced macro/spending metrics?
I'll test it when back home. Looks very interesting Spx!
Looks neat, trying it out.
Mirror matchup count seems to be bugged: (although PvP frequency certainly feels like more than total games played on the ladder)
Wow, this looks amazing! Thank you for your effort on improving BW esport!
This looks super promising! Thanks for putting this work in Spx.
I got small suggestion for the UX. Here is the user story: - just tried to register but I don't receive an email (at gmail.com email address) - I see there is a message to contact someone - but there aren't any details who and where to be contacted?!
![[image loading]](https://i.imgur.com/s9zjQTY.png) suggestion / advice -- There should be a form, or email address, or chat - something 
Other than that - the site looks good, the functionalities are something like modern BWChart in the cloud. I love it! Keep up the good work. Once you fix all the small details - it will be a great place for SC education and dick measuring
Russian Federation365 Posts
On August 16 2019 11:23 IvaNioX2 wrote: Thanks man! Nice goals Corolary: You (or someone) are able to create 2x2 league with this by adding tags to filters
True. But for now we are focusing on 1v1 statistics. Also threre are only 1v1 games are supported yet.
On August 16 2019 17:16 Soulforged wrote:Mirror matchup count seems to be bugged: (although PvP frequency certainly feels like more than total games played on the ladder) ![[image loading]](https://puu.sh/E5PxC/caa0c43ebc.png)
Bug Demolished
On August 16 2019 12:10 -Debaser- wrote: This is really amazing, any plans to add in EAPM or any advanced macro/spending metrics?
EAPM - yes, but it turned out a hard task actually, so it won't get super fast Macro/spending metrics - we need to investigate it first. Because information from replay is not enough to make an accurate metrics. Replay gives us just commands, sended by a player during the game (and processed by broodwar engine). Also there's no events in replay. All those "units produced", "building complete" events etc. are seen only at broodwar engine. So it may be a better choice to wait until BWAPI for Remastered will come out.
On August 16 2019 21:41 BlueStar wrote:suggestion / advice -- There should be a form, or email address, or chat - something  Other than that - the site looks good, the functionalities are something like modern BWChart in the cloud. I love it! Keep up the good work. Once you fix all the small details - it will be a great place for SC education and dick measuring  Fixed. Thank you! Very good points :D If you still have any problems with login, let us know https://scbw.gg/contacts
Awesome work! This looks really well made and helpful.
Just one little thing: Maybe you want to check grammar and phrasing of the explanatory text on the main-page. Would be a shame if such a great website had multiple mistakes in there. (Not saying that I'm flawless or anything, but even I spotted some)
Yeah, the macro metrics are the same issue BWChart & others always had. Just taking all the input commands and treating them as if a unit was made/building was constructed is not helpful. EAPM is more of a realistic task.
Thanks for the mirror matchup fix! Can confirm it works now.
Very cool tool, thanks. Just a suggestion: maybe it's better to show list of games on the home page instead of showing the splash screen first with two buttons. I know it's one click away but it adds to the experience. In most cases you want to download replays, only in some cases you want to upload/register. So why not make https://scbw.gg/analytics/ the new home page?
at least i get errors clicking those two links under "The next features should be:"
Russian Federation365 Posts
On August 27 2019 19:28 QuadroX wrote:Very cool tool, thanks. Just a suggestion: maybe it's better to show list of games on the home page instead of showing the splash screen first with two buttons. I know it's one click away but it adds to the experience. In most cases you want to download replays, only in some cases you want to upload/register. So why not make https://scbw.gg/analytics/ the new home page?
absolutely true, on plan 
On August 27 2019 20:29 [AS]Rattus wrote: at least i get errors clicking those two links under "The next features should be:"
Fixed :D Thanks
Wow this is incredibile! Thank you for the hard work!!
Russian Federation194 Posts
Russian Federation365 Posts
New update arrived
Current stage: Public Beta
What's new?
- Moved to new server
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Improved winner's detection algorithm
- Added analytics by map: win/loss/ratio for dashboards
- Improved filter: search games by winners' race, match-up and map
Limitations of public beta: Up to 500 replays upload limit
**Please, tell us what you think and feel free to ask any question**
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