Watching Bisu lose to go.go really broke my heart. Even the commentators focused on Bisu in his booth for a full minute after he gg'd. Bisu was looking very beaten, unplugged his mouse and keyboard and walked off. First after Bisu went behind the curtain did they talk to go.go. It must have hurt a lot that he didn't qualify and his spirits are low because of it. . ..
His team still needs him though. And I hope he still thinks its fun to be around the SKT guys and comes back
As a reminder, this is what happened the last time Bisu went on vacation:
On a serious note, Bisu really does need time to relax and rethink his mentality. While I do not expect another "revolution", this vacation should help him immensely in his MSL performance.
On March 10 2010 17:28 wfoperational wrote: I think this has been posted somewhere before... not sure though
But if Bisu gets away from SC now, wouldn't he be in poorer condition than now when he comes back? We all know how far behind a player can get without constant practice.
I'm not a psych major or anything, but you don't see Professionals in other sports practicing 10+ hours a day 6-7 days a week. Taking a break, is very beneficial. Perhaps I am biased in that I believe the Western system is superior to the Eastern, but anecdotally, you can see the results for yourself. And, please, don't say playing SC takes more skill than playing professional sports ;/
I could very well be wrong, only time will tell I suppose.
On March 10 2010 19:18 snowdrift86 wrote: Fingers crossed for this to be a Backho-style "temporary leave".
You 3-0'd Savior but you never won an OSL Taek Yong -- and you never will!
I'm feeling extra smug right now. This should've happened last week, the karma would've been amazing.
you're feeling smug about one of the best players of all time being in a slump and not achieving 'enough' by your standards, and you think he deserves to have his career ended because he won a match 3 years? go fuck yourself
Erm why is Idra allowed to talk to people like that on this forum? Especialy when the guy was just expressing (in a totally non violent way, just normal fanboy stuff) his own oppinion
Wishing for someone to go on effectively a career-ending leave is far beyond "normal fanboy stuff".
Most anti-fans just want the player to lose games, not be forced into retirement. Losing a player of that caliber hurts the scene as a whole.
It's not like Jaedong anti-fans wanted him to be forced to retire during the whole FA scandal.
On March 11 2010 06:30 G3nXsiS wrote: Ok he better get back in shape after his vacation.
See this is the problem with vacations, people's expectations rise further and the strain is worse on players.
The point of this vacation is for Bisu to get back in shape. He is obviously not getting into shape while staying in Korea. So there is nothing wrong with people expecting him to get back into shape.