On January 28 2022 07:19 quaristice wrote: i definitely think it's real bad and indicative of a questionable mindset about the game in general.
but i also dont think im gonna convince anyone, so what can i do other than look for other stuff
I imagine that the reason is that the goal of CPL (and perhaps of RSL as well) is to give people a fun and fair environment where they also improve. Playing against Random, in some ways, goes against this model. I'm not going to elaborate because like you, I don't think I'm going to convince you that this is possibly true, but just as a mental experiment you can try to think about why facing a Random opponent is not conducive to newbs learning how to play the game and enjoying it.
On January 28 2022 07:19 quaristice wrote: i definitely think it's real bad and indicative of a questionable mindset about the game in general.
but i also dont think im gonna convince anyone, so what can i do other than look for other stuff
I imagine that the reason is that the goal of CPL (and perhaps of RSL as well) is to give people a fun and fair environment where they also improve. Playing against Random, in some ways, goes against this model. I'm not going to elaborate because like you, I don't think I'm going to convince you that this is possibly true, but just as a mental experiment you can try to think about why facing a Random opponent is not conducive to newbs learning how to play the game and enjoying it.
i have thought about it before you made your post. in other scenes, i've been involved with managing competitive game communities, organizing tournaments, and so on.
i suspect that you've probably also thought about what i'm about to say. but, i'll say it anyway. i think that when you have these kind of rules that don't match what the larger community (ladder, higher skill tournaments) does, then it creates an environment that's more alienating to new players, not less.
i could go into reasons why but i suspect these discussions have been already had in the past. i'm realistic about the fact that i'm not going to change it, no matter how much i think it's nonsense.
so just, i'm asking, is there some alternative for me?
i know about bsl choboleague, i know the players there are much much stronger than me typically but i'll at least try my best to aim for that. if nothing else.
I dunno, BW is too hard for me and my old brain. There’s a ton of intricacies of openers and stuff to learn, even PvZ walloffs vary map by map.
As a scrub who would like to actually learn the game when I have time, the thought of playing v random fills me with dread.
I just generally hate random in any RTS where faction x vs faction y openers to any degree of optimisation have to be made prior to scouting. You either gamble or you do some middle of the road thing that is just not an actual viable build.
Absolutely my bias speaking but I can understand a random ban for stuff targeted at low level players.
Speaking of being a scrub who would like to return to BW after a 20 year hiatus, any pointers to good places/communities to get playing would be much appreciated.
Random should just be banned from ladder/tournaments or at least show you the race that gets chosen.
I shouldnt waste my practice time playing the 1% that cant pick a race forcing me to do some shitty catch all opener. Nothing ruins your day more than getting matched vs random.
On January 29 2022 02:27 Lorch wrote: Random should just be banned from ladder/tournaments or at least show you the race that gets chosen.
I shouldnt waste my practice time playing the 1% that cant pick a race forcing me to do some shitty catch all opener. Nothing ruins your day more than getting matched vs random.
On January 29 2022 02:27 Lorch wrote: Random should just be banned from ladder/tournaments or at least show you the race that gets chosen.
I shouldnt waste my practice time playing the 1% that cant pick a race forcing me to do some shitty catch all opener. Nothing ruins your day more than getting matched vs random.
from ladder.. yeah, maybe.
but from tournaments? nah
Pro tournaments no. But lower level for fun/improvement tournies perhaps.
If there was an RTS where openers were pretty stock and the first 3/4 minutes of the game uniform prior to divergence playing with or against random would be pretty swell.
I haven’t personally played one myself, god it was torture in SC2 Wings where against any competent Zerg it was FFE or die for a while, and expanding was death against Protoss and Terrans would laugh if you FFE-D
Well, there was one viable FFE build I stole off Oz that was actually pretty sick against Terran, but you didn’t wall