Korean Air had specially made a commemorative airplane model for the Korean Air OSL S1 champion, EffOrt . The model is of a Boeing 747, one of the largest passenger jet in the the world. It was printed with a picture of Effort winning the OSL, the emblem of his team CJ Entus as well as his in game ID "EffOrt". This model has been delivered into Effort's hand via the CJ Entus management, and it is now resting in the CJ living quater. Effort said: "I'm very happy that they printed the photo and words on just for me, a very big thank you to Korean Air. I will do my best in the upcoming Korean Air OSL S2." (T/N: Too bad it wasn't a flying saucer but this is pretty cool too...) Source: http://www.playsc.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=201976&extra=page=1 Original source: http://www.fomos.kr/board/board.php?mode=read&keyno=107801&db=issue&cate=&page=1&field=&kwrd
awesome! can't wait to have one that has Flash on it~
Yay a plane made with Effort!
Braavos 36372 Posts
EPIC! OSL better not stop BroodWar
WOOOOW! for real?! that's so awesome
KOREAN AIR Most awesome StarCraft league sponsor ever .
that is so boss. Korean Air pt. 2, lets go!
ahahahaha wait wuuuut? flash must be "hey noone told me bout this you bastards...."
That's cool. Very stylish trophy, and very fitting as an attention grabber in a programing house.
Upon reading the title I thought they gave him a $250 million 747 =))
Better then a golden mouse. That thing is awesome
On June 14 2010 18:38 alypse wrote: Upon reading the title I thought they gave him a $250 million 747 =))
Same lol. I thought they gave him a real plane !
That's actually really cool. Maybe the winner of the upcoming MSL could get their name and photo printed on a + Show Spoiler +
now thats some super-nerd-trophy. *i like* ^_______^
51342 Posts
airplane is going to corrupt effort like frostmourne corrupted savior+ Show Spoiler +
Now I'm even sadder that Flash didn't win because that is awesome.
Katowice 25012 Posts
Korean Air is the best sponsor by miles
United Kingdom 5399 Posts
We have a non-special edition one of these where I work. They're really nicely made.
On June 14 2010 19:00 GTR wrote: airplane is going to corrupt effort like frostmourne corrupted savior
+ Show Spoiler + GTR is so cute.
It should have been a flying saucer. So I agree too bad it wasn't one
On June 14 2010 19:00 GTR wrote: airplane is going to corrupt effort like frostmourne corrupted savior
+ Show Spoiler + haha lol. Hopefully not, epic airplane.
would be pretty sick if effort wins this OSL again > Korean Air is such a kickass sponsor.
They should print that stuff on a real airplane! THAT would be badass..
why didn't they give free pringles to the msl winners back then?
Awesome! Flash deserves one as well.hope he gets it next time.
cool but honestly where's he going to display that thing? takes up so much space.
Really cool. Makes me wanna go drop $120 on one of those nice model planes.
Nice, it even has CJ Entus, a pic from Effort and some other word I can't recognize (under CJ Entus) written.
Korean Air remains the best starleague sponsor in recent history, I'm really glad they signed up for a second season as well.
When I read the thread I thought it was a real plane. I was like "WTF?". This is pretty nice though, hope to see some nice sponsors just like Korean Air
On June 14 2010 20:49 BloodDrunK wrote: Awesome! Flash deserves one as well.hope he gets it next time.
Why does the loser deserve it? <.<
Damn that is sweet, and there even reads CJ Entus
I thought it was an actual airplane at first, but it's great anyway.
he can get his airplane as long as flash gets his golden mouse :b
On June 14 2010 19:33 NeverGG wrote: We have a non-special edition one of these where I work. They're really nicely made.
Nice source of perfect photoshop material right there
fuck yeah model aeroplanes
Korean Air is the best sponsor man i want to be a on a plane!
On June 14 2010 21:24 Spyfire242 wrote: Show nested quote + On June 14 2010 20:49 BloodDrunK wrote: Awesome! Flash deserves one as well.hope he gets it next time.
Why does the loser deserve it? <.<
Read the full post.i said i hope he gets it next time.not this time.
Soooo cute =D. Korean Air FTW ^^!
On June 14 2010 19:00 GTR wrote: airplane is going to corrupt effort like frostmourne corrupted savior
+ Show Spoiler + LOL, Savior is the lichking now, he bad.I will do my best in the upcoming Korean Air OSL S2.
Does he mean the next Korean Air OSL or the Korean Air Starcraft 2 OSL?
Cheap bastards... give him a real plane.
On June 14 2010 22:27 NuKedUFirst wrote: LOL, Savior is the lichking now, he bad.
Does he mean the next Korean Air OSL or the Korean Air Starcraft 2 OSL?
Korean Air OSL Season 2 (so bw)
On June 14 2010 19:25 heyoka wrote: Korean Air is the best sponsor by miles
On June 14 2010 21:00 n3gative wrote: cool but honestly where's he going to display that thing? takes up so much space.
I have a feeling CJ's trophy cabinet is a little more spacious than it used to be.
Misleading title made me think they gave him an actual plane , so I was like 0.o then saw the model and lol'd
lol... they gave him a toy plane. Esports news -_-;;
Nice.. flying towards the stars!
On June 15 2010 00:14 slowmanrunning wrote: Misleading title made me think they gave him an actual plane , so I was like 0.o then saw the model and lol'd
Same, I thought they either gave a plane a name resemblant to his or they painted him on the side...
Wow that's pretty cool, is it just a model or are they going to paint that on a real plane?
haha KOREAN AIR #1 sponsor ez
did bisu, luxury, and calm all get copies of clubday online, lost saga, and avalon online respectively? lol
I wanted him to get a real 747 to ride in style.
Thats very cool. I'm a little jealous!
This thread title is a little misleading. Pretty awesome though.
Best. Sponsor. Ever. What a classy move.
Korean Air definitely knows how to sponsor, the best sponsor for a starleague in awhile
When I read the title I thought Korean Air was going a little to far but when I looked in it he was just getting a model not a real plane Anyways super hyped for Season 2, Korean Air is IMO the best sponsor a starleague could have.
wow thats really great prize haha
On June 14 2010 18:13 nozaro33 wrote: awesome! can't wait to have one that has Flash on it~
Korean air is so fucking awesome.
On June 14 2010 19:00 GTR wrote: airplane is going to corrupt effort like frostmourne corrupted savior
+ Show Spoiler + Did they throw it out with savior?
On June 15 2010 03:39 Wala.Revolution wrote: Did they throw it out with savior?
His trophies, his house.
Awesome prize, awesome sponsor, just awesome! Thought it was an actual airplane tho
Am I the only one that thinks that giving a toy plane to a Zerg player who beat Flash in the OSL finals with a 3-0 comeback is a bit crappy?? They should make it a real one imo.
Korean Air can keep sponsoring the OSL for as long as they want :D
LMFAO Flying saucer.. Korean Air <3
On June 15 2010 04:09 matjlav wrote: Korean Air can keep sponsoring the OSL for as long as they want :D
I jizzed in my pants. That would be so awesome.
Korean Air is THE sponsor!
Braavos 36372 Posts
For those "mislead" by the title, did you guys really think Korean Air just randomly gave Effort a machine that costs hundreds of millions of dollars? lol it's just so far outside the realm of reality...
Do it three more times EffOrt , be the one to obtain world's first
It's pretty reassuring that somewhere in the world there is a large corporate company who cares about esports. The rest of the world's companies just want you to sell 'em your soul.
Korea (South) 3086 Posts
When I read the title, I thought he meant he got an actual plane from Korean Air. I was like holy shit.
United States 11637 Posts
On June 14 2010 19:25 heyoka wrote: Korean Air is the best sponsor by miles
Frequent flyer miles! *rimshot*
I thought he got a legit plane when I read the title. A model airplane makes a lot more sense lol ^^
Do they get an airplane made out of gold if they win 3 times O:
On June 14 2010 19:00 GTR wrote: airplane is going to corrupt effort like frostmourne corrupted savior
+ Show Spoiler + But I was under the impression that Frostmourne was specifically forged to steal souls. I doubt that this little airplane model has the capacity to do that.+ Show Spoiler +
I dont know that CJ got a hangar biggest enough to store a boeing like that, it will be crazy when they will use it to move the whole team.
EffOrt is amazing, so he deserves the plane!
Has anyone seen the Korean Air OSL Season 2 trailer?VIDEO
ya i just seen it lmao.. its sooooo amazing
this is awesome korean air knows how to milk advertising while pleasing fans
Kudos for Korean Air for really saving E-sports when it is on the brink of breaking apart.
That's an awesome trailer. Korean Air is the best sponsor ever.Just imagine what would have happened if they had sponsored a progaming team instead.
Holy shit that trailer gave me some serious goose-bumps O.O
I love how much effort Korean Air has been making to support esports.+ Show Spoiler + No pun intended. Seriously.
i before e, except after c
thought it was a real plane and was like what a plane because he went ZERG EZ MODE LINGS cheese and ended it with all ins?
Flash must be so jealous. Seriously, every other OSL winner should be jealous.
On June 18 2010 05:04 ZeroCartin wrote: O_O
This almost made me throw up.
I thought they gave effort a real private plane when I read the title. heh.
anyone know if they plan to give another replica to this season's winner as well?
lolololololol. i was thinking like.. he had a legit 747 in his practice house
On June 19 2010 01:45 amazingoopah wrote: anyone know if they plan to give another replica to this season's winner as well?
Probably "If I can manage to win that OSL thing, I can get thrown in the air by my team-mates, soaked in champagne, make my mom cry, be given a bunch of bouquets of flowers, a big piece of cardboard, a bit of cash (rest to CJ), a glass trophy (goes to CJ) AND A MOTHA F'in PLANE! (o crap that goes to CJ too TT)"
I thought he received a private jet or something when I read the title.
*bump* The links in the op are dead, does anyone have pictures of the plane?
sOs aint that special no more
Flash has been steppin off airplanes before sOs was born
first sOs now Effort, congratulations!!!!!! Effort is such an awesome player
On September 28 2015 04:52 GGzerG wrote: Flash has been steppin off airplanes before sOs was born
On June 18 2010 05:01 Mobius wrote: ya i just seen it lmao.. its sooooo amazing
why is the shanghai pearl tower in a korean league trailer?
On September 28 2015 07:04 MiniFotToss wrote: Show nested quote + On September 28 2015 04:52 GGzerG wrote: Flash has been steppin off airplanes before sOs was born
On September 28 2015 07:18 MiniFotToss wrote: Show nested quote + On June 18 2010 05:01 Mobius wrote: ya i just seen it lmao.. its sooooo amazing
why is the shanghai pearl tower in a korean league trailer?
the finals for the Korean Air OSL(Season 2, korean air sponsored 2 OSLs) between Flash and Jaedong were played at the pearl tower.
On September 28 2015 07:04 MiniFotToss wrote: first sOs now Effort, congratulations!!!!!! Effort is such an awesome player
On September 28 2015 07:04 MiniFotToss wrote: Show nested quote + On September 28 2015 04:52 GGzerG wrote: Flash has been steppin off airplanes before sOs was born
hahaha bitch plz .. you were so sure of yourselfUser was warned for this post
Flash and EffOrt have been stepping off planes before Cricketer12 and MiniFotToss even know what BW or SC2 is.
On September 28 2015 16:52 Probemicro wrote: Flash and EffOrt have been stepping off planes before Cricketer12 and MiniFotToss even know what BW or SC2 is.
really they have been doing it in the starcraft scene since 1999? Impressive
Flash actually invented the airplane in one of his previous lives.
On September 30 2015 06:41 GGzerG wrote: Flash actually invented the airplane in one of his previous lives.
Clearly it was a previous life
Japan 11285 Posts
Well, he crashed hard. haha
Quite a successful necro, I think...