On April 17 2007 11:35 sweatpants wrote:Alright, so I was thinking of making a thread on the exact same topic with probably the exact same original post. Carnac couldn't have said it better. I have an unhealthy love affair with VODs and watch them all, so the following is a list of recommendations.
I divided the VODs in four levels:
Skip : If you're not a VOD fanatic, it suffices just to know the outcome of these games. There isn't really anything outstanding in them (and if there is, it's too little), just your average run-of-the mill game play. In fact, if I could, I would have advised my past self not to bother watching these (at regular speed, anyway) in the first place. They're not necessarily bad games, just mundane.
Read: A few interesting things happened in these games, but not quite enough to distinguish them from the mediocre. These games may have a lot of underlying tension but the play might be a little too unimpressive to need to be seen first-hand. They do have a few (usually fleeting) moments of real excitement, however, and I recommend that you at least take a look at the written reports. If there are no staff reports on the particular match, the experience is always frozen in time for you in the live reports thread.
Watch: This is everything you hope for when starting a VOD. Unconventional strategies, pimp plays, bold moves and unexpected outcomes, or simply a solid and exciting game between two professionals playing all out. Whether it's a particularly well played case of a textbook match or a crazy cheese that could end up anywhere, a game at this level generally features near-flawless overall gameplay and impressive feats of control. Anything you think of when you think "good game." Watch them, you won't be sorry.
Don't miss: The best of the best. These are the games that will come up in discussions months from now. They define pro-gamers in terms of ability, ranking, style and popularity. They're truly outstanding performances that you, as a Starcraft fan, cannot afford to miss. They will shock, awe, and keep you on the edge of your seat.
So here are the ODT Ro48 games in list form:Skip:(A) [4.4.2007] JiHyun vs Hwasin 1 @ HitchHiker
(A) [4.4.2007] JiHyun vs Hwasin 2 @ Arkanoid
(B) [4.4.2007] ZergMaN vs Luxury 1 @ Arkanoid
(C) [4.4.2007] TheMani vs Midas 1 @ LonginusII
(F) [4.5.2007] Lomo[fOu] vs Jy @ LonginusII
(G) [4.5.2007] Light vs Shine 2 @ Arkanoid
(H) [4.5.2007] July vs Silver 2 @ LonginusII
(I) [4.6.2007] Bifrost vs Tester 2 @ LonginusII
(L) [4.6.2007] Much vs Jaedong 1 @ LonginusII
(N) [4.11.2007] iloveoov vs Hazim 1 @ Arkanoid
(N) [4.11.2007] iloveoov vs Hazim 2 @ LonginusII
(O) [4.11.2007] Child vs Bisu 1 @ Longinus II
(P) [4.11.2007] GoRush vs Sea 2 @ Longinus II
(R) [4.12.2007] Shark vs FreeDom 2 @ Arkanoid
(S) [4.12.2007] ForGG vs Kingdom 2 @ Arkanoid
(T) [4.12.2007] Jangbi vs Anytime @ Arkanoid
(V) [4.13.2007] ChOJJa vs HiyA 1 @ HitchHiker
(V) [4.13.2007] ChOJJa vs HiyA 2 @ LonginusII
(W) [4.13.2007] Xellos vs GoodFrienD 1 @ Arkanoid
(X) [4.13.2007] Reach vs Yooi 2 @ LonginusII
Read:(B) [4.4.2007] ZergMaN vs Luxury 2 @ LonginusII
(E) [4.5.2007] DonGraE vs Hery 2 @ HitchHiker
(F) [4.5.2007] Lomo[fOu] vs Jy 2 @ Arkanoid
(G) [4.5.2007] Light vs Shine 1 @ HitchHiker
(H) [4.5.2007] July vs Silver 1 @ Arkanoid
(I) [4.6.2007] firebathero vs DArKeLf 1 @HitchHiker
(J) [4.6.2007] Bifrost vs Tester 1 @ HitchHiker
(J) [4.6.2007] Bifrost vs Tester 3 @ HitchHiker
(L) [4.6.2007] Much vs Jaedong 2 @ Arkanoid
(O) [4.11.2007] Child vs Bisu 3 @ Arkanoid
(P) [4.11.2007] GoRush vs Sea 1 @ HitchHiker
(P) [4.11.2007] GoRush vs Sea 3 @ Arkanoid
(R) [4.12.2007] Shark vs FreeDom 1 @ LonginusII
(W) [4.13.2007] Xellos vs GoodFrienD 2 @HitchHiker
Watch:(C) [4.4.2007] TheMania vs Midas 2 @ HitchHiker
(D) [4.4.2007] UpMagiC vs PuSan 1 @ HitchHiker
(D) [4.4.2007] UpMagiC vs Pusan 2 @ LonginusII
(E) [4.5.2007] DonGraE vs Hery 1 @ Arkanoid
(F) [4.5.2007] Light vs Shine 3 @ LonginusII
(I) [4.6.2007] firebathero vs DArKeLf
(K) [4.6.2007] YellOw[ArnC] vs free 2 @ HitchHiker
(K) [4.6.2007] YellOw[ArnC] vs free 3 @ LonginusII
(L) [4.6.2007] Much vs Jaedong 3 @ HitchHiker
(M) [4.11.2007] GGPlay vs O.oc 1 @ HitchHiker
(M) [4.11.2007] GGPlay vs O.oc 2 @ LonginusII
(O) [4.11.2007] Child vs Bisu 2 @ HitchHiker
(Q) [4.12.2007] StOrk vs 815[Hyo] 2 @ HitchHiker
(S) [4.12.2007] ForGG vs Kingdom 1 @ HitchHiker
(S) [4.12.2007] ForGG vs Kingdom 3 @ LonginusII
(T) [4.12.2007] Jangbi vs AnyTime 2 @ LonginusII
(U) [4.13.2007] Flash vs TT 1 @ LonginusII
(U) [4.13.2007] Flash vs TT 2 @ HitchHiker
(X) [4.13.2007] Reach vs Yooi 1 @ LonginusII
Don't Miss:(K) [4.6.2007] Yellow{ArnC] vs free 1 @ Arkanoid....
[torrent](Q) [4.12.2007] StOrk vs 815[Hyo] @ Arkanoid.......
[torrent]Here are the games in "Bracket" form. Probably not official bracket style, but just a visual way I keep track of things. Warning, this will spoil all the results of ODT to date.
+ Show Spoiler +And here are the Survivor games in list form: Skip:(A) [4.5.2007] Pusan vs Pepe @ LonginusII
(A) [4.5.2007] Winnners @ Blitz X
(C) [4.7.2007] Losers @ Blitz X
(D) [4.10.2007] Losers @ BlitZ X
(D) [4.10.2007] Final @ Reverse Temple
(E) [4.12.2007] GoRush vs Shine @ LonginusII
(E) [4.12.2007] Final @ Reverse Temple
(F) [4.14.2007] Final @ Reverse Temple
Read:(A) [4.5.2007] iloveoov vs Child @ LonginusII
(B) [4.7.2007] Sea vs Luxury @ LonginusII
(B) [4.7.2007] Jaedong vs Sheis @ LonginusII
(B) [4.7.2007] Losers @ Blitz X
(C) [4.7.2007] GGPlay vs TT @ LonginusII
(D) [4.10.2007] Xellos vs Shark @ LonginusII
(E) [4.12.2007] Winners @ Blitz X
(E) [4.12.2007] Losers @ Blitz X
(F) [4.14.2007] Midas vs TheZerg @ Longinus II
(F) [4.14.2007] Losers @ Blitz X
Watch:(A) [4.5.2007] Losers @ Blitz X
(A) [4.5.2007] Final @ Reverse Temple
(B) [4.7.2007] Winners @ Blitz X
(C) [4.7.2007] Go.go vs Silver @ LonginusII
(C) [4.7.2007] Winners @ Blitz X
(C) [4.7.2007] Final @ Reverse Temple
(E) [4.12.2007] UpMagiC vs Pure @ LonginusII
Don't Miss:(B) [4.7.2007] Final @ Reverse Temple.......................
[torrent](D) [4.10.2007] firebathero vs sOo @ LonginusII...........
[torrent](D) [4.10.2007] Winners @ Blitz X..............................
[torrent](F) [4.14.2007] DArKeLf vs cHalRengE @ LonginusII....
[torrent](F) [4.14.2007] Winners @ Blitz X..............................
[torrent]And here are the brackets for Survivor. Warning, this will spoil all the results of Survivor to date.
+ Show Spoiler +SkipReadWatchDon't MissThe colors of the pictures got a little screwy. The red looks like pink some places. And the green is there, I promise.
Here's the list for Proleague as of 4/18Skip:[4-14-07]CJ vs STX 2- Sea.Jy vs InteR.Calm @Python
[4-15-07]Samsung vs Hanbit 1- Jangbi vs Ganzi @ Shin Peaks
[4-16-07]Pantech vs eStro 3- Silent_Control+Silver vs Cool+Sangho @ DMZ
[4-16-07]Airforce vs SKT 3- Chrh+HOT-Forever vs Lake+Shudder @ Chariots of Fire
[4-16-07]Airforce vs SKT 4- Clon vs Canata @ Python
[4-17-07]MBC vs STX 1- Light vs Siz)KaL @ Python
[4-17-07]MBC vs STX 2- Shark vs TheSTC @ Shin Peaks
[4-17-07]MBC vs STX 3- 910+TheZerg vs Child+Hwasin @ DMZ
[4-18-07]Hanbit vs OGN 1- GGPlay vs Luxury @ Python
Read:[4-14-07]CJ vs STX 1- Much vs Siz)Kal @ Nemesis
[4-14-07]CJ vs STX 4- Iris vs Sheis @ Tau Cross
[4-14-07]CJ vs STX 5- sAviOr vs InteR.Calm @ Geometry
[4-14-07]MBC vs Lecaf 1- Light vs Jaedong @ Monty Hall
[4-15-07]OGN vs KTF 1- Bifrost vs Nal_rA
[4-15-07]OGN vs KTF 2- Casy vs Hery
[4-15-07]OGN vs KTF 3- Zeus+YellOw[ArnC] vs Sync+Zergboy
[4-16-07]Pantech vs eStro 1- NaDa vs UpMagiC @ Python
[4-16-07]Pantech vs eStro 2- Nal_Keke vs Magma @ Shin Peaks
[4-16-07]Pantech vs eStro 4- Rock vs Tester @ Nemesis
[4-16-07]Airforce vs SKT 1- Mumyung vs Best @ Nemesis
[4-18-07]Samsung vs KTF 3- firebathero+Sigamari vs GoodFrienD+YellOw @ DMZ
[4-18-07]Samsung vs KTF 4- Jangbi vs ChOJJa @ Nemesis
[4-18-07]Samsung vs KTF 5- JJu vs Hery @ Geometry
Watch:[4-14-07]MBC vs Lecaf 2- ruby vs HiyA @ Python
[4-14-07]MBC vs Lecaf 3- Saint+Jaehoon vs ggaemo+BackHo @ Chariots of Fire
[4-15-07]Samsung vs Hanbit 2- Odin vs GGPlay @ Geometry
[4-15-07]Samsung vs Hanbit 3- firebathero+sigamari vs Joker+Hazin @ DMZ
[4-15-07]OGN vs KTF 4- Luxury vs GoodFrienD
[4-15-07]OGN vs KTF 5- cHalRengE vs ChOJJa
[4-16-07]Pantech vs eStro 5- FireFist vs cool @ Monty Hall
[4-16-07]Airforce vs SKT 2- Boxer vs Midas @ Geometry
[4-17-07]CJ vs Lecaf 1- DArKeLf vs ForGG @ Python
[4-17-07]CJ vs Lecaf 2- IriS vs AnyTime @ Monty Hall
[4-18-07]Hanbit vs OGN 2- free vs Casy @ Nemesis
[4-18-07]Hanbit vs OGN 3- Fantastic_Namoo+boy vs Zues+YellOw[ArnC] @ Chariots of Fire
[4-18-07]Hanbit vs OGN 4- Ganzi vs cHalRengE @ Shin Peaks
[4-18-07]Samsung vs KTF 1- Stork vs Reach @ Monty Hall
Don't Miss:[4-14-07]CJ vs STX 3- Oversky+TheMania vs oOo+By.Hero @ DMZ.......................
[torrent][4-17-07]CJ vs Lecaf 3- sAviOr+Much vs ggaemo+BackHo @ Chariots of Fire.........
[torrent][4-18-07]Samsung vs KTF 2- Frozean vs Nal_rA @ Tau Cross...............................
[torrent]And here's the "Bracket" for Proleague
+ Show Spoiler +So there's my opinion about the games so far. I'd guess I'm +/- .5 a level off from the majority vod watchers here. What do you think of the games? Remember spoiler tags!