Can you stream? Before you do anything, do a speed test at Speedtest.net and record the measured upload speed. If your connection has an upload speed of below 0.5Mbps, streaming is still possible but quality will be less than optimal.
Which programs should you use? The current best way to stream BW in fullscreen mode if you're using Windows 7 or above is to use OBS + Uscreencapture. Both software are free and easy to use. If for some reason that doesn't work the next best programs are Xsplit + Uscreencapture. There is a free xsplit version but it comes with several limitations most annoyingly the waiting screen when the program loads and only being allowed to use speex. If you're using Windows XP or lower then it's still best to use FMLE + Camtasia.
Table of Contents
Streaming in window mode with Xsplit top
What you will need: Setting up Xsplit:
- Load Xsplit.
- Add your JustinTV account from the menu. Click on Broadcast -> Edit Channels -> Add -> JustinTV and fill out the entries under channel (i.e your JustinTV username and password).
- How you fill the next entries depends on your upload speed.
A good estimate on how much bandwidth to use for video and audio bit rates is to first take 60% of your upload speed. Put 85% of that into VBV Max Bitrate under Video Encoding and the remaining 15% into Bitrate under Audio Encoding.
The format under audio should be set as “44.100 KHz 16 bit stereo”. If your bitrate is not on the drop down list, use “22.050 KHz 16 bit stereo” instead. For streaming purposes a maximum of 128Kbps is fine and any higher is not really going to make an audible difference to your stream viewers.
Note: If your upload speed is above 1.2Mbps just assume that it is 1.2Mbps. Setting the bit rates too high will prevent users from being able to watch the stream.
- Back on the main window click on Tools -> Settings and click on the General Tab. Check to see that your soundcard is selected under microphone.
- Go back to the main window again and click on View -> Resolution and set this to 640 x 480. Click on View -> Frame rate and set this to 24.00 fps.
Streaming using Xsplit:
- Load Xsplit.
- Add BW onto the stream by clicking Add -> Add screen region and drag your mouse cursor from the top left of the game window to the bottom right. Note: Clicking on BW will also select the window but it will add the window mode decorations on to the stream.
- Click on BW in the preview window and press 1. This will stretch out BW to fill up the whole stream. This can also be done by dragging BW in the preview window.
- To start streaming, click on Broadcast -> JustinTV. Click on it again to stop streaming.
Streaming in fullscreen using OBS + UScreenCapture top
What you will need:
Setting up OBS:
- Load Open Broadcaster Software (32bit) (Has to be the 32bit version or this won't work.)
- Add your JustinTV account from the menu. Click on Settings -> Broadcast Settings. Under "Streaming Service" select Twitch / Justin.tv. Go to http://www.twitch.tv/broadcast/ to get your stream key and fill out the "Play Path/Stream key" field.
- While still in the same settings dialog, click on the encoding tab. How you fill the next entries depends on your upload speed.
A good estimate on how much bandwidth to use for video and audio bit rates is to first take 60% of your upload speed. Put 85% of that into Max Bitrate under Video Encoding and the remaining 15% into Bitrate under Audio Encoding.
The format under audio should be set as “44.100 KHz 16 bit stereo”. If your bitrate is not on the drop down list, use “22.050 KHz 16 bit stereo” instead. For streaming purposes a maximum of 128Kbps is fine and any higher is not really going to make an audible difference to your stream viewers.
Note: If your upload speed is above 1.2Mbps just assume that it is 1.2Mbps. Setting the bit rates too high will prevent users from being able to watch the stream.
- In the same settings dialog click on video and select a custom resolution of 640 x 480.
Setting up UScreenCapture:
- Unzip and install UScreenCapture
- Unzip uscreencapprog_remove_cursor and copy the files inside uscreencapprog to your UScreenCapture folder.
This should be either in C:\Program Files\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture\ on a 64bit system. It will alert you about replacing certain files.
- Your UScreenCapture folder should now look like this: + Show Spoiler +
If it doesn't please download and copy over the files from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?haqo2qqdo6q9k59
Next step involves editing your registry so only do one of the following: - You do this by either unzipping and running this registry file (for 32bit Windows) or registry file (for 64bit Windows) or manually as follows:
+ Show Spoiler [Changing the registry settings manually] + - Start regedit by pressing the Start button, type in regedit and hit enter. Press Yes to the dialog box that pops up.
- On the left pane click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/ if you're on a 64bit machine
- Right click on the SOFTWARE or Wow6432Node folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UNREAL.
- Right click on the UNREAL folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this LIVE.
- Right click on the LIVE folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UScreenCapture.
- Now you need to add 5 REG_DWORD entries in the key by right clicking on the right pane and clicking New -> DWORD Value five times.
- Rename and edit each entry accordingly, making sure you set the Base to Decimal each time.
Top: 0 Bottom: 480 Left: 0 Right: 640 FrameRate: 30
- It should look like this. + Show Spoiler +
Streaming using OBS and UScreenCapture:
- Load Open Broadcaster Software (32bit).
- Right click in the box under sources and Add -> Video Capture Device. Select UScreenCapture as the device and press okay.
- Click on "Preview Stream" and if you only see the top left of your screen everythign should be fine.
- To start streaming, click on "Start Streaming". Click on "Stop Streaming" to stop streaming.
Streaming in fullscreen using Xsplit + UScreenCapture top
What you will need:
Setting up Xsplit:
- Load Xsplit.
- Add your JustinTV account from the menu. Click on Broadcast -> Edit Channels -> Add -> JustinTV and fill out the entries under channel (i.e your JustinTV username and password).
- How you fill the next entries depends on your upload speed.
A good estimate on how much bandwidth to use for video and audio bit rates is to first take 60% of your upload speed. Put 85% of that into VBV Max Bitrate under Video Encoding and the remaining 15% into Bitrate under Audio Encoding.
The format under audio should be set as “44.100 KHz 16 bit stereo”. If your bitrate is not on the drop down list, use “22.050 KHz 16 bit stereo” instead. For streaming purposes a maximum of 128Kbps is fine and any higher is not really going to make an audible difference to your stream viewers.
Note: If your upload speed is above 1.2Mbps just assume that it is 1.2Mbps. Setting the bit rates too high will prevent users from being able to watch the stream.
- Back on the main window click on Tools -> Settings and click on the General Tab. Check to see that your soundcard is selected under microphone.
- Go back to the main window again and click on View -> Resolution and set this to 640 x 480. Click on View -> Frame rate and set this to 24.00 fps.
Setting up UScreenCapture:
- Unzip and install UScreenCapture
- Unzip uscreencapprog_remove_cursor and copy the files inside uscreencapprog to your UScreenCapture folder.
This should be either in C:\Program Files\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture\ on a 64bit system. It will alert you about replacing certain files.
- Your UScreenCapture folder should now look like this: + Show Spoiler +
If it doesn't please download and copy over the files from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?haqo2qqdo6q9k59
Next step involves editing your registry so only do one of the following:
- You do this by either unzipping and running this registry file (for 32bit Windows) or registry file (for 64bit Windows) or manually as follows:
+ Show Spoiler [Changing the registry settings manually] + - Start regedit by pressing the Start button, type in regedit and hit enter. Press Yes to the dialog box that pops up.
- On the left pane click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/ if you're on a 64bit machine
- Right click on the SOFTWARE or Wow6432Node folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UNREAL.
- Right click on the UNREAL folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this LIVE.
- Right click on the LIVE folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UScreenCapture.
- Now you need to add 5 REG_DWORD entries in the key by right clicking on the right pane and clicking New -> DWORD Value five times.
- Rename and edit each entry accordingly, making sure you set the Base to Decimal each time.
Top: 0 Bottom: 480 Left: 0 Right: 640 FrameRate: 30
- It should look like this. + Show Spoiler +
Streaming using XSplit and UScreenCapture:
- Load Xsplit.
- Add -> Camera -> UScreenCapture. Drag the image in the preview window so it fills up all of it.
If you only see the top left of your screen in the stream preview, everything should be fine. + Show Spoiler +
- To start streaming, click on Broadcast -> JustinTV. Click on it again to stop streaming.
Streaming in fullscreen using FMLE + Camtasia top
What you will need:
- FMLE 2.5 or FMLE 3.2
- A copy of Camtasia version 4 or 5, of which you can get a demo version of here. Don't PM me about where to get a full version :p. This guide will only focus on Camtasia 5 although most things should similarly apply to version 4. If you're using Windows Vista or above you should try Camtasia 5.
When you install Camtasia, make sure you also select to install Live Output Support.
Note: Camtasia 4 or 5 are known to work with FMLE and BW. Other versions might also work but try them at your own risk.
Setting up FMLE:
- After logging into the JustinTV website, go to http://www.justin.tv/broadcast/adv_other and click on “Config File”.
- Once the download has finished, use notepad to open the file “jtv.500k.4.3.xml”.
- Look for the text in between <stream> and </stream> which should look like
“live_54156231_asdasdi0i23kkpsdkapsd”. Copy this somewhere as it will be important later.
Note: Don’t give the stream key to anyone else as this will allow them to stream under your account.
- Load FMLE.
- Under FMS URL put rtmp://live.justin.tv/app and under Stream put the stream key.
Note: If you are having buffer issues from JustinTV, use this FMS URL instead: rtmp://live-3c.justin.tv/app.
- How you fill the next entries depends on your upload speed. A good estimate on how much bandwidth to use for video and audio bit rates is to first take 60% of your upload speed. Put 85% of that into Bit Rate under Video and the remaining 15% into Bit Rate under Audio.
The format under video can be set to either VP6 or H.264. Which one you choose will depend on how well your system can handle the different encoders. H.264 is more CPU intensive than VP6 but also offers better quality at comparable bitrates.
Also, for streaming purposes a maximum of 128Kbps for audio is fine and any higher is not really going to make an audible difference to your stream viewers.
Note: If your upload speed is above 1.2Mbps just assume that it is 1.2Mbps. Setting the bit rates too high will prevent users from being able to watch the stream.
- Under video, set Output Size to 640 x 480 and the fps to 24. Under audio, set format to MP3 Stereo and set the sample rate to 44100 Hz. If your bitrate is not on the drop down list, change the sample rate to 22100 or 11050 instead.
- Uncheck Save to File unless you want to do local recordings of your stream.
- When you have done all of the above, make sure to save your profile by clicking File -> Save Profile. This will ensure that your settings are kept whenever you load FMLE.
Setting up Camtasia:
- Load Camtasia Recorder
- Click Tools -> Options
- Under Capture, only the following options should be checked: Minimize to system tray during recording, Hide capture rectangle and Round frame size to a 4 pixel boundary. Additionally ensure that "Save as .avi" has been selected.
- Under Video, screen capture mode should be selected to “Live Output Capture”. Click Live Output Setup and change the live capture rate to 24 frames/sec. Click on Default Video Format and change the image format to 16bit RGB and the image dimensions to 640 x 480. Press okay to return to the Video tab.
- Under Hotkeys set the Select Region/Record/Pause hotkey to F9 and the Stop hotkey to F11. You can set the hotkeys to other keys as well but this guide will use those keys.
Streaming using FMLE and Camtasia:
- Load Camtasia and Press Record.
- Load FMLE and check the selected Video Device reads as “Camtasia Studio Video Capture Driver” and the selected Audio Device is your default soundcard.
- To start streaming, click Start. Click Stop to stop streaming.
- When you are in a game (i.e. after the countdown in game lobby), press F11 to stop recording and press F9 to start recording in Camtasia. This will fix the colours so they appear correctly on the stream.
Setting up stereo mix top
Using Windows 7:
Using Windows Vista:
Using Windows XP:
- Double click on the speaker icon in the taskbar so the volume control appears.
- Click Options -> Properties.
- Under Mixer Device: select the input on your soundcard (e.g. Realtek HD Audio Input). Under "Show the following volume controls", make sure that Stereo Mix has been checked.
- Press okay and you should see the volume controls for Stereo mix. Check the Select under Stereo Mix.
Setting up Virtual Audio Cable for streaming if you don't have stereo mix on Windows XP and Windows Vista:
- You need a copy of Virtual Audio Cable which you can find a demo version of here.
Note: Demo version has an annoying loop every few seconds which says "Trial".
- On Windows, go to Control Panel -> Audio Devices and Sound. Set Line 1 as the Default Device under Playback.
- In the start menu go to Virtual Audio Cable and click on Audio Repeater (MME).
Click on Wave out and a list should pop up. Take note of what your sound card output is called.
- Open up notepad and paste the following code into it. Save this file as VAC.bat somewhere you will remember.
+ Show Spoiler +start /min "audiorepeater" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "Virtual Cable 1" /Output: "Realtek HD Audio Output" /BufferMs:200 /Autostart /Priority:Normal
Replace Realtek HD Audio Output with whatever your sound card output is
Note: You'll need to play around with the buffer settings to find out what works best. Higher buffer means there will be more audio lag but also will help reduce audio stuttering.
- Create a shortcut of VAC.bat and put it in your Windows Startup folder. Note: If you haven't restarted your computer you need to run VAC.bat to hear sounds.
- Run FMLE and change the Audio Device to Virtual Cable 2.
Setting up Virtual Audio Cable for streaming with both microphone and stereo mix on Windows XP and Windows Vista:
- You need a copy of Virtual Audio Cable which you can find a demo version of here.
Note: Demo version has an annoying loop every few seconds which says "Trial".
- On Windows, go to Control Panel -> Sound and Audio Devices -> Audio and set Sound playback Default Device to Virtual Cable 1.
- Start the Virtual Audio Cable Control Panel which should be in your Start menu under Virtual Audio Cable.
- Under Driver Parameters, set the Cables to 2 and press Set. Exit the program.
- In the start menu go to Virtual Audio Cable and click on Audio Repeater (MME).
Click on Wave in and a list should pop up. Take note of what your sound card input is called. Click on Wave out and a list should pop up. Take note of what your sound card output is called.
- Open up notepad and paste the following code into it. Save this file as VAC.bat somewhere you will remember.
+ Show Spoiler +start /min "audiorepeater" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "Virtual Cable 1" /Output: "Realtek HD Audio Output" /BufferMs:200 /Autostart /Priority:Normal start /min "audiorepeater" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "Virtual Cable 1" /Output: "Virtual Cable 2" /BufferMs:200 /Autostart /Priority:Normal start /min "audiorepeater" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "Realtek HD Audio Input" /Output: "Virtual Cable 2" /BufferMs:200 /Autostart /Priority:Normal Replace Realtek HD Audio Output with whatever your sound card output is and replace Realtek HD Audio Input with whatever your sound card input is.
Note: You'll need to play around with the buffer settings to find out what works best. Higher buffer means there will be more audio lag but also will help reduce audio stuttering.
- Create a shortcut of VAC.bat and put it in your Windows Startup folder. Note: If you haven't restarted your computer you need to run VAC.bat to hear sounds.
- Run FMLE and change the Audio Device to Virtual Cable 2.
Extra tips top
- If you are streaming in window mode, you can set your desktop to a lower resolution (e.g. to 800x600) so that BW fills up most of the screen.
- If you are experiencing choppy mouse movement, setting the priority of BW to high can help. This is done by going to Windows Task Manager and right clicking on starcraft.exe -> Set Priority -> High.
- Streaming is quite CPU intensive so closing background programs can help smooth out the experience. Reducing the frame rate at which you are streaming will also help.
- FMLE works more efficiently in command line mode. What you can do is write a simple batch file like the following:
+ Show Spoiler +CD "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Encoder 2.5" start /min FMECmd.exe /p "C:\Documents and Settings\fold\Application Data\Adobe\Flash Media Encoder 2.5\streamsettings.xml" ping -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL CD "C:\SCFH" start SCFH.exe + Show Spoiler +This will load FMLE using the profile streamsettings.xml. It will also load SCFH DSF.. Run this batch file every time to start streaming.
More commands and options for running FMLE in command line mode can be found at: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashMediaLiveEncoder/3.0/Using/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d11c104babd5-7ffc.html
- If you are using FMLE and in need of an overlay system, dosbox has written bcoverlay. Nanashin and Sayle both use it on their streams and you can find out more about bcoverlay here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=222543
- In Starcraft make sure you have CPU Throttling enabled. In game, go to menu -> options -> speed and check Enable CPU Throttling.
+ Show Spoiler [Archive of old methods] ++ Show Spoiler [Streaming in fullscreen using FMLE + U…] +Streaming in fullscreen using FMLE + UScreenCapture topWhat you will need:Setting up FMLE:- After logging into the JustinTV website, go to http://www.justin.tv/broadcast/adv_other and click on “Config File”.
- Once the download has finished, use notepad to open the file “jtv.500k.4.3.xml”.
- Look for the text in between <stream> and </stream> which should look like
“live_54156231_asdasdi0i23kkpsdkapsd”. Copy this somewhere as it will be important later.
Note: Don’t give the stream key to anyone else as this will allow them to stream under your account.
- Load FMLE.
- Under FMS URL put rtmp://live.justin.tv/app and under Stream put the stream key.
Note: If you are having buffer issues from JustinTV, use this FMS URL instead: rtmp://live-3c.justin.tv/app.
- How you fill the next entries depends on your upload speed. A good estimate on how much bandwidth to use for video and audio bit rates is to first take 60% of your upload speed. Put 85% of that into Bit Rate under Video and the remaining 15% into Bit Rate under Audio.
The format under video can be set to either VP6 or H.264. Which one you choose will depend on how well your system can handle the different encoders. H.264 is more CPU intensive than VP6 but also offers better quality at comparable bitrates.
Also, for streaming purposes a maximum of 128Kbps for audio is fine and any higher is not really going to make an audible difference to your stream viewers.
Note: If your upload speed is above 1.2Mbps just assume that it is 1.2Mbps. Setting the bit rates too high will prevent users from being able to watch the stream.
- Under video, set Output Size to 640 x 480 and the fps to 24. Under audio, set format to MP3 Stereo and set the sample rate to 44100 Hz. If your bitrate is not on the drop down list, change the sample rate to 22100 or 11050 instead.
- Uncheck Save to File unless you want to do local recordings of your stream.
- When you have done all of the above, make sure to save your profile by clicking File -> Save Profile. This will ensure that your settings are kept whenever you load FMLE.
Setting up UScreenCapture:- Unzip and install UScreenCapture
- Unzip uscreencapprog_remove_cursor and copy the files inside uscreencapprog to your UScreenCapture folder.
This should be either in C:\Program Files\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture\ on a 64bit system. It will alert you about replacing certain files.
- Your UScreenCapture folder should now look like this: + Show Spoiler +
If it doesn't please download and copy over the files from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?haqo2qqdo6q9k59
Next step involves editing your registry so only do one of the following: Windows XP or older: - You do this by either unzipping and running this registry file or manually as follows:
+ Show Spoiler [Changing the registry settings manually] + - Start regedit by pressing the Start button then press run, type in regedit and hit enter.
- On the left pane click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Classes/VirtualStore/MACHINE/SOFTWARE/
- Right click on the SOFTWARE folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UNREAL.
- Right click on the UNREAL folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this LIVE.
- Right click on the LIVE folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UScreenCapture.
- Now you need to add 5 REG_DWORD entries in the key by right clicking on the right pane and clicking New -> DWORD Value five times.
- Rename and edit each entry accordingly, making sure you set the Base to Decimal each time.
Top: 0 Bottom: 480 Left: 0 Right: 640 FrameRate: 30
- It should look like this. + Show Spoiler +
Windows Vista or Windows 7: - You do this by either unzipping and running this registry file (32bit) or registry file (64bit) or manually as follows:
+ Show Spoiler [Changing the registry settings manually] + - Start regedit by pressing the Start button, type in regedit and hit enter. Press Yes to the dialog box that pops up.
- On the left pane click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/ if you're on a 64bit machine
- Right click on the SOFTWARE or Wow6432Node folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UNREAL.
- Right click on the UNREAL folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this LIVE.
- Right click on the LIVE folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UScreenCapture.
- Now you need to add 5 REG_DWORD entries in the key by right clicking on the right pane and clicking New -> DWORD Value five times.
- Rename and edit each entry accordingly, making sure you set the Base to Decimal each time.
Top: 0 Bottom: 480 Left: 0 Right: 640 FrameRate: 30
- It should look like this. + Show Spoiler +
Streaming using FMLE and UScreenCapture:- Load FMLE and check the selected Video Device reads as “UScreenCapture” and the selected Audio Device is your default soundcard.
- To start streaming, click Start. Click Stop to stop streaming.
+ Show Spoiler [Streaming in window mode using FMLE +…] +Streaming in window mode using FMLE + SCFH DSFtopWhat you will need: - FMLE 2.5 or FMLE 3.2
- SCFH DSF. Scroll down to "Download" and click on "SCFHDSF041.zip".
To install it, extract the zip file to a location where you want to keep it and run either install.bat or install64.bat depending on whether you have a 32bit or 64bit OS.
Setting up FMLE:- After logging into the JustinTV website, go to http://www.justin.tv/broadcast/adv_other and click on “Config File”.
- Once the download has finished, use notepad to open the file “jtv.500k.4.3.xml”.
- Look for the text in between <stream> and </stream> which should look like
“live_54156231_asdasdi0i23kkpsdkapsd”. Copy this somewhere as it will be important later.
Note: Don’t give the stream key to anyone else as this will allow them to stream under your account.
- Load FMLE.
- Under FMS URL put rtmp://live.justin.tv/app and under Stream put the stream key.
Note: If you are having buffer issues from JustinTV, use this FMS URL instead: rtmp://live-3c.justin.tv/app.
- How you fill the next entries depends on your upload speed. A good estimate on how much bandwidth to use for video and audio bit rates is to first take 60% of your upload speed. Put 85% of that into Bit Rate under Video and the remaining 15% into Bit Rate under Audio.
The format under video can be set to either VP6 or H.264. Which one you choose will depend on how well your system can handle the different encoders. H.264 is more CPU intensive than VP6 but also offers better quality at comparable bitrates.
Also, for streaming purposes a maximum of 128Kbps for audio is fine and any higher is not really going to make an audible difference to your stream viewers.
Note: If your upload speed is above 1.2Mbps just assume that it is 1.2Mbps. Setting the bit rates too high will prevent users from being able to watch the stream.
- Under video, set Output Size to 640 x 480 and the fps to 24. Under audio, set format to MP3 Stereo and set the sample rate to 44100 Hz. If your bitrate is not on the drop down list, change the sample rate to 22100 or 11050 instead.
- Uncheck Save to File unless you want to do local recordings of your stream.
- When you have done all of the above, make sure to save your profile by clicking File -> Save Profile. This will ensure that your settings are kept whenever you load FMLE.
Streaming using FMLE and SCFH DSF:- Load FMLE and check the selected video Device reads as “SCFH DSF” and the selected Audio Device is your default soundcard.
- Click on the spanner icon on the right of Video Device. A settings popup should appear. Check that the Width is 640, Height is 480 and Framerate is 24.000.
- Load SCFH DSF and the select process window should pop up. Select “FlashMediaEncoder..” and click OK.
- Click and hold the mouse button down on “Drag Here”. Drag it to the BW window before releasing the mouse button. Click on “Layout” to check if the window has been selected.
- To start streaming, click Start in FMLE. Click Stop to stop streaming.
When you're done setting up your stream, don't forget to register it on Teamliquid here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=175682.
I hope this helps. If there's any bit that's confusing, please comment in the thread and I'll try to address those issues.
Also, if you have any problems please post in the following manner:
Upload speed: CPU: Software you are using: OS (i.e. Which version of Windows you have): Justin.tv/twitch.tv page and/or a link a video showing what went wrong: Problem:
Thanks museun, puppykiller, Mottz, Bibiane, Jealous and supernovamaniac for helping me with this guide.
Nice guide fold thank you
In fact, I have all the streaming software setup, the thing is I'm too scared to stream, because I'm so noob people will laugh at me D:
Thanks for the guide, really good.
Also i got one question, it may seem stupid because i know theres a 1% chance i get a yes, but you never know..
Is there any tips/tricks to reduce the lag/fps drops while streaming on a really low grade machine, im talking about a DualCore @1.87MHz? While streaming in fullscreen with FMLE + Camtasia?
Because in windowmode the input lag its tremendous, even while not streaming.
Thank you.
SPECS: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2200+ 1.79 GHz, 480 MB of RAM VIDEO: S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR Approx. Total Memory: 32 MB
TEST RESULTS: + Show Spoiler +TBD gonna try this now, anyone who wants a camtasia that does live output let me know ill link you a special something. edit: ive tried fmle+camtasia before on this computer but no success, however i never tried setting priorities in the task bar menu. I also tried it on a computer with 1gig of ram and a 64MB integrated card, and it did not work there either, however that computer cannot run WC3 while this one can, due to a VIA ESTHER processor chip, which obviously is shit. SO GONNA TEST THIS with high priority as the only time i had lag, was as soon as i hit start recording on the camtasia side of things. Be right back.
Perfect guide. Makes me want to start streaming again. ^^
On September 16 2011 19:18 Mottz wrote: Thanks for the guide, really good.
Also i got one question, it may seem stupid because i know theres a 1% chance i get a yes, but you never know..
Is there any tips/tricks to reduce the lag/fps drops while streaming on a really low grade machine, im talking about a DualCore @1.87MHz? While streaming in fullscreen with FMLE + Camtasia?
Because in windowmode the input lag its tremendous, even while not streaming.
Thank you. I'm streaming on a Pentium 4 3.0 GHz with 1 gig RAM (around 6/7 year old computer) so I think your computer should be enough to handle it. Did you try all the things in the extra tips? Most important thing is to close all the other applications before you stream. Also, what is your CPU usage when you are streaming using FMLE and Camtasia? Maybe you can PM me a screenshot of processes running in task manager.
Nop i didn't, but last time i fiddled with streaming i had to format my computer cuz i installed some crazy stuff, some camtasia alternatives that screwed my graphics.
My CPU usage when i tried some months ago, using the real program not the cmd line script, was 100%, didnt try to set SC priority to High tho.
And it ran quite smoothly but it didnt feel natural because there was a very small input lag on my SC that was a bit annoying.
Im gonna try your guide now and ill get back to you in a moment.
On September 16 2011 19:35 wishbones wrote: SPECS: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2200+ 1.79 GHz, 480 MB of RAM VIDEO: S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR Approx. Total Memory: 32 MB
TEST RESULTS: FAILED at 640x480 input but works @ 320x240 input. Be right back. so what have you got on my specs, hopeful, or hopeless??? i mean my video card is the biggest problem and im wondering if you can confirm this with any possible analysis.
right now i have three computers, and im willing to go nuts to stream, because i would play more starcraft if i had a stream up and running.
edit: ok so right now i can stream fine with this page open, sc open, using adobe+camtasia combo to livestream.com. but only input 320x240 @ 100kbps @ 5frames per second works, if i go 640x480 res it makes my computer choppy, without running anything after this, it just instantly goes choppy using the 640x480 resolution setting in FMLE that adjusts Camtasia.
I have another computer sitting beside me that is 1.5ghz/1gigRAM/64MB integrated graphics. but it cant even run warcraft 3 because of its outdated and crappy processor(via esther) while this computer im using, is a 1.7ghz/526RAM/32mb card that runs wc3 fine on low settings. I have a dell sitting over there as well which is probably in the 1.5 to 2.0GHz range of CPU, with 768MB ram/Video unknown, i just want ta streaam lol so you think i can or i cant.
On September 16 2011 20:26 wishbones wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2011 19:35 wishbones wrote:SPECS: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2200+ 1.79 GHz, 480 MB of RAM VIDEO: S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR Approx. Total Memory: 32 MB TEST RESULTS: + Show Spoiler +TBD gonna try this now, anyone who wants a camtasia that does live output let me know ill link you a special something. edit: ive tried fmle+camtasia before on this computer but no success, however i never tried setting priorities in the task bar menu. I also tried it on a computer with 1gig of ram and a 64MB integrated card, and it did not work there either, however that computer cannot run WC3 while this one can, due to a VIA ESTHER processor chip, which obviously is shit. SO GONNA TEST THIS with high priority as the only time i had lag, was as soon as i hit start recording on the camtasia side of things. Be right back. so what have you got on my specs, hopeful, or hopeless??? i mean my video card is the biggest problem and im wondering if you can confirm this with any possible analysis.
I'd recommend using FMLE and SCFH DSF to stream in window mode. Set the video frame rate to 10/12/15 fps and your resolution to 480 x 360. Frame rate seems to affect CPU usage the most so you might be able to set the resolution to 640 x 480 if you find no problems using the lower frame rate. I don't know what your upload speed is but just follow what is suggested in the guide.
Video card doesn't affect streaming so much since BW is so old and easy to run. It's mostly your CPU that is the bottleneck.
if i run window mode sc it lags the computer, let me try the high priority trick on that one though.
yeah im just gonna stop now, graphics card has to have something in this, i cant even watch youtube or streams here on TL above 480 without lag. but before i had a good computer dual core 2.4ghz, and 2gigs ram which ran those streams fine, but i could no longer stream when my PCIe graphics cards died.
thanks anyways tho!
I'm hopefully going to start again soon, my laptop has been broken for over a month though should get it back before the end of the week hopefully.
edit: ahh shit, was trying to save my 3000th post for, ironically, a 24 hour bw livestream ahh well, hopefully will still do it!
Fold, man i want to have your babies 
It seems to be working without any lag on SC, just some minor bumps along the way.
I had a friend of mine checking the stream while i was fiddling with the settings, @24 Fps he said that the stream worked fine but after 3 secs it went all black.
Lowered it to 15 FPS and 350kpbs video with no audio, seems to be running smoothly now.
Do you know what caused the streaming dieing? Because i noticed on that when i was @24FPS the avarege output FPS was @18 FPS, is it because the output couldnt keep up with the input that the stream kept dieing after 3 seconds?
Also while in windows( cant check them with SC since its fullscreen ) my bitrate keeps jumping up and down, like from 100 to 850, even having it locked at 350kbps, is this normal? Atm it doesnt seem to have any impact on the actual stream but will it bring problems on the long run?
Thanks again.
On September 16 2011 21:41 Mottz wrote:Fold, man i want to have your babies  It seems to be working without any lag on SC, just some minor bumps along the way. I had a friend of mine checking the stream while i was fiddling with the settings, @24 Fps he said that the stream worked fine but after 3 secs it went all black. Lowered it to 15 FPS and 350kpbs video with no audio, seems to be running smoothly now. Do you know what caused the streaming dieing? Because i noticed on that when i was @24FPS the avarege output FPS was @18 FPS, is it because the output couldnt keep up with the input that the stream kept dieing after 3 seconds? Also while in windows( cant check them with SC since its fullscreen ) my bitrate keeps jumping up and down, like from 100 to 850, even having it locked at 350kbps, is this normal? Atm it doesnt seem to have any impact on the actual stream but will it bring problems on the long run? Thanks again.
Not sure why it goes black but if you set your frame rate at 24fps and it is only outputting 18fps it probably means your computer isn't fast enough to handle it. 15 fps is fine anyway so no problems there.
Bitrate is jumping up and down because some frames (e.g. when there is a lot of action going on or screen changes) will require more bandwidth to process. This might be a problem if your internet download/upload allowance is limited. You can check the average bitrate in FMLE under "encoding log" and it should still be around 350kbps.
Hey I have a problem, the screen goes black when i start streaming but the audio is fine, you can here me talk into the mic and type on my keyboard but you can't see my screen. What do I do to fix this do you know?
On September 16 2011 23:30 Alex) wrote: Hey I have a problem, the screen goes black when i start streaming but the audio is fine, you can here me talk into the mic and type on my keyboard but you can't see my screen. What do I do to fix this do you know?
What software are you using? What OS are you running?
On September 16 2011 23:39 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2011 23:30 Alex) wrote: Hey I have a problem, the screen goes black when i start streaming but the audio is fine, you can here me talk into the mic and type on my keyboard but you can't see my screen. What do I do to fix this do you know? What software are you using? What OS are you running?
using Camtisa 5 and Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2, Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
On September 16 2011 19:14 AroundTweed wrote: In fact, I have all the streaming software setup, the thing is I'm too scared to stream, because I'm so noob people will laugh at me D:
well, don't worry.
On September 16 2011 23:48 Alex) wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2011 23:39 fold wrote:On September 16 2011 23:30 Alex) wrote: Hey I have a problem, the screen goes black when i start streaming but the audio is fine, you can here me talk into the mic and type on my keyboard but you can't see my screen. What do I do to fix this do you know? What software are you using? What OS are you running? using Camtisa 5 and Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2, Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
Sorry, I don't have any experience with Windows 7, maybe someone else can you help later.
Edit: Maybe try FMLE 2.5.
For dual core CPU users you can try to run starcraft and FMLE on a separate core. Did anyone already tried it? i'm curious to know if it helps.
On September 16 2011 19:14 AroundTweed wrote: In fact, I have all the streaming software setup, the thing is I'm too scared to stream, because I'm so noob people will laugh at me D:
Thats what I thought at first too, but then I just started streaming anyway, its fun.
It is taking some time to get used to the windowed screen. If on a normal setup I was D-/D, playing on windowed mode pushed me back to E- :p
On September 17 2011 01:15 fabiano wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2011 19:14 AroundTweed wrote: In fact, I have all the streaming software setup, the thing is I'm too scared to stream, because I'm so noob people will laugh at me D: Thats what I thought at first too, but then I just started streaming anyway, its fun. It is taking some time to get used to the windowed screen. If on a normal setup I was D-/D, playing on windowed mode pushed me back to E- :p
Just fyi, if you right click on bw and iccup launcher, go to properties and set them both to run at 640x480 screen resolution it will play full screen window mode.
I tried to use xsplit earlier but it was extremely laggy and I was wondering if xsplit is too cpu intensive or if I was just doing something wrong. my specs: intel i7 2630QM 2.0 ghz 4.00 gb ram and I have like 1.0 mbps upload speed
Nice guide, I have a question though, I have been streaming in windowed mode because I can't get sound in fullscreen without my MIC, I tried virtual audio cables, virtual audio streaming, and everything, i'm on vista OS on a dell computer and I read that stereo mix / what you hear is disabled, Is there anyway I can stream in fullscreen with sound without a MIC?
WOW great guide! I really wanted to stream some BW but am so put off by windowed mode... Was really looking for a good fullscreen guide. Thanks (:
Australia7069 Posts
windowed mode just takes like a week to get used to, then its better, because you can interact with the rest of your computer while playing so much easier
On September 17 2011 05:23 Kiante wrote: windowed mode just takes like a week to get used to, then its better, because you can interact with the rest of your computer while playing so much easier
yea but i feel the viewers enjoy fullscreen more
Australia7069 Posts
what? its exactly the same. most people THINK i play in fullscreen
On September 17 2011 06:15 Kiante wrote: what? its exactly the same. most people THINK i play in fullscreen
Problem i got with playing windowed is alot of the time my mouse will randomly come of brood war and go to desktop even with chaos launcher using that keep mouse on starcraft thingy. You got a fix for that any chance?
Australia7069 Posts
On September 17 2011 06:57 Kiante wrote: alt-f1
That was what I was trying to say even with that on my mouse will randomly go back to desktop alot when am in a game (when am streaming that is)
On September 18 2011 01:11 Alex) wrote:That was what I was trying to say even with that on my mouse will randomly go back to desktop alot when am in a game (when am streaming that is) 
Only when you are streaming or when you are playing in window mode? If you hold down alt during the game it will get make the mouse cursor move out of the window
Btw any1 knows how to setup up the audio for it to stream what i hear(ingame sounds, music, etc) and my voice aswel?
EDIT: Im running windows XP
Australia7069 Posts
if you're on xsplit it does it automatically. if you're not you should get VAC (virtual audio cables). then you use the repeater to feed your stereo mix and mic into line 1, then use line 1 as your audio source in FMLE
For some reason, I can't get my computer to stream my ingame sounds...
My recording device only seems to be like this internal microphone and FMLE doesn't pick up any devices that handles my ingame sounds.
Anyone have any ideas?
On September 18 2011 19:08 Kiante wrote: if you're on xsplit it does it automatically. if you're not you should get VAC (virtual audio cables). then you use the repeater to feed your stereo mix and mic into line 1, then use line 1 as your audio source in FMLE Thanks, could you go a bit more in depth about this?
I have windows XP, and seem alot of tuts and video of how to setup VAC to stream, but the issue is that on my repeaters i dont have a MIC IN, i just have the Realtek Line In(that behaves like my recording console on windows, if i choose Microphone, it broadcasts the mic, if i choose stereomix is broadcasts stereomix), and a Microsoft Sound Mapper that behaves the same way.
All the videos ive seen always have a MIC IN and a stereomix, so they can feed both to a VAC Line and go from there, but i dont have this MIC in.
Any tips?
On September 18 2011 20:39 Mottz wrote:Show nested quote +On September 18 2011 19:08 Kiante wrote: if you're on xsplit it does it automatically. if you're not you should get VAC (virtual audio cables). then you use the repeater to feed your stereo mix and mic into line 1, then use line 1 as your audio source in FMLE Thanks, could you go a bit more in depth about this? I have windows XP, and seem alot of tuts and video of how to setup VAC to stream, but the issue is that on my repeaters i dont have a MIC IN, i just have the Realtek Line In(that behaves like my recording console on windows, if i choose Microphone, it broadcasts the mic, if i choose stereomix is broadcasts stereomix), and a Microsoft Sound Mapper that behaves the same way. All the videos ive seen always have a MIC IN and a stereomix, so they can feed both to a VAC Line and go from there, but i dont have this MIC in. Any tips?
I have a problem with that as well, where I'd only see the realtek line in and nothing else. The work around that I used was to get another sound card and put that into the computer. You'll then have two inputs and can sse one for stereo mix and the other for mic.
Other than that I'm not sure. And also apparently there is a problem with Windows 7 and FMLE 3.2 + Camtasia, can anyone verify that?
I managed to get it to work, this is the setup:
2 channels(VC1, VC2), 3 repeaters:
Repeater #1: VC1 -> Realtek HD Audio Output Repeater #2: VC1 -> VC2 Repeater #3: Realtek HD Audio Input -> VC2
Go to Ctrl Panel -> Sound and Audio Devices -> Audio -> set sound playback to VC1.
You need a good CPU tho, im getting like 0.5 second delay on the audio even with the repeaters at Realtime.
Im an idiot, the repeaters have a 1 full second buffer, I set the #1 Repeater at Realtime and 100ms Buffer since its the one that controls the sound you hear, and the other 2 i set to Normal and set the buffer to 500ms.
+ Show Spoiler [Balance MIC w/ StereoMix NOT TESTED YET] + Repeater #1: VC1 -> Realtek HD Audio Output Repeater #2: VC1 -> VC2 Repeater #3: Realtek HD Audio Input -> VC3 Repeater #4: VC2 -> VC3
VC2 serves as an equalizer, you can change the volume levels without interfering with the sound you hear, only the sound that is broadcasted to the stream.
I'm using FMLE 3.2 and on W7 and, I can't select my soundcard either, just my mic.
On September 18 2011 23:03 Mottz wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I managed to get it to work, this is the setup: 2 channels(VC1, VC2), 3 repeaters: Repeater #1: VC1 -> Realtek HD Audio Output Repeater #2: VC1 -> VC2 Repeater #3: Realtek HD Audio Input -> VC2 Go to Ctrl Panel -> Sound and Audio Devices -> Audio -> set sound playback to VC1. You need a good CPU tho, im getting like 0.5 second delay on the audio even with the repeaters at Realtime.Im an idiot, the repeaters have a 1 full second buffer, I set the #1 Repeater at Realtime and 100ms Buffer since its the one that controls the sound you hear, and the other 2 i set to Normal and set the buffer to 500ms. + Show Spoiler [Balance MIC w/ StereoMix NOT TESTED YET] + Repeater #1: VC1 -> Realtek HD Audio Output Repeater #2: VC1 -> VC2 Repeater #3: Realtek HD Audio Input -> VC3 Repeater #4: VC2 -> VC3
VC2 serves as an equalizer, you can change the volume levels without interfering with the sound you hear, only the sound that is broadcasted to the stream.
I'll try this and get back to you.
On September 19 2011 13:23 nbtnbt5 wrote: I'm using FMLE 3.2 and on W7 and, I can't select my soundcard either, just my mic.
Help? Make sure you are using either Camtasia 4 or Camtasia 5 and also try using FMLE 2.5 instead.
I'm not sure about the sound card but if you could post me a screen shot of the encoding options under FMLE that would be helpful and also tell me what your system specs are. (e.g. CPU, RAM, soundcard, videocard)
Added a few things in the guide:
General: Note: If you are using Windows 7, use FMLE 2.5 instead as there's some problem with Camtasia and FMLE 3.2 under Windows 7 which gives no video output.
Note: If you are having buffer issues from JustinTV, use this FMS URL instead: rtmp://live-3c.justin.tv/app.
FMLE: Uncheck Save to File unless you want to do local recordings of your stream.
When you have done all of the above, make sure to save your profile by clicking File -> Save Profile. This will ensure that your settings are kept whenever you load FMLE.
Camtasia: Additionally ensure that "Save as .avi" has been selected.
Thanks to puppykiller for helping me.
Australia7069 Posts
what is different about that link?
On September 19 2011 14:33 Kiante wrote: rtmp://live-3c.justin.tv/app
what is different about that link?
Granted the post is a bit old but it helped when I was having problems before.
Mottz: That works perfect! Would you mind if I put that in the guide?
Also, this batch file will automate it, so you don't have to load the repeaters manually each time: + Show Spoiler +start /min "audiorepeater_ks" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "Virtual Cable 1" /Output: "Realtek HD Audio Output" /BufferMs:100 /Autostart start /min "audiorepeater_ks" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "Virtual Cable 1" /Output: "Virtual Cable 2" /BufferMs:100 /Autostart start /min "audiorepeater_ks" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "Realtek HD Audio Input" /Output: "Virtual Cable 2" /BufferMs:100 /Autostart Paste that into notepad and save it as a .bat file (e.g. VAC.bat) and load it each time.
Show nested quote +On September 19 2011 13:23 nbtnbt5 wrote: I'm using FMLE 3.2 and on W7 and, I can't select my soundcard either, just my mic.
Help? Make sure you are using either Camtasia 4 or Camtasia 5 and also try using FMLE 2.5 instead. I'm not sure about the sound card but if you could post me a screen shot of the encoding options under FMLE that would be helpful and also tell me what your system specs are. (e.g. CPU, RAM, soundcard, videocard)
I'm using Camtasia 5 and switched to FMLE 2.5 http://i.imgur.com/9ERZa.png
http://usa.asus.com/Notebooks/Gaming_Powerhouse/G73Jh/#specifications - this is the laptop i'm trying to use to stream
Also I need help fixing the colors. I try restarting the stream (f11 and then f9) but the f9 minimizes me and doesn't fix anything. My stream ends up all black.
On September 20 2011 04:32 nbtnbt5 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 19 2011 13:23 nbtnbt5 wrote: I'm using FMLE 3.2 and on W7 and, I can't select my soundcard either, just my mic.
Help? Make sure you are using either Camtasia 4 or Camtasia 5 and also try using FMLE 2.5 instead. I'm not sure about the sound card but if you could post me a screen shot of the encoding options under FMLE that would be helpful and also tell me what your system specs are. (e.g. CPU, RAM, soundcard, videocard) I'm using Camtasia 5 and switched to FMLE 2.5 http://i.imgur.com/9ERZa.pnghttp://usa.asus.com/Notebooks/Gaming_Powerhouse/G73Jh/#specifications - this is the laptop i'm trying to use to stream Also I need help fixing the colors. I try restarting the stream (f11 and then f9) but the f9 minimizes me and doesn't fix anything. My stream ends up all black. Maybe you dont have F11 bound? or you are not pressing it? or maybe ure pressing F9 twice?
Because when Camtasia is NOT recording, like after you pressed F11, if you press F9 it starts recording; but if you F9 again, or F9 while already recording, it pauses the recording and minimizes everything.
Make sure thats not happening.
So I can't get my sound card to the input on VAC, any suggestions? Is it possible to get sound going in fullscreen without being able to get the soundcard on the input in VAC? I can only get it in the output.
Stereo Mix does not work if you have an USB Headset
On September 18 2011 01:11 Alex) wrote:That was what I was trying to say even with that on my mouse will randomly go back to desktop alot when am in a game (when am streaming that is) 
if your in the lobby ur mouse will move off the screen if thats what ur talking about
On September 20 2011 05:39 Mottz wrote:Show nested quote +On September 20 2011 04:32 nbtnbt5 wrote:On September 19 2011 13:23 nbtnbt5 wrote: I'm using FMLE 3.2 and on W7 and, I can't select my soundcard either, just my mic.
Help? Make sure you are using either Camtasia 4 or Camtasia 5 and also try using FMLE 2.5 instead. I'm not sure about the sound card but if you could post me a screen shot of the encoding options under FMLE that would be helpful and also tell me what your system specs are. (e.g. CPU, RAM, soundcard, videocard) I'm using Camtasia 5 and switched to FMLE 2.5 http://i.imgur.com/9ERZa.pnghttp://usa.asus.com/Notebooks/Gaming_Powerhouse/G73Jh/#specifications - this is the laptop i'm trying to use to stream Also I need help fixing the colors. I try restarting the stream (f11 and then f9) but the f9 minimizes me and doesn't fix anything. My stream ends up all black. Maybe you dont have F11 bound? or you are not pressing it? or maybe ure pressing F9 twice? Because when Camtasia is NOT recording, like after you pressed F11, if you press F9 it starts recording; but if you F9 again, or F9 while already recording, it pauses the recording and minimizes everything. Make sure thats not happening.
Yeah, I fucked up my hotkeys. It works now thanks for that!
My stream is choppy now though, is it suppose to be like hat?
thanks for this guide i noticed more new streams since you wrote this =)
On September 23 2011 11:39 Phyrigian wrote: Is stereo mix what you need for sound? I can't find anything relating to stereo mix in W7 and even though I'm still setting my stream up everything implies that I won't be able to get sound.
If you have realtek drivers and Windows 7 there is some business about needing and older version of the drivers to get stereo mix to show up. I don't remember exactly which version it was I needed but hopefully this can set you to googling in the right direction if this is your problem!
Thanks man really appreciate it and hopefully more people will start streaming!
On September 23 2011 11:53 Pifualkd wrote:Show nested quote +On September 23 2011 11:39 Phyrigian wrote: Is stereo mix what you need for sound? I can't find anything relating to stereo mix in W7 and even though I'm still setting my stream up everything implies that I won't be able to get sound. If you have realtek drivers and Windows 7 there is some business about needing and older version of the drivers to get stereo mix to show up. I don't remember exactly which version it was I needed but hopefully this can set you to googling in the right direction if this is your problem! What I did in Windows 7 was open up recording devices, then right click in empty space. A menu will appear, make sure show disabled devices is checked, stereo mix should appear.
amazing guide :-) thxz for everything and hope more people start streaming BW BW 4 life.. yeahhhh
On September 25 2011 09:19 Phyrigian wrote:Show nested quote +On September 23 2011 13:00 Musiq wrote:On September 23 2011 11:53 Pifualkd wrote:On September 23 2011 11:39 Phyrigian wrote: Is stereo mix what you need for sound? I can't find anything relating to stereo mix in W7 and even though I'm still setting my stream up everything implies that I won't be able to get sound. If you have realtek drivers and Windows 7 there is some business about needing and older version of the drivers to get stereo mix to show up. I don't remember exactly which version it was I needed but hopefully this can set you to googling in the right direction if this is your problem! What I did in Windows 7 was open up recording devices, then right click in empty space. A menu will appear, make sure show disabled devices is checked, stereo mix should appear. oh no, i already did that. stereo mix isnt there. You should take a look at the VAC section on the guide then.
My stream is just black....even though its live...
I've sent PMs to all the people who've asked question here and not answered here to avoid cluttering up the thread so feel free to ask more questions.
Also need to fix some sections in the guide and perhaps write a trouble shooting guide. Any other suggestions are welcome. Pictures I might include if anyone can suggest what needs a picture.
Added a more few things in the guide:
Using Vista:
- You need a copy of Virtual Audio Cable which you can find a demo version of here.
Note: Demo version has an annoying loop every few seconds which says "Trial".
- On Windows, go to Control Panel -> Audio Devices and Sound. Set Line 1 as the Default Device under Playback.
- Open up notepad and paste the following code into it. Save this file as VAC.bat somewhere you will remember.
+ Show Spoiler +start /min "audiorepeater_ks" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater_ks.exe" /Input: "Virtual Cable 1" /Output: "Realtek HD Audio Output" /BufferMs:200 /Autostart /Priority:Normal
Replace Realtek HD Audio Output with whatever your default sound card output is
Note: You'll need to play around with the buffer settings to find out what works best. Higher buffer means there will be more audio lag but also will help reduce audio stuttering.
- Create a shortcut of VAC.bat and put it in your Windows Startup folder.
- Run FMLE and change the Audio Device to Virtual Cable 1.
Thanks to bibiane for helping me.
this is the most comprehensive and useful tutorial i've found on streaming, thank you~
On October 02 2011 14:01 fold wrote:Added a more few things in the guide:Using Vista: - You need a copy of Virtual Audio Cable which you can find a demo version of here.
Note: Demo version has an annoying loop every few seconds which says "Trial".
- On Windows, go to Control Panel -> Audio Devices and Sound. Set Line 1 as the Default Device under Playback.
- Open up notepad and paste the following code into it. Save this file as VAC.bat somewhere you will remember.
+ Show Spoiler +start /min "audiorepeater_ks" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater_ks.exe" /Input: "Virtual Cable 1" /Output: "Realtek HD Audio Output" /BufferMs:200 /Autostart /Priority:Normal
Replace Realtek HD Audio Output with whatever your default sound card output is
Note: You'll need to play around with the buffer settings to find out what works best. Higher buffer means there will be more audio lag but also will help reduce audio stuttering.
- Create a shortcut of VAC.bat and put it in your Windows Startup folder.
- Run FMLE and change the Audio Device to Virtual Cable 1.
Thanks to bibiane for helping me.
WOW, So damn obvious and I could never figure this out, THANKS so much for figuring out how to get sound in fullscreen with my shitty setup, this finally works for me !! Fullscreen here I come!!!!!!!! omg im so happy.....Still need to get a microphone though.......But regardless, no more streaming in windowed mode! This will help me play so much better! THX!!!!!!!! <3<3<3 ,I've been trying to figure out how to get this working for like over a year....... lol
and the crazy thing is , is that it only needed 1 VAC lol
Thanks so much for the Camtasia/FLME/VAC guide to stream Brood War. Would have never got anything working without it. Having said that, there was was a small deviation I had to do to get the audio working correctly.
In your batch file, you use audiorepeater_ks for everything to get both mic and speaker output. However, I was unable to select my mic using ks. I was able to choose a mic input when I used audiorepeater_mme. I'm not sure why I can only select my mic using mme and not ks, but I guess this is worth considering for those who cannot get the batch file to work. Unless, of course, I'm completely wrong and I should be avoiding mme.
Also, for those of you who don't know what to replace Realtek Audio Driver In/Out with in the batch file, run Audiorepeater_KS and look in the wave out dropdown box. Those are your output choices. Similarly with the wave in dropbox are your input choices. Took me a few minutes to figure this out.
i also have a problem with the sounds that i hear aren't broadcasted. if i set vac 1 to default then i can't hear anything myself through my headset so that kind of defeats the purpose. is there a work around to this or another program i can use to broadcast what i hear?
edit: very easy way of making audio work without all that VAC bullshit, download and install xsplit, run xsplit, set audio device in FMLE to xsplitbroadcaster.
this is running fullscreen in windows 7
also if you have the microphone selected in camtasia it your microphone works also
I love the guide, thanks a lot.
That said, I have problems streaming  My stream shows funny colors, altough my game looks fine. I'm using FMLE 2.5, camtasia 5, and fullscreen mode. The stop-then-start camtasia trick didn't made it  Has someone the same problem?, if not, maybe I'll have to dual boot D:
Thanks in advance, and again, awesome guide.
On October 09 2011 02:04 zappa372 wrote:I love the guide, thanks a lot. That said, I have problems streaming  My stream shows funny colors, altough my game looks fine. I'm using FMLE 2.5, camtasia 5, and fullscreen mode. The stop-then-start camtasia trick didn't made it  Has someone the same problem?, if not, maybe I'll have to dual boot D: Thanks in advance, and again, awesome guide. did you f11-f9 once u are actually in a game and not in the lobby?
This guide is amazing I can finally stream my BW in fullscreen instead of playing in W-Mode thanks so much T_T
this guide is very good, i followed it step by step and it was all ok ........ except for audio cable thing , but in the searching tl i found all my answers
zappa once u start the game just go f11 then f9 and w8 a little and the collors wil be ok ( or f9 and f11 ) one or the other
On October 09 2011 02:04 zappa372 wrote:I love the guide, thanks a lot. That said, I have problems streaming  My stream shows funny colors, altough my game looks fine. I'm using FMLE 2.5, camtasia 5, and fullscreen mode. The stop-then-start camtasia trick didn't made it  Has someone the same problem?, if not, maybe I'll have to dual boot D: Thanks in advance, and again, awesome guide. Can you post a link to your stream so I can take a look?
On October 10 2011 07:31 lastreason wrote: this guide is very good, i followed it step by step and it was all ok ........ except for audio cable thing , but in the searching tl i found all my answers
zappa once u start the game just go f11 then f9 and w8 a little and the collors wil be ok ( or f9 and f11 ) one or the other What problems did you have with the audio cable thing and how did you solve it?
That VAC part is only meant for Windows Vista and XP. If you're using Windows 7 you probably don't need it.
On October 10 2011 15:56 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2011 02:04 zappa372 wrote:I love the guide, thanks a lot. That said, I have problems streaming  My stream shows funny colors, altough my game looks fine. I'm using FMLE 2.5, camtasia 5, and fullscreen mode. The stop-then-start camtasia trick didn't made it  Has someone the same problem?, if not, maybe I'll have to dual boot D: Thanks in advance, and again, awesome guide. Can you post a link to your stream so I can take a look? Show nested quote +On October 10 2011 07:31 lastreason wrote: this guide is very good, i followed it step by step and it was all ok ........ except for audio cable thing , but in the searching tl i found all my answers
zappa once u start the game just go f11 then f9 and w8 a little and the collors wil be ok ( or f9 and f11 ) one or the other What problems did you have with the audio cable thing and how did you solve it? That VAC part is only meant for Windows Vista and XP. If you're using Windows 7 you probably don't need it.
Thanks for the responses guys, unfortunately the f9 -> f11 stop and start trick didn't make it neither in-game, lobby or main screen. Here's the link to my channel, there are some test recordings http://www.justin.tv/zappa372
Thanks in advance.
Okay so looks like camtasia is working for everything else but you get a black screen/messed up colours in BW. The hotkeys can be set to anything but if you followed the guide they should be F11 for stop and F9 for start. So you want to press F11 first then F9.
i had to switch my reset hotkeys from f11 f9 to alt+f11 and alt+f9 because the old ones somehow stopped working
Man, I'm so bad with computer stuff. I managed to get a stream up and running using this guide, which is great because I've never even been able to do that before. But I still cannot stream BW without fucked up colours and shit.
This link should be added to the OP for Win 7 Stereo Mix. You don't need VAC to set up stereo mix. Just follow this and it should work perfectly. (Save $$ :D)
On October 10 2011 23:57 Holgerius wrote:Man, I'm so bad with computer stuff. I managed to get a stream up and running using this guide, which is great because I've never even been able to do that before.  But I still cannot stream BW without fucked up colours and shit.
What streaming software are you using? And what is your stream link?
On October 12 2011 11:43 sGs.Kal_rA wrote:This link should be added to the OP for Win 7 Stereo Mix. You don't need VAC to set up stereo mix. Just follow this and it should work perfectly. (Save $$ :D)
Yes I'll edit that in. I thought it was obvious that you don't need to use VAC for Windows 7 but obviously not
On October 12 2011 11:46 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2011 23:57 Holgerius wrote:Man, I'm so bad with computer stuff. I managed to get a stream up and running using this guide, which is great because I've never even been able to do that before.  But I still cannot stream BW without fucked up colours and shit. What streaming software are you using? And what is your stream link? I'm using FMLE and SCFH DSF, and my stream link is http://sv.twitch.tv/holgerius
On October 12 2011 13:53 Holgerius wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2011 11:46 fold wrote:On October 10 2011 23:57 Holgerius wrote:Man, I'm so bad with computer stuff. I managed to get a stream up and running using this guide, which is great because I've never even been able to do that before.  But I still cannot stream BW without fucked up colours and shit. What streaming software are you using? And what is your stream link? I'm using FMLE and SCFH DSF, and my stream link is http://sv.twitch.tv/holgerius Please read the guide again. Full screen streaming is only done using FMLE and Camtasia. Other combos will have messed up colour or black screen.
On October 13 2011 01:28 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2011 13:53 Holgerius wrote:On October 12 2011 11:46 fold wrote:On October 10 2011 23:57 Holgerius wrote:Man, I'm so bad with computer stuff. I managed to get a stream up and running using this guide, which is great because I've never even been able to do that before.  But I still cannot stream BW without fucked up colours and shit. What streaming software are you using? And what is your stream link? I'm using FMLE and SCFH DSF, and my stream link is http://sv.twitch.tv/holgerius Please read the guide again. Full screen streaming is only done using FMLE and Camtasia. Other combos will have messed up colour or black screen. I see, that explains things.
United Kingdom3685 Posts
Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but once you've set up your stream, please go to the stream settings on twitch.tv and set the category to "Gaming". There is a restriction on the number of available streams to certain countries, and only streams set to "Gaming" are exempt from this.
Need help. Streaming with procaster or camtasia+fmle i got black screen in full screen when play brood war. When i hit pause/resume i got error an unnamed file was not found... So.. how can i fix black screen??
On October 27 2011 00:55 Modesty00 wrote: Need help. Streaming with procaster or camtasia+fmle i got black screen in full screen when play brood war. When i hit pause/resume i got error an unnamed file was not found... So.. how can i fix black screen??
Well for one thing you don't hit Pause / resume, you hit [STOP] then [RESUME] so in other words I have them set to F11 -> F9 , then it works, sounds like you are hitting F9 twice? -.-;;
I tried using camtasia and fmle but bumped into so many problems, audio not detected, black screen... Xsplit with a big screen and a good window mode seems to me to be the best solution.
I was hitting f9 then f9.. or f9 then f10.. now f10 and f9 and WORKS .. man i lost like 3 hours+ trying to work with camtasia first post didn help much cuz so much writing but would not make it work by myself..
paulinepain - Tell the problem i would try to help.
Hi guys Me and fold tried to get my audio working on my stream, installed VAC but i only could listen to my voice and sometimes to my audio but it wasnt good at all.. I have windows xp and my soundcard is SoundMax, different to almost all of u cuz u guys have realtek. I stream with xplit only cuz camtasia+fmle is lagging Can u guys help me to figure out how can i stream with audio? thxz in advance
On October 27 2011 01:43 Modesty00 wrote: I was hitting f9 then f9.. or f9 then f10.. now f10 and f9 and WORKS .. man i lost like 3 hours+ trying to work with camtasia first post didn help much cuz so much writing but would not make it work by myself..
paulinepain - Tell the problem i would try to help.
Thanks for the initiative, i will definitely try again and send you a detailed report, this week end
On October 27 2011 01:43 Modesty00 wrote: I was hitting f9 then f9.. or f9 then f10.. now f10 and f9 and WORKS .. man i lost like 3 hours+ trying to work with camtasia first post didn help much cuz so much writing but would not make it work by myself..
paulinepain - Tell the problem i would try to help. Read the entire post which only takes 10 minutes and save 3 hours next time 
If you have a way of reducing that wall of text please tell me and I'll change it.
Make video tutorial  Btw i still have some dificulty with streaming ... black screen.. hiting f10 then F9 but it trow me in desctop with that error and still black screen..
10387 Posts
CPU: i7 OS(i.e. Which version of Windows you have): Windows 7 Your justin.tv/twitch.tv page: http://www.twitch.tv/akskdsl Upload speed: .86 Mbps
using FMLE 3.2 and Camtasia
originally I had it set to Format H.264, 560 video/96 audio, and stream was working GREAT. Then I wanted a higher quality stream, so I decided to stop stream and fiddle w/ settings, switching format to H.264 and increasing video bitrate .. and then when I try to stream the audio works fine, but video is completely black screen!!!!
No matter what I do now, no video is getting through to my stream .. klasdjgklasjdgkl fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck D \
looking at the encoding log whenever I start the FMLE, the audio bitrate is normal, but the video bitrate is only 4, even tho I have it set much higher !! It's like it's capped at 4 Kbps, no matter what I set it to .. How can I make FMLE listen to me -_-
Ok the above problem only applies to VP6 .. when I switched format to H.264 bitrate was as I set it, but the stream is still not receiving video :\
On November 03 2011 13:40 ArvickHero wrote:CPU: i7 OS(i.e. Which version of Windows you have): Windows 7 Your justin.tv/twitch.tv page: http://www.twitch.tv/akskdslUpload speed: .86 Mbps using FMLE 3.2 and Camtasia originally I had it set to Format H.264, 560 video/96 audio, and stream was working GREAT. Then I wanted a higher quality stream, so I decided to stop stream and fiddle w/ settings, switching format to H.264 and increasing video bitrate .. and then when I try to stream the audio works fine, but video is completely black screen!!!! No matter what I do now, no video is getting through to my stream .. klasdjgklasjdgkl fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck D  \ looking at the encoding log whenever I start the FMLE, the audio bitrate is normal, but the video bitrate is only 4, even tho I have it set much higher !! It's like it's capped at 4 Kbps, no matter what I set it to .. How can I make FMLE listen to me -_- Ok the above problem only applies to VP6 .. when I switched format to H.264 bitrate was as I set it, but the stream is still not receiving video :\ Use FMLE 2.5 and see how that works. I'm guessing 3.2 and Camtasia, just does not work at all from all the replies I've been getting.
Oh and I saw on your stream, you seem to got it to work in the end? How did you fix it?
i use camtasia and fmle 3.2 and it works -.-
nice but my pc not good enough to stream i bought it in 97
Yeah funny how large the overhead for streaming is.. when capturing and saving works at 60 fps Full hd but streaming only 13
10387 Posts
On November 03 2011 15:56 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On November 03 2011 13:40 ArvickHero wrote:CPU: i7 OS(i.e. Which version of Windows you have): Windows 7 Your justin.tv/twitch.tv page: http://www.twitch.tv/akskdslUpload speed: .86 Mbps using FMLE 3.2 and Camtasia originally I had it set to Format H.264, 560 video/96 audio, and stream was working GREAT. Then I wanted a higher quality stream, so I decided to stop stream and fiddle w/ settings, switching format to H.264 and increasing video bitrate .. and then when I try to stream the audio works fine, but video is completely black screen!!!! No matter what I do now, no video is getting through to my stream .. klasdjgklasjdgkl fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck D  \ looking at the encoding log whenever I start the FMLE, the audio bitrate is normal, but the video bitrate is only 4, even tho I have it set much higher !! It's like it's capped at 4 Kbps, no matter what I set it to .. How can I make FMLE listen to me -_- Ok the above problem only applies to VP6 .. when I switched format to H.264 bitrate was as I set it, but the stream is still not receiving video :\ Use FMLE 2.5 and see how that works. I'm guessing 3.2 and Camtasia, just does not work at all from all the replies I've been getting. Oh and I saw on your stream, you seem to got it to work in the end? How did you fix it? switching to 2.5 fixed it in the end! lol and idk about it getting fixed, it still shows my desktop when I go offline so yea lol ..
The input lag when I load up bw is just too much and even slows down the game. Outside the game its perfectly fine. I thought it was my internet cause I only have 512kbps up but the data rate at the top of the screen (in Xsplit) says its between 100-200.
I get about 15-20% cpu usage for xsplit (and 55-60% for system idle process, no idea where the other 20% or so is going). First I used the suggested settings but after seeing how laggy it was I toned everything down, 360 res, 20fps, lower video and audio bitrates, set cpu affinity to realtime and nothing changed.
My computer's not bad at all so im guessing 512kbps just doesn't cut it?
+ Show Spoiler [SPECS] +Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2GHz Memory: G-Skill 4GB DDR3 RAM Video Card: ASUS 5870 Monitor: Samsung 22" 120Hz Sound Card: Steel Series USB PnP Operating System: Windows XP Home Motherboard: Gigabyte MA790GPT-UD3H
CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 955 OS: Windows 7 32-bit Your justin.tv/twitch.tv page: http://www.twitch.tv/pipogevy Upload speed: 0.25 Mbps
How should I setup, im totally lost right now
Sent PMs to L3gendary and PiPoGevy. Sorry about the late reply.
CPU:AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition 3.2GHz OS:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Twitch tv page:Twitch.tv/Megalisk Upload Speed: 4 Mbps.
I've always had to stream in windowed mode, which really sucks (even 2x window mode in smaller resolution). So I followed the guide and streaming fullscreen worked the first time, but then a few days later when i tried streaming again FMLE wouldnt do anything when I hit start.
FMLE is a huge piece of shit IMO, used 99% cpu when streaming sc2 when xsplit used a fraction of that..sad its the only way to stream though .
Hey Guys I wanted to start streaming, I am very bad at Starcraft Broodwar but oh well, just wanted to have fun and check me out if you want to :D much appreciated, always leave me some comments or tips on how to improve my game, I will be streaming very soon anyone know if the following OP advice works on the mac as well? Thanks guys :D
Singapore66072 Posts
CPU: Core 2 Duo E8400 OS: Vista Using: FMLE 2.5, Camtasia 7
Whenever I press "pause" for camtasia 7, I get alt-tabbed out of BW and back into the main screen :/
arite if i find the time ill do a tutorial (video) for FMLE+Camtasia, the video will be approx 5 minutes in length, since thats about how long it takes to set both up from scratch (after all is installed)
konadora I am pming you the correct Camtasia. make sure during the installation of it you TICK the Live Output Support, which i dont think any versions past 5 of camtasia have, or if they do, you need 5 or less for this to work.
Singapore66072 Posts
On November 23 2011 18:58 InstaGator wrote: Hey Guys I wanted to start streaming, I am very bad at Starcraft Broodwar but oh well, just wanted to have fun and check me out if you want to :D much appreciated, always leave me some comments or tips on how to improve my game, I will be streaming very soon anyone know if the following OP advice works on the mac as well? Thanks guys :D
I don't know how it works on Mac, sorry.
Canada11279 Posts
I have a question. Why does Xsplit not work with full screen? Because even with starcraft at high priority, windowed mode makes my my mouse movement feel just a touch slow. And I'm not at all interested in shelling out $300 for Camtasia to see if I want to casually stream for kicks and giggles once and awhile.
On December 11 2011 09:58 Falling wrote: I have a question. Why does Xsplit not work with full screen? Because even with starcraft at high priority, windowed mode makes my my mouse movement feel just a touch slow. And I'm not at all interested in shelling out $300 for Camtasia to see if I want to casually stream for kicks and giggles once and awhile.
It must have to do with the old resolution of BW.
(check your PM)
Im now using camtasia 7, but there is no live output or driver.... what to dddooooooooo...
Hi i have problem with camtasia 5.0 + flme 2.5 . I can't get Camtasia to the device box in Adobe Flash media Live Encoder.It only can see cam ... I've been searching for an answer for a week .. Plz help
United Kingdom20276 Posts
Just for some reference, my system is a Pentium 4 3.0Ghz
September 16 2011
Dear god...
On topic though, it is good to see stuff like this, the vast majority of players dont really understand streaming etc and guides are usually very helpful
for some reason i only get a black screen. I feel like i am so close.
the flash media encoder 2.5 has camtasia studio video capture driver as the device and I made sure every other setting was the same as the OP. On my justin.tv channel it says "Live" but it is just black. But in the Flash Media Encoder 2.5, I can see my mouse moving about my desktop.
Not sure what is going on. it is capturing my mic but my channel is just black.
edit: i am doing this fullscreen. using cam 5, flash media encoder 2.5 and Windows 7.
I see that other people have the same problem but there were no solutions given. Am I doomed? T_T
hmm i gave up cant stream camtasia + fmle.. bytheway is there any way to get windows mode wider ...exept shift window cuz it doesnt work for me ;]?
okay i tried fmle 3.2 and 3.1 to no avail. not sure what is going on, would appreciate help from w7 users.
Is this for any kind of streaming?
On December 21 2011 16:56 Megaliskuu wrote: Use FMLE 2.5!
oops sorry forgot to mention I tried 2.5 first and it did not work 
the only thing on my stream that works is my mic. Even though it says that it reads the camtasia video capture device.
Also, in my FMLE preview of the output and input, I see my desktop and my mouse moving about. But still I just get a black screen when I view my jtv channel.
On December 21 2011 17:49 Golgotha wrote:oops sorry forgot to mention I tried 2.5 first and it did not work  EDIT: This is my stream! http://j-tv.me/sxQjZ1but the only thing that works is my mic. Even though it says that it reads the camtasia video capture device. Also, in my FMLE preview of the output and input, I see my desktop and my mouse moving about. But still I just get a black screen when I view my jtv channel. Damn, yes i got that too now. I don't get it yesterday works, now not.. i even helped 1 friend to stream and i did everything find and he now stream.. but wtf i cant now... http://store.picbg.net/pubpic/F7/3A/03ed14472addf73a.jpg i got black screen at right and is says offline to my channel...??
On December 22 2011 05:41 Modesty00 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 21 2011 17:49 Golgotha wrote:On December 21 2011 16:56 Megaliskuu wrote: Use FMLE 2.5! oops sorry forgot to mention I tried 2.5 first and it did not work  EDIT: This is my stream! http://j-tv.me/sxQjZ1but the only thing that works is my mic. Even though it says that it reads the camtasia video capture device. Also, in my FMLE preview of the output and input, I see my desktop and my mouse moving about. But still I just get a black screen when I view my jtv channel. Damn, yes i got that too now. I don't get it yesterday works, now not.. i even helped 1 friend to stream and i did everything find and he now stream.. but wtf i cant now... http://store.picbg.net/pubpic/F7/3A/03ed14472addf73a.jpgi got black screen at right and is says offline to my channel...??
okay that is strange. you got it to work but now it wont? wtf 
btw what OS are you using and what cam version and fmle version?
The OP is trying to help me fix this, I will post a solution once it is found.
Thank you Fold for helping me get my stream working! The problem was not in the directions or compatibility with Windows 7. I was just a bumbling fool that did not read directions carefully enough!
So, if you get a black screen on jtv, make sure that you put the STREAM CODE where it says 'Stream' inside FMLE 2.5.
ALSO! You will see a black screen if you look at your stream from the viewpoint of the broadcaster! Thus, to check on your stream make sure you go to the url that your viewers will see!
My set up was: Windows 7 FMLE 2.5 Camtasia 5
On December 22 2011 13:26 Golgotha wrote: Thank you Fold for helping me get my stream working! The problem was not in the directions or compatibility with Windows 7. I was just a bumbling fool that did not read directions carefully enough!
So, if you get a black screen on jtv, make sure that you put the STREAM CODE where it says 'Stream' inside FMLE 2.5.
ALSO! You will see a black screen if you look at your stream from the viewpoint of the broadcaster! Thus, to check on your stream make sure you go to the url that your viewers will see!
My set up was: Windows 7 FMLE 2.5 Camtasia 5
And now my friend got same problem... Win7 Camtasia 5.1, Flash media encoder 3.2
On December 22 2011 14:17 Jumperer wrote: is it possible to stream on this computer? AMD sempron 3100+. 517MHz, 736 MB ram. Geforce 4 onboard graphic card. + Show Spoiler [Original] +go to RUN command and type in 'dxdiag' then there will be a new window that shows up, it will find the 'Display' tab, once there look for the 'Approx. Total Memory' and see if your card is at least 128 MB
i have never tried with a 64MB card, so you should still try with one as low as that, but any lower i know it will not work since i have two comps one that can barely stream, and one that cannot, the one that barely streams, is 128MB internal graphics card.
Pentium 4@3.0 GHz - 1.24 GB Ram
128 MB video card.
FMLE settings 200kbps Upload for video feed - 400x300 output resolution, if i go higher on the Output Res it makes nothing work.
hope this information can be a minor advisory, still give it a whirl, ya never know, a good processor is a good processor
after re-reading your post while talking about processors, i can tell you that it should not work on your computer, but if your desperate still try. but i can say 100% that it should not work.
On December 23 2011 02:00 Modesty00 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 22 2011 13:26 Golgotha wrote: Thank you Fold for helping me get my stream working! The problem was not in the directions or compatibility with Windows 7. I was just a bumbling fool that did not read directions carefully enough!
So, if you get a black screen on jtv, make sure that you put the STREAM CODE where it says 'Stream' inside FMLE 2.5.
ALSO! You will see a black screen if you look at your stream from the viewpoint of the broadcaster! Thus, to check on your stream make sure you go to the url that your viewers will see!
My set up was: Windows 7 FMLE 2.5 Camtasia 5
And now my friend got same problem... Win7 Camtasia 5.1, Flash media encoder 3.2 hmmm this sound to me that u both updated camtasia
On December 23 2011 02:00 Modesty00 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 22 2011 13:26 Golgotha wrote: Thank you Fold for helping me get my stream working! The problem was not in the directions or compatibility with Windows 7. I was just a bumbling fool that did not read directions carefully enough!
So, if you get a black screen on jtv, make sure that you put the STREAM CODE where it says 'Stream' inside FMLE 2.5.
ALSO! You will see a black screen if you look at your stream from the viewpoint of the broadcaster! Thus, to check on your stream make sure you go to the url that your viewers will see!
My set up was: Windows 7 FMLE 2.5 Camtasia 5
And now my friend got same problem... Win7 Camtasia 5.1, Flash media encoder 3.2
hey dont use 3.2 use 2.5. also camtasia version 5 is what I used. try to get everything set up and send me a screen shot of the encoding log and the FMLE options.
On December 23 2011 03:13 Golgotha wrote:Show nested quote +On December 23 2011 02:00 Modesty00 wrote:On December 22 2011 13:26 Golgotha wrote: Thank you Fold for helping me get my stream working! The problem was not in the directions or compatibility with Windows 7. I was just a bumbling fool that did not read directions carefully enough!
So, if you get a black screen on jtv, make sure that you put the STREAM CODE where it says 'Stream' inside FMLE 2.5.
ALSO! You will see a black screen if you look at your stream from the viewpoint of the broadcaster! Thus, to check on your stream make sure you go to the url that your viewers will see!
My set up was: Windows 7 FMLE 2.5 Camtasia 5
And now my friend got same problem... Win7 Camtasia 5.1, Flash media encoder 3.2 hey dont use 3.2 use 2.5. also camtasia version 5 is what I used. try to get everything set up and send me a screen shot of the encoding log and the FMLE options.
But it worked before with 3.2.. Anyway i deleted once again everything and Dl camtasia 5.0 - not 5.1 , then Flash encoder 2.5 and so far is working, need to test it. Idk maybe Camtasia or flash version made the problem as one user said. (excuse my eng)
Hey i have problem. in FMLE i have Wed Dec 28 2011 08:47:12 : Selected video input device: Camtasia Studio Video Capture Driver Wed Dec 28 2011 08:47:13 : Selected audio input device: Zintegrowane audio Intel(r) Wed Dec 28 2011 08:47:26 : Profile loaded : C:\Documents and Settings\Marcinos\Dane aplikacji\Adobe\Flash Media Encoder 2.5\startup.xml Wed Dec 28 2011 08:47:26 : Selected video input device: Camtasia Studio Video Capture Driver Wed Dec 28 2011 08:47:26 : Selected audio input device: Zintegrowane audio Intel(r) Wed Dec 28 2011 08:47:31 : Primary - Connected Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:10 : Renaming existing file from C:\Documents and Settings\Marcinos\Moje dokumenty\Moje wideo\sample.flv to C:\Documents and Settings\Marcinos\Moje dokumenty\Moje wideo\sample.21.flv Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:11 : Primary - Stream Status: Success Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:12 : Primary - Stream Status: NetStream.Publish.Rejected Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:12 : Primary - Unable to stream. Network problem at server. Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:12 : Primary - Network Status: NetConnection.Connect.Closed status Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:12 : Session Started Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:12 : Primary - Disconnected Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:12 : Video Encoding Started Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:12 : Audio Encoding Started Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:13 : Primary - Reestablishing connection, try 1 Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:14 : Primary - Reconnected Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:14 : Primary - Stream Status: Success Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:14 : Primary - Stream Status: NetStream.Publish.Rejected Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:14 : Primary - Network Status: NetConnection.Connect.Closed status Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:14 : Primary - Disconnected Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:19 : Primary - Reestablishing connection, try 1 Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:20 : Primary - Reconnected Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:20 : Primary - Stream Status: Success Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:21 : Primary - Stream Status: NetStream.Publish.Rejected Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:21 : Primary - Network Status: NetConnection.Connect.Closed status Wed Dec 28 2011 08:49:21 : Primary - Disconnected
This... No idea what to do, someone can help me? :S
+ Show Spoiler [Unrealted to guide] +From my limited experience, I would say that it is most likely that you did not put that livestream url (the long personal one) in the proper place in FMLE. At least, that's what happened to me when I did that xD
By the way, big thanks to the maker and contributors of this guide. I set it up pretty much overnight.
There is one thing I'd like to correct (maybe): stereo mixer in Vista. I'm not sure if this is because my Vista is different somehow due to it being in a laptop, but a lot of what was mentioned didn't exist or was not necessary. So, I guess it should be noted that this might be laptop-only, or something.
I didn't need to download VAC, all I had to do was this:
Stereo Mix for Vista
1. Open up Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Manage Audio Devices (under the 'Sound' directory)
2. Click on 'Recording'
3. Right click on the empty white area under the available options, and check 'Show Disabled Devices'
4. Stereo Mix should pop up ^^ Click on it and then click the Properties' button
5. Set 'Device Usage:' to 'Use this device (enable)'
6. Under 'Levels' you can control the output volume.
7. Under 'Enhancements' I only have 'DC Offset Cancellation' checked.
8. Advanced -> '2 channel, 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality)', and check both boxes beneath that.
Some of those were set as default but I just want to cover all bases ^^; It worked like a charm for me. For anyone who wants to have a place to start testing from in terms of volume (under 'Levels' and with other programs), I have my system volume set at ~30%, music volume set at 100%, and mix volume set at ~80%. This has been a good set-up for me, so try that out and see how it works for you.
Hope this helps! Cheers~
Should turn out something like this.
Hi, I am wondering..Is it not possible to have a webcam running while you are in fullscreen mode with camtasia / FMLE??
On December 28 2011 18:18 Jealous wrote: From my limited experience, I would say that it is most likely that you did not put that livestream url (the long personal one) in the proper place in FMLE. At least, that's what happened to me when I did that xD
By the way, big thanks to the maker and contributors of this guide. I set it up pretty much overnight.
There is one thing I'd like to correct (maybe): stereo mixer in Vista. I'm not sure if this is because my Vista is different somehow due to it being in a laptop, but a lot of what was mentioned didn't exist or was not necessary. So, I guess it should be noted that this might be laptop-only, or something.
I didn't need to download VAC, all I had to do was this:
1. Open up Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Manage Audio Devices (under the 'Sound' directory)
2. Click on 'Recording'
3. Right click on the empty white area under the available options, and check 'Show Disabled Devices'
4. Stereo Mix should pop up ^^ Click on it and then click the Properties' button
5. Set 'Device Usage:' to 'Use this device (enable)'
6. Under 'Levels' you can control the output volume.
7. Under 'Enhancements' I only have 'DC Offset Cancellation' checked.
8. Advanced -> '2 channel, 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality)', and check both boxes beneath that.
Some of those were set as default but I just want to cover all bases ^^; It worked like a charm for me. For anyone who wants to have a place to start testing from in terms of volume (under 'Levels' and with other programs), I have my system volume set at ~30%, music volume set at 100%, and mix volume set at ~80%. This has been a good set-up for me, so try that out and see how it works for you.
Hope this helps! Cheers~
Good point, you can do that as well and it seems like the same method as what you do under Windows 7. I'll edit that part to make it a bit more clear. Thanks.
On December 30 2011 13:55 GGzerG wrote: Hi, I am wondering..Is it not possible to have a webcam running while you are in fullscreen mode with camtasia / FMLE?? You can add a camera in Camtasia but not sure how that works. It probably doesn't display it where you want to anyway.
No worries 
If you see no reply to a post it's because I've already PMed them so yeh just ask and I'll try to answer.
I got my stream working and it says I'm live but the screen is black even while I'm playing. So everything seems to be working but the video isn't actually showing up. Did this happen to anyone else? Any suggestions on how to fix this?
edit: im using FMLE 3.2 + Camtasia Recorder edit: works with XSplit and Windowmode, but would prefer the other option + Fullscreen
On January 04 2012 06:14 tryummm wrote: I got my stream working and it says I'm live but the screen is black even while I'm playing. So everything seems to be working but the video isn't actually showing up. Did this happen to anyone else? Any suggestions on how to fix this?
edit: im using FMLE 3.2 + Camtasia Recorder edit: works with XSplit and Windowmode, but would prefer the other option + Fullscreen There are too many issues that could fit this description, imo. The few things I can think of would be:
Is the screen black even outside of the game? If yes, then:
1. Did you set up the dimensions and location of the screen capture properly in both Camtasia and FMLE? 2. Did you set up the option of 'Live Output Mode' in Camtasia as opposed to regular recording? 3. Double check to see that you have all the proper video configurations - sometimes default doesn't suit your system, especially if you modified it with a new graphics card or something.
If no, then:
1. Have you tried stopping and starting Camtasia recording while in-game? 2. Have you tried running it without an add-on (like a Launcher of some sort)? 3. Have you tried re-installing BW?
If none of this helps, try FMLE 2.5, that's what's been working for me ^^ Also, you should post your OS.
That is all I could think of ;p Sorry~
I'm using FLME 2.5 with Camtasia 5, and whenever I start recording in Camtasia, it doesn't show up in the FLME video devices. Any ideas?
On January 08 2012 02:50 TBone- wrote: I'm using FLME 2.5 with Camtasia 5, and whenever I start recording in Camtasia, it doesn't show up in the FLME video devices. Any ideas?
Yeah you probably forgot to click on enable live output under tools options video/live.
@tryummm yes, you need 2.5. I had the same inexplicable issue.
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 Black Edition Multi-Core 3.2 Ghz 8.0 Mb Total Cache OS: XP Professional Justin.tv/Canadiumsc Upload speed: 1.91 Mbps
I just finished downloading FMLE and Camtasia but I can't seem to configure my video settings in FMLE. Also an error message appears sometimes that says "Video Capture Device Not Selected Please select video capture device connected to your system." However, there are no options in message box and I have to click around to find the hidden okay button to make it go away. What am I doing wrong? Also I tried skipping to the "Configure Camtasia" portion of the tutorial and under Tools-->Options there is no tab a called Capture and I wasn't able to find or select any of the options I'm supposed to configure.
I apologize if this makes no sense. This is my first time using this software. Not to be sexist but I think I sound like a stereotypical female talking to a mechanic about her broken car and all the weird noises it's making
On January 07 2012 02:01 Jealous wrote:Show nested quote +On January 04 2012 06:14 tryummm wrote: I got my stream working and it says I'm live but the screen is black even while I'm playing. So everything seems to be working but the video isn't actually showing up. Did this happen to anyone else? Any suggestions on how to fix this?
edit: im using FMLE 3.2 + Camtasia Recorder edit: works with XSplit and Windowmode, but would prefer the other option + Fullscreen There are too many issues that could fit this description, imo. The few things I can think of would be: Is the screen black even outside of the game? If yes, then: 1. Did you set up the dimensions and location of the screen capture properly in both Camtasia and FMLE? 2. Did you set up the option of 'Live Output Mode' in Camtasia as opposed to regular recording? 3. Double check to see that you have all the proper video configurations - sometimes default doesn't suit your system, especially if you modified it with a new graphics card or something. If no, then: 1. Have you tried stopping and starting Camtasia recording while in-game? 2. Have you tried running it without an add-on (like a Launcher of some sort)? 3. Have you tried re-installing BW? If none of this helps, try FMLE 2.5, that's what's been working for me ^^ Also, you should post your OS. That is all I could think of ;p Sorry~
Okay thanks, ill try FMLE 2.5 and if that doesn't work I'll continue playing in windowed mode.
Until now I streamed with Camtasia but I am not satissfied with the quality.I tried to stream with Xsplit and window mode but it lags very hard (in windows mode) even when not streaming.I heard that it is something that u can do to not lag on windows mode.Tx
My stream randomly turns off sometimes.
A viewer says "It doesn't even load"; as far as I can tell, my FMLE and camtasia are working fine, and I think the online/offline is working on TL too. Just at twitch.tv it just turns off.
I just started using minilauncher to play on fish. Anyone else have similar problem?
On top right off the stream it says OFFLINE but I can see viewers. Also the viewer can hear music.
On January 11 2012 19:12 StarPanther66 wrote: Until now I streamed with Camtasia but I am not satissfied with the quality.I tried to stream with Xsplit and window mode but it lags very hard (in windows mode) even when not streaming.I heard that it is something that u can do to not lag on windows mode.Tx
With Camtasia you should increase the output size, that way you'll get better quality. I'd also suggest switching codec to h264. It probably won't be as clear as people streaming in windowmode, but fullscreen feels a lot better, so it's worth it (imo). Streaming windowed is more CPU-demanding as far as I know.
Hello, would it be possible to stream BW with such a comp? AMD Turion X2 Dual Core, ATI radeon 3100, 2 gb ram
On January 11 2012 08:21 Canadium wrote:CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 Black Edition Multi-Core 3.2 Ghz 8.0 Mb Total Cache OS: XP Professional Justin.tv/Canadiumsc Upload speed: 1.91 Mbps I just finished downloading FMLE and Camtasia but I can't seem to configure my video settings in FMLE. Also an error message appears sometimes that says "Video Capture Device Not Selected Please select video capture device connected to your system." However, there are no options in message box and I have to click around to find the hidden okay button to make it go away. What am I doing wrong? Also I tried skipping to the "Configure Camtasia" portion of the tutorial and under Tools-->Options there is no tab a called Capture and I wasn't able to find or select any of the options I'm supposed to configure. I apologize if this makes no sense. This is my first time using this software. Not to be sexist but I think I sound like a stereotypical female talking to a mechanic about her broken car and all the weird noises it's making  Did you also install Live Output Support when you were installing Camtasia? You can select Camtasia in FMLE right?
On January 11 2012 19:12 StarPanther66 wrote: Until now I streamed with Camtasia but I am not satissfied with the quality.I tried to stream with Xsplit and window mode but it lags very hard (in windows mode) even when not streaming.I heard that it is something that u can do to not lag on windows mode.Tx What is your upload rate and what are your current settings in FMLE? Video bitrate, codec used, resoultion and fps is enough. You can get it to look good using FMLE if you set it right.
On January 13 2012 18:49 Wala.Revolution wrote: My stream randomly turns off sometimes.
A viewer says "It doesn't even load"; as far as I can tell, my FMLE and camtasia are working fine, and I think the online/offline is working on TL too. Just at twitch.tv it just turns off.
I just started using minilauncher to play on fish. Anyone else have similar problem?
On top right off the stream it says OFFLINE but I can see viewers. Also the viewer can hear music.
?_? Sometimes twitch has problems, I'll check it out next time you stream. See if your vods also have this problem or not.
On January 13 2012 22:31 Netto. wrote: Hello, would it be possible to stream BW with such a comp? AMD Turion X2 Dual Core, ATI radeon 3100, 2 gb ram Just try. You can download a demo version of camtasia and xsplit and fmle are free.
Tried it again. Stream turned off sometime in the middle, TL indicates it's online, but twitch says offline.
Actually it seems to be a problem on my end; this is repeated in FMLE
Fri Jan 13 2012 13:57:58 : Primary - Stream Status: Success Fri Jan 13 2012 13:57:59 : Primary - Stream Status: NetStream.Publish.Start Fri Jan 13 2012 13:58:37 : Primary - Network Status: NetConnection.Connect.Closed status Fri Jan 13 2012 13:58:37 : Primary - Disconnected Fri Jan 13 2012 13:58:44 : Primary - Reestablishing connection, try 1 Fri Jan 13 2012 13:58:44 : Primary - Reconnected
This happens just as I tab into bw and during it. Going to reinstall all bw stuff.
Actually not just during bw. Going to reinstall everything.
EDIT: reinstalled and it fixed. Not going to use minilauncher though, because it started when used mini to get on fish.
My specs: CPU: Intel CORE i5 760 2.8 GHz, 2x4 DDR3, ATI Radeon HD 5570 OS(i.e. Which version of Windows you have): Windows 7 Your justin.tv/twitch.tv page: www.justin.tv/Zepish Upload speed: About 2 Mbps
I'm trying to set up a stream using the fullscreen method (FMLE + Camtasia).
This guide is amazing, and I can stream my desktop just fine. However, whenever I open broodwar, my stream completely crashes. Not only does my stream turn black, but it stays black after I close the game (FMLE is still showing my screen), forcing me to restart my stream on justin.tv to make it work again.. At this point I really don't know what to try (I tried pausing/unpausing camtasia, running bw without the iCCup launcher, even reinstalling bw and none of it worked).
Are bw streamers still using camtasia? Has anyone experienced a similar issue?
Any help is appreciated, I hope to start streaming very soon!
Edit: It's Working now. Thanks fold for answering my pm so fast :D
On February 12 2012 12:16 Zepish wrote:My specs: CPU: Intel CORE i5 760 2.8 GHz, 2x4 DDR3, ATI Radeon HD 5570 OS(i.e. Which version of Windows you have): Windows 7 Your justin.tv/twitch.tv page: www.justin.tv/ZepishUpload speed: About 2 Mbps I'm trying to set up a stream using the fullscreen method (FMLE + Camtasia). This guide is amazing, and I can stream my desktop just fine. However, whenever I open broodwar, my stream completely crashes. Not only does my stream turn black, but it stays black after I close the game (FMLE is still showing my screen), forcing me to restart my stream on justin.tv to make it work again.. At this point I really don't know what to try (I tried pausing/unpausing camtasia, running bw without the iCCup launcher, even reinstalling bw and none of it worked). Are bw streamers still using camtasia? Has anyone experienced a similar issue? Any help is appreciated, I hope to start streaming very soon! Edit: I'm using FMLE 2.5 and Camtasia 5
You are still streaming, yes? Did you remember to stop and start recording at the start of every game?
Hi. Just got it working but probably wont stream due too fps issues (if anyone wanna help please pm :D)
If anyone cant find the setting up camtasia part i at last found out what to do:
When you go too make new recording (or something) on the view tab in the new pop up you must select main toolbar.
From there a little sheet icon with arrows appear and if you click it and then press the capture text you will get the window the handsome, intelligent and happymaking OP was reffering to
"How you fill the next entries depends on your upload speed. A good estimate on how much bandwidth to use for video and audio bit rates is to first take 60% of your upload speed. Put 85% of that into Bit Rate under Video and the remaining 15% into Bit Rate under Audio."
How do I know my bitrate? I currently have; Bitrate -> 200 kbs // Output Size -> 640*480
Also my audio is working but video is not.
edit: everything works but what do I do to reduce quality so I lag less on fish? or will I lag on fish regardless with stream.
Windows 7 64bits Ultimate Stream did not work with FMLE 3.1 initially but started to work with 2.5 (and camt 5). Still need help with color issues, f9 doesn't work when in game despite setting hotkeys correctly. It only works outside of the game, help would be appreciated  http://www.justin.tv/seol1500
Guys, is there a way to reduce the blurriness of this: http://www.twitch.tv/kola_veri/b/310303001
It looks uber pixelated when I begin to move around with hotkeys..or is this the max I can get with 200 bitrate..my upload speed is 400, so going above 256 will probably cause me to lag. I'm using fmle 2.5 with h.264 at 3.1 baseline
On March 02 2012 11:37 dartoo wrote:Guys, is there a way to reduce the blurriness of this: http://www.twitch.tv/kola_veri/b/310303001It looks uber pixelated when I begin to move around with hotkeys..or is this the max I can get with 200 bitrate..my upload speed is 400, so going above 256 will probably cause me to lag. I'm using fmle 2.5 with h.264 at 3.1 baseline
that's just how 200 will look.
Awww....oh well, come to think of it, it reminds of the free gom player stream when they have a big match :p
Increasing the frame rate to 30 seems to have helped a bit, but that also increases the bandwidth. For some reason I cannot register a beta version of xsplit, so havent really tried that out. Guess I'll probably experiment with that later...
On March 02 2012 12:13 dartoo wrote: Awww....oh well, come to think of it, it reminds of the free gom player stream when they have a big match :p
Increasing the frame rate to 30 seems to have helped a bit, but that also increases the bandwidth. For some reason I cannot register a beta version of xsplit, so havent really tried that out. Guess I'll probably experiment with that later...
yeah 200 kinda sucks when you are in fullscreen and the you are screen flipping in game. other than that, if you watch it in window mode it dont look too bad.
How do I solve this looping of recorded stream? My stream auto loop itself within a stream. So a Stream within a stream. It does that by itself. And there's this random annoying wind noise. Help please. http://www.twitch.tv/reclusive0/b/310437480 Starts at around 0.37 Thanks for the help Apparently that's normal because I watch my own stream so yeah it's solve.
Canada11279 Posts
Ok, I've been testing this out and I'm a little bit of a loss with the bad audio quality for the music. It sounds like it just coming through the external mic whereas I assumed stereo would feed the music directly through.
Not sure which stats I should put up. Windows 7 CPU Intel i5-2500K @3.30GHz Using Camtesia 5 and FMLE 2.5 because windowed mode lags too much. I enabled the Stereo Mix and made it my default.
My logitech webcam mic pick up my typing and talking just fine, but the music sounds digitally distorted like it's playing through skype.
Edit. Actually it's stranger than I thought. Testing the viewing on my laptop, I hear the mic audio, but no music. Testing with my brother's laptop, he hear's the music perfectly clear but no mic at all.
Okay so...does anyone know if it is possible to have both my in-game sounds/music as well as me talking on the stream? Currently the only way I can manage this is if I set it to integrated microphone and turn the volume up load on my computer so the mic pics up the game/music.
If I go to stereo mix I get only my game sounds and none of my own talking.
On March 07 2012 14:15 L_Master wrote: Okay so...does anyone know if it is possible to have both my in-game sounds/music as well as me talking on the stream? Currently the only way I can manage this is if I set it to integrated microphone and turn the volume up load on my computer so the mic pics up the game/music.
If I go to stereo mix I get only my game sounds and none of my own talking.
Use Virtual Audio Cable. Don't know if they have a free version, but you can put both your mic and stereo mix onto one sound input which you can select in FMLE.
On March 07 2012 14:17 GoShox wrote:Show nested quote +On March 07 2012 14:15 L_Master wrote: Okay so...does anyone know if it is possible to have both my in-game sounds/music as well as me talking on the stream? Currently the only way I can manage this is if I set it to integrated microphone and turn the volume up load on my computer so the mic pics up the game/music.
If I go to stereo mix I get only my game sounds and none of my own talking. Use Virtual Audio Cable. Don't know if they have a free version, but you can put both your mic and stereo mix onto one sound input which you can select in FMLE.
Working on that now.
I've got it to the point where I am trying to run VAC.bat but am getting a "windows cannot find '\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe' error. "
On March 07 2012 14:44 L_Master wrote:Show nested quote +On March 07 2012 14:17 GoShox wrote:On March 07 2012 14:15 L_Master wrote: Okay so...does anyone know if it is possible to have both my in-game sounds/music as well as me talking on the stream? Currently the only way I can manage this is if I set it to integrated microphone and turn the volume up load on my computer so the mic pics up the game/music.
If I go to stereo mix I get only my game sounds and none of my own talking. Use Virtual Audio Cable. Don't know if they have a free version, but you can put both your mic and stereo mix onto one sound input which you can select in FMLE. Working on that now. I've got it to the point where I am trying to run VAC.bat but am getting a "windows cannot find '\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe' error. " That is because the location of audiorepeater.exe might be different on your computer so you can help it out by finding out where it is and replacing the location that is in the batch file.
Edit: If you don't mind, PM me if you have any further questions and I'll help you there.
Canada11279 Posts
Ok, I think I've got it all worked out with sound and all. However, the stream is quite pixillated when I hop around a lot. I'm wondering if I can get away with a higher quality without running into lag or latency.
My upload speed is .78 Mbps (although once it was .68 or something) ping 35
I currently have video bit rate at 200 Kbps and Audio at 128kbps
I think that's the one part the guide I was confused because it said 85% 15%, but the options for Audio only go as low as 96kpbs- 112kbps being the next step up.
On March 18 2012 05:06 Falling wrote: Ok, I think I've got it all worked out with sound and all. However, the stream is quite pixillated when I hop around a lot. I'm wondering if I can get away with a higher quality without running into lag or latency.
My upload speed is .78 Mbps (although once it was .68 or something) ping 35
I currently have video bit rate at 200 Kbps and Audio at 128kbps
I think that's the one part the guide I was confused because it said 85% 15%, but the options for Audio only go as low as 96kpbs- 112kbps being the next step up.
Change the sample rate to 22050 and you can set the bitrate lower. It'll be pixellated because the video bitrate is low. You need around 500 for it to not look pixelated. Using H.264 instead of VP6 under video format might also help if your computer can handle it.
or yust get Xfire, you can stream bw with it on jtv, you only wont be able to see the loby
Canada11279 Posts
I'm using H.264 already. I'm pretty sure my computer can handle it as I think upload is the choke point. If I change the sample rate, will I be able to put video up at 500 or is my upload rate going to cap it?
^^ If your video size goes up beyond your upload rate, the stream will start to stutter. You need some upload bandwidth to play the game too(i.e if your on iccup etc). So take about 128k for that(I'm guessing you might need this much atleast). And also take away minimum of 48k for music. X-176 is what you have available for the video. If you sample above that it will probably skip.
Easiest thing to do , look at the required bandwidth in media encoder, make sure it doesnt go above your upload limit while including upload required for the game.
On March 18 2012 11:54 Falling wrote: I'm using H.264 already. I'm pretty sure my computer can handle it as I think upload is the choke point. If I change the sample rate, will I be able to put video up at 500 or is my upload rate going to cap it? The audio sample rate has nothing to do with the video bitrate so yes you can set it to 500 no problems. If it feels laggy in game, as in you have to set to extra high latency every game, then reduce the video bitrate and see if that helps.
United States3046 Posts
I do not take any credit for finding this method.
Long time ago, I thought camtasia+xsplit was possible, but it was not. Many users were left to use windowed mode for streaming their games. Windowed mode still has its advantages, but high APM users will realize that windowed mode drops frames compared to the fullscreen mode, which takes some time to get adjusted to.
Few days ago, I saw pro7ect streaming and he was using fullscreen with xsplit. I asked him how, but he only mentioned the program. After googling, I figured out how to get it working with xsplit (thank you pro7ect!)
1. Download uscreencapture and xsplit. Install both programs 2. Download uscreencapture fix and overwrite the files in the uscreencapture folder (C:\Program Files\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture). You need this file to hide the mouse, but also to prevent the dreaded black screen of stream from happening. 3. Go to registry and find the UScreenCapture key.
On Win 7, it is located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/UNREAL/LIVE/UScreenCapture On Win XP, it is located at HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Classes/VirtualStore/MACHINE/SOFTWARE/UNREAL/LIVE/UScreenCapture (I'm not too sure about Vista, sorry)
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS, create the keys yourself by right clicking, New -> Key. Think of Key as a subfolder.
In there, you will find 5 REG_DWORD values named Top, Bottom, Left, Right, FrameRate (case sensitive I assume). If you do not have these 5 REG_DWORD values (think of it as files), then create them.
Now, assign each values so that it matches up as follows, in decimal: Top: 0 Bottom: 480 Left: 0 Right: 640 FrameRate: 30 (30 is the maximum that UScreenCapture can support).
Now that you're set with UScrenpCapture, go boot up xsplit.
Notable bug: Once UScreenCapture is activated in xsplit (as in, it shows up on scene sources panel in any one of the 12 Scenes), do not change settings. I found that you can't change your hotkey settings once UScreepCapture is in use, and you will have to delete from scene sources panel and reboot to fix the problem.
Select Add, Add camera, UScreenCapture.
Now you have fullscreen mode working, along with any additional stuff that you want to add using xsplit.
If you change the values but leave the right option as hexadecimal, pray that you can convert numbers in your head quickly before you screw up the area that UScreepCapture is going to capture.
Note: Pictures will be made if needed/requested
Awesome, so much easier using xsplit then camtasia.
Has anyone done testing on SNM's new solution to streaming? I haven't been able to get it to work on this Win XP machine but I'll try it again when I get access to a machine with Windows 7 on it.
I tried testing it, but it ended up not working. Trying to troubleshoot the problem now.
After installing uscreencapture and its fix, then setting the registries (I had to create the dwords) I go to xsplit and tell it to "Add camera" but literally nothing happens.
Still no luck on my end. Having similar problems except UScreenCapture camera works in Xsplit but it just defaults to small resolution
Canada11279 Posts
Ok, I'm getting a crazy big ping on iccup. Upload is .76Mbps so that's 760 Kbps
So if I take 176Kbps off for iCCup and music, I can't put video at 500. Instead I put it at 350 and audio 112 so that should give me a lot of buffer. But I sometimes have 1300 or 2000 ping.
Without all that stuff running I get 250 ping which seems high, but I've always had 2 green bars and never 1 bar. Wired, not wireless.
On April 02 2012 10:08 Falling wrote: Ok, I'm getting a crazy big ping on iccup. Upload is .76Mbps so that's 760 Kbps
So if I take 176Kbps off for iCCup and music, I can't put video at 500. Instead I put it at 350 and audio 112 so that should give me a lot of buffer. But I sometimes have 1300 or 2000 ping.
Without all that stuff running I get 250 ping which seems high, but I've always had 2 green bars and never 1 bar. Wired, not wireless.
250 ping is not high.
are you lagging in games? On fish and iccup I have 400-600 ping but I can host and play without any probs. This is with streaming. If you are not lagging I would not worry so much.
Canada11279 Posts
Ok, that's good to know 250 is not high. It seems that way when those test things say I have 30 or so and LoL say 60-70.
The problem is at 1300 and 2000 when I'm actually streaming- we end up play on extra latency. I'm pretty sure it's on my end as they usually have a much lower ping.
On March 25 2012 04:57 supernovamaniac wrote:I do not take any credit for finding this method. Long time ago, I thought camtasia+xsplit was possible, but it was not. Many users were left to use windowed mode for streaming their games. Windowed mode still has its advantages, but high APM users will realize that windowed mode drops frames compared to the fullscreen mode, which takes some time to get adjusted to. Few days ago, I saw pro7ect streaming and he was using fullscreen with xsplit. I asked him how, but he only mentioned the program. After googling, I figured out how to get it working with xsplit (thank you pro7ect!) 1. Download uscreencapture and xsplit. Install both programs 2. Download uscreencapture fix and overwrite the files in the uscreencapture folder (C:\Program Files\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture). You need this file to hide the mouse, but also to prevent the dreaded black screen of stream from happening. 3. Go to registry and find the UScreenCapture key. WARNING: I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR COMPUTER DAMAGES IF YOU SCREW UP KEYS/VALUES IN YOUR REGISTRY BY ACCIDENT.On XP, it is located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/UNREAL/LIVE/UScreenCapture On Win 7, it is located at HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Classes/VirtualStore/MACHINE/SOFTWARE/UNREAL/LIVE/UScreenCapture (I'm not too sure about Vista, sorry) IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS, create the keys yourself by right clicking, New -> Key. Think of Key as a subfolder. In there, you will find 5 REG_DWORD values named Top, Bottom, Left, Right, FrameRate (case sensitive I assume). If you do not have these 5 REG_DWORD values (think of it as files), then create them. Now, assign each values so that it matches up as follows, in decimal: Top: 0 Bottom: 480 Left: 0 Right: 640 FrameRate: 30 (30 is the maximum that UScreenCapture can support). Now that you're set with UScrenpCapture, go boot up xsplit. Notable bug: Once UScreenCapture is activated in xsplit (as in, it shows up on scene sources panel in any one of the 12 Scenes), do not change settings. I found that you can't change your hotkey settings once UScreepCapture is in use, and you will have to delete from scene sources panel and reboot to fix the problem. Select Add, Add camera, UScreenCapture. Now you have fullscreen mode working, along with any additional stuff that you want to add using xsplit. If you change the values but leave the right option as hexadecimal, pray that you can convert numbers in your head quickly before you screw up the area that UScreepCapture is going to capture. Note: Pictures will be made if needed/requested
Pictures always good... But I was just wondering what're the differences/advantages for xsplit over camtasia? will it run smoother/lag less, or it's just easier to throw on overlays and such?
United States3046 Posts
On April 02 2012 16:04 dRaW wrote:Show nested quote +On March 25 2012 04:57 supernovamaniac wrote:I do not take any credit for finding this method. Long time ago, I thought camtasia+xsplit was possible, but it was not. Many users were left to use windowed mode for streaming their games. Windowed mode still has its advantages, but high APM users will realize that windowed mode drops frames compared to the fullscreen mode, which takes some time to get adjusted to. Few days ago, I saw pro7ect streaming and he was using fullscreen with xsplit. I asked him how, but he only mentioned the program. After googling, I figured out how to get it working with xsplit (thank you pro7ect!) 1. Download uscreencapture and xsplit. Install both programs 2. Download uscreencapture fix and overwrite the files in the uscreencapture folder (C:\Program Files\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture). You need this file to hide the mouse, but also to prevent the dreaded black screen of stream from happening. 3. Go to registry and find the UScreenCapture key. WARNING: I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR COMPUTER DAMAGES IF YOU SCREW UP KEYS/VALUES IN YOUR REGISTRY BY ACCIDENT.On XP, it is located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/UNREAL/LIVE/UScreenCapture On Win 7, it is located at HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Classes/VirtualStore/MACHINE/SOFTWARE/UNREAL/LIVE/UScreenCapture (I'm not too sure about Vista, sorry) IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS, create the keys yourself by right clicking, New -> Key. Think of Key as a subfolder. In there, you will find 5 REG_DWORD values named Top, Bottom, Left, Right, FrameRate (case sensitive I assume). If you do not have these 5 REG_DWORD values (think of it as files), then create them. Now, assign each values so that it matches up as follows, in decimal: Top: 0 Bottom: 480 Left: 0 Right: 640 FrameRate: 30 (30 is the maximum that UScreenCapture can support). Now that you're set with UScrenpCapture, go boot up xsplit. Notable bug: Once UScreenCapture is activated in xsplit (as in, it shows up on scene sources panel in any one of the 12 Scenes), do not change settings. I found that you can't change your hotkey settings once UScreepCapture is in use, and you will have to delete from scene sources panel and reboot to fix the problem. Select Add, Add camera, UScreenCapture. Now you have fullscreen mode working, along with any additional stuff that you want to add using xsplit. If you change the values but leave the right option as hexadecimal, pray that you can convert numbers in your head quickly before you screw up the area that UScreepCapture is going to capture. Note: Pictures will be made if needed/requested Pictures always good... But I was just wondering what're the differences/advantages for xsplit over camtasia? will it run smoother/lag less, or it's just easier to throw on overlays and such? 1. Easier to use overlays and switch scenes. Really helpful if you want to do FPVOD + Webcam, or put up sponsors/ads etc.
2. Don't have to turnoff/restart camtasia for screenfix. Never forget, never get yelled at.
Running smoother/lag less depends on your computer, but from what I heard it is generally supposed to be lower than camtasia/FMLE combo. You also don't have to work with things like virtual cables etc. for audio, and you can adjust the volumes easy with xsplit. If you ever used xsplit, think of it as all the advantages of xsplit + fullscreen.
I tried this xsplit + uscreen combo but it didnt work i think the problem is that it doesnt let me overwrite the file UScreenCapture.ax cuz it says
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/W57Wn.png)
I have restarted several times and nothing
and also the window is at the top right like this
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zQlg2.png)
any help will be aprecciate it
Edit: btw i have windows 7
Sure got fast internet connection for streaming Brood War ^^ just need to upgrade PC  Wondering tho, if you need to set up stream differently for streaming sc2.
I changed to onboard (Realtek HD) instead of my soundcard, and viewers say that they can barely hear my mic and my stereo mix. My voice on ts seems to be the same, or at least not as much difference to streaming so does anyone know how to fix this?
On March 18 2012 09:03 sabas123 wrote: or yust get Xfire, you can stream bw with it on jtv, you only wont be able to see the loby
I just want to echo this statement, xfire is awesome and it does everything for you and it works in fullscreen. Easiest setup by far.
I will have to try what snm said as well. ps. snm what kind of computer and internet do you have? Your stream is really smooth.
Stereo mix doesn't work too well so I got VAC but It makes horrible echo however I set buffer, any help please?
United States3046 Posts
On April 08 2012 10:19 L3gendary wrote:Show nested quote +On March 18 2012 09:03 sabas123 wrote: or yust get Xfire, you can stream bw with it on jtv, you only wont be able to see the loby I just want to echo this statement, xfire is awesome and it does everything for you and it works in fullscreen. Easiest setup by far. I will have to try what snm said as well. ps. snm what kind of computer and internet do you have? Your stream is really smooth. I have typical college internet (will have to fudge around with settings and lower quality when I go home T_T) and lenovo Y560p laptop. I can post specific hardware specs if you want.
On April 09 2012 03:27 supernovamaniac wrote:Show nested quote +On April 08 2012 10:19 L3gendary wrote:On March 18 2012 09:03 sabas123 wrote: or yust get Xfire, you can stream bw with it on jtv, you only wont be able to see the loby I just want to echo this statement, xfire is awesome and it does everything for you and it works in fullscreen. Easiest setup by far. I will have to try what snm said as well. ps. snm what kind of computer and internet do you have? Your stream is really smooth. I have typical college internet (will have to fudge around with settings and lower quality when I go home T_T) and lenovo Y560p laptop. I can post specific hardware specs if you want.
I don't believe it's a hardware issue. I have a quad core 3.2GHz cpu. I could try overclocking it i suppose. I only have 1mb upload tho but i thought that would be enough.
My audio and mic seems too quiet using FMLE 2.5 and onboard audio. I hear everything fine, other people hear me fine on teamspeak. Anyone have this problem before?
Hello I am wondering if anyone ever figured out how to run a webcam while streaming in fullscreen mode? I know it can be done easily in windowed mode, but I would really like to know if it is possible in fullscreen, thanks a lot.
On April 13 2012 14:50 GGzerG wrote: Hello I am wondering if anyone ever figured out how to run a webcam while streaming in fullscreen mode? I know it can be done easily in windowed mode, but I would really like to know if it is possible in fullscreen, thanks a lot. Yes if you do it using Xsplit and uscreencapture you can stream fullscreen and have webcam. Just read SNM's post in the previous page about it. If it doesn't work it probably is just some registry settings that need fixing.
Will edit the OP to include that by next week.
Pics please for the xsplit guide, snm.
United States3046 Posts
On April 14 2012 16:28 Wala.Revolution wrote: Pics please for the xsplit guide, snm. fold probably has everything necessary.
Though, I would like to point out:
If you're a caster, this is not necessary. Windowed mode casting is so much easier compared to Full Screen casting. If you're a player who hate the frame skips in Windowed mode, however, I highly suggest that you do this
Keep in mind that XSplit has watermark now, unless you pay for the product.
Yeah I want to play bw in fullscreen.
On April 14 2012 17:27 Wala.Revolution wrote: Yeah I want to play bw in fullscreen. What help do you need with it. Hop on to IRC and I can help you out now.
How to stream BW fullscreen using XSplit and UScreenCapture.
What you will need:
Setting up UScreenCapture:
- Unzip and install UScreenCapture
- Unzip uscreencapprog_remove_cursor and copy the files inside uscreencapprog to your UScreenCapture folder.
This should be either in C:\Program Files\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\UnrealStreaming\UScreenCapture\ on a 64bit system. It will alert you about replacing certain files.
- Your UScreenCapture folder should now look like this: + Show Spoiler +
Next step involves editing your registry so only do one of the following:
Windows XP or older: - You do this by either unzipping and running this registry file or doing it manually as follows:
+ Show Spoiler [Changing the registry settings manually] + - Start regedit by pressing the Start button then press run, type in regedit and hit enter.
- On the left pane click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Classes/VirtualStore/MACHINE/SOFTWARE/
- Right click on the SOFTWARE folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UNREAL.
- Right click on the UNREAL folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this LIVE.
- Right click on the LIVE folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UScreenCapture.
- Now you need to add 5 REG_DWORD entries in the key by right clicking on the right pane and clicking New -> DWORD Value five times.
- Rename and edit each entry accordingly, making sure you set the Base to Decimal each time.
Top: 0 Bottom: 480 Left: 0 Right: 640 FrameRate: 30
- It should look like this. + Show Spoiler +
Windows Vista or Windows 7: - You do this by either unzipping and running this registry file (32bit) or registry file (64bit) or doing it manually as follows:
+ Show Spoiler [Changing the registry settings manually] + - Start regedit by pressing the Start button, type in regedit and hit enter. Press Yes to the dialog box that pops up.
- On the left pane click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/ if you're on a 64bit machine
- Right click on the SOFTWARE or Wow6432Node folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UNREAL.
- Right click on the UNREAL folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this LIVE.
- Right click on the LIVE folder icon and click New -> Key. Name this UScreenCapture.
- Now you need to add 5 REG_DWORD entries in the key by right clicking on the right pane and clicking New -> DWORD Value five times.
- Rename and edit each entry accordingly, making sure you set the Base to Decimal each time.
Top: 0 Bottom: 480 Left: 0 Right: 640 FrameRate: 30
- It should look like this. + Show Spoiler +
Streaming using XSplit and UScreenCapture:
- Load Xsplit.
- Add -> Camera -> UScreenCapture. Drag the image in the preview window so it fills up all of it.
If you only see the top left of your screen, everything should be fine. + Show Spoiler +
- To start streaming, click on Broadcast -> JustinTV. Click on it again to stop streaming.
This is essentially the same thing SNM posted up, just worded differently. If there's any mistakes or you need help, just post or PM me. Need to restructure the OP so will add it there later. This will work with FMLE as well and I'll write about that later if i get it working.
Thanks SNM.
United States3046 Posts
Ah yes, forgot to mention that part. If you don't like camtasia then you can use this as an alternative method to capture full screen. XSplit is what I chose to stream with because of the webcam combination; however with UScreenCapture, you can pick either FMLE or XSplit based on your preference.
hmmm . is fine but color is messed up? :O how to deal with the colour mess
UScreenCapture doesn't show up when I try to add camera. Is it because I installed in a different default directory?
I assume Camtasia doesn't work with xsplit fullscreen?
United States3046 Posts
On April 15 2012 15:15 S2Glow wrote: hmmm . is fine but color is messed up? :O how to deal with the colour mess
That's the Win7 problem, not XSplit + UScreenCapture. Blizzard has an official fix, you can look that up on TL or Blizzard's support page
On April 16 2012 04:12 Wala.Revolution wrote: UScreenCapture doesn't show up when I try to add camera. Is it because I installed in a different default directory?
I assume Camtasia doesn't work with xsplit fullscreen?
AFAIK Camtasia doesn't work last time I tried it. If you just installed UScreenCapture, restart your computer if you haven't done so yet just to make sure.
Restarted, still doesn't show up.
EDIT: tested with camtasia and it worked with xsplit.
On April 16 2012 04:22 Wala.Revolution wrote: Restarted, still doesn't show up.
EDIT: tested with camtasia and it worked with xsplit. Can you detailed what you've done with the uscreencapture? Installing it in a different directory shouldn't matter at all and if it does just try the default directory.
Also, what did you do to make camtasia work with xsplit? When I last tried it on a Win XP machine it couldn't fix the colour.
On April 16 2012 04:17 supernovamaniac wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2012 15:15 S2Glow wrote: hmmm . is fine but color is messed up? :O how to deal with the colour mess That's the Win7 problem, not XSplit + UScreenCapture. Blizzard has an official fix, you can look that up on TL or Blizzard's support page His problem is that the colour is normal for him in game but the stream colour is messed up.
I downloaded, installed it somewhere else (chose to do it on HDD instead of SSD since it defaults to that) then replaced the files per instruction.
Then I see no UScreenCapture in XSplit, so I tested it with camtasia since that popped up, and asked a friend to see if it works, and it did. Works like FME so I pause/restart camtasia in-game to fix colors. Just tested it again and it works. Windows 7 with camtasia 5.
yeahh.. my stream colour messed up. i fixed that colour issues long time ago.. any help? i want to stream but i hate window mode T_T
Wow this new full screen method is a very nice find assuming all the files are legit. I could always stream full screen with camtasia on W7 but the video quality was crap. It may be worth noting to up the output resolution in Xsplit (mine defaulted to some 5xx*4xx) but I changed it to match input resolution of 640x480, which provided for nice video quality. I may play around with it more later to see if upping the output resolution will further increase quality. Nice find again, it makes me want to start streaming bw again.
Hey all, i am trying to figure all this out to start streaming, this is a wonderful guide, however i have encounter a bit of a problem, while setting up my stream audio with SCFH + FMLE (for the video) and for the audio i am useing VAC (demo version ) with stereo mix, i got to the point where VAC now has 2 cables active. However, now with "Line 1" set as my default playback i hear no sound of my music i have playing , i believe this is normal until i enter the .BAT file as listed in the guide, but when using the Audio Repeater (MME) im not very sure what i am suppose to be doing at this point. On the drop down menu for "wave in" "Microsoft sound mapper" "stereo Mix (Realtek High Definiti" "Line 1 (Virtual audio cable) "Microphone (Realtek High Definiti"
and for "wave out" "none" "microsoft sound mapper" "line 1 (virtual audio cable) "Speakers (Realtek High Definiti" "Microphone (Realtek High Definiti"
I am unsure what to do here or put in the .Bat file as a my sound card input and output, I am not very tech savy when it comes to these things, and any help would be appreciated , also if you need more information let me know.
On April 30 2012 04:50 Defiler1a2a3a4567 wrote: Hey all, i am trying to figure all this out to start streaming, this is a wonderful guide, however i have encounter a bit of a problem, while setting up my stream audio with SCFH + FMLE (for the video) and for the audio i am useing VAC (demo version ) with stereo mix, i got to the point where VAC now has 2 cables active. However, now with "Line 1" set as my default playback i hear no sound of my music i have playing , i believe this is normal until i enter the .BAT file as listed in the guide, but when using the Audio Repeater (MME) im not very sure what i am suppose to be doing at this point. On the drop down menu for "wave in" "Microsoft sound mapper" "stereo Mix (Realtek High Definiti" "Line 1 (Virtual audio cable) "Microphone (Realtek High Definiti"
and for "wave out" "none" "microsoft sound mapper" "line 1 (virtual audio cable) "Speakers (Realtek High Definiti" "Microphone (Realtek High Definiti"
I am unsure what to do here or put in the .Bat file as a my sound card input and output, I am not very tech savy when it comes to these things, and any help would be appreciated , also if you need more information let me know.
Do you just want stereo mix (game sounds, music, etc.) or stereo mix and your microphone?
If it is just stereo mix you can do this: 1. Open one instance of Audiorepeater MME and set the following:
Wave in: Line 1, Wave out: Speakers (Realtek High Definiti
2. Then press start.
If you want stereo mix and microphone then you have to open three instances of Audiorepeater MME: 1. Wave in: Line 1, Wave out: Speakers (Realtek High Definiti 2. Wave in: "Microphone (Realtek High Definiti", Wave out: Line 2 3. Wave in: Line 1, Wave out: Line 2 4. Press start
Remember to set the audio source as Line 1 in FMLE.
Yea ill take for now just Stereo mix , no reason for me to have the microphone on, so thanks so much for the help , now what do i enter for the .Bat file can you assist me with that ? do i just enter Line 1 and speakers , (line 1 as input and Speakers as output)? Thanks again so much! EDIT : Also Line 1 is not showing up currently in FMLE, is there something i missed or haven't done properly yet?
Yep, that's exactly what you do. You probably have to enter the full name so type that in. If you don't know what it is then go to your sound options and it should show it in full there
Hmm sorry being a bother again but it is telling me that when i run the .Bat that there is no Imput device Virtual cable 1. Which setting would i look into to fix this?
Can you paste what your bat file looks like?
Try making it Virtual Cable 1. It might be case sensitive.
start /min "audiorepeater" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "Virtual Cable 1" /Output: "Speakers (Realtek High Definiti" /BufferMs:200 /Autostart /Priority:Normal start /min "audiorepeater" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "Virtual Cable 1" /Output: "Virtual Cable 2" /BufferMs:200 /Autostart /Priority:Normal start /min "audiorepeater" "%programfiles%\Virtual Audio Cable\audiorepeater.exe" /Input: "line 1 (virtual audio cable)" /Output: "Virtual Cable 2" /BufferMs:200 /Autostart /Priority:Normal
If i type out Speakers realtek high definition audio it tells me that it is to long. just an fyi thanks again!
Try replacing Virtual Cable 1 with line 1 (virtual audio cable).
Edit: ALL ISSUES RESOLVED thanks fold
Singapore66072 Posts
sigh anyone know why i cant see "stereo mix" in my comp? i used to be able to until i reinstalled my OS... am i missing a driver or something?
edit: yep was missing drivers lol nvm~!
seems like I have everything set up properly, when I stream you can see everything (audio also works). However, when I try to alt tab into brood war, the stream cuts out and goes black... anyone know what I can try to do to fix this ? I've switched between resolutions and re-installed everything.
hm neither CAMTASIA nor URSCreencapture work for me  in camtasia (version 7 full version) i dont know how to activate the live output and urscreen doesnt show up when i add camera
EDIT: ok it seems cam 7 dont have live output T_T EDIT2: i downloaded the wrong version! dont download the 64bit version! (URScreencapture)
O wow Full screen BW!? Looks like I'll have to delay my stream a bit today to get this to work! Edit: Out of curiosity, how do you guys figure these things out.. It's like just a random day you decide to heyy let's see if this works for bw?... yeah.. anyway.. THANKS FOR THE GUIDE FOLD and the steps. Edit2: I can't seem to stream it full screen?
Trying to get a stream going again. 
On April 14 2012 18:34 fold wrote:[*]Your UScreenCapture folder should now look like this: + Show Spoiler + I don't have the two files at the bottom there, the DLL-files. Why is this? What have I done wrong? XD
On June 08 2012 09:54 Holgerius wrote:Trying to get a stream going again.  I don't have the two files at the bottom there, the DLL-files.  Why is this? What have I done wrong? XD Maybe it installed it at a different directory. Uninstall uscreencapture, install it again and this time see where it installs it to.
On June 08 2012 09:05 Reclusive wrote: O wow Full screen BW!? Looks like I'll have to delay my stream a bit today to get this to work! Edit: Out of curiosity, how do you guys figure these things out.. It's like just a random day you decide to heyy let's see if this works for bw?... yeah.. anyway.. THANKS FOR THE GUIDE FOLD and the steps. Edit2: I can't seem to stream it full screen? You have to be a bit more specific for people to figure out what's wrong. :p What software are you using?
I am using Xsplit + the UScreenCapture. I am trying to stream without the black bars. You know how when you use Camtasia+Adobe Media when you stream you get two black bars, one on the right and one on left when you watch your own stream. Does Xsplit + Uscreencapture get ride of those 2 black bars? I thought it does. So yeah.
I also haven't been able to get fullscreen BW streaming working. I installed UScreenCapture, and the registry fix, and the mouse fix. I also have FMLE, which works fine with other screen cap programs (they don't work with fullscreen BW though). However, I can't get UScreenCapture to show anything on the video input screen on FMLE, and nothing is streamed to twitch, just a black screen.
On June 08 2012 10:46 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On June 08 2012 09:54 Holgerius wrote:Trying to get a stream going again.  On April 14 2012 18:34 fold wrote:[*]Your UScreenCapture folder should now look like this: + Show Spoiler + I don't have the two files at the bottom there, the DLL-files.  Why is this? What have I done wrong? XD Maybe it installed it at a different directory. Uninstall uscreencapture, install it again and this time see where it installs it to. Just reinstalled, and those files just aren't there. O_o
On June 08 2012 11:13 Holgerius wrote:Show nested quote +On June 08 2012 10:46 fold wrote:On June 08 2012 09:54 Holgerius wrote:Trying to get a stream going again.  On April 14 2012 18:34 fold wrote:[*]Your UScreenCapture folder should now look like this: + Show Spoiler + I don't have the two files at the bottom there, the DLL-files.  Why is this? What have I done wrong? XD Maybe it installed it at a different directory. Uninstall uscreencapture, install it again and this time see where it installs it to. Just reinstalled, and those files just aren't there. O_o Did you unzip this to that folder? http://tv.sc2tv.ru/SCBW/Stream_fullscreen/uscreencapprog_remove_cursor.zip
On June 08 2012 10:58 Reclusive wrote: I am using Xsplit + the UScreenCapture. I am trying to stream without the black bars. You know how when you use Camtasia+Adobe Media when you stream you get two black bars, one on the right and one on left when you watch your own stream. Does Xsplit + Uscreencapture get ride of those 2 black bars? I thought it does. So yeah. You get those black bars no matter what when watching the recorded videos because the video player on twitch is set to 16: 9 or 16: 10 aspect ratio by default (not sure which one) and you stream in 4:3 aspect ratio so you'll get those black bars on the side. I see your stream on teamliquid is also not set to 4:3 which you can do by going to your stream settings page and changing aspect ratio to 4:3.
PMed birdie and holgerius
On June 08 2012 11:30 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On June 08 2012 10:58 Reclusive wrote: I am using Xsplit + the UScreenCapture. I am trying to stream without the black bars. You know how when you use Camtasia+Adobe Media when you stream you get two black bars, one on the right and one on left when you watch your own stream. Does Xsplit + Uscreencapture get ride of those 2 black bars? I thought it does. So yeah. You get those black bars no matter what when watching the recorded videos because the video player on twitch is set to 16: 9 or 16: 10 aspect ratio by default (not sure which one) and you stream in 4:3 aspect ratio so you'll get those black bars on the side. I see your stream on teamliquid is also not set to 4:3 which you can do by going to your stream settings page and changing aspect ratio to 4:3. PMed birdie and holgerius
oo so it's impossible to stream bw without those black bars? I thought I saw someone stream bw without the black bars. Like their BW take up the whole stream when you watch it on twitch.tv/stream.
On June 08 2012 11:53 Reclusive wrote:Show nested quote +On June 08 2012 11:30 fold wrote:On June 08 2012 10:58 Reclusive wrote: I am using Xsplit + the UScreenCapture. I am trying to stream without the black bars. You know how when you use Camtasia+Adobe Media when you stream you get two black bars, one on the right and one on left when you watch your own stream. Does Xsplit + Uscreencapture get ride of those 2 black bars? I thought it does. So yeah. You get those black bars no matter what when watching the recorded videos because the video player on twitch is set to 16: 9 or 16: 10 aspect ratio by default (not sure which one) and you stream in 4:3 aspect ratio so you'll get those black bars on the side. I see your stream on teamliquid is also not set to 4:3 which you can do by going to your stream settings page and changing aspect ratio to 4:3. PMed birdie and holgerius oo so it's impossible to stream bw without those black bars? I thought I saw someone stream bw without the black bars. Like their BW take up the whole stream when you watch it on twitch.tv/stream.
Most likely because they're playing windowed mode and using capture screen region on xsplit.
i found one mistake in this guide. Image format should be 32 bit RGB in Camtasia, when is 16 RGB then will be black screen also H.264 codec is faster than VP6, for audio best settings is 44khz, mono 80 or 96 kbps (for stereo min 128 kbps). I have 96 kbbs and sounds like this http://pl.twitch.tv/mca64/b/320641195
could someone help me why i can go for more than 10fps? by 10fps i got ~80% cpu usuage, 15fps looks slower than 10fps (frame drops) and still there is not 100%. I have camtasia 4.0 and i think there is a problem with this program
United States3046 Posts
On June 08 2012 17:51 mca64__ wrote: could someone help me why i can go for more than 10fps? by 10fps i got ~80% cpu usuage, 15fps looks slower than 10fps (frame drops) and still there is not 100%. I have camtasia 4.0 and i think there is a problem with this program What's your hardware spec? Also for the fps settings, did you change it on both camtasia and fmle?
Laptop Toshiba L40 with 2GB ram and Intel Core Duo T2300 1,66 Ghz cpu. Fps in camtasia and in Adobe are the same. For 15fps cpu usuage looks like this there is no 100% usuage but there are frame drops... for 10 fps is ok...
United States3046 Posts
On June 08 2012 16:11 Flameling wrote:Show nested quote +On June 08 2012 11:53 Reclusive wrote:On June 08 2012 11:30 fold wrote:On June 08 2012 10:58 Reclusive wrote: I am using Xsplit + the UScreenCapture. I am trying to stream without the black bars. You know how when you use Camtasia+Adobe Media when you stream you get two black bars, one on the right and one on left when you watch your own stream. Does Xsplit + Uscreencapture get ride of those 2 black bars? I thought it does. So yeah. You get those black bars no matter what when watching the recorded videos because the video player on twitch is set to 16: 9 or 16: 10 aspect ratio by default (not sure which one) and you stream in 4:3 aspect ratio so you'll get those black bars on the side. I see your stream on teamliquid is also not set to 4:3 which you can do by going to your stream settings page and changing aspect ratio to 4:3. PMed birdie and holgerius oo so it's impossible to stream bw without those black bars? I thought I saw someone stream bw without the black bars. Like their BW take up the whole stream when you watch it on twitch.tv/stream. Most likely because they're playing windowed mode and using capture screen region on xsplit.
Omg Savior is that you!? Are you Grandmaster yet? You should play BW with Pandora and I sometimes.. Eclipse Btw. Aww O well. Guess the black bars stays.
Wow! Very helpful thread, thanks fold!
Another question. How do I stream with me talking and can play music at same time? I can talk and stream at the same time but I can't hear my voice when the music is playing unless I SPEAK a lot louder than the music playing?
On June 09 2012 06:13 Reclusive wrote: Another question. How do I stream with me talking and can play music at same time? I can talk and stream at the same time but I can't hear my voice when the music is playing unless I SPEAK a lot louder than the music playing? Turn the volume down on your music player?
On June 09 2012 08:50 Birdie wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2012 06:13 Reclusive wrote: Another question. How do I stream with me talking and can play music at same time? I can talk and stream at the same time but I can't hear my voice when the music is playing unless I SPEAK a lot louder than the music playing? Turn the volume down on your music player?
Lol... Please don't judge me.. I'm not that dumb in real life..!
On June 09 2012 02:29 supernovamaniac wrote:http://www.notebookcheck.net/Review-Toshiba-Satellite-L40-14N-Notebook.7294.0.htmlNot sure if your laptop is good enough for streaming BW with higher framerate. It's an office laptop, which means that the RAM and other specs are good enough to run office-related softwares. I mean, it runs Doom 3 at 3fps. Running BW will be no problem; however, using FMLE+Camtasia along with BW will be a huge problem.
but there is no 100% cpu usuage. VP6 codec does 100% but H.264 isnt
On June 09 2012 06:13 Reclusive wrote: Another question. How do I stream with me talking and can play music at same time? I can talk and stream at the same time but I can't hear my voice when the music is playing unless I SPEAK a lot louder than the music playing? Can you link the recorded video and time frame so I can hear what you're talking about?
On June 09 2012 17:26 mca64__ wrote:but there is no 100% cpu usuage. VP6 codec does 100% but H.264 isnt Strange because VP6 was less CPU intensive on all three computers i tested on.
Check your PM.
On June 09 2012 16:45 Reclusive wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2012 08:50 Birdie wrote:On June 09 2012 06:13 Reclusive wrote: Another question. How do I stream with me talking and can play music at same time? I can talk and stream at the same time but I can't hear my voice when the music is playing unless I SPEAK a lot louder than the music playing? Turn the volume down on your music player? Lol... Please don't judge me.. I'm not that dumb in real life..!
Turn up microphone boost and microphone levels? This is a legit suggestion, not trolling.
almost every level of compresion with vp6 takes 100%
below are pics with my settings ~90% cpu usuage but there are frames drops!! and looks worse than 10 fps
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hYw3X.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/bQyqT.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9IqDA.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Wqi59.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Hlpzj.jpg)
if there is 16 RGB then there is no video - black screen
i think problem is in camtasia... frame rates changes from 11 to 12... and should be const 15. Why is that?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/wb23W.jpg)
gonna check 5.0 mb there is a bug in 4.0
ok i resolved problem... Problem was with slow graphic card, where 32 bit colour depth is max 10 fps. For more fps, 16bit colours o Winows 7 are needed: - AFME 2.5 (3.1 doesnt works) - Camtasia 5.0 (4.0 doesnt works)
Camtasia live output must be runned before AFME is started, if not there will be still 32bit output even when 16bit is selected
On June 08 2012 16:42 mca64__ wrote:i found one mistake in this guide. Image format should be 32 bit RGB in Camtasia, when is 16 RGB then will be black screen also H.264 codec is faster than VP6, for audio best settings is 44khz, mono 80 or 96 kbps (for stereo min 128 kbps). I have 96 kbbs and sounds like this http://pl.twitch.tv/mca64/b/320641195
I tried that and still having the problem of messy colours or 90% black screen only when game starts.
I also tried to apply blizzard color patch but it didn't help. i'm using AFME 2.5 and camtasia 5. any ideas?
On June 26 2012 21:29 Operations wrote:Show nested quote +On June 08 2012 16:42 mca64__ wrote:i found one mistake in this guide. Image format should be 32 bit RGB in Camtasia, when is 16 RGB then will be black screen also H.264 codec is faster than VP6, for audio best settings is 44khz, mono 80 or 96 kbps (for stereo min 128 kbps). I have 96 kbbs and sounds like this http://pl.twitch.tv/mca64/b/320641195 I tried that and still having the problem of messy colours or 90% black screen only when game starts. I also tried to apply blizzard color patch but it didn't help. i'm using AFME 2.5 and camtasia 5. any ideas? Can you link to your stream?
Updated OP to include Xsplit with uscreencapture fullscreen streaming and also changed formatting which hopefully makes it easier to read.
Is there a way to stream in fullscreen mode with a webcam?
On July 02 2012 12:59 GGzerG wrote: Is there a way to stream in fullscreen mode with a webcam? Yeh you can use uscreencapture with xsplit and add webcam with your fullscreen game.
It's funny you keep asking this and there was no solution before.
On July 02 2012 14:07 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On July 02 2012 12:59 GGzerG wrote: Is there a way to stream in fullscreen mode with a webcam? Yeh you can use uscreencapture with xsplit and add webcam with your fullscreen game. It's funny you keep asking this and there was no solution before. 
you guys can use xfire aswell and use the record shortcut ingame.
On July 02 2012 19:30 anonymousVendeta wrote: you guys can use xfire aswell and use the record shortcut ingame.
On March 18 2012 09:03 sabas123 wrote: or yust get Xfire, you can stream bw with it on jtv, you only wont be able to see the loby -.- Don't know why you're posting the same thing twice. Didn't include Xfire because I haven't used it before. You can also use ffsplit to stream but I can't figure out how to get it working with uscreencapture so also didn't put it here.
Fold, thanks for this thread!
Also, do you have any recommendations to get BW to run in windowed mode? Chaoslauncher wont work, nor will the "-window" trick. Also, ICCup wont launch in windowed mode either.
On July 02 2012 09:49 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2012 21:29 Operations wrote:On June 08 2012 16:42 mca64__ wrote:i found one mistake in this guide. Image format should be 32 bit RGB in Camtasia, when is 16 RGB then will be black screen also H.264 codec is faster than VP6, for audio best settings is 44khz, mono 80 or 96 kbps (for stereo min 128 kbps). I have 96 kbbs and sounds like this http://pl.twitch.tv/mca64/b/320641195 I tried that and still having the problem of messy colours or 90% black screen only when game starts. I also tried to apply blizzard color patch but it didn't help. i'm using AFME 2.5 and camtasia 5. any ideas? Can you link to your stream? Updated OP to include Xsplit with uscreencapture fullscreen streaming and also changed formatting which hopefully makes it easier to read. http://www.twitch.tv/artofterran135 watch me failing to stream
I have downloaded XSplit and have professional liscence, and have downloaded UScreenCapture,
but when I go live with BroodWar fullscreen, it picks it up properly, but only shows the top right portion of my screen as being fullscreen.
I'm not sure how to get BW to fit the whole screen..? Can someone help?
TL;DR - BW streams, but is a very small screen on my stream.. need help expanding to full size!
Can you screenshot what you mean? I think I know what's wrong but want to make sure.
On July 03 2012 03:18 Operations wrote:Show nested quote +On July 02 2012 09:49 fold wrote:On June 26 2012 21:29 Operations wrote:On June 08 2012 16:42 mca64__ wrote:i found one mistake in this guide. Image format should be 32 bit RGB in Camtasia, when is 16 RGB then will be black screen also H.264 codec is faster than VP6, for audio best settings is 44khz, mono 80 or 96 kbps (for stereo min 128 kbps). I have 96 kbbs and sounds like this http://pl.twitch.tv/mca64/b/320641195 I tried that and still having the problem of messy colours or 90% black screen only when game starts. I also tried to apply blizzard color patch but it didn't help. i'm using AFME 2.5 and camtasia 5. any ideas? Can you link to your stream? Updated OP to include Xsplit with uscreencapture fullscreen streaming and also changed formatting which hopefully makes it easier to read. http://www.twitch.tv/artofterran135watch me failing to stream Check your PM.
On July 03 2012 06:06 Th1rdEye wrote: I have downloaded XSplit and have professional liscence, and have downloaded UScreenCapture,
but when I go live with BroodWar fullscreen, it picks it up properly, but only shows the top right portion of my screen as being fullscreen.
I'm not sure how to get BW to fit the whole screen..? Can someone help?
TL;DR - BW streams, but is a very small screen on my stream.. need help expanding to full size! Make sure BW fills all of the video preview in xsplit. You can do this by just dragging it till it fills the whole scene or by clicking on it and pressing 2 on your keyboard which does the same thing. If that's not what you're asking then please clarify or link to a video where this is shown.
Nothing is working for me, I've been trying many different things. XSplit with uscreencapture is only providing a black image at the corner of the screen (basically the same as just using a screen region in xsplit). I followed the instructions several times and I don't think I did anything wrong, unless I also need something else.
BW doesn't show up as a game source in xsplit either. Has anyone had success with that?
On July 04 2012 13:46 Th1rdEye wrote:You can check a video of what imean: http://www.twitch.tv/galaxyzerg/b/323461280around 0:38 seconds .. you see that my BW is only taking up a quarter of my screen. (This is using UScreenCapture and Xsplit)
i don't have a lot of experience streaming in full screen, but I would try capturing a screen region starting in the top left corner and dragging to 600X800 (or however big bw naively is).
United States3046 Posts
On July 04 2012 13:46 Th1rdEye wrote:You can check a video of what imean: http://www.twitch.tv/galaxyzerg/b/323461280around 0:38 seconds .. you see that my BW is only taking up a quarter of my screen. (This is using UScreenCapture and Xsplit) You didn't follow the tutorial correctly. Try again.
The issue is within registry's UScreenCapture setting (640x480)
why not the oldsql method with fullscreen and camtasia? u just have to stop/start the stream on every game to fix the colour bug. but its working ;-)
On July 04 2012 13:46 Th1rdEye wrote:You can check a video of what imean: http://www.twitch.tv/galaxyzerg/b/323461280around 0:38 seconds .. you see that my BW is only taking up a quarter of my screen. (This is using UScreenCapture and Xsplit) Probably didn't use the right registry fix. You have to use the fix which is specific to your OS. Maybe you downloaded the 64bit fix instead of the 32bit? You can tell it's not correctly set by looking at the settings under uscreencapture, it showed that the bottom right corner was at x 1920 y 1080 when it should be at x 640 y 480 (resolution of BW).
On July 04 2012 15:59 EnjoYmE wrote: why not the oldsql method with fullscreen and camtasia? u just have to stop/start the stream on every game to fix the colour bug. but its working ;-) This works too and is easier to setup.
I've got it working now. Thanks for the guide and help. Most of the problem seemed to be due to making mistakes related to 64bit.
So I went w/ the fmle and camtasia route for full screen. But my quality is really low and it lags the stream. Any tweaks to the settings to fix this? Here's my computer stats.
intel(r) core(tm)2 duo cup T5750 2.00 GHz, 3.00 GB RAM, 32-bit OS vista, upload 4.2 mbs, justin.tv/lumix_
On July 04 2012 17:38 oOOoOphidian wrote: I've got it working now. Thanks for the guide and help. Most of the problem seemed to be due to making mistakes related to 64bit. You're welcome.
On July 04 2012 21:53 Metal[x] wrote: So I went w/ the fmle and camtasia route for full screen. But my quality is really low and it lags the stream. Any tweaks to the settings to fix this? Here's my computer stats.
intel(r) core(tm)2 duo cup T5750 2.00 GHz, 3.00 GB RAM, 32-bit OS vista, upload 4.2 mbs, justin.tv/lumix_
The ouptut size should be 640x480, you can increase the fps and the bitrate. Please read the section under "Setting up FMLE:" because it doesn't look like you've done that.
Is BW the only game you can stream full screen using UScreen? It doesn't seem to work with CS 1.6 for example >__>
On July 08 2012 09:32 nucLeaRTV wrote: Is BW the only game you can stream full screen using UScreen? It doesn't seem to work with CS 1.6 for example >__> What is the problem that you are having? I've tried it with a few other games and it seems to work fine. If you've paid for Xsplit, you can also add CS as a game source which should allow it to stream in fullscreen.
Ok, so here's problem of me.
Software: Flash Media Encoder 2.5 + UScreenCapture CPU: Athlon 2.8+ (2.1GHz), 1GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce4 MX440 with AGP8X (64MB) OS: Windows XP SP3 Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/nalmesser (never used before) Upload speed: 1,2 Mbps (http://speedtest.net/result/2133489228.png) Problem: Stream doesn't work at all :D And seriously, i did everything correctly. I chose FME over XSplit because of bad computer, even chose older 2.5 version. I downloaded Uscreencapture from links in OP, however my uscreencapture folder is a little bit different: + Show Spoiler + I can't make screenshot of my FME settings, same as I can't use copy/paste in FME - i don't know why. I had to write fms url and stream key manually. Also in my registry, I didn't have VirtualStore folder but created it and did all steps correctly. Settings are: VIDEO: format: VP6; Bit rate: 500kbps; Size: 640x480; 15fps AUDIO: format: MP3; Stereo; Sample rate: 44100 Hz; Bit rate: 128kbps OUTPUT: fms url: rmtp://live.justin.tv/app
I can connect my stream to twitch server, I appear online but nothing happens on stream. Screen is black and there's no sound. I have DirectX 9.0c as it was requirement for FME 2.5, turned firewall off. I had higher bit rate but lowered it. I don't thnink it's problem with connection because stream would lag or drop frames. It just doesn't send stream at all.
On August 22 2012 20:46 )Messer( wrote:Ok, so here's problem of me. Software: Flash Media Encoder 2.5 + UScreenCapture CPU: Athlon 2.8+ (2.1GHz), 1GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce4 MX440 with AGP8X (64MB) OS: Windows XP SP3 Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/nalmesser (never used before) Upload speed: 1,2 Mbps ( http://speedtest.net/result/2133489228.png) Problem: Stream doesn't work at all :D And seriously, i did everything correctly. I chose FME over XSplit because of bad computer, even chose older 2.5 version. I downloaded Uscreencapture from links in OP, however my uscreencapture folder is a little bit different: + Show Spoiler + I can't make screenshot of my FME settings, same as I can't use copy/paste in FME - i don't know why. I had to write fms url and stream key manually. Also in my registry, I didn't have VirtualStore folder but created it and did all steps correctly. Settings are: VIDEO: format: VP6; Bit rate: 500kbps; Size: 640x480; 15fps AUDIO: format: MP3; Stereo; Sample rate: 44100 Hz; Bit rate: 128kbps OUTPUT: fms url: rmtp://live.justin.tv/app I can connect my stream to twitch server, I appear online but nothing happens on stream. Screen is black and there's no sound. I have DirectX 9.0c as it was requirement for FME 2.5, turned firewall off. I had higher bit rate but lowered it. I don't thnink it's problem with connection because stream would lag or drop frames. It just doesn't send stream at all.
install camtasia 4 or 5 dont forget to configure VP6 codec, setting to fastest speed (i guess its too waek comp for better options)
Why camtasia and not Uscreencapture? Usc seems much easier to use, i don't need to configure anything. How to configure VP6 codec? Just change video settings in FME? There are available presets in FME but i set everything as posted above.
yeah its the best thread atm when u want to learn how to stream
Now I discovered accidentaly that stream works only in 1024x768 input size. But i can't stream whole screen while sc is taking only quarter of it. Also colours are bad, everthing is black or white (text in game).
Story is continued today morning... So UscreenCapture works only for full screen resolution and stream works properly when I set my screen resolution to 640x480. Then video is displayed properly and stream shows everything in game. Almost everything because colours still are bad. In game everything is black, only text is white. And anything doesn't lag until I launch sc. Bw lag my comp itself, of course only during stream. I expect that colours bug can be fixed easily but what about sc eating CPU?
set bw high priority use low resolution to stream on fmle-
On August 24 2012 20:19 [sc1f]eonzerg wrote: set bw high priority
In task manager, processes tab, right? I will try this.But does it matter if i don't have 2 or more cores?
On August 25 2012 04:24 )Messer( wrote:In task manager, processes tab, right? I will try this.But does it matter if i don't have 2 or more cores? u test and tell me if work or not ^^. take sure ur programs dont bug
wow, helped a lot I didn't test yesterday because i lost hope but today there's almost no lag, at least it's not constant. Sometimes mouse freeze and it is annoying during battles but i hope it won't be frequent problem. Now only colours problem. Most search results says about win7 but i have XP. Also there are advices how to fix it when using Camtasia but I'm using uScreenCapture. I disabled 'Color cycling' in sc menu/video but it didnt help; restart of stream during game didn't help. Reason might be graphic card? I have old Nvidia GeForce4 MX440 with AGP8X (64MB) with newest drivers. I suppose this too because I can't make screenshot in battle net, it's whole black. But in game printscreen works properly.
On August 23 2012 08:54 )Messer( wrote: Why camtasia and not Uscreencapture? Usc seems much easier to use, i don't need to configure anything. How to configure VP6 codec? Just change video settings in FME? There are available presets in FME but i set everything as posted above.
cause i use camtasia, cant help you with uscreen
Did you try windowed mode for SCBW? I haven't been able to get UscreenCapture to work with fullscreen SCBW so I just use windowed mode.
UscreenCapture works properly with fullscreen if I change screen resolution to 640x480; and it's ok. You suggest that w-mode may help with colour bug?
Well, the colour bugs I had with fullscreen BW and UScreenCapture was that most of the stream was black with some white showing through, which sounds like what you said.
To fix colors Camstasia users have to stop and then start recording to correct colors. I'm not sure about UscreenCapture can do this too. Also on page 9 there is a guide for UscreenCapture and xxsplit.
uscreencapture seems only bunch of .dll or other strange files but not .exe so i never launch it. Restart of stream in FME doesn't help. Stream in window mode helps in quality of video and everything looks almost perfect but like i expected, it lags game even more. High priority for sc doesn't help. Mouse cursor works for 5 seconds then 3 seconds freeze and so on.
On August 26 2012 10:32 )Messer( wrote: UscreenCapture works properly with fullscreen if I change screen resolution to 640x480; and it's ok. You suggest that w-mode may help with colour bug?
W-mode usually does not have the colour bug. You can try setting your (desktop) resolution to 640 x 480 and moving the starcraft window so that it takes up the whole screen.
If using W-mode and not fullscreen, try using SCFH: http://koitsu.wordpress.com/2009/09/12/how-to-install-and-use-scfh-dsf/
Set the input as 640x480, see if this works.
window mode require high cpu use
Even I start FME from command line, which should be less cpu intensive as Fold adviced, sc in window mode still lags. I must stay in full screen mode even w-mode is solution for bad colours. Also i tried to play vs comp in w-mode and stream had almost 300 frame drops during 8 minutes long stream.
It's a shame how many little stupid mistakes I did during setting stream up. But now everything should be fixed and stream seems running properly. I will start streaming tomorrow.
In tests everything was ok, now again it's shit
For some reason the uscreencapture does not install everything if you're on Windows XP so here are the rest of the files that should be in that folder where you installed it.
Not sure if that will help anyone but if it wasn't working before, give it a try and let me know.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
i installed and did all the uscreencapture stuff but when i click add camera in xsplit nothing happens O_O
rekrul i'd watch the fuck out of your stream best wishes
On September 07 2012 15:23 Rekrul wrote: i installed and did all the uscreencapture stuff but when i click add camera in xsplit nothing happens O_O
operating system?
anyone having a problem w/ xsplit the past few days. just recently whenever I try to login I get the msg :
"xsplit was unable to connect to the xsplit servers. xsplit will proceed to login in offline mode which will allow you to use most functions not requiring a direct xsplit server connection."
broadcasting your stream needs a direct xsplit server connection, so i'm lost on what to do.
I haven't screen for around 2 weeks and today I tried to stream and it doesn't work. My Frames encoded is 0 and dropped goes to 0, 2, 4, 0, 2, 4? So yeah. Edit: Google help me figure it out. Just change the default test bandwidth location to somewhere else. Metal x, I think you have the same problem as me so go change your test bandwidth location.
28079 Posts
On September 13 2012 11:49 Reclusive wrote: I haven't screen for around 2 weeks and today I tried to stream and it doesn't work. My Frames encoded is 0 and dropped goes to 0, 2, 4, 0, 2, 4? So yeah. Edit: Google help me figure it out. Just change the default test bandwidth location to somewhere else. Metal x, I think you have the same problem as me so go change your test bandwidth location. I had the same problem a few days ago.
im missing files:
On September 01 2012 00:35 fold wrote:For some reason the uscreencapture does not install everything if you're on Windows XP so here are the rest of the files that should be in that folder where you installed it. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?haqo2qqdo6q9k59Not sure if that will help anyone but if it wasn't working before, give it a try and let me know. Thanks.
everything works and it runs but it doesn't show on my stream O,o, channel seems to be fine... help ;;
ive got everything working on fullscreen + camtasia but bw doesnt lag but the stream lags really bad
![[image loading]](http://i48.tinypic.com/30kd993.jpg)
Either your bandwidth isn't enough and you'll have to make the output size smaller, or your PC can't handle streaming with camtasia. You only need a frame rate of 24 FPS for SCBW, so start by cutting that down. You can even go as low as 15, as that may help.
Hm, I got stream up and running, however... the problem is that it cuts out a lot and goes to black screen, any suggestions? (tried for about an hour or so)
edit: currently streaming, everything works but when i full mode into BW it blackscreens...
On September 15 2012 20:08 dRaW wrote: Hm, I got stream up and running, however... the problem is that it cuts out a lot and goes to black screen, any suggestions? (tried for about an hour or so)
edit: currently streaming, everything works but when i full mode into BW it blackscreens... Yup, same problem as me. If I stream I just use windowed mode. Really annoying but I can't find a way around it.
On September 15 2012 08:49 i am plus wrote:ive got everything working on fullscreen + camtasia but bw doesnt lag but the stream lags really bad + Show Spoiler +
Try reducing the bit rate to 500 or lower, and the fps a bit.
lawl gave up with xsplit and such cause it wasn't working, anyway went with camtasia + FMLE now but I can't select any video device manager...
On September 16 2012 11:03 dRaW wrote:lawl gave up with xsplit and such cause it wasn't working, anyway went with camtasia + FMLE now but I can't select any video device manager... ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/C4kgx.png) Can someone help draw? I don't know what's wrong with it.
how about Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2?
On September 16 2012 12:55 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2012 11:03 dRaW wrote:lawl gave up with xsplit and such cause it wasn't working, anyway went with camtasia + FMLE now but I can't select any video device manager... ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/C4kgx.png) Can someone help draw? I don't know what's wrong with it. For some reason fmle cannot recognize some Camtasia versions as a video device manager. I tried the newest version and it didn't show up automatically like it should have on the dropdown menu. Make sure you are using camtasia 4 or 5 as the op states or camtasia 3 like I do.
On September 16 2012 16:39 Rlentless wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2012 12:55 fold wrote:On September 16 2012 11:03 dRaW wrote:lawl gave up with xsplit and such cause it wasn't working, anyway went with camtasia + FMLE now but I can't select any video device manager... ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/C4kgx.png) Can someone help draw? I don't know what's wrong with it. For some reason fmle cannot recognize some Camtasia versions as a video device manager. I tried the newest version and it didn't show up automatically like it should have on the dropdown menu. Make sure you are using camtasia 4 or 5 as the op states or camtasia 3 like I do. as far as i know the newer versions dont have the "live output" feature anymore.
okay so... Apparently I have uploaded the uscreen registry which prevents me from being able to stream in camtasia, is there a way to remove the registry without system restore?
On September 28 2012 13:22 dRaW wrote: okay so... Apparently I have uploaded the uscreen registry which prevents me from being able to stream in camtasia, is there a way to remove the registry without system restore? Why would that affect it ...
Anyway you can run this and it will remove the registry values: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?apn4hunvymfp1o8
On September 16 2012 11:03 dRaW wrote:lawl gave up with xsplit and such cause it wasn't working, anyway went with camtasia + FMLE now but I can't select any video device manager... ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/C4kgx.png)
lol had the exact same problem when i tryed to stream with camtasia + FMLE... i was going crazy :D never was able to fix it.
On September 28 2012 15:02 dOTY wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2012 11:03 dRaW wrote:lawl gave up with xsplit and such cause it wasn't working, anyway went with camtasia + FMLE now but I can't select any video device manager... ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/C4kgx.png) lol had the exact same problem when i tryed to stream with camtasia + FMLE... i was going crazy :D never was able to fix it.
there is no installed liveoutput in camtasia. Please reinstall camtasia and during instaltion check "install live output" Note: Liveoutput is only in Camtasa 4 and 5, in newer version, they removed this feat. Im using rev 5 and all is ok
On September 28 2012 16:57 mca64[KDV] wrote:Show nested quote +On September 28 2012 15:02 dOTY wrote:On September 16 2012 11:03 dRaW wrote:lawl gave up with xsplit and such cause it wasn't working, anyway went with camtasia + FMLE now but I can't select any video device manager... ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/C4kgx.png) lol had the exact same problem when i tryed to stream with camtasia + FMLE... i was going crazy :D never was able to fix it. there is no installed liveoutput in camtasia. Please reinstall camtasia and during instaltion check "install live output" Note: Liveoutput is only in Camtasa 4 and 5, in newer version, they removed this feat. Im using rev 5 and all is ok i did that but nothing ;_;
the problem is with FMLE it doesn't read that I have camtasia running, I will try re-installation again.
edit: I continually get this problem and I searched my Camtasia recorder and in the camera options: Video Device -> No camera devices found, which is what my FMLE is saying. So maybe the Camtasia Version I downloaded is bugged because it was a ripped version? Or can I download some codec or file to fix this?
On September 28 2012 17:30 dRaW wrote:Show nested quote +On September 28 2012 16:57 mca64[KDV] wrote:On September 28 2012 15:02 dOTY wrote:On September 16 2012 11:03 dRaW wrote:lawl gave up with xsplit and such cause it wasn't working, anyway went with camtasia + FMLE now but I can't select any video device manager... ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/C4kgx.png) lol had the exact same problem when i tryed to stream with camtasia + FMLE... i was going crazy :D never was able to fix it. there is no installed liveoutput in camtasia. Please reinstall camtasia and during instaltion check "install live output" Note: Liveoutput is only in Camtasa 4 and 5, in newer version, they removed this feat. Im using rev 5 and all is ok i did that but nothing ;_; the problem is with FMLE it doesn't read that I have camtasia running, I will try re-installation again. edit: I continually get this problem and I searched my Camtasia recorder and in the camera options: Video Device -> No camera devices found, which is what my FMLE is saying. So maybe the Camtasia Version I downloaded is bugged because it was a ripped version? Or can I download some codec or file to fix this?
just redownload from diffrent source and reinstall, and look for "liveoutput" option during instalation. By default is turn off
Yeah for some reason, even though I've uninstalled uscreencapture, FMLE still seems to be picking that up but not camtasia. I've tried both FMLE 2.5 and 3.2 as well as Camtasia 4 and 5. Not getting anything but uscreen (which doesn't work either).
I followed the steps "Streaming in fullscreen using Xsplit + UScreenCapture".In my UScreenCapture folder ,I only got six files:ezhmm.cfg,ezhmm.dll,ezhmm.dof,ezhmm.dpr,ezhmm.res,and UScreenCapture.ax.
That's all.And my broadcasting is black.
Hi,fold,will u zip your UScreenCapture folder(8 files)and E-mail to me. Thanks a lot.
My E-mail:tanks2003@gmail.com
On October 08 2012 14:45 s_k_911 wrote: I followed the steps "Streaming in fullscreen using Xsplit + UScreenCapture".In my UScreenCapture folder ,I only got six files:ezhmm.cfg,ezhmm.dll,ezhmm.dof,ezhmm.dpr,ezhmm.res,and UScreenCapture.ax.
That's all.And my broadcasting is black.
Hi,fold,will u zip your UScreenCapture folder(8 files)and E-mail to me. Thanks a lot.
My E-mail:tanks2003@gmail.com http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?haqo2qqdo6q9k59
On October 08 2012 17:15 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On October 08 2012 14:45 s_k_911 wrote: I followed the steps "Streaming in fullscreen using Xsplit + UScreenCapture".In my UScreenCapture folder ,I only got six files:ezhmm.cfg,ezhmm.dll,ezhmm.dof,ezhmm.dpr,ezhmm.res,and UScreenCapture.ax.
That's all.And my broadcasting is black.
Hi,fold,will u zip your UScreenCapture folder(8 files)and E-mail to me. Thanks a lot.
My E-mail:tanks2003@gmail.com http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?haqo2qqdo6q9k59
U r really a nice guy!
i got bw and uscreen sort of working, for me the colors are just fine but the stream is all black, how do i fix this?
i really cant play in window mode- <.<
any fix for this?
On October 09 2012 20:47 rezzan wrote: i got bw and uscreen sort of working, for me the colors are just fine but the stream is all black, how do i fix this?
i really cant play in window mode- <.<
any fix for this?
Like the above poster check to see if you have all the files in the uscreencapture folder, if not download the files from http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?haqo2qqdo6q9k59 and try again.
I don't believe that camtasia is a viable option anymore. Xsplit works but so far I can't a full resolution no matter what...
Very frustrated....
On October 08 2012 17:15 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On October 08 2012 14:45 s_k_911 wrote: I followed the steps "Streaming in fullscreen using Xsplit + UScreenCapture".In my UScreenCapture folder ,I only got six files:ezhmm.cfg,ezhmm.dll,ezhmm.dof,ezhmm.dpr,ezhmm.res,and UScreenCapture.ax.
That's all.And my broadcasting is black.
Hi,fold,will u zip your UScreenCapture folder(8 files)and E-mail to me. Thanks a lot.
My E-mail:tanks2003@gmail.com http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?haqo2qqdo6q9k59
help me
still black screen when broadcasting broodwar
Can people who are asking for help please tell me more info? I can't magically fix streams.
Post in the following manner : Upload speed: CPU: Software you are using to stream: OS (i.e. Which version of Windows you have, 32bit or 64bit): Justin.tv/twitch.tv page and/or a link a video showing what went wrong: Problem:
Upload speed:50KB/s , upload resolution 480X360 ,15fps. CPU:amd op180 oc 2.7g , 3g ddr333 Software you are using to stream: uscreencapture,xsplit ,I want to boardcast broodwar. OS :32bit xp sp3 Justin.tv/twitch.tv page and/or a link a video showing what went wrong:I can boardcast my screen.It shows nothing goes wrong. Problem:Uscreencapture capture 640X480-top-left screen,it is all ok.But when broodwar start at full screen,my twitch page stops,sometimes goes black.And it seems uscreencapture cannot capture broodwar.
Should broodwar started at full sceen or windowsed full sceen?But I donot know how to set it at windowsed full sceen.
On September 07 2012 15:23 Rekrul wrote: i installed and did all the uscreencapture stuff but when i click add camera in xsplit nothing happens O_O
Had the very same problem. I've Windows 7 64 bits so I downloaded the x64 uScreenCapture and nothing would appear in the Xplit camera thing.
So I tried the x86 uScreenCapture and it worked just fine. Uninstall the x64 and install x86.
Edit: Well, I've got no sound and the stream color is fucked up (almost everything black).
Holy fuck. Even with FMLE+UScreenCapture that game remains all black.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/6ardC.png)
Windows 7, 64 bits AMD Phenom XII 9950 Black Edition 2.6 GHz Download: 10 mbps Upload: 1 mbps FMLE 2.5
I want to stream in fullscreen, really started to dislike windowed mode after getting used to fullscreen.
Got it working! Not really sure how though... I swear I followed all the guides correctly, tried and tried again until it worked.
Now its just W7 crashing the game the problem...
still black screen
oh my god
Hello everyone, I recently set up my stream using FMLE + uscreencapture and everything works great except there is no sound at all. The stream records only mic sounds while I want to record sc sound obviously :D Any solutions?
On October 22 2012 03:37 Netto. wrote: Hello everyone, I recently set up my stream using FMLE + uscreencapture and everything works great except there is no sound at all. The stream records only mic sounds while I want to record sc sound obviously :D Any solutions? You want to record Stereo Mix, rather than just the mic. At the bottom right of the screen, open the audio settings and go to Options, then Properties, then select Recording and make sure Stereo Mix (or something similiar) is selected.
I have a limited monthly upload of 10gb. I checked the op and he mentioned something along the lines of upload rate '0.5 Mbps'. I don't have any intention of streaming until I get better, but can I afford streaming?
1 gb equals about 1000 MB so 0.5MB per second (?) means I could stream for about 20 000 seconds which is about 5.5 hours?
On October 22 2012 05:39 Birdie wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2012 03:37 Netto. wrote: Hello everyone, I recently set up my stream using FMLE + uscreencapture and everything works great except there is no sound at all. The stream records only mic sounds while I want to record sc sound obviously :D Any solutions? You want to record Stereo Mix, rather than just the mic. At the bottom right of the screen, open the audio settings and go to Options, then Properties, then select Recording and make sure Stereo Mix (or something similiar) is selected.
The thing is there isnt any stereo mix ;/
Norway25712 Posts
Quick google search for "Can't find Stereo Mix" followed by your OS should fix it quickly. It's what I did. What OS do you have?
Norway25712 Posts
Make sure your sound card driver is updated, just visit the website of the producer and you should find everything you need there.
1. Click the Start Button, type "MMSYS.CPL" (without quotation marks) in the Start Search box and press Enter.
2. On Recording tab, right-click on the blank area
3. Check “Show Disabled Devices” and “Show Disconnected Devices” and the Stereo Mix should show up.
If it is disabled, right click on it and choose Enable.
Source: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itpromedia/thread/73415150-ec9b-44ea-8119-a2ea4f901ca0
Ok, everything is working fine now, thank you for your help. All I did was installing sound card drivers : )
I change my system from xp to win7. Uscreencapture and xsplit works. No more black screen when starting broodwar. But it seems win7 has the xsplit crashing problem.Only work for few minites.
On October 23 2012 09:56 s_k_911 wrote: I change my system from xp to win7. Uscreencapture and xsplit works. No more black screen when starting broodwar. But it seems win7 has the xsplit crashing problem.Only work for few minites. Try posting on the xsplit forums with your problem.
Im trying to use the OBS stream with uscreencapture but when i stream ingame the ingame stream is very grainy and black. Does anyone know how to fix?
i have a simple question about streaming with Xsplit.. over here in newzealand my upload speed is around 0.62mbps and the quality is really "meh" for when i stream windows broodwar. is there nothing i can do to increase the quality? am i really stuck with average looking quality untill my internet connection is better?
edit: by "meh" i mean probably equivalent to ~360p
On October 28 2012 15:26 SpaceFighting wrote: i have a simple question about streaming with Xsplit.. over here in newzealand my upload speed is around 0.62mbps and the quality is really "meh" for when i stream windows broodwar. is there nothing i can do to increase the quality? am i really stuck with average looking quality untill my internet connection is better?
edit: by "meh" i mean probably equivalent to ~360p I'm in much the same boat as you (same country at least ) and yeah, you just have to deal with it. Using different streaming software/encoders can sometimes give better results.
Also, SC:BW only runs at a max of 24 FPS at Fastest speed so there's no point capturing anything higher than that. In addition, unless you're using a resolution expander, BW's max resolution is 640x480, which is 480P max anyway, so 360P isn't too far off. I usually capture at 15 FPS if I remember my settings correctly, and don't have especially high audio settings, so it comes out decently. I'll test a bit to give you some more exact settings to get the best quality some time this week hopefully.
On October 28 2012 17:23 Birdie wrote:Show nested quote +On October 28 2012 15:26 SpaceFighting wrote: i have a simple question about streaming with Xsplit.. over here in newzealand my upload speed is around 0.62mbps and the quality is really "meh" for when i stream windows broodwar. is there nothing i can do to increase the quality? am i really stuck with average looking quality untill my internet connection is better?
edit: by "meh" i mean probably equivalent to ~360p I'm in much the same boat as you (same country at least  ) and yeah, you just have to deal with it. Using different streaming software/encoders can sometimes give better results. Also, SC:BW only runs at a max of 24 FPS at Fastest speed so there's no point capturing anything higher than that. In addition, unless you're using a resolution expander, BW's max resolution is 640x480, which is 480P max anyway, so 360P isn't too far off. I usually capture at 15 FPS if I remember my settings correctly, and don't have especially high audio settings, so it comes out decently. I'll test a bit to give you some more exact settings to get the best quality some time this week hopefully.
haha thanks cheers, yeah i guess we just gotta deal with this internet, ive been playing around with xsplit for hours and looking up tips/tutorials.. but i guess its pretty much set in stone =/
Whocan help me to make stream i do step by step but something this wrong xsplit didnt see USCapture.SO please anybody help me! I will wait
On November 20 2012 03:21 LieToMe wrote: Whocan help me to make stream i do step by step but something this wrong xsplit didnt see USCapture.SO please anybody help me! I will wait you need to do x86 version of usscreencapture. not x64
reupload picture to imgur first.
On November 20 2012 03:40 amazingxkcd wrote:Show nested quote +On November 20 2012 03:21 LieToMe wrote: Whocan help me to make stream i do step by step but something this wrong xsplit didnt see USCapture.SO please anybody help me! I will wait you need to do x86 version of usscreencapture. not x64
its x86 version.please who can show me how to make stream by TeamViewer
Upload speed:19mb/s CPU: i5 intel quad core 2,8ghz Software you are using: Xsplit and Uscreencapture OS (i.e. Which version of Windows you have): Windows 7 Justin.tv/twitch.tv page and/or a link a video showing what went wrong: PICTURE OF PROBLEM http://tinyurl.com/btaq9wo
Problem: I did what you suggested Fold and when i started broadcasting the game only show up in the top left corner, even if i have 640x480 res and all the rest of the settings, (the black bars is because i tried without maximize it (drag it out to cover xsplit window),
any idea how to fix this?
On November 21 2012 09:09 rezzan wrote:Upload speed:19mb/s CPU: i5 intel quad core 2,8ghz Software you are using: Xsplit and Uscreencapture OS (i.e. Which version of Windows you have): Windows 7 Justin.tv/twitch.tv page and/or a link a video showing what went wrong: PICTURE OF PROBLEM http://tinyurl.com/btaq9woProblem: I did what you suggested Fold and when i started broadcasting the game only show up in the top left corner, even if i have 640x480 res and all the rest of the settings, (the black bars is because i tried without maximize it (drag it out to cover xsplit window), any idea how to fix this? Check that you used the correct registry file for your system. Refer to the OP for links. There's seperate registry files depending on if you're on 32 bit or 64 bit Windows 7.
rezzan I believe you can drag the corners of the box that's being streamed so that it fills up your entire scene.
We need to get some programmer or wizard like R1CH to make an auto scene switcher in XSplit for BroodWar , I am sure that if it can be done in SC2 it can be done in BW, and if Blizzard isn't against it in SC2, why would they care if it was done in BW? I think 2 things that could be implemented for BW streamers that would be amazing would be ...
1) Auto scene switcher for BW 2) Opponent info bot for BW (it posts the opponents stats / rank in the stream chat for viewers to see)
I think that if these 2 things were implemented, it would make the potential for BW streaming enjoyment a lot higher. Now just to figure out how to get this done... T_T
On November 22 2012 05:23 GGzerG wrote: We need to get some programmer or wizard like R1CH to make an auto scene switcher in XSplit for BroodWar , I am sure that if it can be done in SC2 it can be done in BW, and if Blizzard isn't against it in SC2, why would they care if it was done in BW? I think 2 things that could be implemented for BW streamers that would be amazing would be ...
1) Auto scene switcher for BW 2) Opponent info bot for BW (it posts the opponents stats / rank in the stream chat for viewers to see)
I think that if these 2 things were implemented, it would make the potential for BW streaming enjoyment a lot higher. Now just to figure out how to get this done... T_T
*Prays* the reason it was done in SC2 was that it changes the registry when you enter a game, for BW you'd need to maybe search the memory or something, but my python scene switcher can't do that (I eventually gave up on the scene switcher I made - see my blogs - in favor of making the broadcast resolution bigger than my actual res so I can put in the information on the side, rather than on the actual screen
but oh well.
On November 22 2012 01:17 EchOne wrote: rezzan I believe you can drag the corners of the box that's being streamed so that it fills up your entire scene.
yeah i tried to do that,but there was nothing to drag, i give it another try, but can anyone confirm that it works to use the reg file to "automatically" add it in? or do i need to manually do it?
On November 22 2012 05:23 GGzerG wrote: We need to get some programmer or wizard like R1CH to make an auto scene switcher in XSplit for BroodWar , I am sure that if it can be done in SC2 it can be done in BW, and if Blizzard isn't against it in SC2, why would they care if it was done in BW? I think 2 things that could be implemented for BW streamers that would be amazing would be ...
1) Auto scene switcher for BW 2) Opponent info bot for BW (it posts the opponents stats / rank in the stream chat for viewers to see)
I think that if these 2 things were implemented, it would make the potential for BW streaming enjoyment a lot higher. Now just to figure out how to get this done... T_T
I just threw togheter a quick and easy scene switcher for BW. If BW is in game it sends the Key Combo Ctrl+Shift+F1 and if outside of a game it sends Ctrl+Shift+F2. It's not costumizable or anything, as I said quickly thrown togheter. you can download the program and it's source here:
I thought maybe for Camtasia users it would also be nice to have something like this to automatically stop and restart the recording to fix the colors, but as I don't use Camtasia atm I can't be fucked to install and test it, so if someone has that desire he can contact me and I will add it in.
Hi there. I just reformat my laptop and just have some questions For my audio setting, the default is 16.000KHZ 16 bit mono(it is the only option, on the drop down menu showed no other option) and the bitrate options are 42200, 34200,27800 etc. It doesn't have 44100. My other question is not related to streaming but just wondering if anyone have the iccup launcher ICON and could let me download it. When I put the ICCUP launcher down to my taskbar, the icon changes. http://i.imgur.com/uzWUz.jpg
Well... I copy your image into paint then save the file type to .ico but it doesn't work? It turn into a blank icon instead of iccup icon. Could you give the icon file instead of png file?
On November 23 2012 05:16 Reclusive wrote:Hi there. I just reformat my laptop and just have some questions For my audio setting, the default is 16.000KHZ 16 bit mono(it is the only option, on the drop down menu showed no other option) and the bitrate options are 42200, 34200,27800 etc. It doesn't have 44100. My other question is not related to streaming but just wondering if anyone have the iccup launcher ICON and could let me download it. When I put the ICCUP launcher down to my taskbar, the icon changes. http://i.imgur.com/uzWUz.jpg
If you have xsplit I believe to enable higher quality audio you'll need to have the payed version of xsplit.
On November 22 2012 20:26 WhuazGoodJaggah wrote:Show nested quote +On November 22 2012 05:23 GGzerG wrote: We need to get some programmer or wizard like R1CH to make an auto scene switcher in XSplit for BroodWar , I am sure that if it can be done in SC2 it can be done in BW, and if Blizzard isn't against it in SC2, why would they care if it was done in BW? I think 2 things that could be implemented for BW streamers that would be amazing would be ...
1) Auto scene switcher for BW 2) Opponent info bot for BW (it posts the opponents stats / rank in the stream chat for viewers to see)
I think that if these 2 things were implemented, it would make the potential for BW streaming enjoyment a lot higher. Now just to figure out how to get this done... T_T
*Prays* I just threw togheter a quick and easy scene switcher for BW. If BW is in game it sends the Key Combo Ctrl+Shift+F1 and if outside of a game it sends Ctrl+Shift+F2. It's not costumizable or anything, as I said quickly thrown togheter. you can download the program and it's source here: thought maybe for Camtasia users it would also be nice to have something like this to automatically stop and restart the recording to fix the colors, but as I don't use Camtasia atm I can't be fucked to install and test it, so if someone has that desire he can contact me and I will add it in. Hm? how did you detect if BW is ingame or out of game?
you could read the source code ;-)
I read the process memory of starcraft with ReadProcessMemory at the offset 0x6556E0.
Unfortunately Xsplit does not let me assign hotkeys at all.... searched their forums and even found a supernovamaniac post there to no help at all.
United States3046 Posts
On November 25 2012 23:20 fabiano wrote: Unfortunately Xsplit does not let me assign hotkeys at all.... searched their forums and even found a supernovamaniac post there to no help at all. It does... but there's this bug with UScreenCapture.
I'm testing out the program right now. I'll let you guys know after I'm done testing this.
I see, removing UScreenCapture was enough to allow me using the hotkeys.
However, when inside BW, Xsplit won't recognize a hotkey press and won't switch scene.
The Scene Switcher detects perfectly well when I'm in game or not, it is Xsplit that is fucking around here.
United States3046 Posts
On November 26 2012 04:35 fabiano wrote: I see, removing UScreenCapture was enough to allow me using the hotkeys.
However, when inside BW, Xsplit won't recognize a hotkey press and won't switch scene.
The Scene Switcher detects perfectly well when I'm in game or not, it is Xsplit that is fucking around here. Hmm really? Because the scene switcher doesn't detect that when I'm trying it out.
On November 26 2012 04:56 supernovamaniac wrote:Show nested quote +On November 26 2012 04:35 fabiano wrote: I see, removing UScreenCapture was enough to allow me using the hotkeys.
However, when inside BW, Xsplit won't recognize a hotkey press and won't switch scene.
The Scene Switcher detects perfectly well when I'm in game or not, it is Xsplit that is fucking around here. Hmm really? Because the scene switcher doesn't detect that when I'm trying it out.
Did you start BW or the scene switcher first? I think it only works if you start BW first. As I said I just threw that code togheter real quick.
EDIT: Updated it so it wont matter when you start BW.
Just to update here too, I had to run everything (iCCup, Xsplit and BWSceneSwitcher) as Administrator so now it works!
Nice guide solved "almost" my problem.. So now i can play and stream in full screen but the colors in menus are wrong (this doesn't happen windowed), i've tried any possible patch and fix, don't care much about the menus but looks ugly for streaming, any solution guys? Running windows 7, if a definitive solution i could try dual boot winXP but prefer not to.. Thanks!
On September 17 2011 02:59 coolcrimefighter wrote: I tried to use xsplit earlier but it was extremely laggy and I was wondering if xsplit is too cpu intensive or if I was just doing something wrong. my specs: intel i7 2630QM 2.0 ghz 4.00 gb ram and I have like 1.0 mbps upload speed
I have the same cpu and can stream any game (gpu depending) at good quality, i stream 480p cause as well have 1mbit upload not because the cpu limits
On November 21 2012 09:09 rezzan wrote:Upload speed:19mb/s CPU: i5 intel quad core 2,8ghz Software you are using: Xsplit and Uscreencapture OS (i.e. Which version of Windows you have): Windows 7 Justin.tv/twitch.tv page and/or a link a video showing what went wrong: PICTURE OF PROBLEM http://tinyurl.com/btaq9woProblem: I did what you suggested Fold and when i started broadcasting the game only show up in the top left corner, even if i have 640x480 res and all the rest of the settings, (the black bars is because i tried without maximize it (drag it out to cover xsplit window), any idea how to fix this?
looks like uscreens is proper configured, but resolution not. Check what resolution you have in encoding settings. Good to set there "default stage resolution" and then just set resolution in main program, like in fold's turtorial
Fix for disabled Stereo Mix in Windows 7 with Analog Devices / Soundmax integrated audio cards (Dell and Lenovo machines mainly):
1) First somehow find the type of your sound card, for me it is AD1984. You can probably find it in the filename of the driver or if you extract the driver executable, in one of the .inf files. 2) Start regedit 3) Search for keys AD1984, substitute your type of course. There are several instances of them so pay attention. 4) Delete every single key that looks like AD1984\Disable\MicBP or AD1984\Disable\OutR 5) Reboot 6) Try recording from Stereo Mix with some program, don't just assume it works if you see the icon in Sounds.
Please provide feedback whether this successfully fixed the issue in your case or not.
Idea from this thread, except the .inf rewrite in the driver, I suspect those are unnecessary, since it just copies those values to the registry.
How come the newest UScreenCapture corrupts colors, but this uscreencapprog_remove_cursor hack works fine?
What settings do you have to mess with to improve stream quality?
How do I fix the issue that my USB camera doesnt display anymore in XSplit ever since I installed UScreenCapture?
Croatia9479 Posts
It would be nice if you wrote what are the benefits (and drawbacks) of using each method of streaming. I have a fairly limited upload speed (512 kbps) so I'm trying to figure out what is the best method to achieve the best possible quality. I currently tested it with Xsplit in window mode by using 350kbps for video and it's not that bad, but I wonder if it could be better.
Which method provides best quality given the same amount of upload speed?
On December 25 2012 22:39 2Pacalypse- wrote: It would be nice if you wrote what are the benefits (and drawbacks) of using each method of streaming. I have a fairly limited upload speed (512 kbps) so I'm trying to figure out what is the best method to achieve the best possible quality. I currently tested it with Xsplit in window mode by using 350kbps for video and it's not that bad, but I wonder if it could be better.
Which method provides best quality given the same amount of upload speed?
320 kb is fine for video, but you need slower compresion. In Xsplit Preset: fast, medium or even better (requires good cpu - i3 or better). In Adobe Encoder also this can be configured. With those settings video quality can be better than 600kbs with lower quality settings. So most important thing for video quality is method of compression
Upload speed: 21.58 mps Windows Vista Link to vid Fullscreen with Xplit + UScreenCapture
In the video, you can see me trying to see how the stream looks. When the screen goes completely black, it's me in a game, or a replay, as evidenced by the blinking lights you'll see, which is the Nexus making Probes.
So my problem is that my stream goes black and I also have mouse lag. I haven't tried setting the BW priority to high yet, so I'll try that soon, but enabling the CPU throttling really doesn't do much, if it's supposed to do anything. Does it have to do with bitrate, or my upload speed or my brightness settings? I think I have my brightness settings on pretty high, so I don't think that's the problem...
Edit: So after setting the priority to high for SC, the mouse lag stopped while in full screen, but when I tried window mode just for the hell of it, it still lagged, though that doesn't really matter... Anyways, at this point, if I can get rid of the darkness from my stream, I think I'll be fine.
On January 10 2013 11:02 SynC[gm] wrote:Upload speed: 21.58 mps Windows Vista Link to vidFullscreen with Xplit + UScreenCapture In the video, you can see me trying to see how the stream looks. When the screen goes completely black, it's me in a game, or a replay, as evidenced by the blinking lights you'll see, which is the Nexus making Probes. So my problem is that my stream goes black and I also have mouse lag. I haven't tried setting the BW priority to high yet, so I'll try that soon, but enabling the CPU throttling really doesn't do much, if it's supposed to do anything. Does it have to do with bitrate, or my upload speed or my brightness settings? I think I have my brightness settings on pretty high, so I don't think that's the problem... Edit: So after setting the priority to high for SC, the mouse lag stopped while in full screen, but when I tried window mode just for the hell of it, it still lagged, though that doesn't really matter... Anyways, at this point, if I can get rid of the darkness from my stream, I think I'll be fine. Try replacing the files in your uscreencapture folder with this http://www.mediafire.com/?haqo2qqdo6q9k59
Sometimes the installer doesn't install all the files.
Running W7 64bit Xsplit+Ustream Speed irrelevant as i'm trying local recording
Applied every single patch, running as admin etc. and still got the color bug (only on recording).
On January 11 2013 14:30 Gendo wrote:Running W7 64bit Xsplit+Ustream Speed irrelevant as i'm trying local recording Applied every single patch, running as admin etc. and still got the color bug (only on recording). 
Forgot to say fullscreen..
On January 10 2013 12:08 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2013 11:02 SynC[gm] wrote:Upload speed: 21.58 mps Windows Vista Link to vidFullscreen with Xplit + UScreenCapture In the video, you can see me trying to see how the stream looks. When the screen goes completely black, it's me in a game, or a replay, as evidenced by the blinking lights you'll see, which is the Nexus making Probes. So my problem is that my stream goes black and I also have mouse lag. I haven't tried setting the BW priority to high yet, so I'll try that soon, but enabling the CPU throttling really doesn't do much, if it's supposed to do anything. Does it have to do with bitrate, or my upload speed or my brightness settings? I think I have my brightness settings on pretty high, so I don't think that's the problem... Edit: So after setting the priority to high for SC, the mouse lag stopped while in full screen, but when I tried window mode just for the hell of it, it still lagged, though that doesn't really matter... Anyways, at this point, if I can get rid of the darkness from my stream, I think I'll be fine. Try replacing the files in your uscreencapture folder with this http://www.mediafire.com/?haqo2qqdo6q9k59 Sometimes the installer doesn't install all the files.
I tried this but the stream is still black. I tried streaming for a bit longer to see if it'll hopefully make a difference but nope, none. I feel like it's the same thing as the color scheme getting messed up, except in a different way. What would be the normal way to fix the color scheme while streaming?
Here's the link to the stream. You can see me starting to launch BW at around the 26 second mark.
Can i stream with USB earphones? i mean how can i make on stream to ppl hear ingame sounds/music? is it possible? The video is perfect, but i cant figure out how to make sound, anyone can help me pls?
my stream is all black when i join games.. i'm trying to use uscreencapture and xsplit
All black or do you see some black things moving? Can you write what you did. If you followed the guide exactly it would work. ;P
Xsplit does not find uscreencapture to be added as a camera, though i did everything as the guide tells me to ?? (
Hey guys i know this might have already been answered but im using xsplit and uscreen together to stream bw to fix the coloring issue and it works but it will only show bw in the upper left hand corner and i dont know how to fix it. Can anyone help?
On April 05 2013 16:27 XeoNeS wrote: Hey guys i know this might have already been answered but im using xsplit and uscreen together to stream bw to fix the coloring issue and it works but it will only show bw in the upper left hand corner and i dont know how to fix it. Can anyone help? Does BW fill your preview window in xsplit? If not, drag the BW window in xsplit until it fills the screen. If that's not the problem check that you have used the right registry file for your version of Windows. PM me if you have any other questions.
i keep getting a video encoding stopped message in the log any ideas? used the fmle+uscreencapture fullscreen for XP method.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but when I tab to BW, all my stream sees is a white screen. Win7 user.
EDIT: Here's some video... I tab to BW around 25s.
Thanks for this guide, worked for me
new PC, everything set up and the stream works until I go into BW then it's in black.
edit: win7, same problem as guy 2 above me
the link to the curser remover is gone, can anybody reupload it?
My stream stopped working yesterday, when i streamed the screen was totally black, but i could here the music i was playing. i think it was because of some problems between Radeon 78xx grapich card`s and xsplit. Anyways, i downloaded an update for my graphic card, and i updated xsplit to version : _v1.2.1303.0101b Now i get picture, but something is really wrong, i hope someone can understand it from the video iv posted below here.
Iv been trying to figure this out whole day, im not very good with theese kinds of things, so i hope someone here can help 
Here is an video of my problems right now : http://www.twitch.tv/espicasey/b/411688761
Uploadspeed : 25mb/s Cpu : Intelcore i5 3470 cpu @ 3.20 ghz Ram : 8gb x64 Os : Windows 7 Ultimate sp1
I use xsplit : v1.2.1303.0101 UScreencapture (x86) uscreencapprog_remove_cursor
EDIT : I run the regedit file, and now its not far from working, it seems like its my Uscreencapture thats not working now, i assuming that since i get the black screen when in bw. I cant find the uscreencapt x32 file anywhere, iv been looking everywhere. I run a 64bit system, but the guide said 64bit wont work with bw.
Video of how it works now : http://www.twitch.tv/espicasey/b/411727136
TLADT24920 Posts
On April 05 2013 22:00 fold wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2013 16:27 XeoNeS wrote: Hey guys i know this might have already been answered but im using xsplit and uscreen together to stream bw to fix the coloring issue and it works but it will only show bw in the upper left hand corner and i dont know how to fix it. Can anyone help? Does BW fill your preview window in xsplit? If not, drag the BW window in xsplit until it fills the screen. If that's not the problem check that you have used the right registry file for your version of Windows. PM me if you have any other questions. I had the same problem as XeoNeS:
![[image loading]](http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj236/BigFan_2008/Xsplit_zpsdc9e01ab.jpg) I expanded it when I first got Xsplit started in my case but when I record, it only gives the following screen :/ I used the right registry file as well. Any other tips?
Edit I tried other resolutions and different resolution/fps settings. Only difference is a change in Xsplit's resolution changes the quality but still in top left corner regardless :/ I should mention I'm using it more to try and record than stream but I doubt it makes a difference ><
On May 18 2013 21:41 sabas123 wrote: the link to the curser remover is gone, can anybody reupload it?
thanks. The link is working.
Show nested quote +On June 03 2013 06:16 BigFan wrote:On April 05 2013 22:00 fold wrote:On April 05 2013 16:27 XeoNeS wrote: Hey guys i know this might have already been answered but im using xsplit and uscreen together to stream bw to fix the coloring issue and it works but it will only show bw in the upper left hand corner and i dont know how to fix it. Can anyone help? Does BW fill your preview window in xsplit? If not, drag the BW window in xsplit until it fills the screen. If that's not the problem check that you have used the right registry file for your version of Windows. PM me if you have any other questions. I had the same problem as XeoNeS: ![[image loading]](http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj236/BigFan_2008/Xsplit_zpsdc9e01ab.jpg) I expanded it when I first got Xsplit started in my case but when I record, it only gives the following screen :/ I used the right registry file as well. Any other tips? Edit I tried other resolutions and different resolution/fps settings. Only difference is a change in Xsplit's resolution changes the quality but still in top left corner regardless :/ I should mention I'm using it more to try and record than stream but I doubt it makes a difference >< Show nested quote +On June 03 2013 01:15 eSpi.Casey wrote:My stream stopped working yesterday, when i streamed the screen was totally black, but i could here the music i was playing. i think it was because of some problems between Radeon 78xx grapich card`s and xsplit. Anyways, i downloaded an update for my graphic card, and i updated xsplit to version : _v1.2.1303.0101b Now i get picture, but something is really wrong, i hope someone can understand it from the video iv posted below here. Iv been trying to figure this out whole day, im not very good with theese kinds of things, so i hope someone here can help  Here is an video of my problems right now : http://www.twitch.tv/espicasey/b/411688761Uploadspeed : 25mb/s Cpu : Intelcore i5 3470 cpu @ 3.20 ghz Ram : 8gb x64 Os : Windows 7 Ultimate sp1 I use xsplit : v1.2.1303.0101 UScreencapture (x86) uscreencapprog_remove_cursor EDIT : I run the regedit file, and now its not far from working, it seems like its my Uscreencapture thats not working now, i assuming that since i get the black screen when in bw. I cant find the uscreencapt x32 file anywhere, iv been looking everywhere. I run a 64bit system, but the guide said 64bit wont work with bw. Video of how it works now : http://www.twitch.tv/espicasey/b/411727136
Sent PM to both of you.
Updated guide with how to stream using OBS and UScreenCapture.
Cursor remover link is not working for me either. Can it be mirrored somewhere?
Guys, I have a big problem.I've already set up everything.I press "record" in camtasia and after I press START in adobe flash and says that "Please enter Backup URL in rtmp[t]://hostname:[portno]/applicationpath format.Special characters in URL are not allowed". wtf? There I need to put my stream key.And I RESET my stream key like 10 times and still the same problem.Please, if anyone can help me, DO IT zZzZzzz...
i couldn't really find a better thread for this question.
in Xsplit you have can have a .txt sliding in your screen, it works great but you only have 3 speed settings. is there a way to manually change the speed to an even slower speed?
I can't select uscreencapture for sources in OBS. Any ideas why?
On October 15 2013 12:11 Metal[x] wrote: I can't select uscreencapture for sources in OBS. Any ideas why?
Same problem, reinstalled uscreencapture but now I get black screen. EDIT: nvm it works now, I just deleted scene and readded. Weird.
I don't know how I did it, and I don't see anyone else using this technique ( not even sure if it will work for others), but I have been streaming BW with XSplit now and i'm not sure if it was because of an update to XSplit but, now when I just add a XSplit screen region ( my monitor's native resolution , which is 1680x1050 ) , when the resolution is at 1088x612 ( 16 ) , and then just changing the XSplit resolution to 640x480 ( 4:3 ) , it allows me to play / stream BW in fullscreen mode, without Uscreencapture camera on xsplit, and the other various techniques to stream, I thought this was worthy of posting since it makes streaming BW with XSplit a lot easier!
Open up notepad and paste the following code into it. Save this file as VAC.bat somewhere you will remember. + Show Spoiler + Replace Realtek HD Audio Output with whatever your sound card output is
When I have done this, and I double click on the .bat file, I get this message:
'Name can not be longer than 31:"'SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC"'
Is there any way to solve this?
I'll try to just type the first 31 characters, but I don't have high hopes for that working
....i have an unsolvable problem: after not streaming for some time, i started streaming fullscreen again with xsplit + uscreencapture on twitch. at first i had a message telling me my twitch password was wrong (because i had to change it at twitch), after i used the correct one, the message didnt show up anymore. problem now is, that everytime i try to stream to twitch, xsplit starts the stream, but only has 100% frames dropped. my stream on twitch is still offline. any idea how to fix this? (i can stream fine to gamecreds so i think its somehow related to twitch, i tried using stream key instead of password but i still only get dropped frames)
On December 08 2013 21:35 Bakuryu wrote: ....i have an unsolvable problem: after not streaming for some time, i started streaming fullscreen again with xsplit + uscreencapture on twitch. at first i had a message telling me my twitch password was wrong (because i had to change it at twitch), after i used the correct one, the message didnt show up anymore. problem now is, that everytime i try to stream to twitch, xsplit starts the stream, but only has 100% frames dropped. my stream on twitch is still offline. any idea how to fix this? (i can stream fine to gamecreds so i think its somehow related to twitch, i tried using stream key instead of password but i still only get dropped frames) While your stream is running (at least when it is supposed to be) go to your twitch dashbord. It'll tell you that your settings are incompatible since a new update or so (that's how I found out yesterday by just raging on my twitch channel cuz I was "offline", too... although everything was running and my vods were saved o.O)... So either your video codec and/or audio settings have to be adjusted. Since your using xsplit, it shouldn't be a big deal for you. I use Camtasia and FMLE ... I've solved the audio issue but I don't know how to get the codec I need for my FMLE. Seems like I have to switch to xsplit, too... meh
Hey can we get this thread stickied on the Strategy forum or somewhere? Im always looking for it and giving it to people and its a great guide for those who want to stream BW.
On January 09 2014 05:39 art_of_turtle wrote: Hey can we get this thread stickied on the Strategy forum or somewhere? Im always looking for it and giving it to people and its a great guide for those who want to stream BW. You can subsribe to it, so you can find it easier (assuming it's not stickied anywhere^^)
On October 19 2013 02:28 Jemah wrote:Show nested quote +On October 15 2013 12:11 Metal[x] wrote: I can't select uscreencapture for sources in OBS. Any ideas why? Same problem, reinstalled uscreencapture but now I get black screen. EDIT: nvm it works now, I just deleted scene and readded. Weird.
pm to me about your email.I will send your the special version of uscreencapture which is work with bw.
Anyone get a problem where all you get is just a red capture screen from uscreencapture?
Could it be due to some conflict with the built in streamer of mca64launcher?
On February 28 2014 03:22 HeaDStrong wrote: Anyone get a problem where all you get is just a red capture screen from uscreencapture?
Could it be due to some conflict with the built in streamer of mca64launcher?
you need the special version of uscreencapture,but not the latest version.
sorry if this doesnt fit to topic, but what happened to fold? i havent seen him for a long time. i missed his stream
I think the best method to stream BW is to use mca64 launcher, it a stream client built in it and uses very low resources. (For those who have a terrible PC like myself.)
On February 28 2014 10:18 s_k_911 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 28 2014 03:22 HeaDStrong wrote: Anyone get a problem where all you get is just a red capture screen from uscreencapture?
Could it be due to some conflict with the built in streamer of mca64launcher? you need the special version of uscreencapture,but not the latest version.
I tried a few. I am now using the one that is linked in the OP followed by all the other instructions.
On February 28 2014 11:31 oDieN wrote: I think the best method to stream BW is to use mca64 launcher, it a stream client built in it and uses very low resources. (For those who have a terrible PC like myself.)
That one works fine for me but I wanted to set up something a little fancier.
EDIT: All fixed now.
+ Show Spoiler +I uninstalled both OBS and uscreencapture and then reinstalled first uscreencapture and then OBS and had everything the same as before and now it is fixed.
On February 28 2014 10:27 LTY wrote:sorry if this doesnt fit to topic, but what happened to fold? i havent seen him for a long time. i missed his stream  He died. RIP.
+ Show Spoiler +He's not dead. He still streams occasionally.
getting back into streaming and I have a slight problem. I tried mcalauncher streaming and the obs+uscreen. Both work fine. I can set the kbps to whatever I want and it doesn't slow me down or increase my performance in BW. however, no matter what method I use for streaming or what settings I set it on, I will have microstutters throughout the game. game is smooth but once in awhile it will stutter. hard to see the stutter, but u can definitely feel it. Is this CPU related or is it simply because my PC cannot stream? I almost feel like my CPU is throttling.
this is my pc: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/jpanside/saved/3TwI
atm I do not have the GPU installed.
hi, i want stream so can any1 help me? im here on fish - sas.sziky back in 30 minuts if any1 can.
what do you need help with, exactly?
Well if szisky is gonna stream everyone else might as well stop...he'll get all viewers lol =) ♥
As a general guide:
1. Make an account on Twitch TV 2. Download OBS 3. Install OBS 4. Configure OBS to link to your Twitch TV account. You will need to copy your Twitch TV stream key (found in your dashboard: http://www.twitch.tv/YOUR_TWITCH_ACCOUNT/dashboard/streamkey) to the broadcast setting in OBS. 5. If you want to stream BW while playing in fullscreen, head to Experimental BW capture plugin for obs, but if you want to stream BW while playing windowed mode you don't need that plugin 6. The OBS software should be intuitive on how to get things rolling, like how to add scenes and so. 7. Start streaming! And don't forget to turn your stream on Team Liquid!
So I have no idea wtf just changed but something is now being full douche. Something is off with OBS/UScreenCapture as UScreenCapture doesn't seem to want to hold it's settings, and I'm either getting black nothing, or a mostly black box with a little part of red.
Anybody that can help?
On June 09 2014 11:35 L_Master wrote: So I have no idea wtf just changed but something is now being full douche. Something is off with OBS/UScreenCapture as UScreenCapture doesn't seem to want to hold it's settings, and I'm either getting black nothing, or a mostly black box with a little part of red.
Anybody that can help?
I'm not sure if your problem is similar as mine, but for some reason my uscreencapture setting turns the FPS back to 10 from 30, when I do set it to 30 again, the screen turns black. What I have to do is go to regedit, and delete the keys CaptureLayeredWindows, MonitorNum, and ShowCursor. Then I have to run the uscreencapture reg file again, then load up OBS, delete the uscreencapture source, and readd it.
Some of this is familar to me. Ill try this and report back
On June 09 2014 13:11 Jemah wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2014 11:35 L_Master wrote: So I have no idea wtf just changed but something is now being full douche. Something is off with OBS/UScreenCapture as UScreenCapture doesn't seem to want to hold it's settings, and I'm either getting black nothing, or a mostly black box with a little part of red.
Anybody that can help? I'm not sure if your problem is similar as mine, but for some reason my uscreencapture setting turns the FPS back to 10 from 30, when I do set it to 30 again, the screen turns black. What I have to do is go to regedit, and delete the keys CaptureLayeredWindows, MonitorNum, and ShowCursor. Then I have to run the uscreencapture reg file again, then load up OBS, delete the uscreencapture source, and readd it. This is the exact problem I have. I usually just reinstall UScreenCapture and re-run the registration tools + copy over the showcursor files.
The problem is that the settings go to like 10 fps and fullscreen for me. If I modify it back to 30 or set the resolution back to 640 x 480 I get a black screen or just a red screen sometimes.
I'm running Windows 7 64 bit with the 32 bit version of OBS. As far as I can see sometimes (for an unknown reason) some extra keys are added to the 64 bit registry. The key that would show up bad for me specifically was MonitorNum, which gets set to 1 and causes a black screen, but when is 0 I can stream properly. + Show Spoiler +If I open OBS, right click on my capture device and hit properties, then hit configure on UscreenCapture and change a value my 64 bit registry key MonitorNum gets set to 1, and I have no idea why. Resetting it back to zero allows my stream to display properly.
I uploaded a registry file for this exact problem I have, and it seems to work for me. I just stop streaming, run this registry file and start streaming again: https://www.mediafire.com/?uo642s8f7izadwc
Streaming from McaLauncher seems to add in extra keys for CapturedLayer and ShowCursor in my 64 bit registry. As far as I can tell these are harmless, as I can still stream from OBS just fine.
On June 09 2014 13:11 Jemah wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2014 11:35 L_Master wrote: So I have no idea wtf just changed but something is now being full douche. Something is off with OBS/UScreenCapture as UScreenCapture doesn't seem to want to hold it's settings, and I'm either getting black nothing, or a mostly black box with a little part of red.
Anybody that can help? I'm not sure if your problem is similar as mine, but for some reason my uscreencapture setting turns the FPS back to 10 from 30, when I do set it to 30 again, the screen turns black. What I have to do is go to regedit, and delete the keys CaptureLayeredWindows, MonitorNum, and ShowCursor. Then I have to run the uscreencapture reg file again, then load up OBS, delete the uscreencapture source, and readd it.
Good call chief, nailed it! Much love <3
On June 09 2014 18:11 L_Master wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2014 13:11 Jemah wrote:On June 09 2014 11:35 L_Master wrote: So I have no idea wtf just changed but something is now being full douche. Something is off with OBS/UScreenCapture as UScreenCapture doesn't seem to want to hold it's settings, and I'm either getting black nothing, or a mostly black box with a little part of red.
Anybody that can help? I'm not sure if your problem is similar as mine, but for some reason my uscreencapture setting turns the FPS back to 10 from 30, when I do set it to 30 again, the screen turns black. What I have to do is go to regedit, and delete the keys CaptureLayeredWindows, MonitorNum, and ShowCursor. Then I have to run the uscreencapture reg file again, then load up OBS, delete the uscreencapture source, and readd it. Good call chief, nailed it! Much love <3
Or you could run mca64launcherVIDEO by setting the mcalauncher video to 30fps and do a quick local recording. Then delete the current "uscreen capture" device from OBS and re add capture device "uscreen capture". It should set it to 30 or whatever you fps you did with quick local recording with MCAlauncher VIDEO
For me using MCAlauncher always messes up the uscreencapture settings even though its supposed to only temporarily change them while its running.
While we are at it, does anyone know how to change uscreencapture size from 640x480 to something bigger, like if I wanted to stream AOE or something of that sort? Every time I try to change it, uscreencapture just goes "PSYCH!" and reverts back to 640x480
You need special version of uscreen (hacked). Easiest way for you is. Xlose XSplit, run mca64Launcher go to A/V tab, select "local recording" and record few seconds. Now you have installed good uscreen, 30 fps (you can set lower in mca64Launcher VIDEO) and can run XSplit or OBS. You must do it everytime cause on mca64Launcher exit, uscreen will be uninstalled/ restored to previous state.
I have tried every version of UscreenCapture with no luck. The palette is wrong causing wrong colors when streaming game. How did you solve this xboi209 or mca64? Can you please share how you did it and the link so we can use it without installing mca64launcher?
This thread still very relevant for people using OBS to stream. Can we get it stickied somewhere?
On July 24 2016 13:15 art_of_turtle wrote: This thread still very relevant for people using OBS to stream. Can we get it stickied somewhere?
seconded, this thread helped me a ton esp because i have terrible u/l
On July 24 2016 13:15 art_of_turtle wrote: This thread still very relevant for people using OBS to stream. Can we get it stickied somewhere? I'm surprised this isn't stickied, I have to link it to people ALL THE TIME
United States1434 Posts
There's a really easy fix for this. What I do is I have mca64launcher record bw in fullscreen for a second or two. Then when I go to OBS and in the settings of video capture device there'll be an option to use Uscreencapture with the 640x480 resolution already set up for me.