On August 24 2011 13:13 eton7410 wrote: Due to his unique chin, he cannot close his mouth properly.
I think all of us here on TL are making the wrong assumption that stats is going for surgery to make his chin smaller. We cannot discount the possibility that he is going for surgery to make his upper jaw also epic big.
Sooo Stats is a descendant of a Polish or Austrian royal family is what you're trying to say?
Sad day...understandable that he wants it but not being able to call him chintoss is a bummer to me.
On September 21 2011 02:00 SgtPepper wrote: Sad day...understandable that he wants it but not being able to call him chintoss is a bummer to me.
He will always be known as chin toss ^^
51342 Posts
OMG he looks so damn wierd....hes no longer chintoss T_T
United States10328 Posts
wahhh so weird T_______________T
I knew it was gonna be a real mindfuck to see him again, and oh my god was I right. I would also be worried about his psychological state, i mean, to change your whole appearance like that, geez. It must be weird looking into the mirror with a complete stranger looking back at you. Must take some time getting used to, I bet.
What a chintastic way to look 10 years younger. I expect jaw surgery to skyrocket amongst women.
England2657 Posts
At first I thought he looked cute but now I realise he just looks like he's been shopped onto a smaller head.
The eyes, nose, mouth look too large for the rest of him.
What the fuck do we call him now,his chin is gone...its just eueuuh?don't fucking know....ugh
On September 28 2011 21:30 BLinD-RawR wrote:OMG he looks so damn wierd....hes no longer chintoss  T_T
omg chinboss T_T
omg lol SOOO DIFFERENT Seriously this is such a drastic change...
Looks so effing weird. He looks like a cat or something..
I think it's an improvement.
WT.. noooooooooooooooooooo, Chintoss.. You will be missed
Now I won't be able to recognize him cause he looks so different from before. T_T
He look different and great. But I will miss Chintoss after this.