Word from SBENU CEO Hello. This is BJ Sonic. Since the first season to the ninth season. It seems like a lot of time went by. While scarce, I want to thank to all the fans who supported me. Wanting to push the Starleague's quality yet a bit more higher. To make it even better. From now on, I will only use my powers to sponsor and plan the Starleagues. Whether it's for Sonic TV events or personal streams, you will continue to see BJ Sonic. But for the caster for the 10th Sonic Starleague. We're currently securing a truly amazing caster. We are also getting good people for game observing and managing the stream. We are going to give you a stream really worthy of a television broadcast.
Smart decision. As anything grows, you need to be able to start delegating tasks and getting specialized people. Hopefully he'll find time for a few cameos, but I'm looking forward to what SSL will look like when it's not basically all one person doing it.
i absolutely like Sonic's casting, but this is a step in the right direction nonetheless, professionalizin the casting of the next SSL and focussing his time and energy on the organisation and production process. I can get behind this decision.
Thank you for translation! With SSL getting bigger and bigger, it was inevitable that eventually he'd give way to the "pros" while he'd focus on managerial role.