Well I found out this was done in MARCH 2009 so it's pretty old
So apparently Maxim goes around and interviews the newage progamers.
Unless you don't know, the esport scene is really pushing for the "Taekbang-Leessang" image all over Korea so the hype for these 4 guys are incredible. If you missed it, Flash recently got interviewed by Maxim too, but due to the fact the magazine scan was too blurry I cannot translate the Flash interview
Instead have this clean Bisu Interview
Have fun reading it (and Bisu fans thank Emlary for making me do this lol)
You are one of the best players and if not one of the most handsome. You must have a lot of female fans!!!
▲ Although a lot my girl fans do come to the stadium to root for me but most of my fanbase consists of guys. Also there are many players like Ruby, Hwasin and Boxer who are much more handsome than me.
How do you feel about July's outward appearance (T/L: ??? WHAT LOL)
▲ July hyung is a very macho guy. Because of his aggressive style he attracts a lot of males to his fanbase so I guess he really doesn't care about his outside appearance (laughs). You play a different style every game. Who helps you with strategy?
▲ Kingdom used to help me a lot. However new strategies usually come from other protoss users when you practice with them a lot. With practice you can earn some hints. Do you have any players you have difficulties with? Please tell us one
▲ There is none. Saying I have a difficult time with another player sounds like I have a hard time winning. As a progamer one must always be prepared to beat their opponent. If I do have a difficult time with my opponent then it becomes a big problem. That was a very bold statement. This applies in every match?
▲ Of course. If a progamer has no confidence it is time the player has to quit his job. Whenever you play a game, you must have a lot of confidence. In the E-Sports scene, only those with great confidence can be winners. But there were times when you lost to unknown players in a disappointing fashion yourself
▲ That's because I got arrogant. If you let yourself go during a game you start losing control of your game. That is a part of me I still have to fix Do you like your nickname the “Revolutionist”?
▲ At first it was very awkward for me but I got used to it now. There was a time when I wanted to show great showmanship by attacking 5 expos simultaneously. Whenever we have practice sessions I sometimes joke around telling my teammates “I have found a revolutionizing strategy” (laughs). A lot of people say you are very arrogant and cocky.
▲ There was a time when I did interviews in a very rude tone. After winning a game and sitting down to do an interview there are times when my language gets rough and say things. I guess people found me arrogant after reading those interviews. Do you have a lot of anti-fans?
▲ I think I have more anti-fans than fans (laughs). Ever since I beat both rA and Savior I started getting anti-fans as fast as the speed of light. It was a very “pleasant (?)” experience for me. Still isn't it nice to get a lot of fan letters and presents from your female fans?
▲ Ever since I went to SKT I started getting less and less fan letters and no gifts from my fans. I feel cheated. You have a salary that surpasses 100 grand (T/L: Bisu's salary is the 2nd highest in progaming iirc). How do you manage your money?
▲ Well I have no time to manage my finances, so I just let my parents do it. My parents told me they will make sure I will have enough money to live off of until I die (laughs). A lot of people who love starcraft believe you are “The Handsome Genius” type
▲ 100% not true. In starcraft you must always practice a lot to be a better player. Even if you are a genius if you do not practice you will fail.
For how long do you want to be a progamer?
▲ I want to be a progamer until the day I die. However as everyone already knows, progaming is not a stable job at all. When starcraft 2 comes out, I am worried whether or not I can be a good player. Depending on how Starcraft 2 plays out will make or break my life of a progamer.
What was the most memorable moment as a progamer for you?
▲ At 2006 proleague, it was a match to decide whether or not MBCgame Heroes would get to the playoffs or not. The score was 3:3 and I was sent for the ace match. I lost a game earlier so I was incredibly nervous and burdened. I just barely won but even till this day I don't think there was a game that clenched my heart like that.
And finally, if there was a goal you wanted to achieve as a progamer what would it be?
▲ Well there isn't anything specifically as far as long term goals go, but I wish I can keep this ranking (kespa ranking 1st place) (laughs).
How do you feel about July's outward appearance (T/L: ??? WHAT LOL)
▲ July hyung is a very macho guy. Because of his aggressive style he attracts a lot of males to his fanbase so I guess he really doesn't care about his outside appearance (laughs).
On December 24 2009 15:56 Xxio wrote: 10 grand? :S
Monthly salary?
fixed sorry >.>
Bisu has a salary of 200-300 grand an year or something He never said the specifics but all I know is he is 2nd (but first if you include all prize money)
On December 24 2009 16:29 meeple wrote: Thanks for the translation. I wonder how alot of other progamers handle their money. Whether they invest or whatnot
When I heard sAviOr in a 2009 or 2008 interview saying that his parents were still managing his money I thought it would have been like that for every other progamer: seeing how little time they have to themselves and that sAviOr has been on and off (more off than on) the game recently I just don't think progamers have the time to commit to investing or anything like that.
Also only older progamers have the legal right to manage their money iirc, I was shocked during the free agency period upon hearing that go.go, who is 21 in korean age had to depend on his parents to make his transition to Wemade...
▲ Ever since I went to SKT I started getting less and less fan letters and no gifts from my fans. I feel cheated.
I feel sorry I didn't give him any birthday gift when I met him at WCG finals. It's my bad I can't make up an excuse (It's less than 10 days after his 20th birthday.) And fuck yeah, progaming is about endless practice. He's handsome but he earned his spot by hard working.
BTW, I was right about when they did this interview/photoshoot at first lol. Thanks MrHoon! Can't decide which one I love more after reading this, Bisu or Stork? This is a question. >_<
hm he acknowledges his problems in march 09 and still does the same mistakes half a year later to fail at both starleagues... Too bad for Bisu his correct analysis of his flaws doesnt lead to any improvement... this interview made me very worried for any hopes of a bisu osl gold one might still have..
Bisu is by far my favorite progamer. I don't care how many anti-fans you have or how many saviors and nal_ras you beat. I will always be your fan in fact I enjoy seeing you beat them.
Ahaha, nice. Too bad Flash's is too blurry to translate...they seem to throw out some questions right out of left field (like about July's outward appearance), so it might have been interesting.
But seriously what kind of question was that to surprise someone with?
"How do you feel about July being a massive fatass?"
Bisu: Er, uhm, July is...a very macho type, and very aggressive, and...he gets lots of male fans because of it. Yeah.
LOL, the assassin shot! The July question had me do a double take. Seriously, July isn't ugly, he is merely the fattest progamer in history. Don't insult the man!
I liked this interview. Straight forward questions, holding nothing back.
Pity that Bisu started receiving less stuff after the transfer...I bet Boxer is hogging all the fan gifts.
200-300 grand USD is a lot by our standard, even higher back in Korea due to the exchange rate I do believe. So Bisu is making a lot, yeah.
Btw, who has the highest salary in e-sport? The only sponsor as rich and as committed to e-sport as SKT Telecom is KTF...so...Flash?
In case you are as bored as I am--and you have never read this interview before--then you should check this interview out! The interview is a nice throwback to the "god wants me to win" period in Bisu's life. Enjoy! ... Oh yeah, and check out the picture in the spoiler!
On November 02 2011 19:39 ffreakk wrote: Ahhh.. These bumpers... They KNEW that anything that has the word Bisu in it will demand a click from me without fail..
TL's consipracy imho :3
Nonetheless ^_^ reading (rereading) stuff about Bisu makes me happy xD
It has been a while since i see you posting here after kt won the proleague finals :D
On November 02 2011 20:59 kellymilkies wrote: Bisu... is.... my... only... one....
You know if you are really crazy over bisu , you should go to south korea and watch his games live ^^ and get his signature and even a photo with him.
If you do it, make sure it's not off season when you go. I've been here for almost 5 months and he's seriously only played 4 games this whole time. FOUR GAMES in FIVE MONTHS -___-
On November 02 2011 19:39 ffreakk wrote: Ahhh.. These bumpers... They KNEW that anything that has the word Bisu in it will demand a click from me without fail..
TL's consipracy imho :3
Nonetheless ^_^ reading (rereading) stuff about Bisu makes me happy xD
It has been a while since i see you posting here after kt won the proleague finals :D
Proleague finals? What's that? You must have mistaken me for somebody else.. I don't have any such horrible memory that is called Proleague finals or whatever it is.. It's my first time posting here on TL, please take care of me ^_^ dont trust the post count, it lies >.<