On December 29 2020 09:10 Galacsia wrote: 중계진 (aka the Ultimate Battle channel) is running a little tournament called Bancraft. Each player gets to ban one unit of their opponent.
Rules (Copied from the description)
- Units that cannot be banned: Drones, Overlords, Probes, Observers, SCV and Vessels.
- Units like Hydralisks, Mutalisks and Templars can be banned, however units like Lurkers, Guardians, Devourers and Archons are still available if the unit needed to make them is banned. In these cases the basic unit can be made to morph into the other units but they cannot attack units, buildings or critters(I'm guessing other doodads are also included in here).
- When a banned unit is accidentally produced, it must be removed by other units that have not been banned.
- In order to proceed as quickly as possible, the ban will be submitted to the relay team in advance and they will all be revealed after the competition starts on the day.
- Bans of sets 1, 2 and 3 cannot be duplicated.
- Other rules are the same as in ASL.
Ro8 has already been posted to YouTube:
This is really fun. I wish I could understand what units they were banning before seeing what units fail to make an appearance, but this is really a brilliant format.
Bans are in bottom left. For the unit names in Korean, the wiki works.
On December 30 2020 08:14 Zergneedsfood wrote: Is there a UMS map/simple way where I can just get into the game to practice build orders without a computer/other player? I vaguely recall having something like that in the past but I haven't played in a long time.
Make a game, add a computer, start the countdown, open the computer slot (It will tell you you've won but you can just keep playing)
Perfect. Thanks a lot.
Yes there is a FS Macro UMS, but I am on mobile so if I don't edit this response in 24 hours please DM me ^^
안녕하세요 시청자분들 오랜만이예요. 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 다들 잘 지내고 계신가요? 저 잊으신건아닌지?? 오랜만에 근황도 전할 겸 새해 인사 드리러 왔어요 벌써 군생활한지 6개월이 지났네요. ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ 매일 근무서면서 정신없이 보내다보니 시간이 진짜 금방 가네요. 여기 소초 생활하면서 많은 일들이 있었지만 저는 여러모로 군생활을 참 다이내믹하게 하고있지않나 싶어요 ㅋㅋ 곧 200일이예요 휴가 못나간지.... 그래도 여기서 매일 운동하고 독서도하고 군대에 와서 뒤쳐지지않을려고 자기관리 진짜 열심히 하고 있어요. 그동안 개인정비시간에 FMM2021 했는데 진짜 최고의 게임이예요. 진짜진짜 띵작임. 휴가나가서 제일 하고싶은게 밥만먹고 에펨 미친듯이 하는거예요. 무각슛도 사라지고 아스날 유망주들 데리고 10년은 할수 있을것같은데 ㅋㅋ진짜 넘 하고싶다... 이미 전술이랑 선수 위치까지 다 짜놨어요 ㅋㅋ 신나서 말이 길어졌네요. 저 턱걸이는 한번에 15개까지해요 많이 늘었죠? 여기 와선 아프리카는 안보고 유투브 축구관련 제일많이 봐요. 가끔 방송국은 들어와보는데 좋은 글들 많이 써주셔서 감사해요. 군대에 와보니 군필들이 존경스럽고 제 자신한테 자부심도 생겼어요. 열심히 군생활 잘해서 건강하게 전역할게요. 모두 잘있어요. 사랑해요. 안녕
Google translate:
New year letter
Hello viewers, it's been a long time. Best wishes for a Happy New Year. Are you all doing well? Did you forget me?? It’s been a while since I’m here to tell you the current situation and to say hello Six months have passed since I was already in the military. C c c As I spend every day at work, my time is really fast. There have been a lot of things while living here in Socho, but I think I'm making my military life so dynamic in many ways ㅋㅋ It's 200 days soon. Still, I work out every day here, read books, and come to the military to keep up with my self-management. I played FMM2021 during personal maintenance time, but it's really the best game. It's really, really thin. The best thing I want to do after going on vacation is to eat only and do Efam like crazy. I think I can do 10 years with the Arsenal promising players after the angleless shot disappears. Those pull-ups are up to 15 at a time. It has increased a lot, right? I don't see Africa here, and I watch the most on YouTube soccer. Sometimes I come to the broadcasting station, but thank you for writing a lot of good articles. When I came to the military, I respected the military officers and made me feel proud of myself. I will work hard and work well in the military so that I can discharge healthily. Everyone is fine. I love you. Hello
Aw, such a heartwarming letter from JD! Wish him best luck, seems like he got hooked with soccer for real. And it's good for him and his health so his wrists can get some rest.
Hello viewers, it's been a long time. Best wishes for a Happy New Year. Are you all doing well? I wonder if you've forgotten me?? I thought I'd pass on some New Years greetings and provide an update since it's been a while It's already been 6 months since I joined the military (wow) Military life keeps me really busy and so time flies very fast. A lot of things have happened in Socho where I'm located and overall I think my military experience has been very interesting (evilfatsh1t input: literally every guy who goes to military in Korea says this lol). It's also approaching 200 days since I was allowed leave. Still, I work out every day here, read books, and to not fall behind in my duties I have been taking care of myself as much as possible. In my free time I played FM21 and it's really the best game. It's really, really well made. The only thing I want to do when I am granted leave is play FM21 all day. They got rid of stupid shots from tight angles (T/N: an issue that has plagued the last few iterations of FM) and I think I could play for 10 seasons straight just relying on Arsenal's youth players lol...I want to play it so bad. I've already created all my tactics and player selections lol. I've rambled a bit because I'm so excited. I'm able to do 15 pull ups in one set now. It has increased a lot, right? I don't watch Afreeca here, but I watch a lot of football (soccer) clips on youtube. Occasionally I'll check my Afreeca page and I'm thankful for all the kind messages. Coming to the military has given me newfound respect for servicemen and pride in myself. I'll do my best in the military and be sure to be discharged in good health. Take care and love you. Bye
On January 04 2021 22:05 Timebon3s wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swnW26hR0KE&t=2845s Light vs Best. Some insane good games with great english commentary. This dude has got a lot of bw content and deserves the support!
His casting has improved a lot, thanks for sharing. English content is always welcome.
What do you guys think about TvT? I personally enjoy the matchup, but I know some people think its worse than jailtime. They must not have been to jail in the United States.