On May 15 2022 18:50 TornadoSteve wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2022 07:05 TMNT wrote:On May 10 2022 14:43 M3t4PhYzX wrote:On May 10 2022 05:43 TMNT wrote:On May 10 2022 04:09 Lorch wrote: Anyone know if ASTL is happening any time soon? Not gonna happen any time soon I'm afraid. The college tournament is pulling insane amount of view that even an ASL final can only dream of. In that case, who wants to organize ASTL anyway? well.. that sucks.. I mean.. maybe theres a chance that it will be a new blood transfer into BW in the future, but I wouldn't necessarily count on it. There's no chance lol. They're all there for money and entertainment. Most of the students are girls anyway and all of them will just drop the game once this college thing cools down. Pro level BW will just die when all the top players right now get old enough. Pro level BW will not die, but will certainly fall down quite a bit when top players of the current era will retires. Early 2000, when Kasparov retired, chess was not a super popular game. All it took was one little guy to get it back on the map. Lets hope for a MG bonjwa to emerge right in time :D Kasparov retired from professional play in 2005.
Hey guys,
I started this game in April, Diamond 2 (master WOL) sc2 player and am currently always bouncing between F and E rank (1150-1250 MMR) in broodwar.
I must say the game itself is enjoyable even with all its shortcomings, but I think the skill level is far too high for anyone new to pick up this game.
I thought that I could at least get to D rank or something as a legacy SC2 player but I get absolutely stomped by anyone over 1400MMR, literally 0 chance to win, out macroed and out microed.
Is this because of the playerbase only consisting of people who have played 20+ years now? Or is F-rank only for smurfing?
5385 Posts
On May 16 2022 23:33 Myrnn wrote: Is this because of the playerbase only consisting of people who have played 20+ years now? Or is F-rank only for smurfing? I would say it's mostly people that played 20+ years and have "seen it all" so they know how to cheese you and/or counter anything you are doing. Best way to learn is to load up the replay after each loss, watch it at 2x speed but only showing opponent's vision. You will get an understanding of how the game works better by only seeing their vision and how they react to your play. I've been playing for 25 years and I am C-rank, so don't feel bad. The upper limit on this game is as much physical as is is mental
Yeah its a bit disheartening as losing to E rank people constantly makes you wonder how hardcore the people are in the other ranks.
Either way, I will stick around for a little while longer but I certainly hope I can win a little bit more than the 43% I am atm!
@Myrnn Hey, I hope you stick around. For new players it is definitely recommended to find a practice partner, a "coach" or join a discord (otherwise it can get lonely). You should also watch one of the F to S streams like the recent Jaeyun's.
Since you're an ex SC2 player, you're probably used to BOs etc., but in BW there are *many* other "tricks" and knowledge it is useful to pick up in order to be able to play more efficiently, some basic are:
- wall-ins: see liquipedia, but some very typical are gateway over forge is ling-tight, supply over rax and supply over supply is ling-tight, horizontally rax-supply and supply-supply and CC-rax are zealot tight (but not marine tight), horizontally hatchery-hydra den and hydra den- hatchery are zealot but not hydralisk tight; vultures are fat and as far as I know every wall works against them (and protosses usually wall-off their main mineral line against drops and start walling already with their very first pylon and gateway)
- worker micro: right clicking on gas (with or without an extractor/assimilator/refinery !) with worker is useful to get it out of the mineral line since it yields the same effect as mineral walk; drones regenerate full health when cancelling an extractor
- unit micro (again liquipedia for details): patrol micro with vultures and mutas (and valks), hold position micro with dragoons when kiting (if you would click stop, they wouldn't shoot right away), "stop micro" with ranged units (you need to click stop in order to unbug them when they won't move anymore), there is also some new trick with carriers for interceptors, but I forgot how it goes :-P, for dropships/shuttles/overlords clicking unload on them makes them unload all units while still moving, hold position lurkers (see liquipedia) and lurker stacking with patrol
- there are several unit types and attack types (see liquipedia for more detail), note that this is not stated explicitly in the game; every attack type deals full damage to protoss shields
- shift+tab to change colors of players (ppl use teal vs red), this is useful since sometimes it is difficult to see some colors on the minimap
I'm pretty sure people would be happy to respond in this thread if you have any further questions :-)
Thanks for the warm welcomes and information.
Yes I did notice the walling works very different than SC2 but seem to have gotten used to it.
I currently play protoss since its the easiest of the races but would say I enjoy terran more. Its just too hard at the moment to play terran since zerlings and zelots are so difficult to hold off. I lose when the first batch of zerglings or zelots come.
With protoss though I can get some semi competitive matches at least for a E rank person. Still find it very difficult to beat terran mech even though it seems I am ahead in the game, they produce really quickly in BW.
Zerg I still don't really stand much of a chance with, Sunkens, lurkers and mutas are very very strong.
I do have big issues with dragoons though, their wonky AI aside, I don't really understand why dragoon range doesnt work for me? I have seen dragoons can outrange bunkers... but not my ones.
How do you actually use dragoon range? also agaisnt mines they don't automatically target them either... Does A-move not work against mines?
You need to slowly move a dragoon towards the bunker and then click hold position right after - if it does not shoot, then repeat the process of moving the dragoon slightly and clicking hold position. Note that it can be the case that your opponent upgraded marine range, in which case the bunker has the same range as dragoons with dragoon range!
Dragoons do shoot mines automatically with a-move if the mines are detected with an observer or a photon cannon (and IIRC they are a high priority target for the dragoon AI), though when the dragoons are without range it can happen that they get too close before shooting (or maybe the dragoon got bugged in which case you have to click the stop button as mentioned in my previous post).
Feel free to post your replays too. Also see PM.
On May 16 2022 23:33 Myrnn wrote: Hey guys,
I started this game in April, Diamond 2 (master WOL) sc2 player and am currently always bouncing between F and E rank (1150-1250 MMR) in broodwar.
I must say the game itself is enjoyable even with all its shortcomings, but I think the skill level is far too high for anyone new to pick up this game.
I thought that I could at least get to D rank or something as a legacy SC2 player but I get absolutely stomped by anyone over 1400MMR, literally 0 chance to win, out macroed and out microed.
Is this because of the playerbase only consisting of people who have played 20+ years now? Or is F-rank only for smurfing?
I picked BW up like a year before RM got announced and I feel your pain. Just keep at it. Don't expect to win, just play to enjoy and improve  So many years later, I barely made it to C rank so don't worry about it. 99% of ppl you play against have played for 20+ years, so any game you win is super rewarding. Just keep that in mind and play for the love of the game
Marine basic range: 4 Dragoon basic range: 5 Dragoon upgraded with range: 6 Marine upgraded with range:5 Bunkers give +1 range
So you have a small arch where your dragoon’s will ideally out range the bunker. Given the stupidity of dragoon pathing, and that they at times freeze, it’s a micro dance to get all of your goons to shoot without being shot (assuming of course Terran did not get his own +1 range from academy)
This is the same intense and time consuming micro such as fixing your zergling file in zvz, or a tank line in TvT
Yeah but I was expecting to just a-move my dragoons and expect them to use their full range.
I have since figured it out though using the hold position micro with your guys help. I'm hold positioning a lot more now as as a whole as this seems to work quite well in broodwar.
Managed to win some more games today against some tough competition for my level, and seem to be improving on the whole.
The game is definitely more enjoyable than LotV... I have stopped playing SC2 completely now xD.
Although I must say, watching Artosis stream/clips I have lost a lot of respect for him. As a great caster for like the last 12 years, I didn't know he was so toxic when he plays.
On May 17 2022 18:54 Myrnn wrote: Yeah but I was expecting to just a-move my dragoons and expect them to use their full range.
I have since figured it out though using the hold position micro with your guys help. I'm hold positioning a lot more now as as a whole as this seems to work quite well in broodwar.
Managed to win some more games today against some tough competition for my level, and seem to be improving on the whole.
The game is definitely more enjoyable than LotV... I have stopped playing SC2 completely now xD.
Although I must say, watching Artosis stream/clips I have lost a lot of respect for him. As a great caster for like the last 12 years, I didn't know he was so toxic when he plays. dont worry. youre not the first and you wont be the last
On May 17 2022 18:54 Myrnn wrote: Yeah but I was expecting to just a-move my dragoons and expect them to use their full range.
I have since figured it out though using the hold position micro with your guys help. I'm hold positioning a lot more now as as a whole as this seems to work quite well in broodwar.
Managed to win some more games today against some tough competition for my level, and seem to be improving on the whole.
The game is definitely more enjoyable than LotV... I have stopped playing SC2 completely now xD.
Although I must say, watching Artosis stream/clips I have lost a lot of respect for him. As a great caster for like the last 12 years, I didn't know he was so toxic when he plays.
He does it for entertainment though, without it its just a subpar stream.
Hold position micro is really great with goons yes.
i should get into playing bw, but my sc2 skill peaked in WoL so i am rusty af. maybe if i had never discovered apex legends i would have time to get gud.
can someone share a link to download this puzzle map? Seem interesting Mini been trying to solve this over an hour.
Russian Federation3329 Posts
On May 18 2022 04:21 End1ess wrote:can someone share a link to download this puzzle map? Seem interesting Mini been trying to solve this over an hour. imgur.com Took me long enough to find this lol. Some of it's in Korean though. Good luck. Apparently Mini started after watching firebathero first play it. After a couple hours, he gave up and stopped broadcasting XD The forums when I tried looking for this map literally are flooded with "how many times do you think Mini/fbh will say 'oh i think i got it now'?" LOL good luck
Download the first one. The _C file is for those who cleared the previous version of the map and skips to the newer levels https://cafe.naver.com/edac/93739
If you can't read Korean, here are the buildings you need to build in each stage to complete: + Show Spoiler + Stage 1: Arbiter's Tribunal Stage 2: Gateway and Stargate Stage 3: Nexus, Gateway, Stargate Stage 4: Every add-on (doesn't have to be connected to a building). When you lift buildings they blow up Stage 5: Stargate, Starport, Science Facility Stage 6: Hive, Creep Colony, Spawning Pool, Evo Chamber, Hydra Den, Spire, Queen's Nest, Ultra Tavern. You can't use Nydus. If you run out of drones, you get a new one. If you have >2 drones, the left-most drone will die Stage 7: Stage 8: Stage 9: Stage 10: Stage 11: Arbiter, Defiler Mound. If you build on white tiles, all drones and buildings get destroyed. (Mini gives up after 2 hours on this stage; and fbh takes 4 hours 1 minute on this stage. He looks at all of the building sizes like if a worker can fit behind a certain building) Stage 12: Stargate, Starport (fbh took 1 hour 50 minutes) Stage 13: 7 Command Centers, Academy. Academy must be built on white tiles. You die if you try to squeeze through refineries. You can't build Factories, Hives, sunkens, spores Stage 14: Stargate, Robotics, Templar, Science Facility, Hive. Any worker that completes a 4x3 building gets removed Stage 15:
Stages 7-10 and 15 I couldn't find on either fbh's or Mini's stream, so I can't see what the instructions are. If you screenshot them, I can translate
Apparently there's a 2 player version of the map too https://cafe.naver.com/edac/101617
Russian Federation3329 Posts
*Other notes: - BGM is from Baba is You. If you want to turn off the music, move the zergling at the 11 o clock position to the right and then press "ctrl+s" twice - If you're using an SCV or probe and move right away after completing a building, it can get stuck. In those times, hit S and it should free itself
*참고 사항 - 브금은 Baba Is You의 OST인 Box Has Key - Temple ruins 이며, 11시 저글링을 우측으로 옮겨 브금 반복 기능을 꺼도 Ctrl + S를 두 번 눌러주셔야 바로 꺼집니다. - SCV나 프로브의 경우 빨리빨리 하기 위해 건물 완성 후 바로 이동을 하려고 하면 건물에 끼어버리고는 합니다. 그럴 땐 지그시 S키를 한번 눌러주시면 풀려나실 수 있습니다.
So I remember seeing a hilarious dubbed film cut scene on tasteless' stream a year or two ago. The (presumably) main character had tasteless' face sticked on him, he entered a room with a shotgun where he killed root catz, and afterwards entered the bathroom where he saw artosis in the shower cabin (or a bathtub?) complaining as usual about balance or something. Tasteless then pulled the curtains and put Artosis out of his misery.
Does anyone know where one can find this video on the internet?