I used to be a pretty big fan of pro BW (stayed up just to watch woongjin or sparkyz in proleague). I just can't get that into sc2 so I was looking for the best BW game I could find to try to satisfy my teary-eyed Nostalgia. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a thread or list of the best games ever (I can't believe this thread doesn't exist already, but I searched and couldn't find it,) and I don't want to have to rewatch a bunch of one-sided turtle-y Flash games or PvP build order losses to find/remember the good stuff.
So here's the challenge TL, lets put together a list of the best pro BW games of all time.
The criteria is completely up to you, but please try to explain why you think it warrants a spot.
Did it inspire you to fall in love with pro BW? Is it just one of those games that sticks with you that you always remember when you think BW? Was it the most brilliant cheese/rush of all time (maybe BoxeR's proxy vs Oov)? A fan favorite veteran showing a flash of brilliance (July's golden mouse)? Did Reach play the manliest game possible?Did it have brilliantly impossible micro? Did UpMaGiC, BoxeR, or NalRa do something astonishingly creative? Did it stand for the beginning or end of an era (BoxeR leaving for ACE, or Bisu vs sAviOr for MSL)? Did it help silverStork finally get his OSL win? Or your favorite team win the proleague? Was it the best 2v2 ever (I know there was an epic one with fast maelstrom)? Did a player snatch victory from the jaws of seemingly certain defeat?
Chameleon's nominees (I'm sure I've seen better games than these, at least the second one, but I'm having trouble remembering specific games/series, hence the thread)
I have a soft spot for this game because it was the first I watched that really got me hooked on pro BW (shortly after sc2 was announced). It's a classic rivalry game, between two legends (well, a legend and firebathero), in the MSL, and is an exciting, back and forth, hour long slugfest using darn close to every unit in the t and z arsenal.
Why? An hour long battle filled with constant harassment, unorthodox units and tactics. And I'm just a sucker for D-Web and dark archons. I have trouble putting it too high on the list though because 1) it didnt really count for much (just a random PL game) and 2) the end result seemed a little inevitable to me, the advantage didn't swing back and forth dramatically.
^The most comprehensive lists of great games you're going to find anywhere I think. Still barely scratches the surface of awesome games and moments of magic in BW.
My personal favourites are Stork vs Jaedong @ Matchpoint and Bisu vs Iris @ Byzantium III and Jaedong vs Flash @ Rush Hour III and probably a dozen others.
I couldn't be honest if I answer this topic, I would need to re-watch all bw matches since 1999. But I wouldn't be surprised if Boxer is in it, he is the pro-gamer that amazed me the most, from day one until the end, watching Boxer was like watching a new game almost every-time. I don't even know where he got all those ideas when you could play the game on a much simpler level like Flash did.
Boxer thought the game from an other dimension. On top of being extremely entertaining, he truly believed this was the best way to deal with the problem which makes him even more awesome.
I don't remember who the player was (july and casie?) on Lost Temple. Someone faked (casie.. at least a terran) that he had a quick expo by sending SVC long mining and then rushed the Zerg and won. Was pretty nice.
im searching for the flash vs jaedong rival highlight video, showcasing their head to head score while showing the games....... they played so many great tvz games.
Should be up here. The emotions in the videos (particulary the first one) is ... beautifull.
Also every VOD in the god of the battlefield article should be watched.
Especially Casy vs Savior (i think it's on Longinus. Maybe Reverse temple)
On July 02 2014 20:38 FaCE_1 wrote: I don't remember who the player was (july and casie?) on Lost Temple. Someone faked (casie.. at least a terran) that he had a quick expo by sending SVC long mining and then rushed the Zerg and won. Was pretty nice.