On March 06 2011 17:40 shucklesors wrote: there was one game where jaedong beat down a protoss so brutally there was no actual army confrontation in an about 18 minute long game and pure was forced to GG. was it pure or something? cant really remember and there were devourers im just not sure if a brutal beatdown counts as an unusual game?
Well, I can always list it and people can vote on that. It will take me a while to get to yours, though (I'm only up to like page 3 of this thread in terms of the OP), especially if no one identifies the game.
And yes, the beatdown is as cruel as he describes. Absolutely nothing goes Pure's way. An effortless zergling run-by kills several probes, his zealot attacks are casually deflected while Jaedong gets a fourth base, his archon gets surrounded and sniped by zerglings, he loses most of his corsairs to scourge. Jaedong builds mutalisks and takes down another archon with them easily, denies the attempt at DT harass, and destroys Pure's expansions with just zerglings while morphing devourers and guardians. Before any armies clash, Jaedong picks off Pure's shuttle with scourge right by Pure's cannons, and Pure can only nod and type gg early.
It's bad when something goes wrong and the player shakes his head. It's cruel when everything goes wrong and he's forced to nod in submission of it before resigning.
Well, whether standard-play beatdowns count as unusual is a little hazy. The Stork vs. Hiya game, for example, didn't score well at the polls.
On a totally different subject, you might want to write a short note about VODs on youku to advise the watcher to let them buffer and load completely before trying to watch them. It can be frustrating otherwise.
On March 07 2011 04:04 saint_fu wrote: So are we allowed to post games where both players played horribly, but the atrocious play made the game hilarious?
Stork vs GGplay (i think this is the game) was full of horrible play, but is one of the greatest of all time
I absolutely love this thread, and I remembered that I clicked on the link thinking "oh god another one of these threads, ahh, oh well." But you structured it right so that not only is it easy to see all of the games, but also managed to get a list of games that most other threads miss, and I enjoyed a lot (I don't know how I had never seen oov vs zeus).
Lot's of credit to your OP.
The only thing it is missing (other than more games obv) is a kick ass banner. I might try my hand at graphic design during spring break if no one else makes one.
On March 07 2011 13:18 hacklebeast wrote: I absolutely love this thread, and I remembered that I clicked on the link thinking "oh god another one of these threads, ahh, oh well." But you structured it right so that not only is it easy to see all of the games, but also managed to get a list of games that most other threads miss, and I enjoyed a lot (I don't know how I had never seen oov vs zeus).
Lot's of credit to your OP.
The only thing it is missing (other than more games obv) is a kick ass banner. I might try my hand at graphic design during spring break if no one else makes one.
What he said! What a beast thread. Thank you so much
On March 07 2011 13:18 hacklebeast wrote: I absolutely love this thread, and I remembered that I clicked on the link thinking "oh god another one of these threads, ahh, oh well." But you structured it right so that not only is it easy to see all of the games, but also managed to get a list of games that most other threads miss, and I enjoyed a lot (I don't know how I had never seen oov vs zeus).
Lot's of credit to your OP.
The only thing it is missing (other than more games obv) is a kick ass banner. I might try my hand at graphic design during spring break if no one else makes one.
What he said! What a beast thread. Thank you so much
Thanks very much for the posts; I appreciate them a lot (along with all the other similar posts in the thread).
About the banner...not a priority of course, but it crossed my mind too. If anyone does decide to make one, which would be cool, I'd been thinking that, instead of the thread's current, boring, if descriptive title, the title I'd put on the banner would be something like, "Cool and Unusual Punishment". (I don't know how well that works...not all of the games in the thread are one-sided, although many are. I thought about "Cool and Unusual Starcraft" instead, but that dilutes the pun.)
Jaedong loses so hard that he is DRIPPING SWEAT shortly before and as he gg's. And a failed Proxy Factory attempt which is spotted so early it doesn't even matter, but FBH pulls it through. Then, after displaying really good Marine and Vessel micro, FBH just sacks a bunch of those really casually in not paying attention at fucking all, and chooses to lose round about 8 CCs during the whole game.
On March 08 2011 09:21 sjschmidt93 wrote: I did not follow BW, but when talking about Infestors on Weapon of Choice Chill mentioned a game where a Zerg built tanks. Anyone got that?
You are going to have to either clarify or provide context, because that can't happen as you have it written. Maybe it was protoss that built the tank? Or perhaps a more generic "making terran units" (which could happen in the context of infested cc/terran).
Edit: Or maybe a zerg player was off racing? (all three of these have happend and are already in the OP BTW)