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The fifth day of the round of 16 streamed live from OGN's studio featured

It looked like you were completely relaxed in today's game.
I lost the two games earlier due to the nervosity. I even lost a won game against an amateur player, I don't know how. I came to realize how scary nervosity can be. Today I emptied my mind and played really relaxed so I judged the situation well and my control was good.
When you are relaxed your performance is truly amazing.
While I was a progamer I used to worry so much over the deciding games. Playing today's game I realized how important psychology is. It's quite unfortunate I only realized that only after my career.
Do you think you will be able to do well next season?
I really gained a lot from playing today's game. I think I'll be able to do really well in the next starleague. Overwhelmed with regret I probably won't be able to sleep well today.
You even went to the military but it doesn't look like your skills suffered.
I practised really hard before this starleague. I don't think my skills deteriorated and I have my pride as well. Personally I didn't have any psychological issues facing other players.
The two games you lost earlier must have really frustrated you.
In the military I was also sweared at a lot. (laughs) Why did I end up being that guy, I don't know. But as for the future, I would prefer to get a lot of praise instead of criticism.
Finally, anything you want to say?
Since I was eliminated with today's game it's okay if I don't practise but I'm really going to give the preparation my very best. I wanted to end on a better note. If another Starleague is held I'll prepare well. Seeing the atmosphere now it seems like another season will happen and I want to show good games.
I want to stay in the memories of my fans as Park Saejong. I want to do even better in the future. I want to thank the fans for still loving Brood War and please support me in the future as well.
Source: DES
You finished on a good note. How do you feel?
At first I was confident but being unable to prepare I just put my mind at ease going into the match. I was able to warm up well and that brought good results.
You were extremely delighted after winning.
Until the enemy surrendered, not even 1% of my thoughts said I had a chance of winning. I had even thought he would defend the final attack at the eleven o'clock base. Seeing the opponent declare the GG, I couldn't believe my eyes. At the thought of finally winning, I laughed brightly.
What did you feel like being on the verge of elimination with three losses after losing probes in the early game?
I thought to myself 'I'm gonna get sweared at over this.' If I ended up getting eliminated with three losses I couldn't make my name known and would just be forgotten. Truthfully, if I ended up losing three games I probably wouldn't even think I'd be able to participate again. But winning like this I feel a sense of satisfaction and I'm somewhat excited. I want to keep challenging myself.
You seemed very nervous in your first game.
I was sure I'd get eliminated so honestly I wasn't all that nervous, as for the first two games I just took some chill-pills and had to play the games. I don't even remember what buildings I constructed and what units I produced. Honestly I was dismayed about being unable to show even half of my skill. Since the beginning people that don't know me well would tend to underrate me so I thought I had to do that much better which made things even more intimidating.
Be it dark archon or high templars, you seem to be using templar related units well.
hero's style relies on getting rid of high templars so I used them actively. I also made a dark archon to reverse the unfavorable situation so that the enemy couldn't make mutalisks. It would've been difficult if hero made mutas.
Are you confident about the next season?
When I'm completely relaxed while playing my skills show to some degree. I think I'll be able to show my abilities to some degree in the next season.
Any final words?
Snow told me that winning a game is thrilling but I didn't know what kind of feeling he meant. But winning the game today, I now know the thrilling sensation.
Source: DES
You advanced to the round of 8. How do you feel?
I was quite nervous before playing the game but it wasn't the kind of game I'd expected. As soon as I defended the game was over so it hasn't really sunk in yet. I'm very relieved to have made the round of 8.
You probably didn't think you'd be eliminated in the round of 16?
I had thought I'd advance with two wins but upon losing to Last I realized that this was truly a competition. So I worried a lot and tried to play today's game safe and I was able to come out on top.
You lost to Last's early game strategy.
I also don't like TvT so I prepared a strategy. I was going to end the game in 6 minutes but Last with his strategy did it in 3. I want to take my revenge but honestly I'm not sure about that since I dislike TvT.
There's a high chance you'll play a Protoss in the round of 8.
The maps don't favor Terrans but there's nothing I can do about that. Even if I happen to play a Protoss I'll just have to do my best.
Are you confident you'll make the semifinals?
It may be annoying due to the maps. (laughs) It was stressful in this round and it'll be stressful in the round of 8 as well. I hope they make the maps a bit better for Terrans in the next season. There are no Zergs either, are there? (laughs)
GuemChi will have to shave his head.
As he said earlier he was able to focus on his practice so he did rather well. I hope that he can improve his skills to a point where he can win the next time. (laughs)
T/N: Not 100% sure Hiya's talking about Guemchi's skills/practice and not his own.
Any final words?
The last game was weird but since I advanced to the next round I'll strive to get into the semifinals.
Source: DES
You advanced to the round of 8 after tiebreakers. How do you feel?
Honestly, in the final game, rather than hoping I would advance I just hoped for some conclusion. As the loop keeps going it's difficult physically. But I recovered my senses in the last game against JangBi and the DT strategy worked out well. Since it was the tiebreakers, keeping mental focus was difficult.
The performance of all three players was good today.
I don't win so much when I play usually but today, oddly, I kept winning. Truthfully, rather than the opponents it were the maps that were difficult. I kept engaging to try and find a better strategy than arbiters. My winning record was good in practice so I was confident but Seong Gyun (Mind) was resisting strongly so it was tiring. It was originally a game that I was supposed to win but while playing really well, Mind was careless, and I was able to win again. But that game traumatized Mind and I was able to gain confidence.
Did you expect the tiebreakers?
Rather than forcing tiebreakers I just didn't want to get eliminated easily. But it became more complicated than I had thought. (laughs) I feel good about advancing but isn't the next round on thursday already? I can only be happy for a while and I need to get back on practising so it's tiring.
The game ended well but your expression doesn't seem so good.
I was happy about finally getting two wins when the games were over. I was proud, too. But I was really tired getting up from the seat. Since it's a Starleague, I was extremely stressed over the games. Especially in my game against Yeong Moo (JangBi) my performance wasn't good so it was rather tiring. Although I'm not a progamer anymore, I guess I still have the heart of one. (laughs)
You won the willpower fight.
I have a better mental strength than I had in the military. (laughs) As a progamer I had little free time so I played with the precision of a machinery but now I have my composure and enjoy the game while playing it. So my mental strength rather improved. This mental composure showed in today's game.
Many people divined that you would win today.
Luck has been on my side lately. So my fans enjoy watching me and I have a strong desire to meet their expectations. I work really hard to make sure the fans see the performance worthy of their love for me.
Finally, you boldly used a DT strategy.
I saw my opponent's nexus so I knew his observer would be late. So I thought I would be able to kill the nexus by sending three DTs. Maybe since DTs were used often in the past games Janbi ruled them out.
Anything you would like to add?
Despite being busy, Chang Hee (Mong) and Gi Seok (Sharp) helped me greatly. I want to sincerely thank them. I'm going to play Mong in the round of 8 so I hope we show good games. And I will do my utmost best to show satisfactory games to the fans who support me.
Source: DES
Original interviews by Daily eSports journalist Lee Sora - sora@dailyesports.com
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